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What Are The Thai Women Like?


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...the best kind of thai woman (if you are truly looking for a long-term rewarding relationship) seem to be those who have successfully completed a university degree and who have professional experience in a company...

they have qualities such as self-discipline and are likely to be more mature...


utter bullsh1t.... IMHO

totster :o

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...the best kind of thai woman (if you are truly looking for a long-term rewarding relationship) SEEM to be those who have successfully completed a university degree and who have professional experience in a company...

Harry- I think the bolded larger word says it all, Mr. Experience! :o

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What's the difference between giving a kitten a bowl of milk and going on a date with a Thai girl?

The kitten will stop following you around after a couple of weeks.

:o Coffee!!! :D

:D:D Thanks for the laugh .

I agree , they are pretty much the same as all other woman . Just dont piss one off

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Why do some people(mostly guys probably) think that thai women are different from any other women?

My wife is thai(chinese family,been here for a couple of generations),we've been married almost five years now,been living in Bkk almost two years now,she's exactly like any other woman I've ever met,her friends(female ones) are exactly like any other women...Why would there be a difference?

Both men and women are either good or bad,same all over the world.


Personally I strongly disagree. I have spent years in Asia, since I was 19, now 52.

The best way I can describe it is that Asian women most definitely have their "mother board wired differenty."

Having lived in Japan for two years and traveled through Asia and India extensively, also tour of duty in Vietnam, R&R in Phillipines.

I have had a few :o

They are absolutely a different flavor, no pun intended.

I generaly can;t stand the attitudes and mouths on American chicks, especially here in So Cal. They are nasty!!

To say they are the same is just plain wrong in my opinion. And if you have alot of experience with asian and other chicks, its hard to understand how you come to that conclusion.

One thing is for sure east or west, you'll never win in an argument/discussion.

And the magic words are "yes dear", it took me 50 years to learn that... :D

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When they're good they're very good. :D

When they're bad they're better. -_-

:D Coffee!!! :D

So true but I "consumed" the bad ones when I was single.

I tried to do them all but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't do it, they just keep making more... :wub::o:D

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Two years, awash with love was I, with a TG. She was a professional Uni educated computer technician.

That much was true

We had a group of friends (mostly Thai) amogst which one we considered one our best friends. They had known eachother for years, as he lived two floors up from her.

That much was true.

They told me he had once had a brief affair with her, years before I´d met her.

He was SO happy for her , his very good friend, to have found love in a man such as myself. We all got on great.

It took me two years to find out he was her bloody husband, had been for five years.

It was great whilst it was real... Too bad about the Go-HOK.

F##k her. Their mistake, thinking I had any money.

Savage Posted: Tue 2004-09-28, 07:47:30 

Ahhh man, that's just awful. Please can you let me know a little more about how this happened? Were you living with her? Did you have any suspicions that this was the case and how did you find out?

Sorry about that. Did you find love again? 

Head Snake Posted: Tue 2004-09-28, 07:56:45 

Yes Kayo, I am interested in hearing more too.

There are some interesting stories on this board.

It'd be great to open a open mike coffee shop where instead of reading poetry, people could talk about their thai experiences. Someplace where you can throw scones and croissants at people if need be.

back on topic: beautiful to look at, great sense of humor, but, when they are out of sight, who knows.

Still, less maintenance compared to western ladies. 

To answer your questions...

*Yeah we lived together for a lot of the time. The first four or fivr months we just hung out socially getting to know eachother, being respectable socially. Then we started taking little week-end trips together to places like cha-am and the like, where in the privacy of anonymity we could develop our relationship in a more carnal manner.

*I'd had a policy of NO THAI GIRLS for my first 9 months in the country, specifically because I'd heard so many horror stories as a newcomer with regards to fully fledged romance. So to answer your question, no I did not suspect that that was the case, though I initially had to deal with some issues of paranoia generally. As you said, out of sight, out of mind, right?

*I found out actually after we broke up; this is another story, but I've I've started now...

To continue the story...

*About a year ago I'd gone to back to Europe for about 2 months and when I returned she was funny, sort of aloof. She started becoming quite a handful, though only verbally... You know, that irrefutable logic they can spew that makes no sense whatsoever.

I told her we should take a break, she went back to BKK, and I took a little trip around the province.

