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Wanna Find A Shrink


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Alcoholics Anonymous

Bangkok Group

123/19 Ruam Rudee 5

Tel 253-0305, 253-8422

Holy Redeemer Church Rectory

Tel 253-0305, 253-8411 (Father Jack) Sukhumvit Group

Soi 55 Sukhumvit, Tel 391-8776


Hot Line

90/269 Mooban Yoo Charoen

Soi Songsaard, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road

Tel 277-7699, 277-8811

They have a social worker, a nurse, a lawyer and a psychiatrist to help the distressed.


The Samaritans of Bangkok

Tel 236-7465

They help those who are suicidal or depressed and need someone to talk to - in English.


Community Services of Bangkok

15 Soi 33, Sukhumvit Road

Tel 258-5663


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If you need a psychiatrist with the ability to legally prescribe meds, you might want to try Bumrungrad Hospital. If you need/want talk therapy bmw's post is probably a good place to start.

Maybe things have changed, but just a couple of years ago Bumrungrad did not have any facilities to deal with psychiatric patients. They even had patient relatives sign off a document taking all responsibility for such patients.

But now they seem to have a bunch of shrinks on staff:


...maybe to deal with resident psychos... :o

Samitvej has a psych ward AFAIK.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear all,

thanks for the advice (especially the one about Sukhumvit soi 4 that was particularly helpful... are you a samaritan?)

I am most interested in CSB (community services bangkok) however all of the information is out of date, phone numbers etc... does anyone know if they are still there?

Edited by ianpants69
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Community Services of Bangkok

15 Soi 33, Sukhumvit Road

Tel 258-5663

Not there anymore.

They've changed to be the group called PSI, advertise frequently in Bangkok Post, try a web search for PSI Bangkok. I forget what it stands for, maybe Professional Services Inc????

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luckly, you can have all stuff without shrink - just ask for Prozac at any drug store. If things really bad - ask for Xanax.

For really doomed cases - Xanax times 4 + some booze + whole bunch of DVDs like James Bond. close doors, turn off TV, unplug internet and start medication.

don't forget multivitamins with lots of B-complex and ACE, soda + lemons.

After few days you'll find yourself completely new, relaxed and fresh.

Shrinks will do the same - but for bigger fees, and longer time.

and, surely, after all - write report here...


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Hi, Well I actually heard of this post from stickman. I am new to bangkok, but I have had a practice in the states and have relocated to Bangkok. You can contact me at my web www.hypno-therapy.us. I am not sure if you want Hypnotherapy or meds. If you want meds then continue looking for a shrink.


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Dear all,

thanks for the advice (especially the one about Sukhumvit soi 4 that was particularly helpful... are you a samaritan?)

I am most interested in CSB (community services bangkok) however all of the information is out of date, phone numbers etc... does anyone know if they are still there?

Wow , 5 months between the two posts , are you in a bad way mate ?

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I am new to this site, and I think I can help you. I am a Hypnotherapist that is opening a practice this month in Bangkok. Keep in mind that if you want a shrink, you will probally be given some sort of meds to hide the problem and give you a brand new world to live in. It is up to you, do what you want. But I will be honest with you, many of my clients come to me to help them get off the meds. It's a big step to go on them. Your whole world becomes vanila. . Stickman told me about this post and he suggested That I let people know I am here.


Edited by Darknight
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No sh*t John! I've seen ppl on meds after shrink's prescribtions. they were so heavily loaded with all sort of downers, stabilizers and so - I couldn't recognise my friends.

I dunno how you do it, but if no meds - than its cool.

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They've changed to be the group called PSI, advertise frequently in Bangkok Post, try a web search for PSI Bangkok. I forget what it stands for, maybe Professional Services Inc????

Yeah, I know. They are about 1/2 way down Suk, soi 43, on the left hand side.

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Dr Esther Roberts, the regional psychiatrist for the US Embassy...

don't have her address but maybe CSB can give you further information.

Sorry, no.

The regional psychiatrist attached to the US Embassy is Dr. Roger Lauer. He's been here for three or four years now and is a very thoughtful and approachable man. Call him at the embassy's medical unit and ask his advice. I'm sure he'd be happy to give you a realistic view of the standard of local mental health serivces, but I very much doubt you will like what you hear.

