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British/Filipina Couple Flee To Thailand From Adultery Arrest In Philippines

sriracha john

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"A Wiltshire man has gone on the run in Thailand after being sentenced to jail in the Philippines for breaking the country's strict adultery laws.

David Scott, who fled to Thailand with his Filipina partner Cynthia Delfino, was facing a nine year prison sentence.

Under Philippine law it is illegal to have a relationship with a married man or woman, even if they are separated."

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wiltshire/7495609.stm

Blimey, I know more than a handful of Filipinos that are in relationships with separated men.

If they get visas to even enter the UK, let alone settle there, it makes a mockery of the entire UK visa system.

They knew that what they were doing was illegal under Philippine law but went ahead anyway. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Then they go crying to the UK authorities about not wanting to split up a "family", persecution in home country etc.

What a load of <deleted>.

This is all they have to talk about in the UK? They look like a sweet couple. How long did it take before they were found out? They have a baby, right? UK's visa system? Thaksin owns a football team there. What'd he cry about? Persecution?

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'Adulterous' couple on the run

A Wiltshire man has gone on the run in Thailand after being sentenced to jail in the Philippines for breaking the country's strict adultery laws.

David Scott, who fled to Thailand with his Filipina partner Cynthia Delfino, was facing a nine year prison sentence.

Cynthia Delfino had separated from her husband when she met David Scott and they now have a baby daughter, Janina.

South Swindon MP, Anne Snelgrove, said he had grounds for a compassionate case and is helping him to get visas. Under Philippine law it is illegal to have a relationship with a married man or woman, even if they are separated.

Anne Snelgrove, Labour MP for Swindon said: "This is a young couple who met after Cynthia's marriage had collapsed.

"I don't think she'd had any contact with her ex-husband for some time. They fell in love and they've had a baby together.

"I think they deserve the chance to be a family together in this country."

David Scott, speaking to the BBC from Thailand, said: "There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep these two. In one word - love - the love that I've got for Cynthia, the love I've got for my daughter - I couldn't do without it."

David Scott's mother, Ann Scott, speaking from her home in Swindon said: "Well last week they told him which visa to put in for Cynthia, it's a citizen visa and we've done that.

"He's got all the forms and responses. He's done everything.

"The last year and a half has been really bad for me as well because I lost my husband.

"Then I felt as if I'd lost David for good. I just want to help them."


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You gotta be joking; I worked two and half years in the PI and everyone is sleeping with everyone else. They must have millions of offenders in the jail for this crime or is it another law no one goes to jail but the cops make money.


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Long-standing pre-existing thread on this topic here:


British/Filipina Couple Flee To Thailand From Adultery Arrest In Philippines

which has now been updated with the opening post.

Apologies, but the last post was 2 1/2 months ago, prior to you updating it today.

I was not aware that the topic had been covered previously as it is on the front page of the BBC English news.

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They knew that what they were doing was illegal under Philippine law but went ahead anyway. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

But they fell in love. Now, maybe some laws are unjust, too, like all divorce being illegal in the Phils. So you just have to stay separated and lonely the rest of your life? 'Cause The Church and therefore the gov't says so? Get real.

And you: if you got the death penalty for smoking a joint or two in Malaysia that would be perfectly legal in the Netherlands, you'd certainly try to escape if you could. That is, you yourself wouldn't obey every law you regard as unjust and as merely an antiquated local phenomenon. What about all those antiquated UK laws still on the books? Did you know that it's legal to kill a Scotsman in York if he's carrying a bow and arrow . . . .

Let's cut some slack here.

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These fugitives from justice must be apprehended and face the full penalty of law. it is irrelevant if one considers the laws unjust or fair. They were in the Philippines and subject to the applicable laws.

Do I agree with the above, NO! However, there were plenty of people that posted on the thread in SE Asia about the Bali9 deserving the death penalty using the same logic as stated above. Will they appear on this thread and voice their support that the authorities deal with these criminals using the severest of penalties available?

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Long-standing pre-existing thread on this topic here:


British/Filipina Couple Flee To Thailand From Adultery Arrest In Philippines

which has now been updated with the opening post.

Apologies, but the last post was 2 1/2 months ago, prior to you updating it today.

I was not aware that the topic had been covered previously as it is on the front page of the BBC English news.

No worries, it was on the front page 3 months ago as well.

Mods: Please merge the thread into the original. :o

Edited by sriracha john
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Forget the adultery angle.

Hypothetical situation:

UK male (single) meets Thai female (married). They commence an affair and have a child together.

Thai female (for whatever reason) does not get a divorce.

They apply for visa to UK and get refused.

Is the guy's local MP going to start campaigning for him??

Is this going to make national news?

Are the UK authorities going to make a special exception for these circumstances?


So why should they in this case????

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'I'm not thinking of death or jail time but would a cattle prod up the tw@t be considered cruel and unusual punishment?'

Under these circumstances, entirely appropriate for her crime of utter stupidity in not knowing when she was on to a good thing.

(I am saying 'her' because I am assuming it wasn't a bloke you were treating like a queen).

