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Living On Us$1000 Per Month


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as far as I am aware Farangs get no interest on deposits

Actually they (I) do get interest on savings account, it's just so small - .75% - to be negligible. However you can get a fixed deposit account with higher yields. I have one at 3% per annum (Bangkok Bank). Not a great amount but beats the .75% that it was getting.

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This thread topic comes up every so often, and the responses always follow the exact same pattern.

I'm not a professional psychologist, but I can discern a common theme.

We all need affirmation of our lives. In the sense of how we live with money.

Those who have more gold chains than Mr. T, an exclusive golf club membership, and an 'ambassadorial-style" residence need to feel they are livin' de life, and not wasting their money....

Those who live on 25K THB a month need to demonstrate that they live within their means, and have a very fulfilling lifestyle.

I would posit that this subject can never be answered, because the answer is different for all of us.

The OP revealed in a later post that he has $600K in current assets, and will be receiving a pension and Social Security at retirement. In other words, he is not an upwardly mobile consumer/posturer, who needs to spend a lot of money to be fulfilled.

Quite the opposite, he sounds like a lot of people I know (mostly from the US) who are totally turned off by the typical consumer society. He could easily afford the finest, should he choose, but he chooses to live frugally. I think this is laudatory....

He states he could double the figure to $2K/mo.

Probably with his resources he could quintuple it to $5K/mo. and still be fine.....but he chooses not to do so. This is a lifestyle choice called "downsizing". The entire rest of the planet is on this crazed "bigger faster better longer....." rush which seemed to be a uniquely American thing for decades, but now has taken on a life of its own everywhere. Soon peasants in China will be driving brand new shiny black Fortuners, with chrome spinner wheels....

All us Yanks will be living on a commune somewhere, growing veggies and getting back in touch with Mother Earth :D

$1000/month plus cost of living increase every year with currency fluctuations will surfice for my regular day needs. I can get transportation and housing from my reserves.

If I decided to stay until "normal" retirement age of 65, I can get a super pension which entitles me around $10,000 per month in current dollars but to me this is waste of my life so I'm going to take the early retirement even with the risk since I have back up finances. I rather enjoy my life while I'm young and healthy with less money than more money at 65 but less healthy and energy.

Thanks everybody for your inputs, positives and negatives.

Edited by Gary74
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Soon peasants in China will be driving brand new shiny black Fortuners, with chrome spinner wheels....

All us Yanks will be living on a commune somewhere, growing veggies and getting back in touch with Mother Earth :D

That's happening already. If the $$ gets any lower there will be no 'Yanks' leaving the US of A.

And you will STILL not be in Thailand :D

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I'm thinking about retiring soon in Chiang Mai. Is US$1000 per month enough to live off? I have no dependents and in good health. I don't need much but enough to enjoy simple things in life.

Yes and No

Unless you have something more in the bank account, you won't be able to get a visa.

I got over $600,000 as of now plus small pension(current $1100/month) at 60 and SSA at 62(current $1500/month). I'm kind of young to retire but will get ED. O visa until I turn 50. I just don't want to work anymore but enjoy the simple finer things in life rather than work my ass off until 65 like my father did and die early.

You are under 50? I have no ideas what an "ED. O" visa is.

600k usd won't help you if you are not married to a Thai and under 50 in getting a visa unless you find some way to invest here (which would be stupid if all you have is 600k)

Have you been to Thailand ever? If so have you spent any real time here?

Go get a double entry tourist visa or something. Come here for a 6 month trip and see if you like it!

As you admit not knowing what an ED.O visa is, why do you go on to offer irrelvant, patronising advice when the OP already told you he can get an ED.O Visa?

Anyway, suggest the following is compulsory reading for anyone wanting to survive on a tight budget in Chiang Mai



now that you know there is no ED.O visa .... care to retract your 'irrelevant' post?
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Equal time, here...

We need to come up with an apt description for the opposite of "Cheap Charlie:"

Extravagant Eddy?

Flashy Floyd?

Spendthrift Sam?

Thriftless Theodore?

Overkill Oliver?


Ostentatious Oscar?