About a week later one of our mutual friends from BKK comes to see me, saying my GF had asked her to come and speak to me. The girl instead does something that is morally questionable (though I was happy she did) ;

Instead of helping patch things up, she told me how nice she thought I was, How she'd always liked me (plutonic, I believe) and that I should really know the truth. She was married to the guy, had been for five years. They lived comfortably, but worked hard, and the thought of easy money must have been the driving force, or foreign papers perhaps. More opportunities abroad, and that.

I certainly did not understand that aloofness part of hers though. At the time.

I didn't speak to her again

Hmm.. I don't really see the driving motivation, how a husband can condone an extramarital affair of his wife.

*Re : Did I fall in love again. No, not as yet. I've reverted to my previous stance of NO THAI GIRLS. Though in all honesty, there's a girl in my new group of friends who's grown on me enormously, and I am starting to feel like maybe it's about time to try again.

Here's the incredible Epilogue.

A couple of months after we broke up, I asked another one of our friends (a Farang) how my ex was doing. At first she was evasive, but eventually told me that she is now living happily with another farang (from the same country as me (ironically), on an island down south somewhere. She had met him in those two months I had been in Europe I mentioned earlier.

The aloofness became clear. Who would she be better off with. A teacher, musician and drinker, but otherwise a very peace and quiet loving kind of guy, or a dive Instructor on an island with all the island life elemants. I'd lived on an island for nine months prior to meeting her. Fun, but been there, done that.

In conclusion, the above is only my story, and my opinions are only my own relating to my experience of course.

I do believe that there are good Thai girls somewhere. I just don't feel like a trip to Alaska.

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Two years, awash with love was I, with a TG. She was a professional Uni educated computer technician.

That much was true

We had a group of friends (mostly Thai) amogst which one we considered one our best friends. They had known eachother for years, as he lived two floors up from her.

That much was true.

They told me he had once had a brief affair with her, years before I´d met her.

He was SO happy for her , his very good friend, to have found love in a man such as myself. We all got on great.

It took me two years to find out he was her bloody husband, had been for five years.

It was great whilst it was real... Too bad about the Go-HOK.

F##k her. Their mistake, thinking I had any money.

That sounds bloody unbelivable does this thing happen alot? Why would an educated girl need to do that.

I may have had a similar situation with a tg but it was much briefer. I spent a week with her but when we were saying our goodbye's she got a call from a French guy who she said was a friend. When I got back home she called me a few times but when I called her the French guy always answered and said she wasn't there. Whenever I spoke to her again she said she hadn't been told I called I would ask who he was and why he always answered her phone which seems a little odd to me. Anyway I can't get hold of her now and she dosen't call. I wonder if she realizes that I am not going to be taken so has given up.

Any comments?

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I may have had a similar situation with a tg but it was much briefer. I spent a week with her but when we were saying our goodbye's she got a call from a French guy who she said was a friend. When I got back home she called me a few times but when I called her the French guy always answered and said she wasn't there. Whenever I spoke to her again she said she hadn't been told I called I would ask who he was and why he always answered her phone which seems a little odd to me. Anyway I can't get hold of her now and she dosen't call. I wonder if she realizes that I am not going to be taken so has given up.

Any comments?


Instinctivly I'd say that your story is one I've heard many times (I know I know, it sounds condescending, but please don't take it that way... On the contrary, I write 'cos I DO give a ######!)

Unfortunately, I often hear stories of somebody spending a week or two with tg's and they do often have somebody else, somewhere else.

One girl in BKK I knew was being supported financially by 6 !!! other men. All abroad except one, who was there in BKK. That's an intense juggling act.

Presumably the French guy wasn't too hot for her to sway. Or, if he was, maybe only for short term flings, not real romances... I dunno, I'm guessing here.

If, when calling hjer from home, this guy was picking up, I'd be inclined to say that you made a wise choice of only spending a week with her.

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Oh, here's another one... A tourist bloke I met here stayed a week... had met a tg in bkk, on khao san of all places... told me about how great she was, not like the other girls...blah blah... brings her a month later when he returns... i knew her, well sort of, as she would come every two or three months with another guy... he's now doing the long distance thing, and trying to learn thai, and getting his stuff together to be here...