Edited by OldAsiaHand
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I am new to this site, and I think I can help you. I am a Hypnotherapist that is opening a practice this month in Bangkok. Keep in mind that if you want a shrink, you will probally be given some sort of meds to hide the problem and give you a brand new world to live in. It is up to you, do what you want. But I will be honest with you, many of my clients come to me to help them get off the meds. It's a big step to go on them. Your whole world becomes vanila. Hypnotherapy Thailand. Stickman told me about this post and he suggested That I let people know I am here.



Had a look at your website, do have a passing interest in hypnosis as therapy for quitting smoking etc.

Read through, liked the site, all very informative etc...........and then.............I came to the picture of you with your 'swinging crystal' and 'magicians pose' :D

You look like a complete quack!!

Just a suggestion but change the photo and you might not send potential customers away laughing thier bits off! :D

Yooooouuuu aaaaaare getting sleeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyy......... :D


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I would agree with you to a certain extent about the photo. Only the people who would expect the stereo type of someone with a pendulum would find it amusing. So for that reason I added it to my website /admins edit Those people would be more skeptical about Hypnotherapy and I probably would not want to see them anyway only because they would emphases the negative about whatever they could. I saw a few in Connecticut and they spent a whole lot of their time and money picking me apart while I was trying to decide if they were truly interested in therapy or having a go at me. In the end they left without doing any therapy at all. I would prefer they keep their money and not provide them with ammunition to spread negative misconceptions about Hypnotherapy. One I heard about later saying that Hypnotherapy did nothing for them. Well in that case she spent the whole session picking me apart. So yes her session did nothing for her except provide her with some self gratification to support her position. People like that are the ones that convince people that truly need help and on the fence not to going to a hypnotherapist. As a result the people they convince continue to needlessly live with their problem. So my job involves giving positive suggestions, and apparently their’s is to spread negative suggestions. Every negative suggestion they give is one more I must root out. I have had several comments from people who have encountered people like them and the only common remarks I heard were “those people are very ignorant.” They go in with a closed mind and leave the same way. I would suggest you read the tidbits page on my website so you will understand what I mean. I had some people who made a wide arc around my booth at a woman’s show in Connecticut, then walk past the chiropractors to go to a psychic reader. So there are all types out there, and I can’t be the image everyone expects. However I will add a disclaimer below the photo because you are right that too few people in Thailand understand what Hypnotherapy is all about . If you would like to know more, I have been asked to submit a regular column in Big Chilli magazine. It just hit the stands March 11 with my first submission. Pages 61 and 98 if you care to get one.

John Krukowski, C.H.

Edited by Darknight
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I would agree with you to a certain extent about the photo. Only the people who would expect the stereo type of someone with a pendulum would find it amusing. So for that reason I added it to my website Those people would be more skeptical about Hypnotherapy and I probably would not want to see them anyway only because they would emphases the negative about whatever they could. I saw a few in Connecticut and they spent a whole lot of their time and money picking me apart while I was trying to decide if they were truly interested in therapy or having a go at me. In the end they left without doing any therapy at all. I would prefer they keep their money and not provide them with ammunition to spread negative misconceptions about Hypnotherapy. One I heard about later saying that Hypnotherapy did nothing for them. Well in that case she spent the whole session picking me apart. So yes her session did nothing for her except provide her with some self gratification to support her position. People like that are the ones that convince people that truly need help and on the fence not to going to a hypnotherapist. As a result the people they convince continue to needlessly live with their problem.  So my job involves giving positive suggestions, and apparently their’s is to spread negative suggestions. Every negative suggestion they give is one more I must root out. I have had several comments from people who have encountered people like them and the only common remarks I heard were “those people are very ignorant.” They go in with a closed mind and leave the same way. I would suggest you read the tidbits page on my website so you will understand what I mean. I had some people who made a wide arc around my booth at a woman’s show in Connecticut, then  walk past the chiropractors to go to a psychic reader. So there are all types out there, and I can’t be the image everyone expects. However I will add a disclaimer below the photo because you are right that too few people in Thailand understand what Hypnotherapy is all about . If you would like to know more, I have been asked to submit a regular column in Big Chilli magazine. It just hit the stands March 11 with my first submission.  Pages 61 and 98 if you care to get one.

