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Hi Keyser, do you use testoviron or other type & how many mg? And how often you inject?

I inject .7ml per week, split between 2 doses, along with 1ml B-12 with each injection.

I am using Depo - Testosterone cypionate.

So you inject twice per week?

That is how many mg per week? what about B12? What is it for?

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I do the monthly sustanon injections along with Pure progesterone cream from Karuma (docsprefer.com) for my HRT. From what I've read, the best way to do test enanthate would be to inject 100mg weekly. I went with sust for the convenience as getting to a clinic is a pain. If the places that sold test enanthate also sold the syringes and needles to inject at home, I might reconsider switching from sust.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Where did you get the injections? Testoviron Depot is easily available in Pattaya, for all those muscle freaks.

So, is 100mg per week better than 250mg per 3 weeks? But that will be too much trouble.


The best test to determine hormone levels is a 24 hour urine test. You collect all urine in a 24 hour period pour into provided containers and send away to be tested. The only draw back very expensive but a very accurate test for hormone levels.


So, is 100mg per week better than 250mg per 3 weeks? But that will be too much trouble.

Of course it is better. The once every 3 weeks suggestion by the manufacturers is all about marketing. Who would buy it if they had to inject it every week? Too much trouble or not, it's the best way. Everyone is always looking for a magic bullet - something to make it easier but the best way is not usually the easiest way.

A fairly conservative happy medium would be to inject 125mg every 10 days, but this is still a stab in the dark. You really should test your response to it by checking your testosterone levels. That will tell you what is the best dose and frequency.

If you use a lower dose more frequently you're less likely to have spikes (above normal range) and that minimizes the risk of too much conversion to estrogen. It's a win-win, but as you say, too much trouble for most people.


The best test to determine hormone levels is a 24 hour urine test. You collect all urine in a 24 hour period pour into provided containers and send away to be tested. The only draw back very expensive but a very accurate test for hormone levels.

Can this be done in Thailand at regular clinics? How much will it cost? What hormones will be tested?


Thanks for clearing up tropo, will need to find some cheaper clinics to do the injection.

About the urine test, may be later, as now my dosage is not too high.

Found something very infomative, for those interested in the injection, make sure to take some sort of AI too, or else you may have "tits".

if you are under 40 age don' uese because while you put teststerone from otside yourypofisis don't work ...

after you may stay long time without sex desire.

If you are 40 YEARS OLDER you can try Sustanon injection, 1 for week for 6 week, and 50 mg./100 mg pills of proviron daily for reduce the problem of rebound.

from 6 week take 100 mg. of pills pills for 3 week:

from 1st to 6th week 1 injection of sustanon 100 mg.

from 1st to 5th week 50 mg. of Proviron daily

from 6th to 9th week 100 mg of provron daily


Thanks for clearing up tropo, will need to find some cheaper clinics to do the injection.

About the urine test, may be later, as now my dosage is not too high.

Found something very infomative, for those interested in the injection, make sure to take some sort of AI too, or else you may have "tits".

if you are under 40 age don' uese because while you put teststerone from otside yourypofisis don't work ...

after you may stay long time without sex desire.

If you are 40 YEARS OLDER you can try Sustanon injection, 1 for week for 6 week, and 50 mg./100 mg pills of proviron daily for reduce the problem of rebound.

from 6 week take 100 mg. of pills pills for 3 week:

from 1st to 6th week 1 injection of sustanon 100 mg.

from 1st to 5th week 50 mg. of Proviron daily

from 6th to 9th week 100 mg of provron daily

That program is absolutely insane. Why would a person require all that proviron when he's only injecting 100 mg of

Sustanon weekly?

It's extremely unlikely that with such a low dose of Sustanon proviron is needed. Don't just mindlessly take proviron because someone on a forum suggests it. Have your estradiol levels checked a few times during the week.

Don't worry about growing tits. It's highly unlikely that's going to happen on 100 mg per week of testosterone. Even if you've got an estrogen problem, there's plenty of warning signs for gynecomastia. They won't grow overnight. There are obvious signs which come first such as itchiness or tenderness.

