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Bus Said I Was Too Fat


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Well i came back to BKK yeseterday after my week long Issan trip.

I flew back to Don Muang via NOK AIR.

I got the airport bus 34 baht to suvarnami,guy selling tickets at DM was a nice guy,outside area.bus driver helped me to Suvarmi.

Anyway heres where my story begins,when i arrived,i went downstairs to arrivals and couldnt find Bells bus service so i saw what said

"Government s bus service to Pataya 106 baht",so i went to the woman who i admit is as fat as me.

I looked at the seat bookings in front of here and she had only filled about 60% of the seats.

Anyway she said we are leaving in 15 mins,you beter pay now,so i went to pay,she said thats 212 baht because you are too fat.

I said to her,"im as fat as you dear",she agreed with me and said even she has to book 2 seats.

I said i have just travelled on all buses in isssaan and aeroplanes without 2 seats.

Anyway i then pointed to the seat diagram she had in front of her and she had a lot of seats available however she says most farang have 2 seats.

i told her i would get a cab so i did.

The point is,yes i think if your a bloke who is very obese,ok 2 seats but should she charge normal fat people double.

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable

I agree totally, and if you are sat next to someone that is so large that you cannot have all of your seat then you should get a discount. I don't believe people should be punished for their physical conditions but when their condition puts others in discomfort then it is different. Need more room than can be provided with 1 seat then pay for 2.

As for the OP's situation, i have been on many buses which have empty seats at the beginning of the journey but at the end all the seats are taken.

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable

I agree totally, and if you are sat next to someone that is so large that you cannot have all of your seat then you should get a discount. I don't believe people should be punished for their physical conditions but when their condition puts others in discomfort then it is different. Need more room than can be provided with 1 seat then pay for 2.

As for the OP's situation, i have been on many buses which have empty seats at the beginning of the journey but at the end all the seats are taken.

And of course this would also apply to airplane tickets?

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Well........maybe she was right,but i felt like she was ripping me off,because she had a number of vacant seats left and the bus did not stop until chonburi.

Anyway i suppose in hindsight i should have just paid the bloody extra 106 baht,its just i was annoyed.

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable


I've also always wondered... you are charged for being 1 kilogram overweight with your 21 kilo luggage on the plane, but you're only 58 kilograms, so your total weight is 79 kilograms using the plane's fuel.

Whereas an obese person weighing 130 kilograms with luggage within the 20kg limit is using up 150 kg which is almost double your total weight using the plane's fuel. Yet YOU have to pay a fine for being "overweight" and he doesn't.

Just wondering, is this fair? :o

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable


I've also always wondered... you are charged for being 1 kilogram overweight with your 21 kilo luggage on the plane, but you're only 58 kilograms, so your total weight is 79 kilograms using the plane's fuel.

Whereas an obese person weighing 130 kilograms with luggage within the 20kg limit is using up 150 kg which is almost double your total weight using the plane's fuel. Yet YOU have to pay a fine for being "overweight" and he doesn't.

Just wondering, is this fair? :o

Talking about SIZE, not weight.

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable


I've also always wondered... you are charged for being 1 kilogram overweight with your 21 kilo luggage on the plane, but you're only 58 kilograms, so your total weight is 79 kilograms using the plane's fuel.

Whereas an obese person weighing 130 kilograms with luggage within the 20kg limit is using up 150 kg which is almost double your total weight using the plane's fuel. Yet YOU have to pay a fine for being "overweight" and he doesn't.

Just wondering, is this fair? :o

Talking about SIZE, not weight.

Based on the original post, yes.

However, pertaining to overweight charges on planes, it's based on WEIGHT, not size.

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable

I agree totally, and if you are sat next to someone that is so large that you cannot have all of your seat then you should get a discount. I don't believe people should be punished for their physical conditions but when their condition puts others in discomfort then it is different. Need more room than can be provided with 1 seat then pay for 2.

As for the OP's situation, i have been on many buses which have empty seats at the beginning of the journey but at the end all the seats are taken.

Sorry but I don't agree with giving an discount for people who have to sit next to somebody who needs more space then there own seat.

If i pay for my seat I would like to have also the space for that seat.

I'm sorry but i think it is fair that they charge two seats for people who need more then the space of one seat.

This is especially the case in airplanes.

It is not only the case with big people but also with mothers traveling with infants on there lap the whole time. ( in airplanes )

They tried one time to put me next to a mother with a crying infant on her lap for a 13 hours flight.

Luckily they gave me another seat when they realized that I was not the father or boyfriend of this girl and I told them that I would not accept this.

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If one takes up more space than one seat then they should be charged for two seats – however, if they are charged for two seats they should get two seats to utilize. Not have someone sit next to them.


Same, same as the bus as far as size. We had a bloke from my company do some traveling thru China last year, and the combination of his size, and the tight seat spacing on many Chinese airlines basically made it a necessity that we buy and use two seats for him on the domestic routs.

As for weight – On the first trip that I encountered issues related to strictly enforcing the weight restrictions was a joke – My checked bag was over by like two kilo’s. So I basically took two kilo’s worth of stuff out of my checked bag and stuck it in my carry-on – they did not weight my carry-on. With what I consider massive abuse of the carry-on baggage regulations carry-on baggage issues are a bit of a pet peeve for me right now in regard to air travel (especially seems to be a problem traveling around Asia).

