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What If I Visit Another Country Before Going To Thailand ?

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Hello !

I am going to KL on Sunday to make my visa (a non-B if I can, a tourist visa if I cannot). But I have to visit some friends in Phnom Penh at the beginning of May. What happens if I take a flight KL-PP and only after that enter Thailand ? Is it a problem if I got a visa and don't go to Thailand right after ?

I was supposed to stay 3 weeks in Cambodia but I may stay a shorter time. Is it the date of the visa issue or the date I entered Thailand which marks the beginning of the 90-days (either with the TV or the non-:o ?

Either way, I'll let you know how it happened with the Thai Embassy in KL



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I think the OP is asking is it okay to get a visa in one country and then visit another country, or countries, before finally entering Thailand (i.e. do not go direct from KL to Thailand). I don't think it is a problem, your visa is issued allowing you a stay in Thailand and how you get there is your business provided you arrive before the "use before" date.

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