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Are You Embarassed To Admit....


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With its seedy rep, increasingly violent and sexual crimes, do you always admit you live and/or visit Pattaya? Have you ever said you are from Chonburi? Bang Sare? Sattahip? Other?

I'm a proud Pattayan but I also admit I'm addicted.... :o

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NO problem admitting I visit ViceCity to folks in Thailand, but its another matter when talking to friends in the UK. Its human nature to only remember the bad things about a place and you all know what a little bit of knowledge can do, especialy when discussing Thailand with a female friend (davethailands avitar says it all)


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I tell everyone I know - in and out of Thailand - that I live in Pattaya.

If they have any problem with that, then I really couldn't give two hoots.

In point of fact I live some 15 kms east of Central Pattaya, and in any case there is a lot more to Pattaya than the area between Beach and third Roads, but I'm not about to start justifying this or explaining where I live to all and sundry.

Let them think what they want to think.

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NO problem admitting I visit ViceCity to folks in Thailand, but its another matter when talking to friends in the UK. Its human nature to only remember the bad things about a place and you all know what a little bit of knowledge can do, especialy when discussing Thailand with a female friend (davethailands avitar says it all)



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Be Proud and say you LOVE Pattaya!!!! What amazes me the ones who constantly gripe about it - seem to be same ones constantly there. Not to mention seems many thai(s) like it - just look at the roads which are packed and their heading to beach from BKK.

Edited by britmaveric
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I dont live there, but I know some great guys that do, and these guys are not there coz of the seedy side of things. most of them work hard fr a living and have a family to suport.

I wouldnt think they would be ashamed to live there.

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I tell everyone I know - in and out of Thailand - that I live in Pattaya.

If they have any problem with that, then I really couldn't give two hoots.

In point of fact I live some 15 kms east of Central Pattaya, and in any case there is a lot more to Pattaya than the area between Beach and third Roads, but I'm not about to start justifying this or explaining where I live to all and sundry.

Let them think what they want to think.

Rock on Mobi!

I think I mentioned in a response to a previous (done-to-death 'how do you handle the social stigma' admitting you live in Pattaya) thread that if you worry too much about what your friends and family think, you need better friends and family.

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With its seedy rep, increasingly violent and sexual crimes, do you always admit you live and/or visit Pattaya? Have you ever said you are from Chonburi? Bang Sare? Sattahip? Other?

I'm a proud Pattayan but I also admit I'm addicted.... :o

I tell everyone I live in Pattaya and have done so for 10 years. I go to work, come home and enjoy my life. I have a lot of friends, mostly Thai's but some foreigners and I love my life here.

The seedy life in this town, or any other for that matter, is there if you want it. If you don't, you just don't go to those areas, there are places here that are not seedy atall! I reckon those regulars who continually bitch about Pattaya are the one's who are just jealous that they didn't invest in a home here so they can get the best of both worlds if they choose.

To answer your question - I admit every time that I live here and couldn't give a monkey's what anyone thinks anyway.

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A few years ago I lived in Jomtien. Had I lived in Pattaya, I'd have said I lived in Pattaya. Wouldn't bother me any. Now I live out in the boonies and that doesn't bother me either.

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To admit I live in Pattaya and love it is the easy part. How many people then admit where and when they met their wife in Pattaya :D

My 87 year old mum does not understood the geography of Thailand so never asked :o

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To admit I live in Pattaya and love it is the easy part. How many people then admit where and when they met their wife in Pattaya :D

My 87 year old mum does not understood the geography of Thailand so never asked :o

Not many would admi :D t that surely. My 95 year old grannie recently said that people in Thailand lived in mud huts.

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I tell folks I live on the beach facing Pattaya, Hua Hin that is! Pattaya is great, everytime I fly over there I am amazed at how beautiful it is from the air. Of course, I'm always glad to fly home to Hua Hin, too!

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My mate recently got a job in a part of Chiang Mai he had never known before. He is 38, his parents both retired, from London. They asked the location and I casually said, "It's in a neighborhood with a lot of knocking shops." He took the job anyway. The parents did not even ask how I knew about the knocking shops. I guess there are neighborhoods in London like that, too.

Pattaya probably has some knocking shops, and lots of other non-knocking places.

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I tell everyone I know - in and out of Thailand - that I live in Pattaya.

If they have any problem with that, then I really couldn't give two hoots.

In point of fact I live some 15 kms east of Central Pattaya, and in any case there is a lot more to Pattaya than the area between Beach and third Roads, but I'm not about to start justifying this or explaining where I live to all and sundry.

Let them think what they want to think.

Mobi - I like what you say - a guy who is secure

I have not been to Pattay for 2 years but with the Singaporean people I work with in Singapore it would not be seen as a bad thing - the expat guys here would see it different but as something a lad just does.

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Be Proud and say you LOVE Pattaya!!!! What amazes me the ones who constantly gripe about it - seem to be same ones constantly there. Not to mention seems many thai(s) like it - just look at the roads which are packed and their heading to beach from BKK.

My Thai colleagues are all very middle class girls with oversea's degree's - 80% of the time if they go away for the weekend its to Pattaya

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I think that people will always make assumptions about you using whatever information you provide. I think people do tend to assume that certain types of people choose to live in certain places. Like most sterotypes it is probably mostly nonsense mixed with a grain of truth. I tend to think that for many of us it is 'fate' that decides where we end up and not so much personality. Although I would say that Pattaya does seem to attract a certain type of 'punter'. If I lived in Pattaya I would try and be proud of it, but the place doesn't appeal to me as anything more than a place to visit for a night or two and fill up on the western amenities.

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Be Proud and say you LOVE Pattaya!!!!

I LOVE Pattaya !! :D

Not too many people I've spoken to (recently at least) know much about Pattaya. The question I'm asked most often is "Where is Pattaya ?". They've heard about Bangkok, some may have heard about Phuket, and some have heard those old, old, very old stories that have been in circulation since the Vietnam war.

I do have a "Good Guys go to Heaven, Bad Guys go to Pattaya" shirt that I wear once in a while here (in Kandahar). Most people that see it have no idea what it means.

Some people have even asked (when I've said I live in Pattaya) how we made out during the Tsunami. No idea of the geography of the country, but then, unless you have a degree in geography, you could hardly be expected to know the coastlines of a country you know little if anything about.

When people who are planning a holiday ask me about Thailand, I generally nudge them towards Phuket or Krabi or Chaing Mai though. Especially the married types and louts. Let them screw up someone elses city ! :o

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Okay, I have a secret confession. Often I do say Chonburi and wait to see if

they follow-up with the Pattaya? You mean Pattaya? You stay in Pattaya?

The press makes it out to be the ninth level of hel_l though? Good things happen

here. Good people live here and make useful contributions, live normal, peaceful

lives but that never gets any media play. It's just crime, drugs and transvestites. :o

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To admit I live in Pattaya and love it is the easy part. How many people then admit where and when they met their wife in Pattaya :D

My 87 year old mum does not understood the geography of Thailand so never asked :D

Not many would admi :D t that surely. My 95 year old grannie recently said that people in Thailand lived in mud huts.

I met my wife in Pattaya :D , In a bar also. :o

Edited by davethailand
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