Now if you intend to use ridiculous doses of 500 mg of Sustanon per week or more, then the doses of proviron recommended above may have some merit - but these doses are well beyond the normal range for TRT.


Thanks for clearing up tropo, will need to find some cheaper clinics to do the injection.

About the urine test, may be later, as now my dosage is not too high.

Found something very infomative, for those interested in the injection, make sure to take some sort of AI too, or else you may have "tits".

if you are under 40 age don' uese because while you put teststerone from otside yourypofisis don't work ...

after you may stay long time without sex desire.

If you are 40 YEARS OLDER you can try Sustanon injection, 1 for week for 6 week, and 50 mg./100 mg pills of proviron daily for reduce the problem of rebound.

from 6 week take 100 mg. of pills pills for 3 week:

from 1st to 6th week 1 injection of sustanon 100 mg.

from 1st to 5th week 50 mg. of Proviron daily

from 6th to 9th week 100 mg of provron daily

That program is absolutely insane. Why would a person require all that proviron when he's only injecting 100 mg of

Sustanon weekly?

It's extremely unlikely that with such a low dose of Sustanon proviron is needed. Don't just mindlessly take proviron because someone on a forum suggests it. Have your estradiol levels checked a few times during the week.

Don't worry about growing tits. It's highly unlikely that's going to happen on 100 mg per week of testosterone. Even if you've got an estrogen problem, there's plenty of warning signs for gynecomastia. They won't grow overnight. There are obvious signs which come first such as itchiness or tenderness.

Now if you intend to use ridiculous doses of 500 mg of Sustanon per week or more, then the doses of proviron recommended above may have some merit - but these doses are well beyond the normal range for TRT.

Somebody told me once,every article you read on the www has been posted with an intent,and that intent is in 99% of the cases pursuit of profit.

So in this case the writer of the article will probably profit from the sale of proviron in one way or another.


Somebody told me once,every article you read on the www has been posted with an intent,and that intent is in 99% of the cases pursuit of profit.

So in this case the writer of the article will probably profit from the sale of proviron in one way or another.

Good point! In this case, although estrogen tests can be a bit expensive, it could save a fortune on proviron, apart from negative side effects from taking such large doses.


Hi Keyser, do you use testoviron or other type & how many mg? And how often you inject?

I inject .7ml per week, split between 2 doses, along with 1ml B-12 with each injection.

I am using Depo - Testosterone cypionate.

So you inject twice per week?

That is how many mg per week? what about B12? What is it for?

Yes, I inject twice a week to spread the dose. The B12 is just something the doctor prescribed in conjunction with the Testosterone injections.

Here is a link on the benefits of B12...



I tried Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) capsules that I bought in Singapore last year, but no effect whatsoever for the 2 months I took them!

Today I bought a jar of Zinc capsules here in Pattaya in a Pharmacy for 219 baht containing 45 capsules Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 15 mg for daily consumption, supposed to be beneficial for sperm quality and increase free Testosterone.

Anyone tried Zinc supplement and did you feel any difference in sexdrive?



Maybe 100mg/wk won't get you boobs, but testoviron converts to estrogen easily, this guy injects 250mg testosterone plus trenbolone enanthate and got his boobs.



guys, I just wanted to share my trenbolone enanthate experience thus far with you all. I have been on it for about 5 weeks and the sides are reallllly bothering me, one I almost never get acne but this stuff is making me breakout on my back and chest for the first time in my life practically. Also each morning after showering i have like 10-15 hairs on my hands..and i notice the thinning in the corners of my hair.. Im only on 250mg/week of this stuff and i have never had these sides on even a gram of test. I ran trenbolone acetate (only for 4 weeks so i cant really come to a complete conclusion) last year and the sides seemed to be much milder. It sucks because im liking the results off this cycle :250mg test testosterone enanthate w/250mg trenbolone enanthate, great vasculairty and getting lean but im not gonna lose my hair just for some freakin Finaplix - trenbolone acetate - . Just wanted to share my results since I havent reallly seeen any posts about trenbolone enanthate.bawling.gif ...im gona just drop the Finaplix - trenbolone acetate - and stick with 250mg of test just to keep some muscle while dieting.