The nuts are out on this one. How did a garbage comment post like this get past the moderators?

Why are there so many do-gooders and serious people on this site??

Somebody please tell me,i just can't get over it,it seems that some posters have no sense of humour at all.

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They both broke the law in the Philippines (she in particular as she knew she was not in a position to get married) and both should serve the jail sentences they were given. Hopefully, the Philippine (or Thai) authorities will see to it that they are extradited back to the Philippines to serve their sentences.

Absolutely outrageous! I am having a hard time understanding what kind of person supports the law sooooo much that they feel this couple should actually be punished and extradited? Madness.... Its not 1308! Dear lord..... can't believe thinking people still feel this way about cheating. And in this case its not even cheating! She was seperated for 3 years, how on earth could you support the law in this situation?

Heres another one: Cant remember the date but it was in the last 10 years I think.....An american man was imprisoned for YEARS for performing oral sex on his WIFE. In a certain state it is illegal to have oral sex, the wife was pissed at her husband so had him imprisoned by reporting the oral offence. Would you zealous law abiders support this law too?!

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[quote I have a problem with people who apply their cultural relativism to other societies around the world. These people are usually the ones who also argue for respect for indigenous cultures and multiculturalism...except for cultural artifacts with which they disagree.

When one travels to a foreign country, one implicitly accepts that they are subject to the laws of that country - not just the ones the traveler likes or that are in accord with the laws of their own country.

My post is about respect for the law...for without law there is anarchy, which benefits no one.

Sorry for the late response to the above.

Coming from an American the above comments are remarkable as they appear to be out of step with reality.

Kidnapping citizens from foreign contries and shipping them around the world to unofficial prisons where many are tortured

is in my opinion a prime example of the USA applying its cultural relativism to other societies around the world and shows a blatent disregard of human rights.

Of topic I know but there you go.

Roy gsd

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I actually know this bloke personally, being drinking buddies 15 ish years ago. How I have just stumbled across this I don't know.

Anyway, he was (Is) a decent bloke, a squaddie (Or a wannabee squaddie) who liked a laugh and had a heart of gold. Can't remember why/how we drifted apart.

OK the law is the law but in this case this law would certainly be harsh on a person like this, especially taking into account the countless of thousands of others who are doing the same in PI.

I hope he gets back home safely.

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Forget the adultery angle.

Hypothetical situation:

UK male (single) meets Thai female (married). They commence an affair and have a child together.

Thai female (for whatever reason) does not get a divorce.

They apply for visa to UK and get refused.

Is the guy's local MP going to start campaigning for him??

Is this going to make national news?

Are the UK authorities going to make a special exception for these circumstances?


So why should they in this case????

I dont know why you choose to ignore the not insignificant fact that if they stayed in that country they would have likely have been imprisoned for quite a while.

There is no similarity between their situation and the one you have discribed above.

I have no doubt that this couple and their child will be allowed to enter the UK, in fact I am suprised that they are not there already.

There is not a realistic alterative is there?

Return to PI and face prison?

Return to the Arab State where they met?

Be allowed to stay in Thailand?

Not much chance of the above options working out for them or their child is there?

Roy gsd


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I agree that the chap has big ears ,and looks like a Sun reader ,and no doubt has eaten in greasy caffs between screeding walls .He is therefore kinda out of place in Asia !

And you in your Avitar wiv yer at and big coat blend right in do yer arfer?

Yor avin a larf aint ya!

Keep an eye on the walllet arf, coz it looks like ya lost yer bleedin marbles aready today. :o:D

Roy gsd

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hi all

i cannot believe some of these comments saying they deserve to be punished. to say that because its the law, then it makes it ok, is nonsense. for those who think they should be punished, let me ask you one simple question:

what if this happened in a country in which the law allowed the lady to be stoned to death? would you still say "it's the law, it's ok"

or any other crimes that are punished in inhumane/cruel ways? some laws in some countries are plain wrong.

and as for

I agree that the chap has big ears ,and looks like a Sun reader ,and no doubt has eaten in greasy caffs between screeding walls .He is therefore kinda out of place in Asia !
- the word SNOB comes to mind.

just my pennies worth. good luck to the couple - if he ever comes back to england get in touch and i'll buy you both a drink



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hi all

i cannot believe some of these comments saying they deserve to be punished. to say that because its the law, then it makes it ok, is nonsense. for those who think they should be punished, let me ask you one simple question:

what if this happened in a country in which the law allowed the lady to be stoned to death? would you still say "it's the law, it's ok"

or any other crimes that are punished in inhumane/cruel ways? some laws in some countries are plain wrong.

and as for

I agree that the chap has big ears ,and looks like a Sun reader ,and no doubt has eaten in greasy caffs between screeding walls .He is therefore kinda out of place in Asia !
- the word SNOB comes to mind.

just my pennies worth. good luck to the couple - if he ever comes back to england get in touch and i'll buy you both a drink



Dave - totally agree with you mate.

Edited by JOHN2
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  • 1 month later...
I actually know this bloke personally, being drinking buddies 15 ish years ago. How I have just stumbled across this I don't know.

