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Has Anyone Talked To Their Representatives?

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Right now, I am in the midst of the fiancée visa process. It is long and expensive, but it seems fairly straight forward. During this time, of course, my fiancée cannot be with me in the United States because the chances of a girl engaged with an American getting a tourist visa is 0%.

What would be nice is if there were some sort of sponsored tourist visa. Businesses can sponsor a foreigner for a work visa, why isn't it possible for individuals to sponsor visitors?

They could draft the legislation such that the sponsor would have to sign an affidavit of support, and prove the beneficiary left the country within the alloted amount of time otherwise, the beneficiary would lose the right to apply for a visa for the next ten years, and the beneficiary would be fined a large sum of money.

I understand that the government would be worried that some people would use such a visa to bring girls in for illegal activities such as prostitution, but the visa could be limited to one beneficiary, plus dependents, per citizen at a time.

It seems if enough people send letters to their representatives, legislation may actually get passed.

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