PS..I cant believe i forgot to mention the worst side effect of all im experiecing...i got almost a set of man boobs too...im not taking anything to combat the progestrerone sides but i didnt think it would be neccesary at 250mg...guess i was wrong. This is also my first time getting really noticeable gynecomastia from any drug.




Maybe 100mg/wk won't get you boobs, but testoviron converts to estrogen easily, this guy injects 250mg testosterone plus trenbolone enanthate and got his boobs.

That's totally irrelevant. The guy from the steroid forum you're quoting is a fool.

Trenbolone acetate and trenbolone enanthate are derived from cattle pellets (Finaplix) used to increase the muscle mass of cattle. Anyone who uses these is a fool by default. They are illegal for human injection in nearly every country for a very good reason - they are dangerous drugs and beyond the scope of this forum.

He didn't get bitch tits from testoviron depot, he got it from the nasty combination. What makes it even more ridiculous is that you don't wake up one day with tits. They take time to develop and there's plenty of warning signs which this idiot didn't even notice. At least he's had a good lesson. The only way to get rid of them is surgery. His hair won't come back either.

Here we're discussing TRT or HRT doses of testosterone. As I already mentioned in an earlier post, it's unlikely anyone is going to need more than 100mg of testoviron depot per week. 250mg every 3 weeks is a very common TRT dose recommended doctors, which is only about 80 mg per week. That's not enough to develop tits or to require anti-estrogens.

Get tested. If the testosterone levels are still in the normal range, you don't need it. Find other ways to optimize your levels. It's a one way street. When you start there is no going back.


I tried Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) capsules that I bought in Singapore last year, but no effect whatsoever for the 2 months I took them!

Today I bought a jar of Zinc capsules here in Pattaya in a Pharmacy for 219 baht containing 45 capsules Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 15 mg for daily consumption, supposed to be beneficial for sperm quality and increase free Testosterone.

Anyone tried Zinc supplement and did you feel any difference in sexdrive?


That dosage is too small. And for absorbtion you are better off taking a liquid zinc supplement.

A lot of guys here would probably benefit from looking at their nutritional status rather than using their bodies as testing ground s for the variety of synthetic chemicals that they are happy to pump into their body.


Bought my sustanon at a pharmacy in south Pattaya, but they're not selling it anymore. Cobrabiker, I'll let you know if/when I find a pharmacy that sells it.

I take zinc citrate tablets (50mg) as I heard it has the highest absorbtion rate of all the zincs.


The metagenics of ethical nutrients which is their shop brand has the following:

This is the tablet form.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Tablet

Servings per Container : 60

Amount Per Tablet

Zinc amino acid chelate

Equiv. Elemental Zinc*



Zinc sulfate monohydrate

Equiv. Elemental Zinc*



Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)



Equiv. Elemental Selenium




Bought my sustanon at a pharmacy in south Pattaya, but they're not selling it anymore. Cobrabiker, I'll let you know if/when I find a pharmacy that sells it.

I take zinc citrate tablets (50mg) as I heard it has the highest absorbtion rate of all the zincs.

Sustanon was designed to provide an even blood level with less frequent injections. If you gonna do it once a month it makes sence, if you do it weekly even if you split your monthly dose in 4, it won't make any sence.


This is like dieting in as much as everyone's looking for a quick fix. But like dieting, there are other, more natural ways to improve one's dwindling health issues.

I had absolutely no idea that when a man starts to lose testosterone, it's because its being replaced by the female hormone oestrogen. At least that's what this article on Testosterone issues reads.

Some men need help putting lead in their pencils; others just take the little tablets to get over brewers droop. Medication for testosterone replacement, like all these over-the-shelf fixes for health problems, can and do have potentially severe side effects, so why not try the natural way first – that's what I say.



