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Lady Troubles Agian


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Did I mention that she has her own salary which she uses as she sees fit ?

No you didn't. So how much of her salary does she give to you? 50/50 split i assume?

No, but she did (somewhat seriously) suggest that if I chose not to go back to work, she would support me ! And she does use her own money to buy stuff for both of us (well, some of hers, some of mine). But then, I make (a lot) more than she does (fortunately). Not sure I could get by on her salary alone ! :o

(I've often spent the equivalent of her monthly salary in a single night at various venues around town).

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why do you lot pay fopr your woman to live with you? You give her a salary?? Hva eyou really lost your attachment to reality?? There are so many women in the world who will do exactly what these thai women are doing without thinking about how it will benefit them. It seems to me that people hook up with a thai women because it seems like no effort. But in the long run its about ten times as hard. How can you ever be happy with someone you know would leave in a flash if you didnt have money? Personally I dont think its possible to have a relationship with a thai bird thats ever going to make you as happy as a good women from back home. Plus their tits are smaller :-)

You are perhaps not old enough to remember but in the UK up until about the 1980's it was normal practice, in many case, for the husband to work and the wife to stay at home and look after the children. Once a week or once a month the husband would give the wife housekeeping money with which to buy food, pay bills etc etc. All of this was something of a throwback to the Victorian age and was not an unusual arrangement since few women had back accounts and joint accounts were unusual. Hence the term breadwinner. In my particular case I see little difference between the financial arrangements I have now with my Thai spouse and the financial arrangements my father had with my mother some forty years ago, not that I planned it that way by the way. Which ever way you look at it there has to be a transfer of money between the breadwinner and the spouse, call it salary if you wish, housekeeping, a bribe or whatever. The reality is that almost everyone in a relationship where one person works (or has money) and the other does not, needs to do this somehow.

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You are perhaps not old enough to remember but in the UK up until about the 1980's it was normal practice, in many case, for the husband to work and the wife to stay at home and look after the children. Once a week or once a month the husband would give the wife housekeeping money with which to buy food, pay bills etc etc. All of this was something of a throwback to the Victorian age and was not an unusual arrangement since few women had back accounts and joint accounts were unusual. Hence the term breadwinner. In my particular case I see little difference between the financial arrangements I have now with my Thai spouse and the financial arrangements my father had with my mother some forty years ago, not that I planned it that way by the way. Which ever way you look at it there has to be a transfer of money between the breadwinner and the spouse, call it salary if you wish, housekeeping, a bribe or whatever. The reality is that almost everyone in a relationship where one person works (or has money) and the other does not, needs to do this somehow.

That's exactly how I remember growing up with my parents although at times me Mam went to work too when me Da was on the sick.

However there was never the situation that I've encountered in LOS (from friends experiences) where there's been demands of money / gold / motocy / house with the threat of 'I'll leave you' if it's not forthcoming. In this case I'd tell her not to let the door hit her on the ass on the way out and recommend the OP do the same.

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why do you lot pay fopr your woman to live with you? You give her a salary?? Hva eyou really lost your attachment to reality?? There are so many women in the world who will do exactly what these thai women are doing without thinking about how it will benefit them. It seems to me that people hook up with a thai women because it seems like no effort. But in the long run its about ten times as hard. How can you ever be happy with someone you know would leave in a flash if you didnt have money? Personally I dont think its possible to have a relationship with a thai bird thats ever going to make you as happy as a good women from back home. Plus their tits are smaller :-)

You've got it all wrong dude.

Most guys who come to Asia (Thailand) have already been through the mill with your beloved "back-home girls".

Smaller tits? That can be solved quite easily and cheaply in Thailand. :o ...but who wants matured big tits anyway?

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You are perhaps not old enough to remember but in the UK up until about the 1980's it was normal practice, in many case, for the husband to work and the wife to stay at home and look after the children. Once a week or once a month the husband would give the wife housekeeping money with which to buy food, pay bills etc etc. All of this was something of a throwback to the Victorian age and was not an unusual arrangement since few women had back accounts and joint accounts were unusual. Hence the term breadwinner. In my particular case I see little difference between the financial arrangements I have now with my Thai spouse and the financial arrangements my father had with my mother some forty years ago, not that I planned it that way by the way. Which ever way you look at it there has to be a transfer of money between the breadwinner and the spouse, call it salary if you wish, housekeeping, a bribe or whatever. The reality is that almost everyone in a relationship where one person works (or has money) and the other does not, needs to do this somehow.

