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Angry Farangs In Thailand (pattaya)

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So there I was enjoying some beers with my teelac reading her magazine across the table. Couple of hours later she's in a bad mood cause I had promised to go see a movie with her in Big C but I had gotten too wasted.

Anything for a quiet life I give her 1000 baht to go off an get a manicure or something or whatever she does and I would catch up with her later in the condo.

5-6 San Mig Lites later I gave her a call to tell her I was on the way and to make me a ham & cheese sandwich.

So I get on the bike but my balance is not too good so I fall over knocking this other bike on the ground, then as I’m struggling to get on my feet this English guy rushes out from the bar ,turns out he’s the owner of the bike and he starts pointed at some scratches and is giving me an earful.

I thinking, maybe this guy is nuts or something :D , getting all worked up over a couple scratches so slowly maneuver out of the scene and drive off when this guy still all mad and sh*t,

What gives with these guys, Whats the point, if you’re in Thailand, getting all stressed out with small things ??? I mean I got a new Honda Blade couple months ago and its already covered with dings and scratches but you don’t see me get all worked up.

Anybody else encounter these "angry" types ? I mean I could have been a first time tourist and got a negative perspective of thailand cause of this one guy :o

Edited by Jeffery Stanthorpe
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Well maybe you being wasted and falling over knocking his bike over has something to do with it ????

If it was a genuine accident then cant see it being a problem

but wasted and trying to ride a bike,

think yourself lucky you managed to leave the scene .

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huh...what a cheek...your drunk and damage someone elses property...then expect him to be all cool about it....consider yourself lucky you didnt do that to my bike...I hate nothing more than someone who does'nt take responsibility for their actions...I'd be mad as hel_l...!!

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I would be just as angry as him.

Seems like you do this on a regular basis if your "New" bike is already covered in dings and scratches.

The good people of Pattaya had better keep an eye out for you mate

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Consider yourself lucky you got home in one piece. I would suggest you spend more time with your lady than your San Mig lights. Talk to your understanding doctor about it, otherwise you will only spiral downwards in Patters.


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You sound like an idiot.

First you spoil your girlfriends evening by getting drunk instead of going to the movies.

Then you damage someones motorcycle by drunk driving your own.

There is still such a thing as responsible behaviour even when in Thailand.

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