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One thing that never ceases to amaze me when this kind of topic raises its head, is people who feel, for God knows what reason, that we should somehow value their opinion, who the hel_l are they?

That's the good point of a cyber forum.

You can sit back and enjoy a laugh without lending credence to anything you read, post what you like (within forum rules) and even

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One thing that never ceases to amaze me when this kind of topic raises its head, is people who feel, for God knows what reason, that we should somehow value their opinion, who the hel_l are they?

He was just offering an opinion, as you are also free to do. Whether you value it or not is up to you.

For me i think there are mis-matched couples in all walks of life - at least they appear that way from the outside - but if it works for them then that's all that really matters.

I will say many of the farang/thai "couples" you see here look mismatched, not on merit of their race, but on merit of other features like insane age gaps, one is hideous while the other is attractive, or mabey the girl is dressed like a hoe and is walking around with some guy that looks like he ran straight down to Nana after leaving the office and barfined her like 20 min ago.

Exactly. I'm also struck by the mismatch when I see a farang/Thai couple (usually trying to have a romantic dinner) who are totally unable to communicate with each other ... staring, silence interrupted occasionally by monosylabic conversation. ... It should take at least 20 years of marriage to get to that point. but then the choice of words would be different :o

Um, Ithailian, maybe consider that some people actually enjoy eating their food quietly together. Some people enjoy savoring the food and dont feel the need to chit-chat. This doesnt necessarily mean they are unable to communicate. Although I dont go out my way to people-watch, sometimes other diners conversations can intrude a bit on my own dining experience, thus drawing my attention to them involuntary. Im sometimes struck by how much people feel the need to share their thoughts with others, sometimes often seems mundane and unnecessary ,sometimes also seem like one person is talking at the other rather than a shared conversation. But well, each to their own. Not my business anyway. Maybe focus on your own food/date rather than querying others eating/talking habits :D

gotta say, you do see quite a bit of the 'unable to communicate' 'silences' around in lower Sukhumvit, either that, or uninterested, or a combination of the two. Case in point, last saturday sitting at the Landmark with my daughter and mother, two US retirees with their GF's were next to our table meeting up for lunch. The old fellas started talking about getting visas to get married here, or getting visa's to get their 'gals' to go live with them in the US. The two 'gals' then started talk to each other in Thai about how they were going to both get work visas to go to...wait for it....Australia.

Comment from one of the old blokes was "I'm too old to learn Thai". I nearly blurted out to him "you better mate!"

My mother and I both stopped talking to zone in on the girls. Who clearly weren't interested in Arm-mel-ic-car, but rather, Ot-day-li-ya. With or without their men, well your guess is as good as mine.....

LOL! That was funny... I laughed and thought of something my Granddad used to say "Ain't no fool like a old fool." :D

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


Thank you MbGinty for the insight you have shown, it had certainly escaped everyone else attention up to now. And it certainly takes some guts to get up on an anonymous forum and share your well reasoned observations.

"Mmmmm, there I've said it" - now why do I imagine "Some Mothers Do Have 'Em" when I see this?

I notice you only mentioned girls, so I assume you are involved in a gay or transvestite relationship? Or are you going to run the love of temples routine past us? Or even better "I am young and Thai girls all love me" hahaha.

Get a life McGinty, then you may just understand that observations of such as yourself hold no relevance to others who are actually content.

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


Thank you MbGinty for the insight you have shown, it had certainly escaped everyone else attention up to now. And it certainly takes some guts to get up on an anonymous forum and share your well reasoned observations.

"Mmmmm, there I've said it" - now why do I imagine "Some Mothers Do Have 'Em" when I see this?

I notice you only mentioned girls, so I assume you are involved in a gay or transvestite relationship? Or are you going to run the love of temples routine past us? Or even better "I am young and Thai girls all love me" hahaha.

Get a life McGinty, then you may just understand that observations of such as yourself hold no relevance to others who are actually content.

My old man got divorced while I was over here and had a 29 year old girlfriend back home. Large age difference. It didn't last either coz they were just too different.

Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but it was pretty strange having my fathers girlfriend about the same age as would have been my elder sister. People can do whatever they like if it makes them happy.

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :D:D:D



Great entertainment.

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


Thank you MbGinty for the insight you have shown, it had certainly escaped everyone else attention up to now. And it certainly takes some guts to get up on an anonymous forum and share your well reasoned observations.

"Mmmmm, there I've said it" - now why do I imagine "Some Mothers Do Have 'Em" when I see this?

