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Call to ban Asian immigration in NZ

Wednesday Apr 2 21:36 AEDT

AP - New Zealand should shut its door on Asian immigrants to prevent the country from being inundated with people who will not integrate well into society, a leader of an anti-immigrant political party said.

The comments by New Zealand First deputy leader Peter Brown followed the release of figures showing that the country's Asian population is likely to grow 3.4 per cent a year through 2026 - faster than any other ethnic group.

"The matter is serious," Brown said in a statement. "They will form their own mini-societies to the detriment of integration and that will lead to division, friction and resentment."

New Zealand's overall population is projected to rise to 5.5 million from the current 4.2 million over the next 18 years.

Some 14 per cent of the total population is expected to claim Asian ethnicity in 2026, with their numbers nearly doubling from 400,000 in 2006 to 790,000, government statistician Geoff Bascand said.

All the nation's main ethnic groups, including Maori, Pacific Islanders and ethnic Europeans, will grow in the next two decades, Bascand said. But those with Asian links are likely to grow the fastest, he said, surpassing the total number of Maori.

Brown blamed New Zealand's "open door" immigration policies. Many Asians come to the country for work and then never leave.

"No other country follows blind policies of importing people and exporting jobs like New Zealand and it is time this foolishness was ended for the sake of the people who live here now," he said. "There is real danger we will be inundated with people who have no intention of integrating into our society."

There was no immediate response from the government. The chief executive of the country's Employers and Manufacturers Association, Alasdair Thompson, said Brown's comments were "racial stereotyping of the worst sort".

"We need our newer migrants," he said. "We don't need Mr Brown's racism."


Note: I am posting this as I would like to take my Thai significant other to the 'Land Of The Long White Cloud' in November this year. Any Kiwis reading this like to comment on how Asians (Thai people particularly) are treated in NZ.


Mr. Peter Brown was born and educated in Britain and came to NZ later himself.... :o


"Peter Brown's comments disgraceful"

Thursday, 3 April 2008, 9:16 am

Media statement Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Peter Brown's comments disgraceful

Comments by New Zealand First MP Peter Brown are racial stereotyping of the worst sort, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).

"It was post war migrants like Mr Brown who brought here the bigotry of the British class system and a rabid form of unionism," Mr Thompson said.

"Mr Brown should stop being hypocritical.

"A sixth of the staff in our organization, EMA, are Asian and without exception they are highly skilled and valuable people.

"I've got nothing but praise for the contribution they make.

"I'm certain the same thinking applies in the great majority of businesses throughout New Zealand.

"We need our newer migrants. We don't need Mr Brown's racism."

Source: Press Release: Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern



Until both the Aust. and NZ governments spend more funds into infrastructure eg housing, schools and medical facilities, immigration should be reduced, 150000 last year to Australia, there is a certain number leave which lowers the final result.

Closer checks should be carried out on immigrants from West Asia and those from "Islamic "backgrounds for security reasons.

Yes, more funds needs to be spent on facilities for English language training.


China is a communist country and it could be come a threat to peaceful cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region possibly within the next 30 years or less.


Well, the tourist visas/student visas for Thais certainly aren't what I'd call "open door", they're very difficult to get. Same situation as the USA- I don't see the big deal of just having police ask suspicious illegal immigrants for their ID... sure don't do it randomly on the street- but have check-out counters at the store do it, bankers, etc wherever there's a commercial/governmental transaction. hel_l, as a farang in Thailand, I'd think it perfectly reasonable for the authorities to check me out a little more. Personally I have zero sympathy for any country like NZ or the USA if it's immigration policy is arrogant enough to deny my thai gf but is too weak to deal with overstayed workers. It's like they can't get control over illegal immigration so the lash out at those of us wanting to bring our ladies over and just deny them 'cause it's easy. The moral value of a NZ or American citizen wanting to stay with their emotional partner seems far more critical and necessary of protection than the swarms of savages inundating our countries just for work.


The New Zealand First Party is nicknamed the New Zealand Farce Party, because of its populist grandstanding by its leader, Winston Peters. (I'm a Kiwi.) As for unfair immigration policy, RY12, well, Thailand doesn't exactly welcome immigrants with open arms. I know of a married American ex-pat who speaks fluent Thai and has 5 children with her Thai husband, but she still has to report her address to Immigration every 90 days. And of course, in NZ, a Thai can own a company, property etc. with full rights, whereas I can't here.

The New Zealand First Party is nicknamed the New Zealand Farce Party, because of its populist grandstanding by its leader, Winston Peters. (I'm a Kiwi.) As for unfair immigration policy, RY12, well, Thailand doesn't exactly welcome immigrants with open arms. I know of a married American ex-pat who speaks fluent Thai and has 5 children with her Thai husband, but she still has to report her address to Immigration every 90 days. And of course, in NZ, a Thai can own a company, property etc. with full rights, whereas I can't here.

As a Kiwi, I concur with all the above.

This silly stuff, comes up every election, gets the redneck vote.

Thailand is far and away worse than NZ will ever be.

Massage girls overstaying and working illegally, made the NZ gummint put Thais on a visa footing. So hard now for Thais to get into NZ. It is possible if you have a recognised wanted type of work, work permit comes quite easily.

Expats here are tolerated at the best, thankfully, Thai gummint has, as yet, NOT made Kiwis get visas for holidays.

In the big scheme of things does New Zealand really count ?

Possibly more than you may imagine.

Ya ever see the movie......

"The Mouse that Roared"?

No problems living in NZ.

In my opinion, every country matters.

Not many countries have the gutz, to tell USA to get lost, NZ did, and no problems.


I don't understand the buzz.

What about Japan ?

The most ethnically homogenous country in the world.

So what ? Are they wrong ? Are they savages ? Are they retarded ?

It's a basic idea that a social/cultural/geographical/historic/ethnic group (= a country) is willing to stay as it is. What's wrong ?

Of course, this idea is a big no-no for all our western PC hysterical lovers.

Personally, I like this idea in Asia : here people want to stay between them. They are not ashamed. They don't buy the western crap.

Again, it's perfectly healthy and natural, from an asian perspective. And it doesn't prevent at all "communication", "exchange" with foreigners, and "prosperity" (again Japan is a perfect example).

It's the western obsession with miscegenation that is really weird.

Soon, if you have your both parents white, christian, and a little bit right wing... they'll put you in jail. "Whaaaaaaaaat ? Your mother is not african with an indian grand-mother ? And you're not a little bit muslim ? And you believe in free market ? And you like the greek philosophers, and Descartes and La Renaissance paintings ? Oh la la la boy, that's really bad. You are not normal You need some reeducation".

It's grotesque. Time to wake up guys.

The New Zealand First Party is nicknamed the New Zealand Farce Party, because of its populist grandstanding by its leader, Winston Peters. (I'm a Kiwi.) As for unfair immigration policy, RY12, well, Thailand doesn't exactly welcome immigrants with open arms. I know of a married American ex-pat who speaks fluent Thai and has 5 children with her Thai husband, but she still has to report her address to Immigration every 90 days. And of course, in NZ, a Thai can own a company, property etc. with full rights, whereas I can't here.

Australia and New Zealand have a formal immigration policy on migration at a government level, Thailand does not. All countries reserve the right to determine who can reside within their borders.

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