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Little Johnny

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Little Johnny was laying in bed one night when he hears lots of noise coming from his parents bedroom. He gets out of bed and stands outside their bedroom door listening.

He hears moaning and slapping and the bed squeaking :o He opens the door and there is his Mum on all fours with his Dad behind her going like the clappers bashing her back doors in :D :D

His Dad sees him and throws a pillow at him telling him to sod off.

Later on, after he's shot his bolt and all that, the old man's laying in bed and he hears lots of noise coming from his sons bedroom. He gets out of bed and stands outside his bedroom door listening.

He hears moaning and slapping and the bed squeaking. :D

He carefully opens the bedroom door and there's his son bashing his Grannies back doors in. :D :D

The old man stands there mortified.

The son looks over to his Dad and says.......

"See, it's not so funny when it's your Mum" :D

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