Anyway, he was (Is) a decent bloke, a squaddie (Or a wannabee squaddie) who liked a laugh and had a heart of gold. Can't remember why/how we drifted apart.

OK the law is the law but in this case this law would certainly be harsh on a person like this, especially taking into account the countless of thousands of others who are doing the same in PI.

I hope he gets back home safely.

He's on his way....

'Adultery' man can return to UK

A man who went on the run after being told he faced seven years' jail for committing adultery in the Philippines, has been told he can return to Britain. David Scott, 35, from Swindon, was arrested in 2007 with his Filipino girlfriend, Cynthia Delfino.

After bribing their way out of prison, the couple fled to Thailand.

On Wednesday the British Embassy told the couple the news and said they would also be allowed to take their daughter Janina to the UK. Mr Scott had faced a jail term because the Filipino authorities do not recognise divorce and saw his relationship with his partner as adulterous.

Ms Delfino was separated from her husband when she learned she was pregnant.

At the time Anne Snelgrove, Labour MP for Swindon said: "This is a young couple who met after Cynthia's marriage had collapsed. "I don't think she'd had any contact with her ex-husband for some time. They fell in love and they've had a baby together. "I think they deserve the chance to be a family together in this country."

On Wednesday David Scott's mother, Ann told BBC News she was delighted. "He called and told me 'we can come home' and I burst into tears, it's brilliant.

"I can't explain how I feel but had to phone him back to make sure i wasn't dreaming. I thought I had lost him for good."


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  • 2 years later...

Hi can any body help me as My Girl friend in the Philippines is having my baby in July and I would like to know if we can get the Baby Uk birth certificate as I ma english and she is a Filipina or can we get the baby a UK passport.

why not lets let everybody in the Uk then I can work more pay more taxes and die skint. Thamk God/Budda I am lucky to be English.

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He broke the law by having relations with a married woman, but surely not the spirit of the law in that she was separated from him at the time. I'm amazed that any non-muslim country would see this as a more than trivial breach and not just treat it as a private matter not worth pursuing.

They don't give a rats azz about the adultery charge in the PI. It's all about $$$. Both the police and the filipino husband see a white skin kano and extortion becomes the word of the day.

The police in the PI are every bit as corrupt and those in Thailand. More so actually.

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This has nothing to do with the law in the Phililppines all this is about is the pi$$ed off ex husband who is most likely a waste of air wanting money :o

True. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and police are for sale to the highest bidder. Of course, they are just following Catholic princiles. Good luck to the couple, but some Thai official will probably rat them out for a price.

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True. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and police are for sale to the highest bidder. Of course, they are just following Catholic princiles. Good luck to the couple, but some Thai official will probably rat them out for a price.

Good job, Ian. This thread isn't even about Thais, but you managed to sneak in a negative comment about the Thais. Always thought you were above that.

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True. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and police are for sale to the highest bidder. Of course, they are just following Catholic princiles. Good luck to the couple, but some Thai official will probably rat them out for a price.

Good job, Ian. This thread isn't even about Thais, but you managed to sneak in a negative comment about the Thais. Always thought you were above that.

I didn't take a shot at Thai people, just corrupt officials that will take a bribe. I love Thai people. I just happen to know how things work and I won't hide my feelings.

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True. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and police are for sale to the highest bidder. Of course, they are just following Catholic princiles. Good luck to the couple, but some Thai official will probably rat them out for a price.

Good job, Ian. This thread isn't even about Thais, but you managed to sneak in a negative comment about the Thais. Always thought you were above that.

I think he said it because he was telling it as it is. Corruption is also totally rife here as well you know, and if you don't you must be the only person in the country that does'nt. :lol: But hey, why would you want to take off those rose tinted specs you wear. Why do you have to come out with your childish observations purely based on a post from someone who likes to consider both sides of things. ;)

Most Thais i know would find you hilarious. :lol:

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Couple flee from adultery arrest

An English man facing jail in the Philippines for adultery with a married woman, has fled to Thailand with the woman and their baby daughter.

David Scott, 36, of Swindon, Wiltshire, had a child with Cynthia Delfino, 29, who had left her husband, but was not divorced at the time.

The pair were arrested on suspicion of adultery. If convicted, they could be jailed for seven years.

They were later granted bail and have now fled to Bangkok.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office said it stood ready to provide consular assistance if requested.

Mr Scott met Ms Delfino in an internet chatroom in 2006.

- BBC / 21-04-08

if you break the law in a foreign country you have to pay your dues i have no sympathy

So you have never paid for sex in Thailand?????

That is against the law here.

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True. The Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and police are for sale to the highest bidder. Of course, they are just following Catholic princiles. Good luck to the couple, but some Thai official will probably rat them out for a price.

Good job, Ian. This thread isn't even about Thais, but you managed to sneak in a negative comment about the Thais. Always thought you were above that.

I didn't take a shot at Thai people, just corrupt officials that will take a bribe. I love Thai people. I just happen to know how things work and I won't hide my feelings.

You've made the same mistake that i just did to bother replying to such a pathetic post from Mr B.......blokes just a persistent troll.

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