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Great.... Beggar Bashing... TV's "finest(?)" on a topic that makes them feel good about themselves.

I don't see many posters bashing the man here, and from people's experiences of this man it doesn't seem like he is begging either. Perhaps it's time you changed the record in accordance to the topic and the responses GH.

Post 2. Post 3. Post 11. Post 22. Post 29....... What was that about changing the record?

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Great.... Beggar Bashing... TV's "finest(?)" on a topic that makes them feel good about themselves.

I don't see many posters bashing the man here, and from people's experiences of this man it doesn't seem like he is begging either. Perhaps it's time you changed the record in accordance to the topic and the responses GH.

Post 2. Post 3. Post 11. Post 22. Post 29....... What was that about changing the record?

I just read 2 & 11 and didn't realize they were bashing beggars. I think you are still listening to a different tune.

He should be chased off the streets. He's a disgrace, and he's giving us all a bad name. He has no business being in Thailand. Send him back where he came from (Finland, i believe), and all others like him.

No. you are giving you a bad name. Mean-spiritedness is not a very attractive trait in a human.


Sad story, but as long as one doesn't know any background story, it's difficult to tell, he won't be long on the road and then it's so easy to judge others, isn't it?

Man U, huh?

People get off the rails trough heavy traumatic experiences, broken relationship, love, madame gone astray, gambling... some can handle, some can't.



The mans ears must be burning! Walked past the area a couple of times yesterday and again this morning on the way in to work and failed to locate him at all. I'm there for a couple more days, if I spot him I will see if I can shed some more light on his background. Thanks to those who have PM me. It seems that there is a great difference in opinion regarding farang who are hard up here in LOS. I guess none of us know what might befall us in the future. Sometimes I feel that if there is no compassion then the best course of action is to just let it go. Afterall, you never know what might come back to haunt you in the land of instant Karma.

For the poster who pointed out my 'sole' instead of 'soul' spelling error. You would probably change your tuna if you knew that in 'school' I was put in a special grouper as they discovered that I was hard of herring and didnt know my plaice. I used to bream of the day when things would change, thinking 'arowana is to be normal' but all I did was flounder. Man I need to get out more. Over and trout.

I was previously homeless, and I compliment the OP on his compassion and concern for another human being. I think, as suggested already, the best thing to do would be to talk to the guy when you are without pram. I would imagine that homeless on the street of a foreign country, where you might not know the language, must be a scary place to be. Anybody can end up in this position.

A few years ago I got into a terrible place with my addiction to alcohol and other things. I used to hang around Pat Pong and the most compassionate people around were the bar-girls - I could write a book about that! One morning after I had been robbed and was so desparate to get my next fix that I approached a fellow drinking coffee and asked for some money - he told me to f*c* off and get a job. Another guy came over and asked me what the problem was. I told him the truth - he took me to a local hospital and put in contact with people that saved my life. A little bit of compassion can unbelievably change MANY people's lives.

Never lose hope in the hopeless.

The mans ears must be burning! Walked past the area a couple of times yesterday and again this morning on the way in to work and failed to locate him at all. I'm there for a couple more days, if I spot him I will see if I can shed some more light on his background. Thanks to those who have PM me. It seems that there is a great difference in opinion regarding farang who are hard up here in LOS. I guess none of us know what might befall us in the future. Sometimes I feel that if there is no compassion then the best course of action is to just let it go. Afterall, you never know what might come back to haunt you in the land of instant Karma.

For the poster who pointed out my 'sole' instead of 'soul' spelling error. You would probably change your tuna if you knew that in 'school' I was put in a special grouper as they discovered that I was hard of herring and didnt know my plaice. I used to bream of the day when things would change, thinking 'arowana is to be normal' but all I did was flounder. Man I need to get out more. Over and trout.