On my last trip to the States I had to shuffle stuff around to meet the per bag limit – there were three of us traveling and we were well under the total weight limit but two of the bags were over the per bag limit by like a kilo each. At first the lady wanted to charge me $50 per bag that was over the limit. Believe it or not it took a little convincing to get her to agree to allow us to just move some of the stuff from the two over weight bags into bags that were not over the limit so that none of the bags were over the limit.

Far cry from the plane ride I took when moving to Asia nearly ten years ago. I had three bags packed to the brim – all three certainly over the per bag limit, and the combination of the three way over the total weight limit – and all I was charged was an extra $75 for having one extra bag.

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TokyoT, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe baggage to the US is measured, width x length x depth. Weight is irrelevant. Neva had baggage weighed for US.

The following goes for all means of transport, as well as buses and planes.

As for weight, no large person should be allowed to sit in a seat of the class they are travelling travelling, if oozing into next seat, pay for two.

Possibly a hoop made to fit seat sizes be kept at check in counter, if hoop does not slip easily down ones frame, pay up, 2 seats. Like bag weights, measurements should be on Airline conditions.

Many people with extremely large b_ums are quite short, but still too excessive in diameter and overflow.

As for preggy mums to be, maybe they should NOT be flying, emergencies excepted.

Only fair in my eyes.

Mite make people diet.

Edited by Zpete
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TokyoT, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe baggage to the US is measured, width x length x depth. Weight is irrelevant. Neva had baggage weighed for US.

Ok I will correct you. :D The bags cannot be more than 32 Kilos each. :o



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The point is,yes i think if your a bloke who is very obese,ok 2 seats but should she charge normal fat people double.

Please somebody tell me what IS and ISN'T a normal fat person and what is obese.

Is the glass half full or half empty??

For that price mate i would have bought a whole row and got my head down.

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TokyoT, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe baggage to the US is measured, width x length x depth. Weight is irrelevant. Neva had baggage weighed for US.

Most airlines (if not all) have limits based upon size and weight, and these weights can vary from one airline to the next. Here are a couple of sites that outline the checked, as well as the carry-on limits of airlines:



Occasionally I travel to Japan for a few days before then going to the States for a week or two. The strict enforcement of the weight limits can cause me trouble on these trips because many carriers have different limits on travel within Asia, and other international routs. So the weight limit for travel from Bangkok to Japan is less than the limit when traveling from either Bangkok, or Japan, to the States. Many times on these trips I am over the “within Asia” travel limits but not over the international travel limits. Sometimes the airline will make me pay extra for the weight, sometimes not – depends on the person working at the counter. My problem with it is that the ticket is one ticket for travel with a two/three day stop-over in Japan and I feel in such a case the weight limit should be based upon international travel weights and not broken down. If I fly the same route but don’t make the stop-over (ie connect thru Tokyo) then there is no problem – but not really helpful and allowing me to address business meetings in Japan. So for the privilege of the two/three day stop over I end up paying for the extra baggage fee about half the time.

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Anyway i suppose in hindsight i should have just paid the bloody extra 106 baht,its just i was annoyed.

............and the taxi cost? :D

The question still remains "actiondell4" :o

Kan Win :D

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Correct me please if I am wrong. I thought i saw a documentary on discovery where they were trying to blame a small plane crash which killed all on an obese gentleman. They were also considering extra charges in the future for obese people, not just for the comfort of others should they require more space, but also for safety with regards to uncalculated weight.

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I believe one of the US based low cost carriers does ask fat people to purchase two seat but rerfunds some or all of the extra if the plane is not full.

As for the weight issue then I am in agreement that it makes no difference to the plane whether a passenger is 100kg with no luggage as opposed to 40kg with 60kg of luggage. I also think they could combine your inward and outward legs as many travel significantly heavier in one direction. Lots of times I've travelled with no baggage and yet have had problems on other occassions when coming in slightly over. Perhaps the answer is no baggage allowance and you pay for what you have.

As for fat people on any form of transport then I think it perfectly fair to refuse them to board unless they purchase adequate seating. I once had a fat guy on a 12 hour flight next to me and he was falling into my seat. Hardly fair is it ?

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The point is,yes i think if your a bloke who is very obese,ok 2 seats but should she charge normal fat people double.
People tend to under estimate how over-weight they actually are, (if your 20% over your BMI your clinically obese), Though she referred to you as fat, in fact, she may have just been kind, unless you give us your height and weight we can't evaluate this fairly.

My gut feeling is your big, big enough to spill over into another seat, or she wouldn't have brought it up.

I don't think your going to find much sympathy here, it's about real estate, buy two seats, make yourself and everyone else happy, nothing personal. :o

Edited by cobra
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When I flew out of Tonga they weighed all of the passengers as well as the luggage to insure the load was not overweight. Tongans are large people. It seemed like a sensible thing to do. :o

Local Pacific airlines serving Tonga, Samoa, etc have wider seats in some aircraft.

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actiondell4.....please refer to an earlier post on the thread "travelling international on budget airlines" One post you say you have to have an aisle seat because your too fat !!! Nothing personal but I think you've already answered your own question.

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I have know idea how fat you personally are ......but I really resent having an overweight person next to me on bus/ppolane etc....they tend to "overflow into one's space and the SMELL - those extra square units of skin are coupled with an overexerted body are enough to produce some terrible odors...please loose weight.

You can only get fat one way...that's by eating more than you need....just DON"T DO IT!

Weight or mass doesn't manifest itself from nothing, you have to eat substantially... to gain weight

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