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How Long Have You Lived In Thailand?


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I recently left Thailand after 5 years of living in different parts of the country. I miss things about the country but doubt that I would ever return to live there.

So, as the title of this topic says;

How long have you lived in Thailand? And if you were to leave Thailand, would you return knowing what you know today?

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Nearly 18 Years, I came when I was 35.

Yes I would do it all again, I doubt I will ever leave, I'm from UK and I didn't like UK back in 1990 when I left, now I hear it sucks even more than it did then.

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Been here nearly two years. Came at the age of 25.

My current plan is a 'Five-Year MINIMUM'. On the one hand, I don't want to limit myself to some sort of maximum stay, saying "If I haven't blah, blah, blah within 3 years, I'm out of here". On the other hand, I don't think anything less than 5 years is giving a place a fair enough chance to get to know it.

Back to the original topic: yes, I feel that my experience thus far have made me appreciate Thailand more. The priorities have definitely shifted. In other words, I like certain things more now than when I arrived and certain things less than when I arrived (ie. I don't find the women as 'shockingly' beautiful anymore; I can't shrug off traffic jams like I could when I was a tourist vs I can speak the language, and I am finally getting an appreciation for the food).

So yes, I would move here in a heartbeat with my current supply of knowledge of life here in Siam.


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I am 26 and have been here for 2 years and before then I have been in and out of here since 19.

I don’t think you guess have missed to much.

Night life and clubs. Big deal. Can hook up anywhere in the world.

But we normally just play computer games and chill at friend’s house. And make trouble time to time. On our free days off.

Form being here in my early 20 I am looking forward to living back in Australia when 35 and having the business trips and few holidays Here only.

Rather the Kid go to High school and university in Australia as well.

And I enjoy snowboarding and I have missed so much of it in the past 2 years!!@@!@@!@!

I find Bangkok the same as most city’s ive lived.

I have been to The islands and Rayoung pattaya And I honestly say I really don’t like it what so ever.

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come september, it'll be 10 years for me. still enjoy my life here. but am looking for other places to hang out. thinking of dividing up my time each year between china, the philippines, usa and of course, thailand - my second home.

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I know that one should not tar everyone with the same brush, but one thing I am not missing is the type of foreigners (especially from my own country) that end up staying long time in Thailand.

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i've been here 13 years ,came when i was 35 ,it was the right time for me ,any earlier and it would'nt have worked,i've no regrets and dont think i will ever leave,going back to uk and working and having a mortgage just does'nt appeal to me anymore

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9 years

no plan to leave, I even don't want to think of it ! But if I were to leave, I would do whatever possible (and legal) NOT to leave !

For me 2 1/2 yrs, but exactly the same opinion!

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Just a few years but I feel more at home here than anywhere in the US. Things will feel different once you live here. Its not for everyone but for those it is for, aren't we lucky we are allowed to stay? I am really not sure how you can know for sure if Thailand is a fit for you until you try it. There is really no foolproof way for humans to predict how they will feel in the future.

Edited by Jingthing
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I know that one should not tar everyone with the same brush, but one thing I am not missing is the type of foreigners (especially from my own country) that end up staying long time in Thailand.

You are absolutely right about the type of foreigners, nobody would miss them. It's good though they found a refuge in this country. I myself live here for two years, will never come back, and if knew, how the life is here, wouldn't have signed the contract. There are good things about Thailand, but I would be happy to just visit, enjoy, but not live here.

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Thailand attracts a very certain type of foreigners (not talking about tourists), so that type of people like living here, but others don't. However, Thailand I think is a good place for tourism, it has what average tourist needs: cheap lodging, cheap food, good weather, cheap shopping etc.

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6 years and no I would not do it again. At least not in the same way. It is the only place I know where the experience you gain would make it better if you were able to go back in time. In all other places, knowing too much spoils the experience. It's all down to personal experience but I don't think I can be totally happy here again and am evaluating what to do.

As a consequence of how I feel I see more and more of the bad things in Thailand and less and less of the good. Small things which you previously overlooked now annoy me. Maybe a break would be good.

Edited by goingaroundagain
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I have been living in Thailand for almost 20 years in various places. I have no plans to leave until I am thrown out.

I have been married to a Thai lady now for over 25 years we tried the UK shortly after getting married but I couldn't handle it.

Here now until the end....

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It’s been my second home for two years and its been the most fantastic learning experience. However at the end of the day I feel much more comfortable and at home in Singapore so plan to scale down the time I spend in Thailand.

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From the posts, it would seem that the people who had the courage to move in and stay 15 to 20 years ago are happiest. I would think also

that those people have seen the best of Thailand socially and economically and I do so envy them that experience, having gone on and off the

notion time and again myself.

The longer term expats will still have good memories of the early times and if reasonably happily married will, I imagine anyway, be able to work round the two tier pricing system.

To decide to move to Thailand now to settle would be in my opinion a very different experience and not very sensible unless extremely well off and being a person very adept at hanging onto whatever assets they have.

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the average male midlife crisis begins in the age range of 35 to 50 with the average length of the crisis being between 2 and 7 years (some more, some less depending on the ability to cope with life circumstances), so based on some of the posts in this thread, i would say this sounds about right

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I have lived here for just over 8 years and we are going home this summer. I cannot wait. Thailand has been a great experience and we have had a wonderful time but I really want to go home. I can't see myself ever coming back here to live. I hope I can come on holiday from time to time but I think two weeks will be enough.

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I'm sure that I read a post stating that, 'one should not know too much the first time around'. I absolutely agree with this.

I was totally green my first time around,that green that I even brought my gf whom I had been together with for 15 years with me. After 3 months she went back to Denmark and I stayed in Thailand. It was not until 9 months later and totally skint that I returned to Denmark to sell my apartment. In the 2 months I was back in Denmark I studied Thailand on the net, mainly through a certain website that I will not name due to his unauthorized use of my copyrighted material. I read the whole site from one end to the other. I recognized many of my own mistakes and laughed at the other stories describing others mistakes that I could have easily fallen into but luckily avoided.

I returned to Thailand and jadeism was already in my luggage upon arrival. The initial rush was not there anymore. I was still enjoying myself, but I knew too much, I knew a lot of the scams and was more wary of everything and almost everyone. I still managed to get stuffed in a couple of situations, and anyone that states that they have never been ripped off in Thailand should open a shop selling the rose tinted glasses that they obviously must be wearing.

I will return to Thailand for holidays, but with the visa regulations and the growing xenophobia amongst the citizens of Thailand I very much doubt I would return there to live.

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I came 19 years ago, as a tourist just out of University. Met my husband and fell in love and stayed for that reason. If I were to do it all again, would I? Well, only if it meant staying here for the same reason; my husband. Thailand is my home now, but my commitment is to my husband and my marriage and that is what keeps me here. Is it worth it, has it been worth it? Absolutely.

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