Actually, for months I deliberated whether to tell him or not... none of my business right... but I considered him a good guy, we had many laughs together... eventually I sent him an email, just telling him to be very very very careful about what he was embarking on... not more...

what do you think...

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Some people had compared women from other countries. Maybe in that other thread referenced earlier. Here's my $ .02.

Chinese women - beautiful and very naive about the ways of holding a man. No Chinese woman has ever asked for "extra money" to be sent. They have same way of treating a man good. Its just that they don't do "followup" or "try to close the deal"

Indonesia women - wow!! the best kept secret. If you are wondering where the smiles went in LOS, they went to Indonesia. The smiles in Indonesia blow Thailand away, IMHO (sorry in advance to anybody who is offended). I've seen both. Yes, there are same stories of sick family, accidents, etc. however, so many ayam kampung there is no need to get hung up on just one.

I'm looking forward to visiting VietNam

BTW, Thanks Kayo for the story

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You can find girls like those in any country, but agreed, especially in Thailand. A good friend of mine spends about two weeks every two months here and has a girlfriend here since three years. Of course, she's about 30 years younger than he is, but he's not too bad looking ...so they spend all the time together when he's here and she stays at his place, gets free food, etc. but nothing else. She does have another farang "boyfriend" though who only spends about 1 month per year here, but sends her 20,000 baht/month thinking he's the only one. My friend knows about this, though ...but doesn't care. Whatever works, i guess. The funny thing is, he will be leaving on the same day the other guy arrives...so she said to him, in front of me, "i will bring you to the airport, wait for two hours and then my other boyfriend arrives...". Cracks me up. :o

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Hi Kayo, I could not help but add my bit about my Swiss friend.

Swiss guy was about 27, came here met a very nice professional, overseas educated TG. After a romance of about 2 years, they got married. Swiss guy thought he "found a gem". She managed to convince him to sell his chalet and buy 2 huge houses in LOS as they were going to be here now. They had 2 nice cars. 12 years later, they had 2 nice boys. As she is from up north and she likes to visit her "family" (whom Swiss guy has met numerous times a year) and he is working, she sometimes visits them ALONE. :o

Everything was normal, they seem like a very loving couple. She managed to obtain her Swiss passport 2 years ago. Last year (after about 15 years of marriage) he went to work as normal, came back home and found out that his keys do not fit into the locks. He was baffled and rang the door bell. A relative of hers answered the door and pretended she did not know him!! She very confidently told him that he must be mistaken as this house belongs to a Thai woman. She then asked him to go away or the police will be called. It seems the TG had a TH husband all along, not legally but "ceremoniously". The poor Swiss guy could not do anything as ALL his assets are in the TG's name.......including the 2 houses and 2 cars. She also withdrew everything from their bank account.

To make the long story short, he has nothing left in this world. I havent heard anything from him since but I can only guess what he is doing now................


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That sounds bloody unbelivable does this thing happen alot? Why would an educated girl need to do that.

Its almost a "National Sport" in some parts of the country.

The best one (of many) I know is this girl got married to this guy who lives and works in Singapore. Didn't sign the papers, just had a "Issan Wedding". Anyway, he is off to Singapore and her "cousin" stays with her, to make sure there are no problems. Only problem is her "Cousin" is her true husband.

So when the falang comes home her true husband sleeps n the floor.....

He also gave her about 1m Baht to build a house in Surin (I think he has never seen it) and everyone calls it the "Baan Poo-Ying -Go-Hok Falang" or the house of the lady who bulls#it the falang.

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"Baan Poo-Ying -Go-Hok Falang"

Mattnich, Hahahaha.................I liked that a lot!!! I do agree that this happens a lot in TH. :D

Unfortunately, I get a lot of defensiveness and aggressiveness if I mention it. I wonder why...........could it be they are old fat bald western men who feel they have to justify themselves? They call me a fat farang woman who is jealous.......which I am not as I am NOT farang nor a TG so those buggers are just making utter fools of themselves. As for jealousy??? Jealous of what??? I am already married to one of the most sincere and nicest man on earth. He hates TG........and is wise about them. :D

LOS or LOHS :o

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Pepe said it best.... "when they are bad they are very very bad".

