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B visa expires shortly, no work permit, extension?

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I've got a Business visa which expires shortly, I've never got around to making a work permit, as the business has never really got off the ground.

However it looks like the orders we've been waiting for are going to happen, And now I will be wanting that work permit

Will an extension be possible to enable me to now get the work permit? What should I do?

Or am I faced with another trip to the Thai Consulate to get another B visa (who no doubt will not be impressed that I haven't applied for a work permit to go with the visa they gave me last time.)



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In order to get the work permit, you will need a Thai employer who is a registered business, with at least four Thai employees and 2 million baht capital paid into a company bank account in Thailand, a job description and position that can be placed onto a company organizational chart, and a salary of in the neighborhood of 45,000 baht (depending on your family status).

If you have all of the above, you will be in good position to obtain a work permit and an entry permit extension.  If all your employer details and personal papers are in order (academic transcripts, medical exam certificate, etc.), it takes my firm about three weeks (from start to finish) to secure a work permit for a client.  Application for entry permit extension  can be submitted same day as work permit is issued - immediately securing an "automatic" 30 day entry-permit extension.

If you just have an entry permit initially issued against a Class B visa, with no actual company, or Thai employees,or funded company bank account, you are basically out of luck asfar as a work permit is concerned.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group

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