I notice you only mentioned girls, so I assume you are involved in a gay or transvestite relationship? Or are you going to run the love of temples routine past us? Or even better "I am young and Thai girls all love me" hahaha.

Get a life McGinty, then you may just understand that observations of such as yourself hold no relevance to others who are actually content.

:D A lovely way to respond to the ignorance and bigotry of the OP. :D

Not practicable I suppose, but it'd be nice if there were phone-free zones in coffee shops and restaurants. I don't really want to listen to other people's telephone conversations, especially the serial ones where they make one call after after another. I'm there for a quiet coffee and a bit of a read - not disturbing anyone.

A cellular signal jammer works like a charm, they are available at MBK. I bought one for use in my classrooms, when I was still teaching, now it creates a great dead spot whenever I turn it on.

IMO it's not how they "look" that is mismatched... I know plenty of interracial couples who are perfectly matched. If anything, those who are truly mismatched are the ones who are mismatched on a socio-economic level: these are commonly the couples where one person is more like a maid or prison cook and/or the other the stereotypical walking or homestay (for the really old/disabled/handicapped ones) ATM for the extended family.

You can tell a person's wealth by looking at them? I guess your Chinese background enables that. You have been brainwashed to think that all dark people are no good maids from Isaan.

IMO it's not how they "look" that is mismatched... I know plenty of interracial couples who are perfectly matched. If anything, those who are truly mismatched are the ones who are mismatched on a socio-economic level: these are commonly the couples where one person is more like a maid or prison cook and/or the other the stereotypical walking or homestay (for the really old/disabled/handicapped ones) ATM for the extended family.

You can tell a person's wealth by looking at them? I guess your Chinese background enables that. You have been brainwashed to think that all dark people are no good maids from Isaan.

You should know better than to feed him.


A cellular signal jammer works like a charm, they are available at MBK. I bought one for use in my classrooms, when I was still teaching, now it creates a great dead spot whenever I turn it on.
I need this for the office and the girlfriend. Does it actually work?

I actually really like Thailand and my few complaints are so minor that I laugh at myself for making them when I do, but the social customs surrounding mobile phone usage are definitely one of those few gripes. I've lived here and managed/worked with Thais for a few years and as a foreigner I just accept that it's not my culture and that I have to adjust, but even still I find it quite rude every single time someone answers a phone during a meeting at the office or during a meal. I probably wouldn't care as much about during meals if it were quick, but it's never quick, there's just an ethic that allows one to keep talking to the natural conclusion of the conversation. At work is amazing to me. In The States anyone interrupting work meetings, conferences or conversations to answer the personal phone in anything but an emergency situation would receive cross looks the first time, a reprimand after a few times and probably eventually be fired. Still, I'm the visitor here and this is a pretty minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, so mai pen rai.

As for mobile phone conversations whilst at dinner, I just consider that rude. If the call is received and quick (or explained that it is important) then I understand. But making a call just to chat to a friend (or receiving), i would take as a snub and be quite offended.
You must be offended a lot in Thailand.
As for mobile phone conversations whilst at dinner, I just consider that rude. If the call is received and quick (or explained that it is important) then I understand. But making a call just to chat to a friend (or receiving), i would take as a snub and be quite offended.
You must be offended a lot in Thailand.

Nope. :o

IMO it's not how they "look" that is mismatched... I know plenty of interracial couples who are perfectly matched. If anything, those who are truly mismatched are the ones who are mismatched on a socio-economic level: these are commonly the couples where one person is more like a maid or prison cook and/or the other the stereotypical walking or homestay (for the really old/disabled/handicapped ones) ATM for the extended family.

You can tell a person's wealth by looking at them? I guess your Chinese background enables that. You have been brainwashed to think that all dark people are no good maids from Isaan.

I'm not talking about anyone's Chinese or Issanite background here, as there are indeed maids from both backgrounds, both light and dark. Sounds like you're just feeling touchy about something today.

I'm talking about people that I know personally, either because they come to me for loans or because I come to know of their personal lives through other business.



op is quite right. 65 year old farang arm in arm with 20 year old brown village girl do look mismatched. and also looks funny when one is 4 to 5 times heavier than the other person. the girl i mean.......................lol.

A cellular signal jammer works like a charm, they are available at MBK. I bought one for use in my classrooms, when I was still teaching, now it creates a great dead spot whenever I turn it on.
I need this for the office and the girlfriend. Does it actually work?

