britmaveric Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Lately Harry has been obsessed with Thai Bar Girls- what are his motivations?
drunken monkey Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 what are his motivations? simpel..... he's thinking with the wrong head
chonabot Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Another option could have been Trolling Nonce-cake
Siam_seatsniffer Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Ask Harry "BG" Palmer.... Monkeys got that right.....
britmaveric Posted September 27, 2004 Author Posted September 27, 2004 I think Harry honestly deep down loves TBG, and he's just shy about admitting to it after his adventures with Lady Boys.
Harry Palmer Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 ...whilst thailand continues to attract the so-called 'sex-pat' or 'sex-tourist', your typical prostitute will never run a business of her own, or even do the home laundry or dishes. anything that requires self-discipline and real work is not something they're going to do. they will sit around and watch TV all day until it's time to go to the go-go bar or pickup joint to get screw*d - 'make money on their backs'... ...their main purpose in life the appears to be to serve working men by providing sexual entertainment, to bring skilled foreign men and tourist money into thailand, and to bring their money into the countryside...
Harry Palmer Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Nonce-cake chonabot - i don't know where you are from but in my country a 'nonce' is a colloquial term meaning 'sexual offender'... ...are you suggesting for one moment that i am such a person? if so that takes us into a whole new ball game!
britmaveric Posted September 27, 2004 Author Posted September 27, 2004 their main purpose in life the appears to be to serve working men by providing sexual entertainment, to bring skilled foreign men and tourist money into thailand, and to bring their money into the countryside... Harry - you begrudge them that? BTW what trade do you apply your skills in if I may boldly ask? Chonabot-- maybe "ponce" or "nancy boy"
Bangkok_Helicopter Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Nonce-cake chonabot - i don't know where you are from but in my country a 'nonce' is a colloquial term meaning 'sexual offender'... ...are you suggesting for one moment that i am such a person? if so that takes us into a whole new ball game! Your Gay !!
Harry Palmer Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 gay... ok nancy-boy... ok ponce - uhmmm... not keen... in the UK it means - "one who lives off the immoral earnings of a prostitute..." -- hardly likely to be me!
Bizz Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Harry has been ofered help before ADDICTIVE SEXUAL DISORDERS: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT by Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D. and Richard Irons, M.D. Published in Primary Psychiatry, April, 1998 Introduction Patients who present with excessive and/or unusual sexual urges or behaviors are often a source of confusion to clinicians. In some cases the diagnosis appears clear-cut: The young man who has a history of arrests for exposing his genitals to unsuspecting strangers has a paraphilia, exhibitionism (DSM-IV diagnosis 302.4); a young woman's obsessive, intrusive, and very disturbing sexual thoughts may be one aspect of her obsessive-compulsive disorder (300.3); the 70-year old nursing home patient who gropes any female staff member who gets within touching distance may be exhibiting a loss of judgment secondary to his Alzheimer's disease (290.1) ; another hypersexual patient exhibits pressured speech and grandiosity typical of the manic phase of bipolar type I or II psychosis (296). In each of these cases, the appropriate treatment is guided by the diagnosis. There are a larger number of cases whose etiology is less obvious, and therefore the therapeutic approach, is less clear. Some examples are: The computer programmer whose job and marriage suffer because he spends many hours daily engaged in viewing internet pornography and dialoguing on-line with similarly- inclined women; the married woman who has multiple affairs despite her fears that the marriage will end; the gay man who has had thousands of anonymous sexual encounters in restrooms and parks with other men, usually without giving any thought to "safe sex" practices until panic sets in after the encounter is over; the clinician who uses his professional practice as a source of women with whom to be sexual; the isolated consumer of home and bookstore pornography whose multiple daily episodes of masturbation have cost him excessive time, money, as well as injuries to his genitalia. To complicate the picture, many of those who engage in excessive sexual behavior are also pathologically indulgent in other behaviors and activities. Most commonly, they are found to have a concurrent substance use disorder, such as alcohol dependence (303.90), impulse control disorder such as pathological gambling, or an eating disorder. The majority of persons with cocaine dependence (304.20) engage in compulsive sexual behavior as part of their cocaine- using lifestyle (Washton, 1989). Chemical dependency treatment professionals are learning that in order to avoid relapse to chemical use among recovering addicts, all compulsive behaviors must be identified and addressed. Assessment and treatment of addictive sexual behaviors must be an integral part of the chemical dependency treatment. The goal of this paper is to assist the psychiatrist and the primary care physician to understand the various disease processes which underlie excessive sexual behaviors and to understand the different treatment approaches which are helpful. Differential Diagnosis of Addictive Sexual Disorders
Harry Palmer Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 malformed url ... i've fixed it for you...]http://o...rg/Sex-Love.htm
Bizz Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 not malformed Harry That was the whole picture.
chonabot Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Nonce-cake chonabot - i don't know where you are from but in my country a 'nonce' is a colloquial term meaning 'sexual offender'... ...are you suggesting for one moment that i am such a person? if so that takes us into a whole new ball game! Yup , it's your Throw in ...
Dickie Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Nonce-cake chonabot - i don't know where you are from but in my country a 'nonce' is a colloquial term meaning 'sexual offender'... ...are you suggesting for one moment that i am such a person? if so that takes us into a whole new ball game! Yup , it's your Throw in ... To be precise: a 'nonce' is a paedophile. That's not something to call anyone unless you have reason to suppose it's true. Of course if you do have proof then let us know so we can pop around and chat with the man.
rod_kalashnikov Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Lately Harry has been obsessed with Thai Bar Girls- what are his motivations? He's practising to become a full-time godbotherer.
konangrit Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 Nonce-cake chonabot - i don't know where you are from but in my country a 'nonce' is a colloquial term meaning 'sexual offender'... ...are you suggesting for one moment that i am such a person? if so that takes us into a whole new ball game! Yup , it's your Throw in ... To be precise: a 'nonce' is a paedophile. That's not something to call anyone unless you have reason to suppose it's true. Of course if you do have proof then let us know so we can pop around and chat with the man. To be fair he actually called him a nonce-cake, not a nonce. Of course that begs the question "what is a nonce-cake?".
IamMaiC Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 I have a question for Mr. Palmer Has he ever attempted to persue a relationship with a thai girl that was not a bargirl??
rod_kalashnikov Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 I have a question for Mr. Palmer Has he ever attempted to persue a relationship with a thai girl that was not a bargirl?? A more appropriate quesion would be "Has he ever attempted to pursue a relationship with anything other than his hand ?"
Collina Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 An even more appropriate question would be: Why are we bothering with this discussion anyway? While I also can't prevent a very big sigh every morning looking at the latest Harry Palmer Bargirl Rant, from an objective point of view they ARE on topic and they DO seem popular looking at the number of replies they generate. So by all means go ahead and 'do' them day after day. But do keep it respectful towards other posters. I'm closing this one in particular due to the flaming of each other, the nonce stuff, etc. Oh yes, I did vote, but I'm keeping it secret. See you tomorrow in the next BG-troll. Ciao -- PLC
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