"For the poster who pointed out my 'sole' instead of 'soul' spelling error. You would probably change your tuna if you knew that in 'school' I was put in a special grouper as they discovered that I was hard of herring and didnt know my plaice. I used to bream of the day when things would change, thinking 'arowana is to be normal' but all I did was flounder. Man I need to get out more. Over and trout. "

I guess you're having a whale of a good time.

so are you just going to blabber on and on about compassion or are you actually going to give him money, buy him a round, or take him home and bath him? this will make an interesting trip report.

Nah, I think I will just blabber on and on mate. Just re read my previous post and became so weighed down with my own piety and pseudo kindness that I wanted to jump out of the window. Thanks for taking the time to try and ridicule someone who actually cares.

Basically I am at work now and walked down Soi 5 this morning looking for him to see if he needed anything as I was on my own but he was no where to be seen. I checked the derelict area but that was locked up, and he wasnt on the paving area where I had seen him before. So I got in to work and posted something here to see if anyone knew the score as I will be passing by this evening. Now I know that he is a regular there I will take him some food.

Thanks to the poster who knows about him and took the time to answer my question.

Excellent post tourleader.

I was previously homeless, and I compliment the OP on his compassion and concern for another human being. I think, as suggested already, the best thing to do would be to talk to the guy when you are without pram. I would imagine that homeless on the street of a foreign country, where you might not know the language, must be a scary place to be. Anybody can end up in this position.

A few years ago I got into a terrible place with my addiction to alcohol and other things. I used to hang around Pat Pong and the most compassionate people around were the bar-girls - I could write a book about that! One morning after I had been robbed and was so desparate to get my next fix that I approached a fellow drinking coffee and asked for some money - he told me to f*c* off and get a job. Another guy came over and asked me what the problem was. I told him the truth - he took me to a local hospital and put in contact with people that saved my life. A little bit of compassion can unbelievably change MANY people's lives.

Never lose hope in the hopeless.

Priceless advice, as much for the almightier-than-thou cynics out there.

For the poster who pointed out my 'sole' instead of 'soul' spelling error.

I fear you have mis-Plaiced my meaning, it was a little bit of a Red Herring, but seriously, I am the last man to critisize someones spelling, it was a poor attempt at humour nothing more.

You would probably change your tuna if you knew that in 'school' I was put in a special grouper as they discovered that I was hard of herring and didnt know my plaice. I used to bream of the day when things would change, thinking 'arowana is to be normal' but all I did was flounder. Man I need to get out more. Over and trout.



I was previously homeless, and I compliment the OP on his compassion and concern for another human being. I think, as suggested already, the best thing to do would be to talk to the guy when you are without pram. I would imagine that homeless on the street of a foreign country, where you might not know the language, must be a scary place to be. Anybody can end up in this position.

A few years ago I got into a terrible place with my addiction to alcohol and other things. I used to hang around Pat Pong and the most compassionate people around were the bar-girls - I could write a book about that! One morning after I had been robbed and was so desparate to get my next fix that I approached a fellow drinking coffee and asked for some money - he told me to f*c* off and get a job. Another guy came over and asked me what the problem was. I told him the truth - he took me to a local hospital and put in contact with people that saved my life. A little bit of compassion can unbelievably change MANY people's lives.

Never lose hope in the hopeless.

Two very good posts ^^

And things can change very quickly - I was never addicted to anything but did need help paying off debts and getting home after a failed business venture etc - I was helped out by good friends who got me home and a new start - bar girls also paid for food for me even though I could pay for my meals but they knew I was a bit skint.

A few years later i am back in Asia in a very good job flying around the region and the world in a better position than i was before - as you say never lose hope and never say you might never need help and do not forget those that helped you or that others might need it too.

Great.... Beggar Bashing... TV's "finest(?)" on a topic that makes them feel good about themselves.

I don't see many posters bashing the man here, and from people's experiences of this man it doesn't seem like he is begging either. Perhaps it's time you changed the record in accordance to the topic and the responses GH.

Post 2. Post 3. Post 11. Post 22. Post 29....... What was that about changing the record?