Flaunting Ferdinand?

Struttin' Steve?

Boisterous Billy?

Sedgewick Silver Spoon?

Xavier From Xanadu?

Do we need a poll?

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Equal time, here...

We need to come up with an apt description for the opposite of "Cheap Charlie:"

Extravagant Eddy?

Flashy Floyd?

Spendthrift Sam?

Thriftless Theodore?

Overkill Oliver?


Ostentatious Oscar?

Flaunting Ferdinand?

Struttin' Steve?

Boisterous Billy?

Sedgewick Silver Spoon?

Xavier From Xanadu?

Do we need a poll?

Pretentious Peter

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Equal time, here...

We need to come up with an apt description for the opposite of "Cheap Charlie:"

Extravagant Eddy?

Flashy Floyd?

Spendthrift Sam?

Thriftless Theodore?

Overkill Oliver?


Ostentatious Oscar?

Flaunting Ferdinand?

Struttin' Steve?

Boisterous Billy?

Sedgewick Silver Spoon?

Xavier From Xanadu?

Do we need a poll?

I will gladly use my 100th post to say..........I do not like "Struttin' Steve" :o

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'toptuan' date='2008-04-07 12:56:13' post='1913543']

Equal time, here...

We need to come up with an apt description for the opposite of "Cheap Charlie:"

Big Bucks (Blinky) Bill :o

You mean the Bill Ian Aire?

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I will gladly use my 100th post to say..........I do not like "Struttin' Steve" :D

Would be neat if this were my 1,000th post - it's not but I still second that motion.............. :D

I detailed my monthly budget some while back, but - after 18 months of living the life as a (mostly) single here in Chiang Mai - here's a slightly amended version......... with the usual caveats (FWIW, mileage varies etc etc :o )

Rent (3-BR house close to city) 16,000

Electric 850

Water (mainly for garden - less in rainy season!) 300

Gas 100

Medical/dental 2,000

ADSL 1,000

Cable TV 350

Landline 250

Mobile 250

Car (fuel, tax etc) 2,500

Car insurance 1,560

Motorbike (fuel, tax etc) 200

Food/household 10,000

Sundries 2,500

Visa expenses (proportional) 300

That's a total of just over 38,000 per month basic living costs for an O-A visa mature guy with relatively simple tastes. I choose to live in a good quality (near-Western) house in a quiet area but close to the city - a rental of 10,000 per month here in CM would be a hard call to find something that I would like in terms of space and location. On the other hand, note that the item list doesn't include flights to my former UK "homeland" or more than very local travel around Thailand or a contingency element. Factor at least the last two in (+ probably 2,000 UBC/True satellite rather than the CM cable service TV) and I would say the real figure slides past 50,000 per month to allow for reasonable security and flexible enjoyment/pleasing oneself - very important when you a] are no longer distracted by work and b] feel that you have "earned" this time to enjoy/treat yourself. Not forgetting that I have also spent a bit over one million on "capital items" - car (used), motorbike, fridge, TV, stereo, mobile, DVD, washing machine etc.

So, to answer the OP's orginal question all in all............. $1,000 a month? Nope - but that's me.

Edited by Steve2UK
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Equal time, here...

We need to come up with an apt description for the opposite of "Cheap Charlie:"

Extravagant Eddy?

Flashy Floyd?

Spendthrift Sam?

Thriftless Theodore?

Overkill Oliver?


Ostentatious Oscar?

Flaunting Ferdinand?

Struttin' Steve?

Boisterous Billy?

Sedgewick Silver Spoon?

Xavier From Xanadu?

Do we need a poll?

Pretentious Peter

Bigshot Bob. :o

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Is US$1000 per month enough to live off? I have no dependents and in good health. I don't need much but enough to enjoy simple things in life.....I got over $600,000 as of now .....small pension....at 60 and SSA at 62..... will get ED. O visa until I turn 50. I just don't want to work anymore but enjoy the simple finer things in life rather than work my ass off until 65 like my father did and die early.

