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I Recognize The Fugitive

Ulysses G.

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^ if they haven't and it is him he will have run by now.

I find this thread confussing and in a little way disturbing. It is like someone doing a poll. If you suspected someone of a crime, would you turn them in. A pschopathic serial killer, you would be mad not to!

Don't mean to offend anyone, just finding this type of thread strange!

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I believe a link to this thread has already been forwarded to Interpol.

To the OP.

I do find it quite worrying that you would even ask this.

Since when has an 8 - 10 year old boy been willing to have sex with somebody? They are 8 - 10 years old <deleted>.

I think this whole thread brings into question your morality.

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good advices though. would do the same if i were in UGs place... the victims would thank you..

I think the OP is in a devil's dilemma for several reasons:

1. He thinks it's the guy but is not 100% sure; the photos are 7-8 years old and people change, gain or lose weight.

2. If it's NOT the man his reputation could be destroyed because of media attention. A guy in my own country was convicted of abuse (tried to) of 2 small children; he killed one, the other played 'dead'. After 8 years in prison the real killer came forward. But, the public, newspapers and television were 100% convinced it was guy nr. 1....until he was indeed found NOT guilty. Everybody was wrong !

3. A friend of mine was missing for 2 weeks after the Tsunami in Phuket. In the end I found his dead face/body-photo. It was him, no doubt..but how does a dead man look like ?

ALL of my friends and family were 100% convinced it was him, including me. It WAS him, until I got an email from London with a photo of my friend, dancing with a girl on New Years' Eve....he was well and OK. I felt relieved and angry at the same time because he didn't feel it necessary to let the people back home know he was OK.

I mean to say that the OP has a big dilemma to deal with...although he probably knows what nationality the guy has, what language(s) he speaks and knowing that the Interpol photos were found on a Norwegian computer, 2 years ago in 2006; the photos themselves were from 2000/01.

The OP has a moral obligation to himself.


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With children that young, there is no grey area on the point of consent. Yes they could consent but they are children who don't know any better. I would turn him in. Now if the objects of his attentions were 16 or 17, frankly I wouldn't.

I agree completely.

When I first saw the picture, the only article that I could find didn't mention anything about ages - just underage gay sex - and I have noticed that a lot of the men being arrested for sex offences in Thailand are consorting with gay teenagers just below the age of consent which is quite common in gay life all over the world and frankly none of my business.

Later someone posted some information that said they were definitely young children and I knew that I had to let someone know, even though I would guess that it will turn out that this man just looks a lot like the guy on the internet, but is (hopefully) not guilty.

Someone from the press has contacted me and I will pass on all the information that I have to them.

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Trial by fire. Don't give this information to the press, give it to the police! If he is innocent then he will be damned once the press get hold of him. Any chance that he could have been discreetly eliminated from the police inquiries will be gone once he is featured on the front page of the Bangkok Post with the headline 'Suspected Pedophile Arrested in Bangkok'.

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Go ahead and tell the police. It is their job to sort it out. You don't have to investigate anything. They will be able to tell for sure if he is the one based on the film and you don't have to worry about it.

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Someone from the press has contacted me and I will pass on all the information that I have to them.

Please: think again !

The Interpol website says this:

" Anyone with information about this man’s identity and current location should contact their local police or the INTERPOL General Secretariat.

Members of the public should not take any direct action themselves."

It doesn't say anything about contacting the press.... :o


(saw your comment later)

edit: the Interpol media release:



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Is the guy you know from the same country, if he is an employee of yours or in your company, do you have access to his passport or some official doc to see if his name is the same etc.

I do not know any personal details here, so hard to see if you can identify his correct name or not. He could be just known to you by a nickname or false name as such.

Confrim country and name if you can and tell those that need to be told.

But beware, it would not be very nice for the guy to get raided at work or home by these people only to be told later he is not the right man. Any raid here will involve thai police and the media for fame and fortune purposes.

Also be aware, recently a photo was put up here of someone and that person was dam_n near an identical twin to someone I know, but it was not him. So be carefull here.

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Also be aware, recently a photo was put up here of someone and that person was dam_n near an identical twin to someone I know, but it was not him. So be carefull here.

I'm positive that is the case here, but will make sure.

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It is NOT our job to decide if any particular individual is, indeed, the man in the photgraphs.

It IS our job to report to Interpol anyone we believe has a strong resemblance to that person.

It is Interpol's job to establish who the photographed man is or is not (there will be many other reports, and they would have other undisclosed information that will help them). As someone else has stated, they will be able to use photo-matching, amongst other techniques, to this end.

It is NOT our job to convict any individual; that will be the job of a court.

I might hesitate if only local/regional police were involved, but not with Interpol.

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Dear OP,

Thai Visa is an open forum - membership is open to anyone in the world that can use a computer. The text on this forum is open to be indexed and searched by Google and any other search programs that the world's security and law enforcement agencies can muster. Search for anything Thai related and Thaivisa.com will pop up in Google's results list. This thread is already 'out there' and can be searched upon. So as a matter of future history it has been written that you have a suspicion about the person being hunted. Unless this thread disappears - I would speculate that when found law enforcement would ask that access to the thread is locked to preserve possible evidence.

Even if your motive is to clear the person in question and so remove him from the list of possible people that look like the hunted man or to protect yourself from charges or aiding and abetting a wanted person it would be wise to provide what infomation you can to Interpol.

Does anyone know a number or way to contact Interpol? Going through the Thai police could be a mistake.
Interpol is not an angency like the FBI etc - it does not send out 'officers' to make an arrest (blame various movies for this idea) but it is means of national police and other agencies to communicate with each other. That is why the Interpol web site tells you to contact local law enforcement in the first instance. I agree that Thai police might react in a particular way if directly contacted by one farang pointing the finger at another farang, they have themselves to blame for this status.

I would strongly suggest that the OP compile what details he has access to and forward that to a police contact from his own country - that way he is isolated from direct contact with local Thai police, but still doing the right thing.

Futher debate serves only to delay action that is for the good of all, as who benifits from delay?


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Guest Reimar

Hi all,

I just get an PM from the OP who is frankly asking to close the thread which is right IMHO<



Interpol arrested the accused in the USA.

For more infos, please take a look athe news and here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/05/08/interp...hile/index.html


///Thread remains CLOSED///

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