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A Non-b Mulitple Re-entry Question.

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Hi all.

I shall soon need to go to a consulate to apply for a Non-B multiple re-entry visa, but I have read that neighbouring countries will only issue a single entry visa. (Although some have had better luck than others).

And so my question is that bearing in mind that all of my documents will be in place (Including a work permit), then what is the closest/cheapest consulate that will issue me a multiple entry non-B visa for sure.

Thanks in advance.

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I renewed my Non-B multi entry visa in Penang. Went with a Visa firm so I paid 11,500baht, which included, flight and return, picked up from airport to to hotel, hotel, visa. Because I wanted multi entry I had to pay a bit extra.

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I renewed my Non-B multi entry visa in Penang. Went with a Visa firm so I paid 11,500baht, which included, flight and return, picked up from airport to to hotel, hotel, visa. Because I wanted multi entry I had to pay a bit extra.


when was that, please?

I got told, they changed this someone in the beginning of this year, march or so!

And what means "had to pay a bit extra", 11500 is only for single? so maybe you paid 3500 Baht more, or some tip, or....?

Thanks for some details!



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I have twice been to Kuala Lumpur to renew a multiple one year non imm B and twice had no problems at all although a bit more expensive than going to Penang, flight hotel just booked this year for next week at about 11,000 plus visa fee 6000 so all in perhaps 17,000 plus money for spending etc.

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I have twice been to Kuala Lumpur to renew a multiple one year non imm B and twice had no problems at all although a bit more expensive than going to Penang, flight hotel just booked this year for next week at about 11,000 plus visa fee 6000 so all in perhaps 17,000 plus money for spending etc.

In understand, that you are going next week to Kl for a new Non-B multiple, right?

That means also, to me, that your experience is one year old, what my ones was, before I got only a single 1 month ago.

So, please, update your experience with KL after next week, after you got your next visa.

I wish you, that you get a multiple, and that you like to give some details about your used document's and about your "multiple"using of your visas, later!

Good luck


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Another poster mentioned getting a multiple-entry non-B visa in Kuala Lumpur very recently.

I have seen no recent post about getting this type of visa in Vientiane.

List of recent successes in getting visas in the region: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=189375



Three different clients that had gotten a one year multiple entry "B" visa last year.... this past week (including one today) only was able to get 90 days. All had the work permits but the KL officer stated "they want to push more people to apply for the extension of stay" was what one client reported being told why they were giving only the 90 days instead of the multiple one year “B’ visa.

Anybody else?


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I renewed my Non-B multi entry visa in Penang. Went with a Visa firm so I paid 11,500baht, which included, flight and return, picked up from airport to to hotel, hotel, visa. Because I wanted multi entry I had to pay a bit extra.

Do you mean a Visa firm in BKK? Which one was it?

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Hi there,

I'll be trying out the Kota Bharu consulate before beginning of July, in order to try and obtain a new 1yr multi non B.

Visa agent in Penang told me I'd have a better chance in KB at the moment. will let you know what happened.

I do want to ask if anyone can help me bring some clarity to what documents are actually required. I saw the recent list from Penang that is circulating in the forum as well as the one on the official website www.mfa.go.th and plan to take as many doc's as possible, just in case. Most doc's I can provide, however I do have questions about a few documents that I listed below:

(have my own company = conducting business & not searching employment, second year in bussiness, previous visa was 1yr multi non B as well, obtained in home country.)

- Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family) for the duration of stay in Thailand will a bank statement work, copy of cc?

- Letter from the applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment, salary and purpose of visit(s) to Thailand. no problem. is this a standard form? to be obtained where?

- Documents showing correspondence with business partners in Thailand. will an email to my supplier and a bill for goods bought from them do? or do they mean something else

- Evidence of financial status in the case where the applicant is self-employed ? same as first point?

- Letter of invitation from trading or associated partners/companies in Thailand. ?is this a letter from my own company? same as in the second item listed above?

- Corporate documents of associated partners/companies in Thailand such as:

1) business registration and business license Ok=yellow paper with duty of incorp. on the back, right?

2) list of shareholders

3) company profile

4) details of business operation

5) map indicating location of the company

?1-5 are papers from my own company I presum? is from MFA website

How about applying for 1yr visa when WP is only valid another 7months, till January 2009. Will that be a problem, as in "we can't give you 1yr visa if your WP is only approved until Jan"? Should I get some confirmation from the Labour office for this, or have them write in the WP to allow 1yr multi? Is this why there is mention of bringing your actual WP when applying for multi-entries?

Happy to hear about your experiences, cheers.


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