I skimmed all the answers and didn't see anyone asking you about the long term. If you know you will die at 65 +/- OK, that is one thing. But life spans are going up to the 80s and 90s. Why lock yourself in to this minimum retirement income? The exchange rate will never be much better, if any better. The odds are it will be worse. And inflation will cause all prices to go up in baht, even if the exchange rate stays stable.

You said "get ED. O visa until I turn 50"...so you are in your 40s? Drop out now and you won't be able to go back if you change you mind in 5 years; your income is set for life (the next 30 to 50 years) unless you want to go back and work at WalMart as a greeter.

Lots of don't/didn't want work any more in our 40s and 50s, but sure glad we did now. Quality of life is the key to whether or not you enjoy retirement. Make sure you know exactly what it takes to give you the minimum life style you could stand for 30 years because you are only going to get one chance to build for the future!

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Are there vineyards in Chiang Mai?

Yes, yes, you should be well off on US$1000 per month, I assume you have no Thai girl, is so forget, mostly likely she will get Greedy AND have a sick mother or grandmother, if this case come about 1000 dollars would be out of the door in a day or so. :D:D:D:D Hope you have a great stay in Chiang Mai, nice Vinyards in the area. :o
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My latest revised expenses living in Chiang Mai:

Car- 10,600

Rent- 8,500

Elec/Water- 3,000

Internet- 1,200

UBC- 2,000

Phone- 1,400

Food- 18,000

Medical- 3,000

Vitamins/Protein Shakes- 4,000

Incidentals- 6,000

TOTAL- 57,700

I'm not really satisfied with this lifestyle. I think if I had another 40,000-50,000 a month coming in, I would easily spend it. Probably take the GF on a few trips, have a few more nights out, maybe move into a nicer place. I have a propensity for foreign food too, so quite easy to spend 1,000 baht a day there.

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When I was a pennyless teacher, I found that one could get some amazingly cheap deals on horizontal enjoyment if one was very polite and convincingly poor. :o

My first year in CM I averaged 12K THB per month. I lived on Thai food but still managed 2 or 3 great nights per week. My greatest memories are from this period. I didn't need a 350 baht steak. 20 baht curry on rice is delicious.

Exactly. Going native is the key. Plenty of locals live comfortable lives on 15,000 baht/month or less.

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1000 $?

Nope! It's about what I need monthly for my cigars directly coming from Cuba...

And then...

Without my private jet, ready to take off at CNX airport, to jump to my sea-side villa in Samui, closeby the ones of Jacky Chan and Madonna, I would feel boring a lot! You know, taking the queue for a "silly" airplane full of smellish tourists, it's not a part of pleasure...

And forget these SUVs and the rest (Toyota Ruiner or others!..). I do like better to choose, for a little tour here around Chiang Mai, between a little good german sport car (my Porsche Carrera GT, that I love to drive by myself) or a pretty cosy british saloon (my spouse's Jaguar, only driven by a discret and consciencious chinese "chauffeur"). OK, in my garage, there are also a couple of bikes, for the fun... One brand new Bimota for the knee-burning and a custom-made Harley Davidson when It's too hot. And you know, I don't trust the dealers "here". So official technicians came specially to flush these vehicles or even change a bulb... I prefer. I feel more quiet... I let under silent what cars and bikes wait me in Samui... Even if some guards care my land 24/24, many robbers could be interested through such a thread... Just imagine...

A simple house? Oh sure, but beware: under 500 sqm in a little land of 150 Rai with river and mountain-view, you cannot feel good... That's the minimum... I hear here and there speaking of 200 or 300 sqm under roof like a "paradise". Let me laugh! For the gardeners, waiters, room-maids that's OK: they can find their places in such surfaces... But for you, please see wide and peaceful! And as advice, don't by a condo or a house by this or that... Only set a strong society with plenty of money, and let it go! Your property will come like "alone"... I cannot explain this longer on this page, sorry... But a good "adviser" will help you...

For other part food and clothes "here" are of a very doubtful quality! Even international brands: just good to garden a little bit in your roses... When dirty, don't wash, better throw to the bin when coming back the library for a drink (only rare whisky directly coming from Scotland and custom-brewed, be aware!)...No, nowadays, some european or american "grandes maisons" can ship directly and very quickly to your door: beef, lamb, goose, salmon, shark, oysters, caviar, champagne...