That's exactly how I remember growing up with my parents although at times me Mam went to work too when me Da was on the sick.

However there was never the situation that I've encountered in LOS (from friends experiences) where there's been demands of money / gold / motocy / house with the threat of 'I'll leave you' if it's not forthcoming. In this case I'd tell her not to let the door hit her on the ass on the way out and recommend the OP do the same.

OK. Well speaking from first and not second hand experience I can tell you that the scenario as when back home is pretty much the same as here today. Sure there are few around who try to push the envelope but my guess is that is the exception and not the rule. Just to put things in perspective.

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you're right maybe Im not old enough but one thing I know is that I dont want a wife that would leave me at the drop of a hat s..t hit the fan. That is one thing you can almost bank on about the women out here. Obviously there are using women and men in every country but there is no getting past it that this lot are the gold medalists in that catergory

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I have to say that when one partner in any relationship can not look after the family budget,and there is only one working partner then someone has to except that responsibility. My father was the breadwinner in my family but was useless with money so my mother was given that responsibility and she was very good at it. There is not many Thai people I have met that plan for the months ahead with a budget. My wife is not very good with money and if like my father was given the full wage that comes into the household we would be in debt. I am like my mother I am very good at looking after my family"s budget and my wife is given an allowance to buy what she likes I don't see it as me buying my wife its just good old fashion common sense. My mother did the same with my father was she buying a husband? If your wife or g/f wants a motorbike, or gold or anything that will break your family budget then you will have to explain to her that. If your wife or g/f will not except your explanation then you have to be cruel to be kind and let her go into a sulk or leave thats her choice. If there is love & understanding then she will come round to your thinking. There is always a way to compromise like your wife or g/f could go out and work and help you pay for a motorbike or gold like 50/50 or she could pay it up over time. I am happy that my wife understands what we can buy and what we can't.



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you're right maybe Im not old enough but one thing I know is that I dont want a wife that would leave me at the drop of a hat s..t hit the fan. That is one thing you can almost bank on about the women out here. Obviously there are using women and men in every country but there is no getting past it that this lot are the gold medalists in that catergory

There was a great story in on of the UK online papers recently about a high flying/earning banker who had lost his job and his wife had decided to divorce him because she was sick and tired of him being around the house all day long, recounting past glories and looking like a sad puppy dog. This isn't what I signed up for, is it, she asked! There was second story many months ago about a youngish wife who was slowly poisoning her husband with antifreeze and she almost succeeded - motive here was the insurance money. With divorce rates approaching 50% in the UK there are doubtless many other similar stories where the wife got going when the going got tough. So I'm not sure you are correct that "this lot are the gold medalists" unless of course your circle of acquaintances involves a large number of "Issan bar girls" where I suspect the odds of failure may be higher than the norm. Wait, before everyone has a go, I put "Issan bar girls" in quotes to denote a certain type of person who has a reputation for ripping off farangs and have nothing personally against Issan bar girls as an entity.

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you're right maybe Im not old enough but one thing I know is that I dont want a wife that would leave me at the drop of a hat s..t hit the fan. That is one thing you can almost bank on about the women out here. Obviously there are using women and men in every country but there is no getting past it that this lot are the gold medalists in that catergory

There was a great story in on of the UK online papers recently about a high flying/earning banker who had lost his job and his wife had decided to divorce him because she was sick and tired of him being around the house all day long, recounting past glories and looking like a sad puppy dog. This isn't what I signed up for, is it, she asked! There was second story many months ago about a youngish wife who was slowly poisoning her husband with antifreeze and she almost succeeded - motive here was the insurance money. With divorce rates approaching 50% in the UK there are doubtless many other similar stories where the wife got going when the going got tough. So I'm not sure you are correct that "this lot are the gold medalists" unless of course your circle of acquaintances involves a large number of "Issan bar girls" where I suspect the odds of failure may be higher than the norm. Wait, before everyone has a go, I put "Issan bar girls" in quotes to denote a certain type of person who has a reputation for ripping off farangs and have nothing personally against Issan bar girls as an entity.

