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Games Room Sub-forum

Kan Win

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Having read "A Separate Forum For Games Please" in our "Forum support desk"


Please vote :o


1. Yes please. Kan we have one


2. No, why should we need one as we have one here already


3. What are you on about Kan Win ???


Kan Win :D

Edited by Kan Win
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It's not broken - Why fix it ?

But it doesn't really bother me either way - Life rolls along and I can cope with or without change.

Can't see what all the fuss is about - if you don't like a topic just scroll onto the next one - some people like to have a little moan about little things and others like to right a few wrongs.

ah well I'll get back to my pipe & slippers - "Night All"

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No it was actually an abstention. :D

I just happened to wander in the wrong room and thought I back out quietly without getting into into a 46 page heated debate about the pros & cons of T.V. games final position in the Grand Scheme of Things.

Sorry I must go as my cocoa and creative crochet catalogue await without..........

...........me. :o

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