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Conversation About ........anything Required!


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Hello ladies ......and all you naughty men who shouldnt be reading these posts..... you should be disgusted with yourselves :D

My names Mike. :o I moved to Thailand from the UK last year after many years of us visiting for 3 or 4 months per time.... my heart seemed to feel more comfortable here.

I was right. ....... I love the land, her culture and people & I really do miss very little from my homeland ....... except.....

Conversation..... good, deep conversation about .......anything and nothing really!

I'm obsessed with music ...... I crave to talk about lyrical content, movies, arts, culture, food etc.... and maybe some good old political world bashing!

I feel ........ lost!

My wife is Thai and tries extremly hard to understand my "strange views on life" but, as anyone who has been here for a while knows, our cultures are very different. My personality has been likened to that of Billy Connolly's.... with a little Larry David thrown in so this makes it even harder for Thai people to connect!

Please dont take this post the wrong way people.... I'm 39 years old and very happily married.

So .... why the ladies forum? .........you beast!

Well .....in the Uk my friends are a very mixed bunch but I tended to have more time and better conversations with females..... just the way I am I suppose. Most men seem to keep the part of my small brain thats open to stimulating conversation ...... firmly closed!! ... and no I'm not gay!

Plus ... most of the men here eventually only want to talk about one thing ..... something that interested me for a day or so when I was a single young man........ but please, please..... can we talk about something else?

Anyway......... I'm kind, have a good heart, extremly funny with half a beer in my stomach and a loyal friend.........

So .... anyone on here fancy a chat, a beer, or just generally need to talk to or at someone.... please feel free to drop me a line!

All the best and enjoy Thailand!

Mike. :D

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start a discussion thread here..choose a topic, choose several.... they generally generate some interesting discussion if placed in the right forum

the ladies often discuss books and other current affairs topic

if you are interested in politics of the region check out the south east asia sub forum. interesting discussions without it getting into slander there

or write a blog. thaivisa also has that feature ...works well if you want comments from readers. with thaivisa blog you have a somewhat captive audience....once you post on the blog, let people know in this thread. but Id suggest making the title a bit more specific so it gets peoples interest


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i agree that you should write a blog. it's very therapeutic to write about whatever you feel like. if you allow the comments function you can even have a 2-way conversation with your readers! try blogger.com.

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