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Getting Leg Cramps In Phuket


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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


Yeah, lack of salt is a big cause.

Hunt around and there might be someone who could give you a massage!

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Thanks so much for this good advice.

Started having leg cramps myself about 4 months ago. I can definitely link it to cutting nearly all salt from my diet about that time (trying to unclog the arteries!) :o , and I definitely don't drink enough water.

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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


Yeah, lack of salt is a big cause.

Hunt around and there might be someone who could give you a massage!

Chang and a massage, that sounds spotton.

Water makes ya rust, alcohol preserves.


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I jog a lot and get calve cramps too. More so after drinking the night before.

I do drink a lot of water. Then people told me bananas (potassium) I tried them and that didn't work.

Then someone told me Magnesium. i bought some supplements in a vitamin type store and they work for me.

Each person is different and i think you have to find what works for you. Water, gator-aid, potassium, magnesium, electrolytes, salt. everyone has a solution. but which one works for you?

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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


" Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly."

Sorry, can't help it.

Sometimes when I'm at a girly bar, I get a bit of a cramp in my middle leg. Seems to swell a bit too. I've found that the ladies are pretty cooperative, they'll massage it right there and then for me, or if necessary, typically there are private rooms for rent and they'll take you in back and relieve the pressure.

You might give it a try :D

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Thanks so much for this good advice.

Started having leg cramps myself about 4 months ago. I can definitely link it to cutting nearly all salt from my diet about that time (trying to unclog the arteries!) :o , and I definitely don't drink enough water.

Not sure if you were joking or not but just to be sure; too much salt will lead to, amongst other things, elevated blood pressure. It rarely however contributes to arteriosclerosis (or blocked arteries) although high blood pressure is a designated risk factor for it. As for unclogging is concerned: as my cardio put it recently, there is no such thing as cardiac draino thus there is no process for unclogging the arteries apart from surgical intervention.

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Many thanks to all for your comments. I will start too drink more water and see if that helps with the cramps.

I asked a friend of who spent a lot of time in the UK. She said that she suffers with cramp in the UK and not in Thailand, which makes me think it could be something to do with atmospheric pressures?

The cramps only start when I am in such a relaxed state and stretch out my legs, but only when sleeping.

I would try more salt but I feel that I have enough intake already.

Anyway I will keep you all up to date on my findings.


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I am a bit of a distance jogger and have lived on the island for six years and also get leg cramps - and even hand cramps at times. Particularly on days after a long run when I have lost a lot of water due to sweating.

I tried electrolytes (not much help) and I already drink loads of water. But - when I take salt it stops. First noticed the salt connection after having a bag of potatoe chips and had no cramps. Too much fat though to do that daily - I take just a good pinch of salt, put it in water and drink it before bedtime. Most of my cramps were at night. Depends of course on how your blood pressure (if it is an issue at all) responds to the extra salt.

Try it - might just work for it. It was far easier than trying to slug down two packs of electrolytes daily with limited success.

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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


I agree with everybody about the water and salt. I had the same problem a few years ago. Very bad cramps in the legs especially when relaxing or sleeping.

In that time my favorite drink was white wine (sometimes mixed with soda). Somebody told me it was the reason of my cramps (never had cramps before but a bad blood circulation in the legs, that caused also swollen legs).

I stopped drinking white wine (I drink red or rosé now! but not toooooooooooooo much) and no problems since then. No swollen legs any more and no cramps! I eat always very salted and drink (most of the time water) when I am thirsty!

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Drink more water and add magnesium.

The cramps are the result of alcohol and dehydration (dehydration comes from clime n alc).

A lot of magnesium (three times/day)will make you able to continue with booze. :o


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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils.

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o

i have the same problems occasionally. in my case its dehydration from drinking too much alcohol and lack of salt from sweating too much. my rather simple remedies are 1. stretch my calves only very carefully 2. drink plenty of water (juice, milk) with the alc and 3. eat like thais do (spicy). no cream, no massage, no medicine. more info (like for nearly everything) from wikipedia. here's the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cramp

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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


" Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly."

Sorry, can't help it.

Sometimes when I'm at a girly bar, I get a bit of a cramp in my middle leg. Seems to swell a bit too. I've found that the ladies are pretty cooperative, they'll massage it right there and then for me, or if necessary, typically there are private rooms for rent and they'll take you in back and relieve the pressure.

You might give it a try :D

Huggy, just wot I needed to know.

One problem, how do I get my middle leg to swell?.......... :D

Will bar girlies help with that too?

Edited by Zpete
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I previously played a lot of tennis in Singapore, I would tend to cramp in my feet and legs. Tried everything and found for immediate relief.....Pickle Juice. In fact it works so fast I could immediately finish the match.

There actually was an American football game many years ago where a team playing in Dallas used the pickle juice and this game became known as the Pickle Bowl. It doesn't taste great (hold your nose) but it works. For long term, drink lots of water and gator ade (or equivalent).

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LOTS of salt in pickle juice.

I find taking a multi vitamin with minerals before exercising keeps the cramps down to a minimum.  When I don't take one, I always cramp up after exercising even though water and gatorade intake are always the same.

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When I am in Phuket I suffer from cramp in my calf muscles. Went to the pharmacy and asked for some cream, the pharmacist said it was due to lack of fish oils. :D

I found this funny as when I am in Phuket I eat a lot of seafood. When backin the UK I never suffer from cramp , and never eat to much fish because the cost is so high. :D

I would like to ask if any Thaivisa members suffer the same thing, or is it just me? Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly. :o


" Serious comments please as I am a newbie and would like to be broken in slowly."

Sorry, can't help it.

Sometimes when I'm at a girly bar, I get a bit of a cramp in my middle leg. Seems to swell a bit too. I've found that the ladies are pretty cooperative, they'll massage it right there and then for me, or if necessary, typically there are private rooms for rent and they'll take you in back and relieve the pressure.

You might give it a try :D

Huggy, just wot I needed to know.

One problem, how do I get my middle leg to swell?.......... :D

Will bar girlies help with that too?

If not, she's probably not very attractive or you need a little vitamin "V"...... :D

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Cut the garbage, lots water and 3 or 4 bananas a day, all ya need.

Bananas are the best single natural food for this problem, and many more of the body's deficiencies.

Fix it in almost no time.

Go and Google, "benfits from eating bananas."

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It is probably due to the throughput of fluids: you exercise (or drink too much Chang) and you therefore use and lose a lot of fluid. You rehydrate but all that does is replenish the water - not the salts and electrolytes your body needs. The more you drink, the more dilute your salt/electrolyte concentration becomes.

Personally, I'd go for proper electrolyte powder and make up the drinks myself. Firstly, it's a darn sight cheaper than Gatorade etc; secondly, you can adjust the concentration to suit yourself.

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