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After much deliberation I have decided to get the Canon 40D. I have 50mm and a 28-108 USM Canon lenses for an old Canon EOS SLR. Can anyone tell me if these lenses will operate with the 40D ok. If not i would appreciate advice on lenses for the new camera....for general purpose work and for macro as this is my prime interest. My budget is not unlimited :o .

I have looked at a lot of lenses but must admit that i am now getting a bit confused...so help from anyone with hands on experience would sure be appreciated.



Can't answer your question about the old lenses, but the Canon 100mm Macro is a fine lens and not desperately expensive at around 18,000 baht.

For a good walk-round lens the 24-105L is excellent, but it will cost you around 35k. You can buy cheaper lenses but, from my experience, you will not be happy with the image quality and will eventually upgrade to L quality lenses.

Good luck with the 40D, it is a fantastic camera.

Can't answer your question about the old lenses, but the Canon 100mm Macro is a fine lens and not desperately expensive at around 18,000 baht.

For a good walk-round lens the 24-105L is excellent, but it will cost you around 35k. You can buy cheaper lenses but, from my experience, you will not be happy with the image quality and will eventually upgrade to L quality lenses.

Good luck with the 40D, it is a fantastic camera.

Thanks for the information hughden. Both of the lenses you mention were on my probable list...but at 44000bt (local quote)the 24-105 might have to wait. Yes, I can't wait to pick up the new camera.


If your budget is a little limited try the 17-40 L which will equate to 28-70 on a 1.6 cropped sensor and will be a very useful walk about lens.

For your macro interest the 100mm macro, as hughden points out, is a very fine lens and also no slouch for non-macro use.

Both of these lenses are "affordable" and will get the best out of your 40D

Your current lenses are indeed usable but will not match the above - maybe try to part ex them?

Good luck to you


I bought my 40D with the 17-85mm lens and then added a 10-22mm for real wide work.

The next one on my shopping list is the 70-200L IS USM. :o

Also have a very old EOS 28-70mm, one of the first EOS lenses,

and that functions without a hitch.

If your budget is a little limited try the 17-40 L which will equate to 28-70 on a 1.6 cropped sensor and will be a very useful walk about lens.

True, it's an excellent lens (albeit inexpensive for L), very sharp edge to edges with minimal aberration and vignetting. You would find the focal length of 17-40 useful as a wide-angle zoom even when you decide to replace 40D with a full-frame sensor SLR. Compact and light weight so ideal for travel photography too.


Thanks for all the helpful replies. I will get the EF 100 Macro and think longer on another. What are some forum opinions on the 17-85 mm IS USM that comes packaged with a lot of 40D's? I have read reviews from great to very negative.



I am happy with my 17-85mm.

I think the negative comments were about the 17-55mm lens bundled with the 350D and400D.

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