I love them :o can't find better anywhere :D:D

Edited by bergen
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Any girl that is badgering you for your money does not love you. So, don't give in to her demands. Show her the door and tell her that she has two choices. One, take the monthly salary that you would like to offer her or leave.

Maybe you could offer her a small monthly raise to be fair?? Tell her that most people need to work many hours a day in a regular job in order to get a nice salary. Living like a leach is not a normal job and if she wants more money, she can find a day job at a shop or factory or whatever in order to save up for the bike, golden buffalo, gold, Thai husband or whatever. This way, she will feel proud of her accomplishments and feel as if she earned the money herself while working in a respectable day job.

The other option is to stay with her for two weeks and then tell her to stay with momma/pappa/Thai man/buffalo/grandma/villagers for two weeks. This way, you can reduce your daily living expenses in half...only one mouth to feed for half of the month instead of two mouths to feed, pamper, etc.... Sample daily expense comparison below:

Thai lady and farang man: Daily living expenses might include food 5X per day, makeup, shampoo, hair accessories, movie, 7-11 visits 3X per day, taxis, donations to temple 2X per week, keep the change policy on all purchases, medicine for things you never heard of, cooking utensils, plus a host of other misc things.

Farang man alone: 3 meals per day and some basic personal hygiene products weekly.

Plus, you get free time to do as you please and you can save money too. Call this the new part-time lady, but make sure you tell her that you love her very much and will miss her during the two week break. Also, don't forget to call her a few dozen times each day to make her feel secure with her rice bowl.


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If this is a real story then I gotta laugh.

My Thai missus has her own car, expat salary, bank account, life insurance, pays her won bills etc.

Any <deleted> can find a girl in Thailand, they key is to find quality.

I'll be bringing out my Thail Girls for Dummies book for Xmas. Anybody want an advance copy can PM me cheque in hand.

Also look out for my 'Getting a proper job in Thailand that doesn't involve teaching ya Dummy' book in the new year.

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Any girl that is badgering you for your money does not love you. So, don't give in to her demands. Show her the door and tell her that she has two choices. One, take the monthly salary that you would like to offer her or leave.

Maybe you could offer her a small monthly raise to be fair?? Tell her that most people need to work many hours a day in a regular job in order to get a nice salary. Living like a leach is not a normal job and if she wants more money, she can find a day job at a shop or factory or whatever in order to save up for the bike, golden buffalo, gold, Thai husband or whatever. This way, she will feel proud of her accomplishments and feel as if she earned the money herself while working in a respectable day job.

The other option is to stay with her for two weeks and then tell her to stay with momma/pappa/Thai man/buffalo/grandma/villagers for two weeks. This way, you can reduce your daily living expenses in half...only one mouth to feed for half of the month instead of two mouths to feed, pamper, etc.... Sample daily expense comparison below:

Thai lady and farang man: Daily living expenses might include food 5X per day, makeup, shampoo, hair accessories, movie, 7-11 visits 3X per day, taxis, donations to temple 2X per week, keep the change policy on all purchases, medicine for things you never heard of, cooking utensils, plus a host of other misc things.

Farang man alone: 3 meals per day and some basic personal hygiene products weekly.

Plus, you get free time to do as you please and you can save money too. Call this the new part-time lady, but make sure you tell her that you love her very much and will miss her during the two week break. Also, don't forget to call her a few dozen times each day to make her feel secure with her rice bowl.


Some hope you have a money plant, so they can care for their poor families who otherwise have not much future to look for. There are plenty of good Thai girls, and in the end you hopefully will get what you deserve. :D:o

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whoever quoted two online nespapers from the British press that juist goes to show how much less it happens back home rather than here, it made the newspapers!!! Dont get it wrong I love Thai women but what Im saying is that I would prefer any day of the week to marry a women from back home. Im sure there are quality thai birds out here, just eaiser to find a more trusting one elsewhere. Im sure once all these thais have some decent money things will change and they will see how heartless some of them have been. But Im sure there are falagns here that have probably been given what they deserve. Some blokes treat them like dogs, literally!!

