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Supreme Commander Denies Coup Rumours


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Supreme commander denies coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit on Friday dismissed news reports relating to rumours of a possible new coup d'etat, saying he had never instructed a military forces check-up in preparation for a putsch as some media members had reported.

He said he was not concerned about the planned rally by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Friday evening because it is a normal phenomenon in a democratic system.

"I don't think the rally will lead to national division. Under democratic rule, some may have a difference in their views and blame each other," he said. "But such actions must be done constructively."

Asked whether the military would intervene if there was a clash between pro- and anti-government groups, he said it is a duty of the state security to monitor and control such situations.

But if the clash escalates into uncontrollable chaos, there are clear procedures for the military to follow to cope with it.

However, he did not think such chaos would happen.

Asked to comment on the reports there is a military forces readiness check-up in preparation for staging a coup, Gen. Boonsang said it was just a rumour among the media.

"I have never heard this rumour," he said. "It must be without grounds. I affirm I have never instructed any military force check-up."

-- TNA 2008-04-25

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Of course there will be.

The People's Alliance for Democracy is already off to stir up trouble in the streets, just like they did last time, and then the Army steps in to "restore order"!

It seems to me that PAD and The Democratic Party believe in the opposite of democracy.....if you can't win at the ballot box, just overthrow the elected government! Time will tell, but I have little hope that the future will be peaceful.

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It's the government itslef who is stirring the shit.

All they have to do is concentrate on their jobs, not on troublesome constition amendments. Another good, peacekeeping idea is to comply with the rule of law.

In fact it's the governments run ins with the law that are cause of trouble, not the PAD or military.

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Supreme commander denies coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit on Friday dismissed news reports relating to rumours of a possible new coup d'etat, saying he had never instructed a military forces check-up in preparation for a putsch as some media members had reported.

He said he was not concerned about the planned rally by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Friday evening because it is a normal phenomenon in a democratic system.

"I don't think the rally will lead to national division. Under democratic rule, some may have a difference in their views and blame each other," he said. "But such actions must be done constructively."

Asked whether the military would intervene if there was a clash between pro- and anti-government groups, he said it is a duty of the state security to monitor and control such situations.

But if the clash escalates into uncontrollable chaos, there are clear procedures for the military to follow to cope with it.

However, he did not think such chaos would happen.

Asked to comment on the reports there is a military forces readiness check-up in preparation for staging a coup, Gen. Boonsang said it was just a rumour among the media.

"I have never heard this rumour," he said. "It must be without grounds. I affirm I have never instructed any military force check-up."

-- TNA 2008-04-25

And what exactly were we expecting him to say?

"Sorry, I haven't got time to answer your questions, I have to organise something big for Monday. You won't believe it when it happens, but I promise you it is going to be big, like countrywide big."

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Supreme commander denies coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit on Friday dismissed news reports relating to rumours of a possible new coup d'etat, saying he had never instructed a military forces check-up in preparation for a putsch as some media members had reported.

He said he was not concerned about the planned rally by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Friday evening because it is a normal phenomenon in a democratic system.

"I don't think the rally will lead to national division. Under democratic rule, some may have a difference in their views and blame each other," he said. "But such actions must be done constructively."

Asked whether the military would intervene if there was a clash between pro- and anti-government groups, he said it is a duty of the state security to monitor and control such situations.

But if the clash escalates into uncontrollable chaos, there are clear procedures for the military to follow to cope with it.

However, he did not think such chaos would happen.

Asked to comment on the reports there is a military forces readiness check-up in preparation for staging a coup, Gen. Boonsang said it was just a rumour among the media.

"I have never heard this rumour," he said. "It must be without grounds. I affirm I have never instructed any military force check-up."

-- TNA 2008-04-25

And what exactly were we expecting him to say?

"Sorry, I haven't got time to answer your questions, I have to organise something big for Monday. You won't believe it when it happens, but I promise you it is going to be big, like countrywide big."

Yes very good point no smoke without fire. :o

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Supreme commander denies coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit on Friday dismissed news reports relating to rumours of a possible new coup d'etat, saying he had never instructed a military forces check-up in preparation for a putsch as some media members had reported.

He said he was not concerned about the planned rally by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Friday evening because it is a normal phenomenon in a democratic system.

"I don't think the rally will lead to national division. Under democratic rule, some may have a difference in their views and blame each other," he said. "But such actions must be done constructively."

Asked whether the military would intervene if there was a clash between pro- and anti-government groups, he said it is a duty of the state security to monitor and control such situations.

But if the clash escalates into uncontrollable chaos, there are clear procedures for the military to follow to cope with it.

However, he did not think such chaos would happen.

Asked to comment on the reports there is a military forces readiness check-up in preparation for staging a coup, Gen. Boonsang said it was just a rumour among the media.

"I have never heard this rumour," he said. "It must be without grounds. I affirm I have never instructed any military force check-up."