Not many for this type of subject though. You'd be enjoying much were if there was some more beggar bashing I know, because then it would give you a chance to bash some more posters. :o

Most posts here have been quite compassionate don't you think?

even if i was an alcoholic i dont think i could stand to hang around patpong.

it Used To Be Good Years Ago - The Most Beautiful Women In thailand Came from There

For the poster who pointed out my 'sole' instead of 'soul' spelling error. You would probably change your tuna if you knew that in 'school' I was put in a special grouper as they discovered that I was hard of herring and didnt know my plaice. I used to bream of the day when things would change, thinking 'arowana is to be normal' but all I did was flounder. Man I need to get out more. Over and trout.


Excellent! :D

so are you just going to blabber on and on about compassion or are you actually going to give him money, buy him a round, or take him home and bath him? this will make an interesting trip report.

Nah, I think I will just blabber on and on mate. Just re read my previous post and became so weighed down with my own piety and pseudo kindness that I wanted to jump out of the window. Thanks for taking the time to try and ridicule someone who actually cares.

Basically I am at work now and walked down Soi 5 this morning looking for him to see if he needed anything as I was on my own but he was no where to be seen. I checked the derelict area but that was locked up, and he wasnt on the paving area where I had seen him before. So I got in to work and posted something here to see if anyone knew the score as I will be passing by this evening. Now I know that he is a regular there I will take him some food.

Thanks to the poster who knows about him and took the time to answer my question.

When I was 21 years old back in 1973 England, used to commute every day on the London Underground trains.

For those who don't know London, there is a London tube station named: Stepney Green in East London. I got off a train at that station to get another connecting train, when I noticed a man about in his 40s lying unconscious on the platform. Commuters were just ignoring him. I ran upstairs to the Stationmaster and asked, can anyone check out this guy to see if he is all right. The stationmaster relied, ah, just leave it, the guy is probably drunk, he'll wake up later and go home.

I wasn't convinced and literally grabbed hold of a policeman who luckily was walking just outside the station. It transpired that the unconscious guy was actually an office worker on his way home from work and suffered a heart attack. The policeman called an ambulance, the man survived, thanks to me.

You were absolutely right to be concerned, as no matter what some morons may say in these posts, the obvious isn't always the fact.

Maybe someday one of these posters or a person nearest and dearest to them may require assistance and wonder why no one bothered to help.

When I was 21 years old back in 1973 England, used to commute every day on the London Underground trains.

For those who don't know London, there is a London tube station named: Stepney Green in East London. I got off a train at that station to get another connecting train, when I noticed a man about in his 40s lying unconscious on the platform. Commuters were just ignoring him. I ran upstairs to the Stationmaster and asked, can anyone check out this guy to see if he is all right. The stationmaster relied, ah, just leave it, the guy is probably drunk, he'll wake up later and go home.

I wasn't convinced and literally grabbed hold of a policeman who luckily was walking just outside the station. It transpired that the unconscious guy was actually an office worker on his way home from work and suffered a heart attack. The policeman called an ambulance, the man survived, thanks to me.

You were absolutely right to be concerned, as no matter what some morons may say in these posts, the obvious isn't always the fact.

Maybe someday one of these posters or a person nearest and dearest to them may require assistance and wonder why no one bothered to help.

This guy does not resemble an office worker.

We all make decisions in life that and decide the path we follow.

don't be so hard on yourself.

The good thing about getting your life in a mess when you are relatively young is that you can still turn everything around. This is what I did. Unfortunately this doesn't happen for some people. These are many scumbags out there who don't even realise it, and these are the guys I really feel sorry for. These fellas go through life thinking they are 'normal', but their internal turmoil shows itself in other ways - usually to the detriment of other people.

You have a nice day.

don't be so hard on yourself.

The good thing about getting your life in a mess when you are relatively young is that you can still turn everything around. This is what I did. Unfortunately this doesn't happen for some people. These are many scumbags out there who don't even realise it, and these are the guys I really feel sorry for. These fellas go through life thinking they are 'normal', but their internal turmoil shows itself in other ways - usually to the detriment of other people.

