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Ist Class Train Travel


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I know it’s probably cheaper to fly with Air Asia but ..... I'm thinking about doing a romantic train trip from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, First-class. Has any Thai Visa member done this trip recently? Any views? Opinions?



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I know it’s probably cheaper to fly with Air Asia but ..... I'm thinking about doing a romantic train trip from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, First-class. Has any Thai Visa member done this trip recently? Any views? Opinions?



Have done it a long time ago. 1st class sleeper. Good experience. And don't worry abt bed bugs, no backpackers in 1st class! :o



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I did it 2nd class (no first available).

Very comfortable bunks, even for a big guy like myself.(I had an upper too !! )

I loved the trip.....though much of it was in the dark, When there was daylight, it provided great views.

I recommend it....but take some snacks, the train fare was not so spectacular.

And it's entertaining to go to the toilet.....just a hole to the quickly moving tracks below :o

Edited by pumpuiman
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You can book a 1st class cabin all to yourself for around 1800 baht. I did it from Bangkok to Nong Khai but it would have been cheaper to fly to Udon Thani and then take a bus to Nong Khai. I just wanted to try it out. It's comfortable enough just be aware that the bathrooms are still pretty filthy.

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ive done first class train trips a few times and found them to be pretty good. i had the cabin to myself both times as they wont often mix up strangers. it was very nice.

a MUST on any train trip in Thailand (well, especially the BKK-CNX and BKK-URT routes on both ways) is a trip to the dining car, where you often find yourself in the middle of a Boney-M/ABBA night, complete with mirror balls and flashing lights.

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I have not traveled the rails in some years but do not believe anything has changed (except upkeep seems to be gone down hill). First class is across the rail bunks so every slowdown rolls you out (into belts) and keep you awake. As most rail is single track there are frequent slowdowns/stops. I found second class sleepers much more comfortable for sleeping. But for romantic they may not fit the bill.

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I am 6 foot and have no problem - and seemed to be an extra inch or so. It seemed the new cars had a bit more room but only rode them once or twice so not sure. But I found the across track sleeping to be impossible on Thai tracks. But as said that may not be a factor in this thread.

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I have travelled both 1st and 2nd class sleeper and would probably recommend the 2nd class sleeper, 1st class was a bit restricted (ie. too much security, no hawkers allowed, no gai yang and khao niaw in the mornings, doors locked and guarded from about 10.30 nothing to do but sleep) 2nd class is secure and safe with a bit of local interaction.

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In the case of the 2nd class sleeper cnx-bkk there is of course the choice between a/c or fan; and when choosing a/c there is the choice betwee the 'special express' or the other one - the 'special express' has noticeably better (& newer) wagons and bunks.

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I have done BKK - CNX - BKK a number of times, latest, twice, last July and August.

2nd class sleeper, was warned off 1st class, and upper berths..

If there are 2 travelling, book 2 lower berths accross the aisle, what we did.

The food service is good, tukka not bad in any way at all.

You WILL need a pullover in A/C carriges, gets cool, but great sleeping environment.

Cost never came into the equation, train saved a nite's accommodation in each direction, making it cheaper than Air Asia.

We booked well ahead at Hua Lamphong, all so easy, get there using Metro, city end of the Bang Sue line.. .... lol, only line.

ONLINE, is available, but dearer, I thinx, neva used it.


Go there and have a looksee.


Edited by Zpete
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I travelled in 2nd class fan sleeper many years ago to both Chiang Mai and Butterworth and it was an enjoyable trip. When the door opened between the carriages to the air con carriage it felt like an icy cold blast that would have made an eskimo feel at home.

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Thanks to all those who posted -- I'm still undecided whether 1st Class is worth the THB1,350 each or not -- I not worried about cost, but about 'value' -- Too many times I have paid for a 'premium' service in Thai but get 'Mai Ben Lai' service -- Any one got first hand experience of travelling in First Class recently? Bed cleans? Service polite? ....

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If you are that worried about it, maybe you should fly! (and not cattle classv)v

Thanks jdinasia, but do you think your posting has added any value to the original posting? Maybe you should think before posting such a poor reply.

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If you are that worried about it, maybe you should fly! (and not cattle classv)v

Thanks jdinasia, but do you think your posting has added any value to the original posting? Maybe you should think before posting such a poor reply.

Nah, I stand firmly with my statement. Some people can't be pleased. This is Thailand and though the beds are clean and the staff is there, it just won't measure up to some people's uptight demands. You are better off flying and not coach :o

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If you are that worried about it, maybe you should fly! (and not cattle classv)v

Thanks jdinasia, but do you think your posting has added any value to the original posting? Maybe you should think before posting such a poor reply.

Nah, I stand firmly with my statement. Some people can't be pleased. This is Thailand and though the beds are clean and the staff is there, it just won't measure up to some people's uptight demands. You are better off flying and not coach :o

Thanks jdinasia -- Could you please tell me when you last travelled First Class (not coach) sleeper train? Could you please expand on your experience with the First Class (not coach) sleeper train or are your comments nothing to do with your recent experience of First Class (not coach) sleeper trains.

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I could :o alas it would be pointless, I am afraid to say.

However I will be riding in a first class sleeper again quite soon :D I am sure I won't be disappointed in the least! I am just as sure that some other people would be :D

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I could :o alas it would be pointless, I am afraid to say.

However I will be riding in a first class sleeper again quite soon :D I am sure I won't be disappointed in the least! I am just as sure that some other people would be :D

Thanks jdinasia but could you do me and other Thai Visa members a favour, either post meaningful replies with details or refrain from posting anal/meaningless comments. You suggested flying first class from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Do you have any meaningful comments to add to this, since you have nothing of value to contribute to the original posting about the quality of first class train travel from Chiang Mai to Bangkok? Thanks

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lol .. yes .. that is the way you should go!

even if you are as miserable as you appear to be on here, at least the staff would only have to put up with you for an hour and twenty minutes!

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lol .. yes .. that is the way you should go!

even if you are as miserable as you appear to be on here, at least the staff would only have to put up with you for an hour and twenty minutes!

jdinasia I suggest you read the quality of your posting and ask what have you contributed to the original postings. If you have nothing of value to add please refrain from posting. Thaivisa.com is a quality website and your postings add no value. You keep suggesting that some people will never be happy -That's a given

That’s like saying if you post on thaivisa.com someone will post an anal reply -- That's also an obvious given

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Thanks to all those who posted -- I'm still undecided whether 1st Class is worth the THB1,350 each or not -- I not worried about cost, but about 'value' -- Too many times I have paid for a 'premium' service in Thai but get 'Mai Ben Lai' service -- Any one got first hand experience of travelling in First Class recently? Bed cleans? Service polite? ....

Based upon this post, You should fly. Why? read everyone's comments (mine included) You are obviously expecting far too much and will be disappointed.

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