-- TNA 2008-04-25

And what exactly were we expecting him to say?

"Sorry, I haven't got time to answer your questions, I have to organise something big for Monday. You won't believe it when it happens, but I promise you it is going to be big, like countrywide big."

I was thinking the same thing.

Journalist: Are you planning a coup?

General: Yes. Should take us about another 2 weeks to get everything organised, so you still have time to stock up.

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Supreme commander denies coup rumours

BANGKOK: -- Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit on Friday dismissed news reports relating to rumours of a possible new coup d'etat, saying he had never instructed a military forces check-up in preparation for a putsch as some media members had reported.

He said he was not concerned about the planned rally by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Friday evening because it is a normal phenomenon in a democratic system.

"I don't think the rally will lead to national division. Under democratic rule, some may have a difference in their views and blame each other," he said. "But such actions must be done constructively."

Asked whether the military would intervene if there was a clash between pro- and anti-government groups, he said it is a duty of the state security to monitor and control such situations.

But if the clash escalates into uncontrollable chaos, there are clear procedures for the military to follow to cope with it.

However, he did not think such chaos would happen.

Asked to comment on the reports there is a military forces readiness check-up in preparation for staging a coup, Gen. Boonsang said it was just a rumour among the media.

"I have never heard this rumour," he said. "It must be without grounds. I affirm I have never instructed any military force check-up."

-- TNA 2008-04-25

And what exactly were we expecting him to say?

"Sorry, I haven't got time to answer your questions, I have to organise something big for Monday. You won't believe it when it happens, but I promise you it is going to be big, like countrywide big."

I'm convinced. Glad that rumour's been put to rest.

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There are, of course, a number of problems with the political situation here, but there are always problems with politics everywhere. The biggest problem is that they just don't cope well with any type of confrontation or lack of harmony. It seems that everyone has to be in agreement--or keep their mouth shut. The idea of active disagreement just doesn't set well.

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There are, of course, a number of problems with the political situation here, but there are always problems with politics everywhere. The biggest problem is that they just don't cope well with any type of confrontation or lack of harmony. It seems that everyone has to be in agreement--or keep their mouth shut. The idea of active disagreement just doesn't set well.

I wish once, just once, someone would let the Thai words for, "NO COMMENT" be whispered quietly from their lips.

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Putsch The Reichstag fire WMD etc don't always advertise in case stock falls upsets daughters wedding visit to Swiss bank etc

As someone wittier wrote over on Loony Planet

Counter Intelligence isn't the price of worktops

The powers that be are 2 camps army and police as ever juggling for spoils I think we are in for more of the same

Oddly few of them ever serve time get banished exiled or beheaded as long as there's enough gravy for all

With a world recession and energy crisis possible the tensions will lead me to the Bar

Chok Dee

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Of course there will be.

The People's Alliance for Democracy is already off to stir up trouble in the streets, just like they did last time, and then the Army steps in to "restore order"!

It seems to me that PAD and The Democratic Party believe in the opposite of democracy.....if you can't win at the ballot box, just overthrow the elected government! Time will tell, but I have little hope that the future will be peaceful.

And the PPP is saying that if you run afoul of the constitution that was also approved at the ballot box, then you should just change the constitution so that it benefits your party without getting the approval of the people.

Edited by jstumbo
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Of course there will be.

The People's Alliance for Democracy is already off to stir up trouble in the streets, just like they did last time, and then the Army steps in to "restore order"!

It seems to me that PAD and The Democratic Party believe in the opposite of democracy.....if you can't win at the ballot box, just overthrow the elected government! Time will tell, but I have little hope that the future will be peaceful.

And the PPP is saying that if you run afoul of the constitution that was also approved at the ballot box, then you should just change the constitution so that it benefits your party without getting the approval of the people.

A Constitution that was drawn up by the military dictatorship and forced on the population (accept it, or we wont go!), even then it was only narrowly approved, and rejected in many regions.

Doing away with the notion of disbanding parties ( a sort of collective punishment) would appear to me to be a step towards democracy. I see elsewhere on TV that the EC (another bunch of cronies appointed by that military dictctorship) are off again trying to disband another 2 parties. Of course, it also means that the PPP couldn't engineer the disbandment of the Democratic Party!

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Imposed or not, Consitution was approved by a majority. Actually there was an active propaganda campaign against the constitution and that voting "no" wouldn't mean the end of the world at all, and lots of people made that choice without any repercussions.

Current EC was a appointed BEFORE the coup, they are not military cronies, as you call them. You could call them Thaksin cronies as he was the acting PM at that time.

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[A Constitution that was drawn up by the military dictatorship and forced on the population (accept it, or we wont go!), even then it was only narrowly approved, and rejected in many regions.

