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Is it possible to buy melatonin in thailand?

If so is it available everywhere, or do I have to go to a special chemist?

Know a place in Pattaya?


Incidentally, one of the ways to reduce jetlag is simply to stay in the sun the first long, full day you can (that resets your own natural melatonin production cycles). You might be able to find this at GNC stores- there used to be one right on Silom road, but I seem to recall it's closed now.


I have to travel a lot in the course of my work and have never found melatonin to be useful.

The best advice is probably in the post above. Get exposed to daylight and get in a routine with meals and sleep times as quickly as possible.

Traveling east always affects me more than going west. Returning to Thailand from the US is particulary bad for me.

The older you get, it seems, the worse it is...


Alas, melatonin is not approvged for use or available in Thailand.

It can be gotten readily in Phnom Penh, though. I stock up every time I go.


someone once told me it was illegal here

but i can see it in a pharmacy i know in bangkok

maybe the law changed

pm me for details


Studies on Melatonin state it's only useful for people that produce lower levels.

Therefore, I suppose if you levels are low because of jet lag it may help.

I stand to be corrected.

If some posters think it works, then it may work. I'm a little skeptical, though.


It is not illegal in the sense of being a banende substance in Thailand, but it has never been approved for use here (probably never even reviewied for approval).

Some counterfeit stuff was around in some kiosks (along with a number of other counterfeit herbal concoctions etc) , white and red lable brand name Schiff or something like that.

As for its usefulness...well, obviously, it is useful for problems resulting from low levels of melatonin. These include jet lag and some of the sleep problems people have as they grow older (especially the tendency to awaken very, very early and have trouble falling back to sleep). Also includes " night eating syndrome" .

With melatonin it is not just a question of how much you produce but also whether your body is producing it at the right times (which is the difficulty in jet lag).

It is not illegal in the sense of being a banende substance in Thailand, but it has never been approved for use here (probably never even reviewied for approval).

Some counterfeit stuff was around in some kiosks (along with a number of other counterfeit herbal concoctions etc) , white and red lable brand name Schiff or something like that.

As for its usefulness...well, obviously, it is useful for problems resulting from low levels of melatonin. These include jet lag and some of the sleep problems people have as they grow older (especially the tendency to awaken very, very early and have trouble falling back to sleep). Also includes " night eating syndrome" .

With melatonin it is not just a question of how much you produce but also whether your body is producing it at the right times (which is the difficulty in jet lag).

Sheryl: when you say that it's "counterfeit", does that mean that it's useless? I'm asking 'cos I have exactly that schiff thing (bought it in MBK) and sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't... could be just a coincidence of course... I never really expected it to work much because my sleep problems acan get quite bad, but still, if it's useless than I better not take it at all...


I found some in pattaya, tried it last night, but didn't sleep at all well.

don't know what brand, just got some in a bag

Sheryl: when you say that it's "counterfeit", does that mean that it's useless? I'm asking 'cos I have exactly that schiff thing (bought it in MBK) and sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't... could be just a coincidence of course... I never really expected it to work much because my sleep problems acan get quite bad, but still, if it's useless than I better not take it at all...

Yep, useless. Ithrew mine out,suggest yu do the same. I havealso heard tell that other stuff sold at those MBK kiosks are also fake

Would have my doubts about supposed melatonin "in a bag" from a shop in Pattaya!

Go visit Phnom Penh and stock up. There is a very good brand sold at the U Care Pharmacy on Sihanouk Bld justa few blocks from Indepednencemnument. I forget the name buthas a picture of a brain on it, white bottle.About $8 for 60 or so.

Sheryl: when you say that it's "counterfeit", does that mean that it's useless? I'm asking 'cos I have exactly that schiff thing (bought it in MBK) and sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't... could be just a coincidence of course... I never really expected it to work much because my sleep problems acan get quite bad, but still, if it's useless than I better not take it at all...

Yep, useless. Ithrew mine out,suggest yu do the same. I havealso heard tell that other stuff sold at those MBK kiosks are also fake

Would have my doubts about supposed melatonin "in a bag" from a shop in Pattaya!

Go visit Phnom Penh and stock up. There is a very good brand sold at the U Care Pharmacy on Sihanouk Bld justa few blocks from Indepednencemnument. I forget the name buthas a picture of a brain on it, white bottle.About $8 for 60 or so.

There goes my placebo effect... :o

Seriously, thanks for the advice. Don't think I'll get there any time soon but hopefully I'll find someone who will.

How did you figure out it was fake?


Either ask a US friend to mail you some, or buy from www.iherb.com

I like the sublingual pump-action spray; there are two types. But tablets in a flat envelope from a friend will get through to Thailand easier.

Bumrungrat Hospital may supply melatonin if you see a quack there ... try emailing their pharmacy.

There goes my placebo effect... :o

Seriously, thanks for the advice. Don't think I'll get there any time soon but hopefully I'll find someone who will.

How did you figure out it was fake?

I concluded that based on:

1) knowing it has never been approved for use (or even reviewed for approval) in Thailand, and that only these cut-rate kiosks had it

2) hearingthat these same kiosks were selling counterfeit supplements of other sorts

3) Complte lack of effect when I took them (and I am used to melatonin ad know exactly what to expect).

I tried at least 20 times with the stuff and it never did a thing.

Very interested t hear about the sublingual spray as hormones -- melatonin and any others -- are not naturally processed through the GI tract. Much more physiologic to take sublingually or abdorb dermally. Has anyone heard of any creams/gels? Brand name on the sublingual spray?

Is it possible to buy melatonin in thailand?

If so is it available everywhere, or do I have to go to a special chemist?

Know a place in Pattaya?

You can buy it on the internet from the UK..takes about 7-10 days from ordering..if u want more info pm me..I'm in NZ for a few more days so don't have details with me


getting a bit off topic but important to note:

actually there is this medicine now for colds

you spray it in your nose and the cold doesn't lag

even prior to that, i have had excellent results keeping colds at bay with vitamin c, zinc, and good quality ecanachia, just when the cold is coming on

any malady has remedies, natural or otherwise

Incidentally, one of the ways to reduce jetlag is simply to stay in the sun the first long, full day you can (that resets your own natural melatonin production cycles). You might be able to find this at GNC stores- there used to be one right on Silom road, but I seem to recall it's closed now.

Another way of reducing the effects of jetlag is to drink alot of water on the flight itself, worked wonders for me


Lots of water, no coffee, no alcohol during the flight.

I get home at about 6 am and sleep two hours

and then start a regular day. Not without jet lag but definitely

feeling better.

Having jetlag is like having a cold. There is no real cure for it. You have to grin and bear tor a few days and then it goes away.

Actually controlled studies conclude that melatonin is probably the most effective and most convenient method for alleviating the worst effects of jet lag of anything devised to date.

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