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Turning Thai


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Driving home still holding bottle of the beer in my hand from the last bar that kicked me out as it need to close, not putting sit belt, and when stopped by the police officer, smiling and reaching for 200 baht instead of driving license...:-)

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I am currently in VN which is Thailand++ so the comments are just as relevant.

I no longer even raise an eyebrow at the crazy antics they get up to on motorbikes nor how many people/how much freight can be carried by that mode of transport.

Jumping on a motorbike taxi to go downtown is second nature.

A while back I ordered something off the menu and when the waitress asked if I wanted rice with that said yes. The item was listed as steak and chip and I didn't give it a second thought. So I ended up with steak, chips and rice and ate the lot.

Having ice in beer is perfectly normal.

Going to a restaurant and finding the toilet has three walls and no roof is refreshingly luxurious.

Hi Phil

I am also in VN.

I agree that motorbike in VN is a small truck. Thais should learn from VN to save a lot of petrol (not gas :D )

I drive my own motorbike and amazed that there is no left or right turning traffic lights, only straights and you can turn if there is a gap in between traffic.

Ice in beer was also very common in Thailand.

Never had open-air toilet experience, but toilets are for sure more dirty than Thailand.

PM me, I know a couple of other people who are imported from Thailand.

When I was in Thailand, people told me that I am 70% Thai. Now in VN people say that I am more VNese than some locals here. I just wonder, if I am an alien or what? :o

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A Thai told me in America they don't have the bum spray. They have the similar one for washing dishes. Is it true?

Yes. In fact, Thai bum guns originated from the American kitchen sink. An enterprising Thai home builder saw them on one of his trips to the USA and decided the kitchen sink contraption could be nicely adapted to spraying the bum as well. He bought an armload of them and returned to Thailand to rescue dirty bums. The idea took off.

source please.

Actually, I tried to do teh same thing in California, but the contractor refused to do it. He told me there had to be some sort of back-flo valve installed on the line first and the water had to be from a different pipe that the one which fed the toilet.

I ended up buying a bidet at Home Depot and having them install it for about $900.

I still think I could have had the kitchen sprayer for $15 and had it installed for another $40.

I dont know if he has a source but I remodeled my upstairs bathroom here in the States last year and installed a kitchen sink sprayer next to the toilet . Now I think about my next trip to Thailand every time I do my bizness :o

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The other night i was talking about this very thing with the girlfriend. She wants to go to Yanhee for boobs, a western nose and rounder eyes. I figured they could maybe add a little slant to my eyes and flatten my nose a bit while we were there! Maybe get a volume discount :o

Travel all over the world for work. First thing to do in any new town is find the "authentic" thai restaurant...the one where the thai people go...where the staff aren't so hi-so that they will actually speak with a falang in thai...Golden Mile in Singapore...Thai Wi-Rat in Brisbane...

When i get home in Phuket, snap on the TV and change the channel to Luk-Thung videos....leave it on all day...feels like home...Think Singapore would be a lot cooler if the cable operator would bring up some Thai channels.

I think i have worn out all my Ponglangsaon mp3.s I have taken to watching the videos on YouTube while my computer crunches numbers at work...Sek Loso...Carabao...Kratae...the list goes on...seems like i don't listen to anything in english anymore.

Keep the Yaah-dome next my mouse...not that the office stinks but the rush is nice...

never without a few Halls candy's in my pocket...

I based my decision to not take an apartment based on the fact that it had no bum-gun...samkhan maak maak!

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