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Dont get it wrong I love Thai women but what Im saying is that I would prefer any day of the week to marry a women from back home. Im sure there are quality thai birds out here, just eaiser to find a more trusting one elsewhere.

How does a 50+ guy find a quality bird in your "back home" world?

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It is good perspective to meet some average, humble girls who work honest jobs

making often 5k-6k per month. Yes, this is low even in Thailand but still what many

of them bring home every month. For this they might work 10-12 hours a day with

sometimes 1-2 days off every month. I'm not talking about University graduates

whose families have multiple businesses, I just mean regular girls. Sure, she needs

an monthly budget but you can't fold every time she puts some pressure on you. :o

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If this is a real story then I gotta laugh.

My Thai missus has her own car, expat salary, bank account, life insurance, pays her won bills etc.

Any <deleted> can find a girl in Thailand, they key is to find quality.

I'll be bringing out my Thail Girls for Dummies book for Xmas. Anybody want an advance copy can PM me cheque in hand.

Also look out for my 'Getting a proper job in Thailand that doesn't involve teaching ya Dummy' book in the new year.

In your dreams! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
What ever happened to 'for richer, for poorer'?

When was the last time you saw/heard that in a THAI marriage certificate or ceremony. :o

Or anywhere in Asia for that matter.. At a wedding occasion it's completely out of the question to have anything there that doesn't point to wealth & prosperity.

I had a Western wedding, but of course did not include this in the vows..

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evey day is the same in my village is a number of falangs living here.

never a shortage of drinking buddies.

but many falangs are to jai dee buying there lady gold giving money everday for this and that

buying new motor bikes and all that bull#### and i see many falangs go back home too money all gone.

my lady come home today her friend have new bike her friend have new gold her friend have this & that

she wount new bike i say no so she star to cry and all that rubbish.

so i tell her if she going to cry

to go and cry in the garden that way you can water the plants then save money on water

that way i can save money on water bill then maybe buy here a bike

she say im not like other falang she sa kee niow

maybe she right what do you think....

You are correct, be carefully with your money and make it last. A friend of mine still has an old girlfriend of his ringing and asking for money after 5 years. I see a lot of falang at my village coming here building a house and buying a car for their girlfriends and then find they don't have any money for living expenses. Then they have to go back home to work, while still supporting their house and girlfriend. Basically, your girlfriend, her relatives and her friends will never be happy no matter how much you give them. They will only leave you alone when you are broke and living on the streets.

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At least I must say my deepest regards to the con-artists, they do phishing without the use of the internet and absolutely nill skills in PC use...or fishing without a rod or net, highly successfully and if one catch goes bad, there are a hundred others queuing already!

Next one, please!

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They're not with you for your Looks Gentlemen, that's for sure..

The VAST majority of Thai Girls are with Western Men for one thing & one thing only & people could do a lot worse in not forgetting it especially when it's convenient to forget it like a lot of people do, $$$$$$$

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if the woman that 'loves me' called me cheap and it was not in jest - i would tell her, i am going to show you how cheap i am -

theres the door, dont let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

we think its cute/funny but when said by a thai in all seriousness - its an insult. basically she is telling you that you are not paying enough for her favors. what is enough? you will never know friend becasue your money will be finished before that.

here is a pattaya/thai secret for all: if the girl basically refuses to get a job she is playing you. she does not believe in your relationship and is trying to extract what she can while she can. getting a job requires effort. bar girls by nature are lazy, this is why they work in a bar! she is banking that the relationship will be over in a year or two max. she will play you best she can and move on. tit

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They're not with you for your Looks Gentlemen, that's for sure..

The VAST majority of Thai Girls are with Western Men for one thing & one thing only & people could do a lot worse in not forgetting it especially when it's convenient to forget it like a lot of people do, $$$$$$$

Yep you hit the nail on the head there...they go out of their way to get wealthy,without working.

Snag a farang.

Live a life of luxury

Only fools tread where angels refuse to fly :o

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