This is like dieting in as much as everyone's looking for a quick fix. But like dieting, there are other, more natural ways to improve one's dwindling health issues.

I had absolutely no idea that when a man starts to lose testosterone, it's because its being replaced by the female hormone oestrogen. At least that's what this article on Testosterone issues reads.

Some men need help putting lead in their pencils; others just take the little tablets to get over brewers droop. Medication for testosterone replacement, like all these over-the-shelf fixes for health problems, can and do have potentially severe side effects, so why not try the natural way first – that's what I say.


There's no point guessing that the estrogen levels are elevated. Get a test to determine that.

Having said that, it's pretty unlikely if you're over 50 you're going to influence estrogen and testosterone levels by any practical amount by "going natural". The problem with "going natural" is that there are thousands of ideas of what will work and most of it is just plain nonsense.

Supplementing testosterone to normal levels is fast and it's proven.


This is like dieting in as much as everyone's looking for a quick fix. But like dieting, there are other, more natural ways to improve one's dwindling health issues.

I had absolutely no idea that when a man starts to lose testosterone, it's because its being replaced by the female hormone oestrogen. At least that's what this article on Testosterone issues reads.

Some men need help putting lead in their pencils; others just take the little tablets to get over brewers droop. Medication for testosterone replacement, like all these over-the-shelf fixes for health problems, can and do have potentially severe side effects, so why not try the natural way first – that's what I say.


There's no point guessing that the estrogen levels are elevated. Get a test to determine that.

Having said that, it's pretty unlikely if you're over 50 you're going to influence estrogen and testosterone levels by any practical amount by "going natural". The problem with "going natural" is that there are thousands of ideas of what will work and most of it is just plain nonsense.

Supplementing testosterone to normal levels is fast and it's proven.

But there are potentially harmful side effects right? Acne; bitter or odd tastes in the mouth; change in sex drive; fatigue; gum or mouth irritation; gum pain; gum tenderness or swelling; hair loss; headache, to name but a handful.

My point is that there isn't a pill or an injection that cures all, but more often than not there are lifestyle changes that will, but so many people (especially north Americans for some reason, (no disrespect indended)), that are constantly look for armchair solutions to health problems, and there lies the problem a lot of the time - don't you think? This is of course just my opinion, of which I'm entitled.



But there are potentially harmful side effects right? Acne; bitter or odd tastes in the mouth; change in sex drive; fatigue; gum or mouth irritation; gum pain; gum tenderness or swelling; hair loss; headache, to name but a handful.

I think you missed my point. HRT or TRT is a very conservative supplementation aimed to bring testosterone (or other hormones) into the normal, healthy range. Acne and hair loss are the result of people going too high and out of range. The change in sex drive is normally an improvement if the person supplements to a normal healthy range.

What most people don't do is test, test, test. They supplement without a clue what their levels are. Test testosterone levels and estrogen levels often when supplementing. Doctors don't suggest enough testing when offering HRT in most cases... mainly due to cost and convenience factors.

Using a reputable HRT doctor is the best way to go. Not one of these nonsense clinics in Thailand that are just trying to get you to spend as much as possible.

If you read up in this thread a bit you'll find one person who was recommended Testosterone Depot (at a cost of 500 baht per injection) by a clinic here in Thailand even though his testosterone levels were still well within the normal range. This is plain wrong on so many levels I wouldn't know where to begin.

I have to say though that it might have been a case of a person wanting to boost his levels to the high range thinking it was going to turn him into a raging bull... or a person wanting to get big muscles. Also wrong!

  • Like 1

I think you missed my point. HRT or TRT is a very conservative supplementation aimed to bring testosterone (or other hormones) into the normal, healthy range. Acne and hair loss are the result of people going too high and out of range. The change in sex drive is normally an improvement if the person supplements to a normal healthy range.

What most people don't do is test, test, test. They supplement without a clue what their levels are. Test testosterone levels and estrogen levels often when supplementing. Doctors don't suggest enough testing when offering HRT in most cases... mainly due to cost and convenience factors.