John Krukowski, C.H.

It does seem to me that the old 'swinging pendulum' is steriotypical of hypnotists, which to be honest after reading the info on your sight, I didn't expect to see! It is true that you can be hypnotised without the use of these things.

Your saying those who believe in hypnotherapy will have a more successful experience than those that don't, well to me thats just the basic placeabo effect at work.

Not to say that I don't believe that hypnosis is possable. As a tool for helping people gain confidence and willpower etc.

It's just so unpredictable, with hypnosis you can pull a past life or a UFO abduction case out of practically anyone, even when they agree that it never really happened.

Being in such an easily suggestive state is being vunerable, even if the hypnotist has the best of intentions.

All I know is that I would be skeptical, but keep an open mind, if as you say on your website that patients don't even know they've actually been hypnotised, how do I know I have?! I'll only have your word for it and a lighter wallet! :o

Perhaps being skeptical assures my failier with the therapy?

Either way you claim to be able to help people with medical problems so I would have been far more comfortable seeing you perhaps sitting in a chair by a desk, computer and books in sight, it would have just given me a better impression.

Unfortunatly people have the image of the hypnotist who makes people cluck like chicken and bark like a dog in that pose you give of yourself!

Just change the pic I think it will help business! :D

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It does seem to me that the old 'swinging pendulum' is steriotypical of hypnotists, which to be honest after reading the info on your sight, I didn't expect to see! It is true that you can be hypnotised without the use of these things.

Your saying those who believe in hypnotherapy will have a more successful experience than those that don't, well to me thats just the basic placeabo effect at work.

Not to say that I don't believe that hypnosis is possable. As a tool for helping people gain confidence and willpower etc.

It's just so unpredictable, with hypnosis you can pull a past life or a UFO abduction case out of practically anyone, even when they agree that it never really happened.

Being in such an easily suggestive state is being vunerable, even if the hypnotist has the best of intentions.

All I know is that I would be skeptical, but keep an open mind, if as you say on your website that patients don't even know they've actually been hypnotised, how do I know I have?! I'll only have your word for it and a lighter wallet! :o

Perhaps being skeptical assures my failier with the therapy?

Either way you claim to be able to help people with medical problems so I would have been far more comfortable seeing you perhaps sitting in a chair by a desk, computer and books in sight, it would have just given me a better impression.

Unfortunatly people have the image of the hypnotist who makes people cluck like chicken and bark like a dog in that pose you give of yourself!

Just change the pic I think it will help business! :D

For what it's worth, I don't know John (yet) but I underwent hypnotherapy with someone else in the U.S. about 15 years ago with excellent results. In my case I had a very specific desired outcome (I needed to remember a foreign language I studied long ago and had completely forgotten, in order to pass a test in it on short notice), and really needed/wanted it to work. It did so beyond all expectation and made me feel great in the bargain...and I developed an increased appreciation of the power and depth of the human mind. A friend who heard of my experience went to the same (excellent) therapist but determined to prove that she could not be hypnotized. Well, of course, he couldn't hypnotize her since she was actively resisting. A waste of her money.

In my experience, hypno-therapy is not a cure-all for everything but extermely effective in certain situations provided the client is motivated and cooperative and the therapist well trained. It is certainly better than resorting to pyschotropic drugs unnecessarily -- and NO ONE should ever self-prescribe psychotropics (anti-depressents, tranquilizers etc). Among other things they do not all work the same way and for ther same conditions. An accurate diagnosis of the problem has to precede any prescription or matters may well be made worse. (I'm a registered nurse)

There isn't any therapy that will help people who don't want to be helped, or are convinced the technique is useless. You don't have to believe before experiencing but you do at least have to have an open and hopeful outlook, otherwise as John said, you'll just waste your money and both your & the therapist's time.

