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Are You On The Piss To Much And Wanna Cut Down?

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How to Cut Down on Your Drinking

If you are drinking too much, you can improve your life and health by cutting down. How do you know if you drink too much? Read these questions and answer "yes" or "no":

Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad?

Does your drinking ever make you late for work?

Does your drinking worry your family?

Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't?

Do you ever forget what you did while you were drinking?

Do you get headaches or have a hang-over after you have been drinking?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may have a drinking problem. Check with your doctor to be sure. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether you should cut down or abstain. If you are alcoholic or have other medical problems, you should not just cut down on your drinking--you should stop drinking completely. Your doctor will advise you about what is right for you.

If your doctor tells you to cut down on your drinking, these steps can help you:

1. Write your reasons for cutting down or stopping.

Why do you want to drink less? There are many reasons why you may want to cut down or stop drinking. You may want to improve your health, sleep better, or get along better with your family or friends. Make a list of the reasons you want to drink less.

2. Set a drinking goal.

Choose a limit for how much you will drink. You may choose to cut down or not to drink at all. If you are cutting down, keep below these limits:

Women: No more than one drink a day

Men: No more than two drinks a day

A drink is:

a 12-ounce bottle of beer;

a 5-ounce glass of wine; or

a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor.

These limits may be too high for some people who have certain medical problems or who are older. Talk with your doctor about the limit that is right for you.

Now--write your drinking goal on a piece of paper. Put it where you can see it, such as on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Your paper might look like this:

My drinking goal

I will start on this day ____________.

I will not drink more than ______ drinks in 1 day.

I will not drink more than ______ drinks in 1 week.


I will stop drinking alcohol.

3. Keep a "diary" of your drinking.

To help you reach your goal, keep a "diary" of your drinking. For example, write down every time you have a drink for 1 week. Try to keep your diary for 3 or 4 weeks. This will show you how much you drink and when. You may be surprised. How different is your goal from the amount you drink now? Use the "drinking diary" below to write down when you drink.

Now you know why you want to drink less and you have a goal. There are many ways you can help yourself to cut down. Try these tips:

Watch it at home.

Keep a small amount or no alcohol at home. Don't keep temptations around.

Drink slowly.

When you drink, sip your drink slowly. Take a break of 1 hour between drinks. Drink soda, water, or juice after a drink with alcohol. Do not drink on an empty stomach! Eat food when you are drinking.

Take a break from alcohol.

Pick a day or two each week when you will not drink at all. Then, try to stop drinking for 1 week. Think about how you feel physically and emotionally on these days. When you succeed and feel better, you may find it easier to cut down for good.

Learn how to say NO.

You do not have to drink when other people drink. You do not have to take a drink that is given to you. Practice ways to say no politely. For example, you can tell people you feel better when you drink less. Stay away from people who give you a hard time about not drinking.

Stay active.

What would you like to do instead of drinking? Use the time and money spent on drinking to do something fun with your family or friends. Go out to eat, see a movie, or play sports or a game.

Get support.

Cutting down on your drinking may be difficult at times. Ask your family and friends for support to help you reach your goal. Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble cutting down. Get the help you need to reach your goal.

Watch out for temptations.

Watch out for people, places, or times that make you drink, even if you do not want to. Stay away from people who drink a lot or bars where you used to go. Plan ahead of time what you will do to avoid drinking when you are tempted.

Do not drink when you are angry or upset or have a bad day. These are habits you need to break if you want to drink less.


Most people do not cut down or give up drinking all at once. Just like a diet, it is not easy to change. That is okay. If you do not reach your goal the first time, try again. Remember, get support from people who care about you and want to help. Do not give up!


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Are You On The Piss To Much And Wanna Cut Down?

Must be my lousy English, I thought "do you piss too much...."

Wanted to say, 'Yes, after too many beers".

No joke, Singha has got a lot of water in there.