Doing away with the notion of disbanding parties ( a sort of collective punishment) would appear to me to be a step towards democracy. I see elsewhere on TV that the EC (another bunch of cronies appointed by that military dictctorship) are off again trying to disband another 2 parties. Of course, it also means that the PPP couldn't engineer the disbandment of the Democratic Party!

The EC were of course appointed under Thaksin before the coup, not the coup-leaders or their later appointed-government, who let them get on with their job. Note also that PM Samak said repeatedly, during and after the election that brought him to power, that the EC were doing a good job in an unbiased way.

Sorry to let facts disrupt your arguement.

And if the leaders of a party cheat, to try to win the election, they surely deserve to be punished in some way ? Or is that another undeocratic misconception of mine ? You might argue that their party should not suffer, for their individual actions, but then again they are the leaders & representatives of their party.

Lastly do you have any evidence, that the PPP would wish to engineer the disbandment, of the Democrats as you suggest ? I'd love to see it.

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Lastly do you have any evidence, that the PPP would wish to engineer the disbandment, of the Democrats as you suggest ? I'd love to see it.

None whatsoever........if you read my post, you would see that the point I was making was that doing away with Party disbandment would work for both sides in the present stand-off, NEITHER side would be able to dispose of the other through such a manipulation. I most certainly didn't say that the PPP was actually planning to do this.

Edited by catmac
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From chatting with Thai's up here in the bush! It is coming clearer that they are waking up to the fact they have voted in a bunch of self serving bigots! We are still in some areas having revotes because the people don't like or want the fools and crooks who are standing.

Just like the father in law when I build a pig farm. told him to dig a pool for the crap. No don't need the old way is best! six months later with the place full of crap, he confirmed that the old ways are not the best! and build the pool!

Now his thinking for government He's rich so put him in and I will be rich too! he is waking up to the facts thanks to TV and news both good and bad. have shown him how they got rich. and what they really think of him!

Next coup will be the last and hopefully perhaps finally with the working classes finding people who will think of them and not themselves.

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Imposed or not, Consitution was approved by a majority. Actually there was an active propaganda campaign against the constitution and that voting "no" wouldn't mean the end of the world at all, and lots of people made that choice without any repercussions.

This is just Orwellian doublespeak.The junta and the entire apparatus of the state launched a propaganda campaign for a yes vote.The country was told that unless they approved the new constitution would be imposed anyway.Many voted in favour just to get these criminals and incompetents out.And despite all this there was still a massive no vote.Even the junta recognised this was a slap in the faceIn fact everbody did except apparently Plus.

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Nonsense. People voted along the usual "party lines". PPP won constitution referendum in the North and Norht East where they have more control over the electorate than central government, and they campaigned very hard.

The military would have installed A constitution anyway, if not 2007 version, then something else, people could have voted yes or no, they'd still had elections in a few months.

There wasn't even a talk of "vote yes or we'll stay" ultimatum. That wasn't a choice.

Those "criminals" set Consitution Drafting Assembly that had people from all regions and all sectors of society, and the process was open to public scrutiny and CDA bowed to public pressure on several points, like Buddhism as a national religion.

Who is wrting the constitution now? Who will vote on it? Will people even get a chance to read and discuss it before someone else voted it in?

PPP has turned the whole principle upside down. Elections should be held accorting to the constution, not the other way around, as PPP is doing now - constution is changed at whim according to election results.

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Nonsense. People voted along the usual "party lines". PPP won constitution referendum in the North and Norht East where they have more control over the electorate than central government, and they campaigned very hard.

The military would have installed A constitution anyway, if not 2007 version, then something else, people could have voted yes or no, they'd still had elections in a few months.

There wasn't even a talk of "vote yes or we'll stay" ultimatum. That wasn't a choice.

Those "criminals" set Consitution Drafting Assembly that had people from all regions and all sectors of society, and the process was open to public scrutiny and CDA bowed to public pressure on several points, like Buddhism as a national religion.

Who is wrting the constitution now? Who will vote on it? Will people even get a chance to read and discuss it before someone else voted it in?

PPP has turned the whole principle upside down. Elections should be held accorting to the constution, not the other way around, as PPP is doing now - constution is changed at whim according to election results.

It's all very well to say nonsense but the facts just don't support you.This was a constitution imposed by an illegal junta and for the reasons previously detailed the referendum was a travesty .The flexibility shown by the CDA on for example the national religion was a relatively minor issue.The real agenda was to cripple the operation of open democracy in Thailand and preserve the influence of the feudal led cabal.Whether people like you accept it or not the present government posseses a moral authority and a mandate that the junta's puppet government lacked.Doesn't mean I like the unsavoury bunch and doesn't mean I don't have respect for people like Surayud.

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Imposed or not, Consitution was approved by a majority. Actually there was an active propaganda campaign against the constitution and that voting "no" wouldn't mean the end of the world at all, and lots of people made that choice without any repercussions.

The junta and the entire apparatus of the state launched a propaganda campaign for a yes vote.

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