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For what it's worth, I don't know John (yet) but I underwent hypnotherapy with someone else in the U.S. about 15 years ago with excellent results. In my case I had a very specific desired outcome (I needed to remember a foreign language I studied long ago and had completely forgotten, in order to pass a test in it on short notice), and really needed/wanted it to work. It did so beyond all expectation and made me feel great in the bargain...and I developed an increased appreciation of the power and depth of the human mind.  A friend who heard of my experience went to the same (excellent) therapist but determined to prove that she could not be hypnotized. Well, of course, he couldn't hypnotize her since she was actively resisting. A waste of her money.

In my experience, hypno-therapy is not a cure-all for everything but extermely effective in certain situations provided the client is motivated and cooperative and the therapist well trained. It is certainly better than resorting to pyschotropic drugs unnecessarily -- and NO ONE should ever self-prescribe psychotropics (anti-depressents, tranquilizers etc). Among other things they do not all work the same way and for ther same conditions. An accurate diagnosis of the problem has to precede any prescription or matters may well be made worse. (I'm a registered nurse)

There isn't any  therapy that will help people who don't want to be helped, or are convinced the technique is useless. You don't have to believe before experiencing but you do at least have to have an open and hopeful outlook, otherwise as John said, you'll just waste your money and both your & the therapist's time.

Interesting Sheryl, it's certainly something I'm willing to take an open minded stab at.

John, do you help people with leaning abilitys, like for instance someone learning a language who wants to better thier capacity for remembering the dialect??

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  • 2 weeks later...

For what it's worth, I don't know John (yet) but I underwent hypnotherapy with someone else in the U.S. about 15 years ago with excellent results. In my case I had a very specific desired outcome (I needed to remember a foreign language I studied long ago and had completely forgotten, in order to pass a test in it on short notice), and really needed/wanted it to work. It did so beyond all expectation and made me feel great in the bargain...and I developed an increased appreciation of the power and depth of the human mind.  A friend who heard of my experience went to the same (excellent) therapist but determined to prove that she could not be hypnotized. Well, of course, he couldn't hypnotize her since she was actively resisting. A waste of her money.

In my experience, hypno-therapy is not a cure-all for everything but extermely effective in certain situations provided the client is motivated and cooperative and the therapist well trained. It is certainly better than resorting to pyschotropic drugs unnecessarily -- and NO ONE should ever self-prescribe psychotropics (anti-depressents, tranquilizers etc). Among other things they do not all work the same way and for ther same conditions. An accurate diagnosis of the problem has to precede any prescription or matters may well be made worse. (I'm a registered nurse)

There isn't any  therapy that will help people who don't want to be helped, or are convinced the technique is useless. You don't have to believe before experiencing but you do at least have to have an open and hopeful outlook, otherwise as John said, you'll just waste your money and both your & the therapist's time.

Interesting Sheryl, it's certainly something I'm willing to take an open minded stab at.

John, do you help people with leaning abilitys, like for instance someone learning a language who wants to better thier capacity for remembering the dialect??

Sorry for being so late in getting back to this thread, McAfee has a very effective spam filter and I did not see the post to the thread. The method applied is about the same for memory recovery. The true key is finding the anchors that invoke the memories. A good example is when I deal with relationships. When I need to take them back to the beginning of the relationship, there is almost always a song that is “Our song” once I invoke that memory the process of remembering what they were doing when they heard the song and who was with them. This in turn invokes other memories and I move them around to find what is needed for the therapy. Hypnosis simply helps remove the static and provides a much clearer memory as well as any other sensations related to the memory. This includes touch, taste, smell, as well as emotions related to the experience. In deeper Hypnosis reliving the experience is possible. Depending how a given person learned a language would depend on how the therapy would go. If the person used metaphors to learn then I would help them recall the metaphors used. On my website the age regression page give some general examples on how such a task may be accomplished. Some of the more accomplished Hypnotists / Hypnotherapists for this type of memory recovery are actually involved in law enforcement. A very good friend of mine Marx Howell in Texas is one of the best in the world. He gets calls from all over to help recover memories in crimes. One of the more recent and very public use of hypnosis to recover memories was in the Lady Di tragedy. That attempt was unsuccessful because drugs that caused amnesia were used by Doctors. They apparently have the same effect as drugs now used in surgery to reduce mental trauma.


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