You have a nice day.

I hear what you are saying. They become so lost in their own 'private little world' and make little forays into reality. What contributions they make leave them feeling very proud of themselves and yet others look on with a mixture of pity and bemusement. One would like to help them, but where does one start? They often don't realise they need help, sitting in their own happy little world planning the next contribution that would make them noticed. If only they switched, as they often have time on their hands to help others, they could do so much good. Instead they come back with another quip, feeling aloof yet not realising how far down they have slid.

What is great is that all have their contributions to make. Some do profound good, others do nothing but create white noise which is used as a yardstick to measure others successes.


There is an area in Bangkok that is home base for quite a few farangs. (Name best unmentioned). We had a guy who was down on his luck with no hope to recover. We took up a collection for him so he could pay for his airfare home. He DIDN'T go home but he did get sicker and got in worse physical condition. A little meeting was held and another collection was taken up. This time an air ticket was purchased and he was escorted to the airport. Helping some people back fires and actually hurts them. They got in that condition because they had no sense to start with.

don't be so hard on yourself.

The good thing about getting your life in a mess when you are relatively young is that you can still turn everything around. This is what I did. Unfortunately this doesn't happen for some people. These are many scumbags out there who don't even realise it, and these are the guys I really feel sorry for. These fellas go through life thinking they are 'normal', but their internal turmoil shows itself in other ways - usually to the detriment of other people.

You have a nice day.

I hear what you are saying. They become so lost in their own 'private little world' and make little forays into reality. What contributions they make leave them feeling very proud of themselves and yet others look on with a mixture of pity and bemusement. One would like to help them, but where does one start? They often don't realise they need help, sitting in their own happy little world planning the next contribution that would make them noticed. If only they switched, as they often have time on their hands to help others, they could do so much good. Instead they come back with another quip, feeling aloof yet not realising how far down they have slid.

What is great is that all have their contributions to make. Some do profound good, others do nothing but create white noise which is used as a yardstick to measure others successes.

Guys, I wouldn't be so worried, YoungFarang13, is obvioulsy that. He's looking for a super expensive condo next to Asoke BTS (read post, I'm gonna be in Soi Cowboy every night for the next 5 years), he's already worried why so many Thai's and farang's look at him walking around with girls 2 days out school from Nakorn Nowhere, dressed in 150 grams of lycra, on their 1st day in Bangkok.

At the moment he's a world beater, in his 20's, handsome(he knows so coz BG's tell him), wise as any old dog, and on his way to being America's richest guy(as we know that's the way to do it, LIVE IN BANGKOK).

don't be so hard on yourself.

The good thing about getting your life in a mess when you are relatively young is that you can still turn everything around. This is what I did. Unfortunately this doesn't happen for some people. These are many scumbags out there who don't even realise it, and these are the guys I really feel sorry for. These fellas go through life thinking they are 'normal', but their internal turmoil shows itself in other ways - usually to the detriment of other people.

You have a nice day.

I hear what you are saying. They become so lost in their own 'private little world' and make little forays into reality. What contributions they make leave them feeling very proud of themselves and yet others look on with a mixture of pity and bemusement. One would like to help them, but where does one start? They often don't realise they need help, sitting in their own happy little world planning the next contribution that would make them noticed. If only they switched, as they often have time on their hands to help others, they could do so much good. Instead they come back with another quip, feeling aloof yet not realising how far down they have slid.

What is great is that all have their contributions to make. Some do profound good, others do nothing but create white noise which is used as a yardstick to measure others successes.

it seems like you would be better off trying to help those who are actually trying to help themselves. Considering all the advantages people born with white faces and a Western passport have here, like being a shower, shave and outfit away from a 20-30K baht/month job how many Thais have that option, you would have to be really messed up to find yourself living on the streets of Bangkok. What some people call 'luck' is just the result of one's choices. You'll notice how some people walk through life with shit constantly falling out of the sky and landing on them.

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