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Probebly Stupid Tourist Visa Question

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I entered Thailand with VOA in dec 06 and went for maximum 3 times, and then i went to Penang where i got tourist visa and only stayed for another month. So this was total of about 4-5 months period. Then i went to Sweden for one and a half months and at the same time i obtained double entry tourist visa and went back to Thailand (after beeing in Sweden for one and a half months like i said), then after six months i went to singapore get another tourist visa and after that one i went to Hong Kong for another one.

In Hong Kong they told me that i have been in Thailand for too long and couldnt obtain a new tourist visa, but after some talking they said i could get one if i show them my bank account with some funds. I asked them how much they wanted to see as minimum, they replied how much do you have? I asked if half million bath was enough wich was and i got a new tourist visa. So with that visa and my previous I had stayed almost one whole year in Thailand (5 days short). So in last one and a half year i only have been outside for one and a half months.

Now Im in Sweden since 10 days and Im already planning going back in august some time wich will mean i have stayed outside Thailand for 3 months period before I enter again. Now my question is do anyone know if they gonna make me trouble because Ive stayed in Thailand for so long, am i gonna be able to get double entry visa for Thailand anyways here in Sweden? Should i maybe change my passport so i get a new one with not so many Thai visas and stamps in it? I dont know what to do really, I just want to go to Thailand.

Money is not a problem for me because i have saved enough money not to care about anything for at least a decade, so showing funds in my bank account again wont be a problem if necessery.

Can someone please explain to me what is best for me to do, and if I need to worry about obtaining tourist visa (since thai consulat in Hong Kong scared me so much last time).

Thanks guys!

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Now my question is do anyone know if they gonna make me trouble because Ive stayed in Thailand for so long, am i gonna be able to get double entry visa for Thailand anyways here in Sweden?

You'll generally have less potential for trouble applying for a new visa the farther you are away from Thailand. Back in your home country is usually a good bet. That said, maybe somebody else could comment specifically in regards the "friendliness" of the Thai Embassy in Sweden.

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Perhaps a trip to Hull in the UK would be cost effective as you could likely obtain a one year validity non immigrant O visa for 90 day stays. But you will most likely not have a problem getting tourist visas as long as you keep your ears open (good places do change occasionally).

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Well, some embassies and/or consulate try to give people a hard time, but at the end you still can get your visa in one way or another.

Changing your passport gives you a fresh start, but that is not a necessary.

There are no rules for how long you can stay in Thailand as long as you enter legally; if you enter with visas, then you can stay for ever, but if you enter with 30 days visa exemption (not VOA as you mentioned) then you are allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days per 180 days (3 month every six), however, you can get visas in between and use the combination to stay as long as you desire. Keep reading messages in this forum to get updates about where you can find the most tourist friendly Thai embassies and/or consulates.

Have a good day

Bishop :o

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