Dont let them know where you live until you know them and trust them. I made that mistake and when I rejected this nut she turned a knife on herself and threatened to kill herself, this was then followed by me getting punched and later on a blackmail attempt. Theres more but its a long story. Be careful.

"When they are good they are incredible"

Shortly after that nightmare I met a beautiful Thai angel I am engaged to.

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You "had a few",only guessing here,but bargirls,right?

Their aim here in Asia as well as in Europe,probably in the States too,is to please the guys,get as much money as possible out of them.So of course they act the way you want them to,appear to be very submissive,doing everything just to please you.

Ordinary girls though,"motherboards wired differently"? No,same same.

Culture is different,traditions are different,of course,but basic human values are not different ,they are not programmed to fool you more than any other women,they are not programmed to serve you at home(yeah,I know,it used to be that way here,but it's going away,luckily).

You "can't stand american chicks",is it beacuse they want to be treated like equals to guys? :o

Search for girls in bars,you get bargirls...

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You "had a few",only guessing here,but bargirls,right?

Their aim here in Asia as well as in Europe,probably in the States too,is to please the guys,get as much money as possible out of them.So of course they act the way you want them to,appear to be very submissive,doing everything just to please you.

Ordinary girls though,"motherboards wired differently"? No,same same.

Culture is different,traditions are different,of course,but basic human values are not different ,they are not programmed to fool you more than any other women,they are not programmed to serve you at home(yeah,I know,it used to be that way here,but it's going away,luckily).

You "can't stand american chicks",is it beacuse they want to be treated like equals to guys? :o

Search for girls in bars,you get bargirls...

I believe Asian woman , in comparison to European/USA ladies still have a more caring side to them , with their spouses and children alike , regardless of the background. I can say from my own experience and others that I know.

They are more than equal to us farang men , they are secure enough to not have to throw it your face every 2 minutes.


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You "had a few",only guessing here,but bargirls,right?

Their aim here in Asia as well as in Europe,probably in the States too,is to please the guys,get as much money as possible out of them.So of course they act the way you want them to,appear to be very submissive,doing everything just to please you.

Ordinary girls though,"motherboards wired differently"? No,same same.

Culture is different,traditions are different,of course,but basic human values are not different ,they are not programmed to fool you more than any other women,they are not programmed to serve you at home(yeah,I know,it used to be that way here,but it's going away,luckily).

You "can't stand american chicks",is it beacuse they want to be treated like equals to guys? :o

Search for girls in bars,you get bargirls...

In my younger and as I said single days I had plenty. I blame it on the US Navy that facilitated me getting started when I was just a kid serving in Vietnam, Phillipines and Japan.

My wife was a sales exec with Mercedes Benz in BKK and later managed the Amari Hotel in BKK.

Your absolutely right, Search for girls in bars,you get bargirls...

Search for a gem, you get a gem... :D

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Search for a gem, you get a gem... :o


Some of the best human beings I ever met lived in thatched huts with dirt floors.

Some worked in bars and brothels.

There's a handful of pearls in every pile of pigshit.

If you never look, you'll never find one.

If you make only a half-hearted search then all you'll end up with is your hands covered in pigshit.

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Pepe said it best.... "when they are bad they are very very bad".

Dont let them know where you live until you know them and trust them. I made that mistake and when I rejected this nut she turned a knife on herself and threatened to kill herself, this was then followed by me getting punched and later on a blackmail attempt. Theres more but its a long story. Be careful.

"When they are good they are incredible"

Shortly after that nightmare I met a beautiful Thai angel I am engaged to.

the first girl's sister? :o

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I am already married to one of the most sincere and nicest man on earth. He hates TG........and is wise about them. :D

:o Nicest man on earth :D thats a joke you just told us that he HATES half the population of a country (where i presume you live, not sure though) for what reason does he HATE Thai women? he sounds very inteligent and cultured as do you.

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Chonabot, you just hit the nail right on the head :D ............."Unfortunately, I get a lot of defensiveness and aggressiveness if I mention it. I wonder why..........."

and YES he is a Diamond, not a zircon!!!!

Yes SK I am defensive , the term TG means Thai Girl , not Bar Girl , so your husband and yourself hate all Thai Girls? Pair of Nonce-cake racist bigots.

Who's using the brain cell this weekend girlfriend?


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