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Politicians' Uniforms


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Stupid question, maybe, but I notice that in a lot of the posters for elections, the candidates are dressed in what appear to be naval uniforms. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether these uniforms have a particular significance or are they just a formal dress that anyone could wear?

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Most, if not all, Thai politicians are ex forces or police and they love the feeling of power that the uniform gives them. Additionally most of them come from moneyed families so their ranks reflect that rather than their abilities and adds to the ego boost.

There are a few good ones amongst them but most Thai politicians are a waste of a human skin, oxygen thieves.

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Well, I'm sorry but whenever I see the pictures of the candidates on the election posters, all splendidly rigged out in their uniforms, a couple of phrases always come to mind:

1. Would you buy a used car from this person?

2. Banana Republic.

Just my jaundiced perception :o


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Well, I'm sorry but whenever I see the pictures of the candidates on the election posters, all splendidly rigged out in their uniforms, a couple of phrases always come to mind:

1. Would you buy a used car from this person?

2. Banana Republic.

Just my jaundiced perception :o


1. Would you buy a used car from this person? No but I sold a used car to one of them!!!

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Civil Servants dress uniform. Even teachers have them but only wear them on official ocassions.

Is that so? I always just assumed they were their military uniforms from days past. Oh well I've learnt something today! :D

I can back that up also.

I used to date a lawyer and saw her official work I.D card, the same thing. A white uniform with medals and she has never been in the army...... :o

Edited by deathstardan
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Reminds me of the old Soviet Union where you could basically get a medal if you were able to pee that morning. Couldn't feed you, but you could get a medal. Maybe they could borrow some of the soviet medals like;

Order Of Maternal Glory - This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 9 children

Medal for Labour Valor -Awarded to labourers who heroically dedicated themselves towards the building of a socialist society or have demonstrated a complete understanding of machinery/equipment to provide a high level of efficiency or for significant contributions in culture/science/manufacturing

Here's one for the next time you see a fire in Bangkok- Courage During Fire

So many choices and so many worthy candidates..........

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Reminds me of the old Soviet Union where you could basically get a medal if you were able to pee that morning. Couldn't feed you, but you could get a medal. Maybe they could borrow some of the soviet medals like;

Order Of Maternal Glory - This decoration was awarded to all mothers bearing and raising 9 children

Medal for Labour Valor -Awarded to labourers who heroically dedicated themselves towards the building of a socialist society or have demonstrated a complete understanding of machinery/equipment to provide a high level of efficiency or for significant contributions in culture/science/manufacturing

Here's one for the next time you see a fire in Bangkok- Courage During Fire

So many choices and so many worthy candidates..........

And what about that American one too? The Bleeding Heart is it? you get it for just getting wounded?????

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Yeah, just the civil service uniform. Your local postie has one hung-up at home if and when some big noodle comes to town.

But I really get an attack of the vapours when I see Samak waddling around in his with a chestfull of medal ribbons. Any ideas what they might be for?

Vote-Buying with Oakleaf Cluster?

Ugliest Wife (First Class)?

Conspicuous Gallantry in the face of Unarmed "Communist" Students?

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I agree Mosha, all pollies are full of it, but our prime minister in Australia IMO has to be the best in the world, first guy with a brain running a country

Give it a couple of years and that'll all change, but I agree at the moment he does appear to have his head screwed on, unlike the tool we have in the UK :o .

As for the uniforms, I always laugh that they seem to think it looks good to be dressed up in graduation cap and gown. I've always found those photo's to be most embarrasing. Think the only person that appreciates mine is my mum. :D

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Yeah, just the civil service uniform. Your local postie has one hung-up at home if and when some big noodle comes to town.

But I really get an attack of the vapours when I see Samak waddling around in his with a chestfull of medal ribbons. Any ideas what they might be for?

Vote-Buying with Oakleaf Cluster?

Ugliest Wife (First Class)?

Conspicuous Gallantry in the face of Unarmed "Communist" Students?

I think they are "Royal" medals, sure someone will be able to verify that.

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Particularly impressed the other day by one poster of a man so proud in his little uniform. He had that kind of 'Vote for me, I care' kind of expression. The poster was so big it completely blocked the pavement. Everyone had to step into the oncoming traffic to get around the ego of the man. Basically pavement blocking muppets should be banned from elections.