Using a reputable HRT doctor is the best way to go. Not one of these nonsense clinics in Thailand that are just trying to get you to spend as much as possible.

If you read up in this thread a bit you'll find one person who was recommended Testosterone Depot (at a cost of 500 baht per injection) by a clinic here in Thailand even though his testosterone levels were still well within the normal range. This is plain wrong on so many levels I wouldn't know where to begin.

I have to say though that it might have been a case of a person wanting to boost his levels to the high range thinking it was going to turn him into a raging bull... or a person wanting to get big muscles. Also wrong!

Hi Tropo.

Thanks for that clarification, you make some very valid points, and sensible observations. I think I was leaning more to the 'I'll go and get me some of that' brigade, probably the same tribe that buys viagra over the counter (also without consultation), and diet pills etc.

I still think that if poor lifestyle (and not simply by getting older), can affect testosterone levels, then why wouldn't someone want to try improving their lifestyle before getting a medical solution. Bit like viagra and its cousins. Many take it simply to prevent brewers droop, but surely it's safer, healthier, and more fun in the sack to be sober when having a bit of how's y' father?

I know a 60 something bloke who had a heart attack in Bkk after taking viagra. He lived to tell the tale, but even so!

According to that article i linked to, low t can be caused by carrying excess weight, not being regular, and binge drinking. So if anyone has been diagnosed as having low testosterone levels and can relate to any of the above, surely that is potentially the course of the problem and not just being 40+.

But good points all round, and thank you for your response ;)



Hi Tropo.

Thanks for that clarification, you make some very valid points, and sensible observations. I think I was leaning more to the 'I'll go and get me some of that' brigade, probably the same tribe that buys viagra over the counter (also without consultation), and diet pills etc.

I still think that if poor lifestyle (and not simply by getting older), can affect testosterone levels, then why wouldn't someone want to try improving their lifestyle before getting a medical solution. Bit like viagra and its cousins. Many take it simply to prevent brewers droop, but surely it's safer, healthier, and more fun in the sack to be sober when having a bit of how's y' father?

I know a 60 something bloke who had a heart attack in Bkk after taking viagra. He lived to tell the tale, but even so!

According to that article i linked to, low t can be caused by carrying excess weight, not being regular, and binge drinking. So if anyone has been diagnosed as having low testosterone levels and can relate to any of the above, surely that is potentially the course of the problem and not just being 40+.

But good points all round, and thank you for your response wink.png


You also bring up some good points. As a health conscious person who doesn't drink or smoke I wasn't mindful enough of people on the other side who inflict a myriad of health problems upon themselves.

TRT is along the same lines as people who take diabetic medication to control blood sugar, people who take drugs to control cholesterol, people who take drugs to lower blood pressure etc. A large percentage of these people would be able to find natural means to overcome their conditions if they could find the motivation.

People normally end up with these chronic conditions after a lifetime of abuse. It's not often they can turn it around naturally.

At some point medication becomes the only option.


Bought my sustanon at a pharmacy in south Pattaya, but they're not selling it anymore. Cobrabiker, I'll let you know if/when I find a pharmacy that sells it.

I take zinc citrate tablets (50mg) as I heard it has the highest absorbtion rate of all the zincs.

Sustanon was designed to provide an even blood level with less frequent injections. If you gonna do it once a month it makes sence, if you do it weekly even if you split your monthly dose in 4, it won't make any sence.

True, but I wasn't talking about taking sustanon weekly. I was talking about taking test enanthate weekly in 100mg doses to keep levels somewhat even. Sustanon is apparently black market here and not so easy to obtain, while test enanthate is legal and everywhere. 250mg per amp of test enanthate is a bit too high of a dose for hrt in my opinion. Therefore the suggestion of weekly injections.


250mg per amp of test enanthate is a bit too high of a dose for hrt in my opinion. Therefore the suggestion of weekly injections.

