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I Recognize The Fugitive

Ulysses G.

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II saw a picture of a wanted guy on the internet that is the spitting image of an acquaintance. I showed the picture to my staff and they all think it is him too.

I have nothing against this person. He has done nothing to me and the internet does not describe what he has done other than some kind of sex charges with underage boys. If he forced them, he is a monster, and I don't mind telling on him, but, if they were willing, I am not sure that it is any of my business. I need to know more.

Should I rat this guy out or just ignore his resemblance to the fugitive? What do other TV posters think?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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II saw a picture of a wanted guy on the internet that is the spitting image of an acquaintance. I showed the picture to my staff and they all think it is him too.

I have nothing against this person. He has done nothing to me and the internet does not describe what he has done other than some kind of sex charges with underage boys. If he forced them, he is a monster, and I don't mind telling on him, but, if they were willing, I am not sure that it is any of my business. I need to know more.

Should I rat this guy out or just ignore his resemblance to the fugitive? What do other TV posters think?

Children can not give consent. By definition. There's no such thing as an underage boy that consented. They're too easily manipulated by older men to allow any wiggle room in this rule.

If you think he's someone who sexually abuses children, then what on earth are you even debating about!?!

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Guest Reimar

Please to all of the posters: Keep on topic in an polite language. Anyone who will step over the line would be warned immediatly and we may close this thread.


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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

There you go.

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Guest Reimar
Go to the Interpol site - there is a flash presentation of a number of photos - if you still believe it is the person highly advise you report it asap.


That's the only way to deal with it, no exceptions!


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Yep agree ^^^, if you can turn him in without revealing your identity then do so.

On the other hand.......

I'm a little worried that there could be problems for him even if he's not the man in question, this being Thailand and all that. He wouldn't be the first man to have his life destroyed by less than discrete arrest and questioning, the "totally innocent and released without charge" news never makes the headlines :o

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if they were willing,
then he , as an adult , should not be taking advantage of them.

you have an interesting dilemma to think through , i think you should inform interpol (rather than the thai police)anonymously of the whereabouts of this man and why you think it might be him and let them take it from there.

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I am usually against people snitching on others, but in the case on child molesters I wouldn't hesitate.

If you are fairly sure it is him I would recommend that you report him and quickly.

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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

Thank you. This is the kind of information that I need.

The only thing is, the picture looks exactly like him, but I bet anything that it isn't and I don't want to cause him problems for something that he didn't do! :o

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If you have a very strong suspicion and do nothing, could this not be seen as aiding and abetting a known fugitive?

I doubt that a 6-10 year old boy understands what consenting is to some 50+ year old pedophile. I hope your friend is just a similar looking chap, but if it is him, he seems unwell and probably needs some help for his affliction before he does any further damage.

Let's bear in mind those images are on the net for a reason; it is to promote his unhealthy lifestyle to likeminded individuals around the world. How about stopping the rot if you can?

With regards to your comments:

'I have nothing against this person. He has done nothing to me and the internet does not describe what he has done other than some kind of sex charges with underage boys.'

If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide. Although by this logic if I saw someone hurting a child I should not step in to help as they haven't done anything to me....seems a little lacking in willingness to help a fellow, albeit non white man slash boy.

'If he forced them, he is a monster, and I don't mind telling on him, but, if they were willing, I am not sure that it is any of my business. I need to know more.'

Refer above, I am really not sure that you do. A 6-10 year old understands they are hungry, that they want to play football, they need to go toilet and they should do study before their teacher hits them. Not much more.

Edited by steveromagnino
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I am usually against people snitching on others, but in the case on child molesters I wouldn't hesitate.

If you are fairly sure it is him I would recommend that you report him and quickly.

Spot on.

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The only thing is, the picture looks exactly like him, but I bet anything that it isn't and I don't want to cause him problems for something that he didn't do! :o

It is always going to be a worry but if nobody ever reported people because of it, a lot of these guys might not get caught.

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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

Thank you. This is the kind of information that I need.

The only thing is, the picture looks exactly like him, but I bet anything that it isn't and I don't want to cause him problems for something that he didn't do! :o

Why don't you first of all contact the people on the site where you saw the wanted ad. Tell them that you are not 100%. They might be able to say that there is no way that he is in Thailand, or that is where they were looking. If it turns out that he is wrongly pulled in by the police then you will have somebody who dislikes you, but doesn't know who you are. If he is the guy, you will be a hero and can feel rightly proud of yourself. Think of the suffering you could prevent.

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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

Thank you. This is the kind of information that I need.

The only thing is, the picture looks exactly like him, but I bet anything that it isn't and I don't want to cause him problems for something that he didn't do! :o

You've showed the picture to a bunch of your staff and they all have given a second opinion. You could contact Interpol and describe your friend to them and there may be some detail that doesn't match.

Otherwise.....hand him in. Or perhaps one of your staff will.

Given your first post, is it possible you don't consider what he did to be necessarily bad enough to justify contacting the authorities and hence don't necessarily want to hand him in - 'they wanted it' type reasoning - after all he may be a friend and you've never seen this side and refuse to believe it, hence....it looks like but it isn't the guy?

I guess I am getting an insight into western style dilemmas ;-0

Edited by steveromagnino
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Heard an interview with Interpol spokeswoman on CNN tonight she said the man was shown in approx 800 images abusing SE Asian boys who appeared to be between ages 6 and 10. They also said there is a link on the Interpol website to report possible sightings and identities and you can do so anonymously.

Thank you. This is the kind of information that I need.

The only thing is, the picture looks exactly like him, but I bet anything that it isn't and I don't want to cause him problems for something that he didn't do! :o

I sympathise with your predicement, it looks like him but you are not sure!!! Similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago and I baulked, my brother didn't and informed the authorities immedietly. I still feel guilty for not initiating action myself and my brother still feels guilty for dobbing the bloke in.

The winners are the previous victims and the possible future victims and that should be enough to convince you to follow your true gut feeling.

Some times you have to be measured as a man.....if it isnt dangerous to yourself put it to him and I will guarentee you will have your answer in his eyes in a nanosecond.

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Have a good look at those photos again and try and meet the guy to have a look. See if the distinguishing features on the photos match up. If they do then you must report it.

I say this only because your gut instinct doubt it is actually him. And so you need to check before making a move.

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