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If You Get Married In Thailand Do You Get Thai Citizenship?

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Why do you want a Thaipassport for? Unless you keep Dual citizenship, if you can, is it not a good Idea. With a Thaipassport you will be very handycapet if you want to travel anywhere, like Europe or USA, etc. I would never give up my European Citizenship for a Thai one.

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I did not read the replies so if I am duplicating a message please forgive me.

I am married to Thai lady and I am & always be a NON immigrant in Thailand

this is there law and they are not changing it because they don't want us here they just want our money

just look at there laws you can not own a house or a business in your name 100%

Vietnam is the place to go you get better exchange rate for your money and you can own any thing 100%

in your name I know I will be relocating there when my business is finished in Thailand

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I did not read the replies so if I am duplicating a message please forgive me.

I am married to Thai lady and I am & always be a NON immigrant in Thailand

this is there law and they are not changing it because they don't want us here they just want our money

just look at there laws you can not own a house or a business in your name 100%

Vietnam is the place to go you get better exchange rate for your money and you can own any thing 100%

in your name I know I will be relocating there when my business is finished in Thailand

Problem at the moment in Vietnam is that the ecomomy is going through a melt down, but got to agree

with you, Vietnam seems to be a better prospect as regards user friendly laws and what you can and cant do...and is

a communist country to boot ?.....makes you think about what is going through the heads of the powers governing Thailand.

Of the opinion that over the next 10 years or so Vietnam and Cambodia will be the places to be in SEA and will overtake Thailand

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"I know that I'm eligible to Social Security,through my wife..."

I'm not aware this is possible. I always thought it was only available through your own employment.

Can you give us some details, please? Family coverage would be great.

Thai civil servants are under a plan that provides coverage for the whole family.


My wife is a civil servant indeed,but,as previously said,I don't really know how it works;at the moment I have a card that give access to free medical treatment at the public hospital and the military one,another for free medications.(you don't have to pay and wait for reimbursement).Luckily i didn't need to use them,yet.

The other thing that I know for sure,only the partner,husband/wife,the children and the parents are eligible.Would like to have better info myself :o

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I am also interested in Vietnam for the same reasons the other poster made. The women are also more beautiful :o Anyone interested in starting some kind of movement for campaigning for equal rights for foreigners in Thailand?

Edited by MaiChai
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No, you do not get a Thai Citizenship. To get a Thai citizenship is a long and hard process and I much add a bit on the expensive side. No sure, however as I recall there is a Bt9500(???) application fee for starter, which is not refundable if you do not get a citizenship. Good luck, check it out, worthy of a try. :o:D

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Social Security covers medical treatment but that's about all. Thais can get all their money back either as a lump payment or a pension, and they can get unemployment benefits.

Unemployed farangs will be booted out of the country before they can claim anything. The money is gone. Admittely at 750 a month it's not that much.

Prospect of receiving this Social Security pension would not qualify you for retirement visa. Pack you stuff and leave. Thanks for your contribution.

The whole thing is just an excuse for some Thai executives to make shitloads of money under government's umbrella.

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Vietnam is the place to go you get better exchange rate for your money and you can own any thing 100%

in your name I know I will be relocating there when my business is finished in Thailand

:o:D :D

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Vietnam is the place to go you get better exchange rate for your money and you can own any thing 100%

in your name I know I will be relocating there when my business is finished in Thailand


If you are looking for an even better exchange rate why dont you go to Zimbabwe, believe you can get 1 billion Zim $ to the US $....now thats got to be a good deal.... :D:D

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Just found out that when you reach retirement age of 55 and you resign from a job you can claim your social security payments back, which can add up quite quickly, so if you're in that position I suggest you ask some questions. Note that you can claim them back some time after resigning from the job, once you turn 55.

Edited by Bruce1
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"Just found out that when you reach retirement age of 55 and you resign from a job you can claim your social security payments back, which can add up quite quickly, so if you're in that position I suggest you ask some questions. Note that you can claim them back some time after resigning from the job, once you turn 55."

I believe if you do that you are no longer eligible for any other benefits, such as health care. If you quit and plan on staying in Thailand, it might not be such a good idea to take advantage of the lump sum payment.

You can quit working and continue paying in to soc sec. The amount you pay in that case is right around 500 baht, so I've heard. That would keep you eligible for benefits.

If you are planning on leaving, you might as well get some of your money back if you can.

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Being married in Thailand gives you only one privilege visa wise.

If you and your wife have a combined income of over 40,000 Baht/month, you will be granted a 1 year extension of stay.

Your wife's income has to be proven by tax payment, your income, if in Thailand, as well (along with the work permit), or if your income originates abroad, it has to be certified by your embassy.

You will still have to report at immigration every 90 days to confirm you are still living at the same address!

That's it

I'm married to a Thai so being over 55 yo and on a non immigration O visa I have the options of a minimum of 400k per annum or 40 k per month. If I take the 40k per month option how long do I have to transfer 40k per month prior to renewing my one year visa and how long must it be certified by my embassy prior to renewing my one year visa.

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You do not have any 400k option unless you have been using it - that ended in 2006. The options for you are marriage using combined 40k per month income - that requires embassy letter of your income (not transfers of money). The second option is retirement of 800k in Thai bank account for 3 months or 65k income (embassy letter) or a combination of the two to meet 800k.

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