It works great, it has about a 20 meter radius wherein it disables all signal. You can get a more powerful version which will double that radius, but I find 20 meters to be more than sufficient. They cost about 5000 Baht and resemble a cellphone. Just take it with you and turn it on when you need it. I love turning it on at restaurants and watching people trying to make calls and wandering why there is no signal.

Perhaps the OP has simply observed miss matched couples who happen to be of mixed race.

If it is true that the basis and beginnings of a significant number of Thai/Foreign relationships differ from the basis and beginnings of general Thai/Thai or British/British (insert any nationality/race of you wish) relationships then it is not un reasonable, racist, or redneck to observe the outward appearance of these relationships.

That would simply be an observation.

But also, and the OP needs to consider his part in this. It is also the case that "observation" and certainly 'Comment' often has an impact upon that which is being observed (a whole branch of Scientic theory attached to that) ... So, the OPs needs to perhaps accept that his observations and his comments may be playing a part in the apparent missmatch he is observing.

Perhaps the couples he observe are uncomfortable, because and only because he his observing them.

I myself suspect a mixture of both of these issue.

Nice astute post there from Guesthouse - the XV Dali Lama :o

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D



I am quite tall (1.92m), my wife rather small (1.57m), I am "white", she is rather "black" so, according to your thinking, are we "mismatched" ?

Well, one interesting thing to notice, we are still married after 27 years, and I know no one of my age like that (in France) ...

So, maybe we are a "mismatched" couple, but less than any other (of our age) one I know ...

On the contrary, I have seen many "matched" (looking) couples who broke after some years for this or that reason (often a stupid one), so I do think that the "physical" match is not an important factor.

Indeed, like many tall men, I could never be "turned on" by a woman of my size ...

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D



I am quite tall (1.92m), my wife rather small (1.57m), I am "white", she is rather "black" so, according to your thinking, are we "mismatched" ?

Well, one interesting thing to notice, we are still married after 27 years, and I know no one of my age like that (in France) ...

So, maybe we are a "mismatched" couple, but less than any other (of our age) one I know ...

On the contrary, I have seen many "matched" (looking) couples who broke after some years for this or that reason (often a stupid one), so I do think that the "physical" match is not an important factor.

Indeed, like many tall men, I could never be "turned on" by a woman of my size ...

Tall women turn me on and I'm 6'3".

You mean “one hot + one not”? I think "it is just like looking in the mirror!" for many farangs here in thailand

To the OP: But why waste the time talking about other people’s lives? :o

No not the one hot the other not. That could include an average looking person with a beauty. I was talking more like the Mick Jagger with the sports illustrated swimsuit model type. One gorgeous and the other butt ugly.

A cellular signal jammer works like a charm, they are available at MBK. I bought one for use in my classrooms, when I was still teaching, now it creates a great dead spot whenever I turn it on.
I need this for the office and the girlfriend. Does it actually work?

It works great, it has about a 20 meter radius wherein it disables all signal. You can get a more powerful version which will double that radius, but I find 20 meters to be more than sufficient. They cost about 5000 Baht and resemble a cellphone. Just take it with you and turn it on when you need it. I love turning it on at restaurants and watching people trying to make calls and wandering why there is no signal.

Sounds like a great toy, but 5000 baht! :o Pretty tempting though.


Do jammers cause cancer?

That would be a pretty rough tradeoff for not having to be annoyed by mobile phone conversations.



i have a good friend who is a very young 66.he was devoted to his wife of 47 years when she died,he has found a girlfriend here who is 29 years old.i dont care if it dosn't work out it is helping him through a tough time.

op is quite right. 65 year old farang arm in arm with 20 year old brown village girl do look mismatched. and also looks funny when one is 4 to 5 times heavier than the other person. the girl i mean.......................lol.

Ralph, I don't fit the picture you paint here, apart from being 65, but consider this for a mo - try to imagine being that person you

hold in contempt and having that same yearning, to have and to hold just such a 20 year old brown village girl just once more in your


If that's too difficult for you, wait until you're 65 and see what Father Time has done for your face and figure.

Jammers are illegal, so I would be careful.
I'd like to see the process of A] someone figuring out that there's a jammer in the first place, B] notifying authorities and them figuring out who has it and C] what the going bribe rate is for getting caught jamming your girlfriend's phone calls. I'm pretty sure once you explained "Officer, I was just using it to have an uninterrupted dinner with the missus" he'd probably laugh and walk away.

What I've learnt about TV Members is how SOME of them can't accept a difference of opinion to their own and have to resort to nasty comments. Pity, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this is a forum, after all.

After saying that, there are many members who can come up with a reasoned reply without being nasty....thank you. :o

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