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Yeah, just the civil service uniform. Your local postie has one hung-up at home if and when some big noodle comes to town.

But I really get an attack of the vapours when I see Samak waddling around in his with a chestfull of medal ribbons. Any ideas what they might be for?

Vote-Buying with Oakleaf Cluster?

Ugliest Wife (First Class)?

Conspicuous Gallantry in the face of Unarmed "Communist" Students?

I think they are "Royal" medals, sure someone will be able to verify that.

I think they're for cooking and stuff. Like kids get in the Cub Scouts and Brownies. :o

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Yeah, just the civil service uniform. Your local postie has one hung-up at home if and when some big noodle comes to town.

But I really get an attack of the vapours when I see Samak waddling around in his with a chestfull of medal ribbons. Any ideas what they might be for?

Vote-Buying with Oakleaf Cluster?

Ugliest Wife (First Class)?

Conspicuous Gallantry in the face of Unarmed "Communist" Students?

I think they are "Royal" medals, sure someone will be able to verify that.

I think they're for cooking and stuff. Like kids get in the Cub Scouts and Brownies. :o

Ah yeah, I reckon that's it. Of course.

So what were Toxin's for?

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I always allowed that they could not qualify for Boy or Girl scouts as they could not work out how to tie the knots. Thus they came up with the whiter than white with scrambled eggs on bill of head cover and various ribbons and medals thrown in for weight when the wind blows.

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Wearing a uniform is a way of imposing, of impressing people; a way of showing them that they, the people in uniform, just like the military and the police, they have the power over the stupid, "grass root" people.

And since Thai people believe very much in authority, this is a way of asserting their power.

I always get a very uneasy feeling when I see these civil servants in a uniform. But that's my problem: I hate uniforms (and those inside).

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dominique355 take a look around your neighbourhood on the next public holiday. The chemist who served you the other night, the dentist who fixed your tooth, that doctor on nightshift that treated you, the builders wife or the guy who rented you the latest DVD and lets not forget that cute girl driving the vios.

These are some of the people who wear those white uniforms and only on special occasions. Do you still feel uneasy.

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I agree Mosha, all pollies are full of it, but our prime minister in Australia IMO has to be the best in the world, first guy with a brain running a country

I agree with you, Our new PM is a welcome relief from many- and I come from a family of polis.

I agree, Rudd is a career beaurocrat but has a long term agenda and is playing it that way, looks like a bit of a poof though, preferred Keating as a hardarse. Hope he works out, time will tell.

When I first arrived I thought all these Thai pollies were naval heroes too. Searched but couldn't find any actual Thai naval victories, or any others of significance for that matter, which kinda thew me. Later found out that it is all completely meaningless and just uniforms with lots of colourful badges to impress and awe the ignorant and downtroden. ie the voters. Pollies wouldn't dare try that crap in Oz as they know what would happen.

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The book on Thai popular culture "Very Thai" by Philip Cornwel-Smith explains the history like this...

"King Rama V modeled the structure and uniforms of the new branches of the armed forces and bureaucracy on Western colonial forces, employing Europeans to help set them up. He also created the rajapataen (royal pattern) national costume, combining a silk jongkraben with long white knee socks, shoes and a white jacket with a low 'Nehru-style' vertical collar. This jacket still dazzles at official functions and on election posters, pinned with medals. "At the time,naval power was the big thing, so white was in", says scholar Vithi Phanichphant. "The stocking socks and shoes were Western." Some say the jacket is Prussian; others say it came from British colonial style, as did the army khaki."

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If you're interested in the medals they're wearing take a look through this link. http://www.mof.go.th/mofhistory/sort.htm

Click on the Thai writing on the left side of the page to see the medals/awards. Note there are male and female awards and medals.

Perhaps someone could update that website by noting the current cost of acquiring each award.

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Uniforms!!. We have in our town, I think in in the western world you would call a neighbourhood watch two elderly chaps who patrol our Moo's at night time in a para -military Khaki style uniform, complete with badges/medal ribbons on a battered old motorcy.

A month ago a young Irish man married his girl and employed some 20 khaki uniformed Thai men as security.

They still could not stop a running battle of fisticuffs from drunk Thai youths later in the evening.

Thai government school teachers have a nice blend of Khaki and on special occasions our charming head of the Tessa baan has a stunning white number with colourfull medal ribbons.

Oh and what about the bus drivers/conductors??

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