A friend of mine had a heart attach a few years ago.It was mainly stress related.after he got the all clear from his doc, he asked him "how much beer am I Allowed now" Doc replied "About 2-3 cans a week" Mate replied "Christ, I used to spill more than that!"... :o

No joke, Singha has got a lot of water in there.

LOL..... :)

Axel, :o Good point. :D

I just chilled out on this one. :)

Once it floated (the ice that is) I tossed it out… :wub:

Nobody Kan Win every time !!!! This one was a case of T.i.T :D

And to you all, please do not forget to read the signature at the bottom of my posts:- :D

Happy Days to you all… -_-:D:(


I prefer the honesty of the M*A*S*H approach ...

Army Psychologist: Do you drink?

'Hawkeye' Pierce: Only to excess!


If you are drinking too much, you can improve your life and health by cutting down.

What is too much?

As Richard Burton put it:

"I drink to make people bearable'


"If only I could get a hangover, I would not drink so much"



:D :D

As Winston Churchill once remarked to a lady that said something like this to him............... :(

“Sir you are P*ssed” -_- and Win-ston said “and Madam you are ugly :) , but in the morning one Kan be sober :o , but you Madam will always be Ugly” LOL :D



Good topic 12Call!

I certainly have had more than my fair share of drinking problems.

I have met a lot more alcoholics/heavy drinkers in Thailand than anywhere else in the world. If I could only help my Thai in-laws/work colleagues/friends to stop/cut down.

Alcohol abuse is very serious, and often fatal. I have absolutely no doubts that if I hadn't quit a few years back, I would be dead. Then again two bottles of Sang Thip a day(every day) or around 10 big Changs, would probably kill anyone after a number of years.

www.aathailand.org would seem the best place for advice.

I've always gotten more out of drinking, than drinking has gotten out of me.


Surely he would never have said 'gotten'!!


Lots of jokes from members about a topic that ought to be taken more seriously...

I used to drink quite a lot, with lots of wine and Guinness. Tasted great, but when I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a fat, middle-aged farang :D

So I cut out the wine, cut down on the beer, and started to exercise each day.

Now I feel 100 times better in my own health (except my elbow!).

What's more, when I go to the go-go bars, all the pretty girls sitting with the fat guys just drop them like a shot and are sitting on my lap in 3 seconds :o

Seriously, next time you strip off, look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Does drinking really help you look good and feel good??


I drank like a fish up until 50 two years ago. Recovery time just became to much to deal with.

I still really like the sauce but just can't handle the side effects any more.

Now it's one or two beers or glasses of wine.

Or a couple Tanqueray and Tonics. I can still handle a double T&T with no bad side effects.

Also 400 mgs of Milk Thystle at bed time every night..

I have met a lot more alcoholics/heavy drinkers in Thailand than anywhere else in the world.

Neeranam, you are absolutely right, except for your quoted statement.

For reasons I am def. too young to remember the consumption of alcohol all over Asia is by far too high.

This might have to do with the old colonial spirit, "Too far to East? A bottle of gin keeps the mossies away".

Before I went first time to Asia my old father in law warned me of the dangers of gin in the colonies or any hot country. (nice chap, should have married him i.o. of his daughter :o and he was Swiss not English) I followed his advice, no gin, Whiskey ok.

However, I found out one thing over the years. Never drink more than you can stand, stop drinking while you are still able to stand and let somebody else swallow.

QUOTE (Neeranam @ Mon 2004-10-04, 22:40:39)

I have met a lot more alcoholics/heavy drinkers in Thailand than anywhere else in the world. 

simon43, you are absolutely right, except for your quoted statement.

For reasons I am def. too young to remember the consumption of alcohol all over Asia is by far too high.

This might have to do with the old colonial spirit, "Too far to East? A bottle of gin keeps the mossies away".

Before I went first time to Asia my old father in law warned me of the dangers of gin in the colonies or any hot country. (nice chap, should have married him i.o. of his daughter  and he was Swiss not English) I followed his advice, no gin, Whiskey ok.