And let work at your custom sized Dior, Cerruti, Weston and the others... You'll feel better.

OK you pay a little more, and then?.. Better to feel comfortable through ones life, no?

And what about horsing, yachting, golfing, jumping to Tokyo just for a real good sushi?.. What do you want to do for your free-times?.. Please, consider...

To end this post, just between you and I: about sex (my wife is attending "her" spa now, so...), let fall Chiang Mai, Bangkok,Pattaya and the rest. Prefer Samui or Pukhet (easy with your jet ready hey!..), and for quality, healthy and knowledge, don't hesitate about price! For one good and perfect night at your convenience count 30 KBahts... Under this amount, you'll only get the mud of the streets, a quick factory service or a MacDo sex-party... Well, IMO...

No, obviously sure! Up! Up much more!.. Under something like, say, 30000 $ or 1000000 Bahts monthly, you are out... Sorry, but it's the truth. Trust me: no way "here" under this amount!

Reading this thread, I'm really surprised that some farangs can live "here" with less than that. I cannot imagine what they are living... Have they at least a roof of banana leaves over their head at night?..

Well, after all, what I say, you know...

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Exactly, my sentiments precisely! And that is why I most emphatically still choose to live on about 40K/mo. (though I could spend much more).

Had some of that excess baggage previously; your post reminded me of how happy I am without that albatross hanging around my neck.....

Thanks for giving me a moment of bliss, and a very Happy Songkran to you too, as well!

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.

The less intelligent you are, the more you'll need to be "comfortable". Thais survive on 6-8,000 baht a month up here. They're not a different species and they're not all miserable, they're just smarter at using money. You may not come cheap Bill, but if you need 120,000 to be comfortable, I feel sorry for you. A large ego is a large, expensive and pitiful burden.

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.

The less intelligent you are, the more you'll need to be "comfortable". Thais survive on 6-8,000 baht a month up here. They're not a different species and they're not all miserable, they're just smarter at using money. You may not come cheap Bill, but if you need 120,000 to be comfortable, I feel sorry for you. A large ego is a large, expensive and pitiful burden.

also the longer a person is in thailand then they figure out how to buy things at Thai prices and not the inflated Farang pricing.

I do great on 40K a month but a few years ago would have spent considerably more for the same standard because I didn't know some things.

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.

The less intelligent you are, the more you'll need to be "comfortable".

that of course is nothing but utter bullshitยฒ from a "have not". one spends a reasonable amount money which is available and that no matter whether it's 200 Baht or 10,000 Baht a day :o

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.

The less intelligent you are, the more you'll need to be "comfortable". Thais survive on 6-8,000 baht a month up here. They're not a different species and they're not all miserable, they're just smarter at using money. You may not come cheap Bill, but if you need 120,000 to be comfortable, I feel sorry for you. A large ego is a large, expensive and pitiful burden.

Thankyou for your sentiments baden511, however I will continue to live in the manner to which I am accustomed despite what you think.

You refer to a large ego. Are you suggesting that I have a large ego? You are entitled, like everyone else, to have your own opinion. My friends don't find me pitiful, in fact, quite the opposite. I am quite generous to those around me. I don't believe I have a big ego, but that's my opinion to which I am entiltled.

I don't need to live on 30,000 baht a month so why should I imposed restrictions on my lifestyle. It's my life and I'll live it as I see fit.

Incidentally where did you see me quote how much I live on per month?

Hey this is your first post? Welcome, although it you 5 months to work up to posting.

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Incidentally where did you see me quote how much I live on per month?

Being presumptuous would be by guess. I don't get where ego or intelligence is equated with one's desired standard of living and the recent remark borders on trolling.

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Today's New York Times travel section has a article called "36 Hours in Chiang Mai".


Did you know you can get a traditional Thai massage for 1,900 baht?

Dinner for two can be as little as 1,000 baht.

Hotel rooms are available at 4,100 baht for the cheap charlies or 10,890 - 280,000 for those who need more comfort.


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