I think it's more than just an opinion. 250 mg per week would put most people well over the normal range AND increase estrogen past the normal range too.

If anyone doesn't believe it, go ahead and try. I did this for 8 weeks straight and took testosterone and estrogen readings once a week. I spent 1200 baht per week on tests to find out for myself. I have the lab results if anyone disputes it. Both were well over the top of the normal range and climbing by the end of the test run.

100 mg grams per week should be a very good dose. The doctors try to get away with one 250 mg injection every three weeks but that leaves too much of a dip in the 2nd and 3rd weeks. They only do this because people are squeamish about getting frequent injections.

Sustanon for HRT doesn't make any sense at all. Why would you inject short half life esters to maintain longer term testosterone levels.


The best test to determine hormone levels is a 24 hour urine test. You collect all urine in a 24 hour period pour into provided containers and send away to be tested. The only draw back very expensive but a very accurate test for hormone levels.

Can this be done in Thailand at regular clinics? How much will it cost? What hormones will be tested?

Sorry I didn't get back earlier. I donot know about Thailand maybe at Bumrugard Hospital. I did this test in the states and the clinic can test for everything that can be found in your urine. As said earlier very expensive. My ex-girlfriend is a hormone specialist and I preformed the test thru her company. The problem with the blood test is that it is just a moment in time when they draw your blood. Where as the urine test is captured over a 24 hour period. There are also saliva test for testosterone and other hormones. Sorry I donot have the info for Thailand the Dr. in the states is a Dr. Jonathan Wright he has a clinic for life extension treatments. I tested for test, freeT, complete estrogen, dht,and a couple of other things I cannot remember.

250mg per amp of test enanthate is a bit too high of a dose for hrt in my opinion. Therefore the suggestion of weekly injections.

Sustanon for HRT doesn't make any sense at all. Why would you inject short half life esters to maintain longer term testosterone levels.

Good question. I don't know for sure, but the only way this would make sense is if the longer acting esters had slower absorption rates. Otherwise mixing esters seems pointless.

  • 1 month later...
Before you start, you need to get your normal base blood hormone levels measured: testosterone, oestrogen, and FSH. Once done, check on internet and find out if they are in normal range. It may be that your testosterone levels are at the lower end of the normal range, or just outside it. In which case try the treatment. But if your blood hormone levels are already well within normal normal range, don't bother. You are wasting your money and, medically, it could cause some serious medical problems, whatever anyone else may tell you.

If you decide to go ahead, after about three months, have your blood hormone levels measured again. You should find that the testosterone levels have gone up - but also the oestrogen. Ther FSH level should do go down. It is very important to regularly measure hormone blood levels, if you are going to start hormone treatment to ensure they stay within range. They will do it for you at Pattaya International hospital, or Bumrunggrad in Bangkok.

The problem is that there is an aromatising enzyme that converts testosterone to oestrogen, and in some men it is more prominent. You could start developing some female characteristics. It will also speed up balding, unless yo are taking proscar, and there are other possible problems.

If it is well controlled, it's worth trying.

Just adding to what Jessy mentioned...

closedeyes.gif Yes it could cause some serious medical problems, such as Long-term-Mental-Disorder, types of Cancer. That's why it's a control medicine... You should not have it injected unless the testosterone level is too low, and with doctor recommendation!

Seriously Though, my grandpa get it injected, and he has to take extra treatment coz he's got too much of it... sick.gif It doesnt look too good at all, weeks in hospital...

passifier.gif Good Luck too all!

You Better tell Arnie, Sly and Willis...............................

Are injections sold in (LEGIT) pharmacies here?

I was prescribed Nebido injections, but every pharmacy I go to get them acts all weird and say no.

I would rather learn how to do the injections than pay the (insane) fee of 5000thb per injection I was quoted!

  • 4 weeks later...

I just discovered testcomp by Unigen is a Thai approved testosterone blend similar to sustanon, and therefore should be easier to obtain than sustanon for those wanting to supplement testosterone with a single monthly injection.

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