However, I found out one thing over the years. Never drink more than you can stand, stop drining while you are still capable (to stand) and let somebody else swallow.



Axel, that was what I said, not Simon 43.

I meant Thais in particular, especially upcountry.

Khon Kaen has the highest %age of liver disease anywhere in the world!

Axel, that was what I said, not Simon 43.

I meant Thais in particular, especially upcountry.

Khon Kaen has the highest %age of liver disease anywhere in the world!

Neeranam, sorry bout this, You commented while I was still editing my post. :o

I am sorry Axel.

Don't know how that hapened.

No, my mistake. AFTER posting I realized something wrong, checked and edited.

While doing that you saw the original post, before I did repost the edited version.

Ah, hightech.... :o

... and I did not use the 'edited by....' feature.

I've always gotten more out of drinking, than drinking has gotten out of me.



All I wanted to do was do Chill out (Chur-Cill :(:):D )??? :o

Opps.................. :wub:

Shame you missed that one :D


Yeah drinking is not a joke. Well, it seems a joke when u are a teenager or in your twenties. But, then old age catches up with you. Before i moved to Thailand , i was a few beers man, and on weekends do the binge thing . But now, drink beer everyday, average about 3, 630ml bottles of Singha a night. The waist line is starting to show . I think the climate has alot to do with it. At the end of the day you are as parched as a lizard and a cold beer feels like heaven :o

I work out everday, swim and run, but have a bucket of ice with a cold singha in the car which i drain in one go. Oh well, i know my liver is suffering .Funny thing is my Thai family don't seem to find, they think it is better than whisky.

Where is Kevin? Haven't seen him around for a long time and his advice , insight into drinking is good

All I wanted to do was do Chill out (Chur-Cill :wub::(:D )??? :o


Shame you missed that one


Now I feel 100 times better in my own health (except my elbow!).

I guess it's tennis elbow that you have. Mind you that it's still better than having golf balls.


Hangovers are too awful in this heat. I figured my tolerance (along with my water intake) has gone to shit. It was either quit drinking altogether, or start consuming on a regular basis. I considered the alternatives...and after a few beers later, came to my senses.

Beer is good,

in moderate amounts on an hourly basis.

Lots of jokes from members about a topic that ought to be taken more seriously...

I used to drink quite a lot, with lots of wine and Guinness. Tasted great, but when I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a fat, middle-aged farang :o

Hi Simon,

Your post makes sense and I didn't mean to make light of what can be a serious topic. However the original post makes an assumption that most people in Thailand, or expats in particuular, drink too much. For that I did take a little liberty with levity in the reply.

For me drinking is not a problem. I'll occasionally tie one on but my average consumption is less than one drink per day. I can also hold my liquor quite well within limits and don't go through drastic personality changes when I get a shine on.

I agree that being overweight and middle-aged is not a good thing (as I am the same as you once were). Drinking is not a cause of being overweight in and of itself. I'm heavy because of diet and exercise habits which could always be better.

Drinking a lot by some is considered drinking in moderation by others, and being a total alkie by others still. I think it is a personal thing, so long as you can handle it personally. When one has to be baby-sat by another, or gets out of line when loaded, or lets drinking get in the way of life's priorities, then yes that is a problem that needs to be dealt with and someone besides the person usually has to do it.



Good topic 12Call!

I certainly have had more than my fair share of drinking problems.

I have met a lot more alcoholics/heavy drinkers in Thailand than anywhere else in the world. If I could only help my Thai in-laws/work colleagues/friends to stop/cut down.

Alcohol abuse is very serious, and often fatal. I have absolutely no doubts that if I hadn't quit a few years back, I would be dead. Then again two bottles of Sang Thip a day(every day) or around 10 big Changs, would probably kill anyone after a number of years.

www.aathailand.org would seem the best place for advice.

I've always gotten more out of drinking, than drinking has gotten out of me.


Surely he would never have said 'gotten'!!

Winnie would never, ever, have said gotten. :o

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