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**warning Thread**

chiang mai

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I am now going to edit the thread to remove not strictly relevant posts and will pin at the top of the forum.

Please take note of out recommendation threads in the sub forum. HERE. All recommendations made here have been moved into THIS THREAD in that sub forum.


***WARNING***COCKPIT Tyre service - Hang Dong Road


Avoid COCKPIT. There are other, far better tyre service places close by.

P1P, I think you are lucky that you were not arrested for theft after stealing his tire. You could of simply been left as you were in the beginning, but that wasn't okay. You both wanted to profit, and this time you won. :o

And I think the 'assault' is B.S. Maybe you can explain it truthfully, but I don't think you will..

Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

The incident was as I posted it. I could not have been arrested for stealing a tyre because, eventually, I left with the permission of the garage owner's wife. I returned their tyre to them a short while later, despite the way they had behaved towards me and against the advice of the police.

To accuse me of wanting to profit from the situation is sad and beneath you. I simply wanted a new, safe tyre on my trailer and paid for one, plus three inner tubes because of their shenanigans. It cost me something over 1,000 Baht more than it should.

The assault was as I stated. They piled into me as I stood by my car and tried to stop them letting all the air out of my tyres.

They had the intention from the very start to cheat me. They knew they did not have the correct sized tyre and simply tried to make a quick buck. Another place a couple of hundred meters down the road replaced their tyre with one the correct size, so if they had been honest, none of the above incident would have taken place.

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Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

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Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

I shall reply by PM or Email.

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Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

I shall reply by PM or Email.

Don't bother yourself...


Okay,, I will not keep this in the private domain. As per your wishes stated here, I shall reply in public in this thread.


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I personally feel that this warning thread is not only warranted but is a necessary, highly important addition to the forum. After all, if we can recommend an exemplary business to our fellow community members, why should we not be permitted to warn them about a business that may be bad for their wallet, health or worse. I can’t help but note, in my personal experience, it’s mainly the bad, dishonest or unscrupulous businessmen who protest loudest when the naming of others of their kind becomes possible. There but for the grace of god .. etc. The truly good business welcomes criticism, from wherever the source. Such criticism helps keep up and even improve standards and can easily be overcome by ensuring later clients are more than happy.

If you have had good service and been looked after well by one of these businesses or feel a warning is not warranted, post in the recommended thread in the sub forum. That is what it is there for. Do not try to send more members of our community into the arms of these cheats and thieves.

What hasn't been mentioned though is that some people through their attitude attract bad service wherever they go. For example, it seems almost unbelievable that a customer should get assaulted in a thai shop without the owner perceiving extreme provocation.

I think it too simple to say you are on the side of the consumer, and that we should all be. I've seen some consumers, farang ones, behaving atrociously towards shop staff. The consumer is most certainly not always right.

Too many negative experiences reported by people often say more about them than the people they are complaining about.

This is sick and below the belt. If you wish to accuse somebody of something, do so directly, backing up your accusations with verifiable fact. To the best of my knowledge, your target has always behaved in an exemplary manner, but I would be happy to be proven wrong. These vile insinuations say far more about the poster than they do about the person you attack. It takes one to accuse one, so to speak.

Removal of the thread has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech violations. Leaving the thread in place does however have much to do with abuse of position and all the associated poor judgment issues.

It is plain to see that this thread has been left in place and even supported by the entire moderation and administration team at Thaivisa. They always remove any thread they consider to be against the spirit of the site, even if it was put there by one of their club.

If you still think the warning thread is A BAD THING. Then <deleted> PM the Mods and Admin about it. If they agree with you, they will remove it. If not, FGS Shut TF up and stop bellyaching.


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I prepared a detailed posting on the experience I had working for a foreign owned company in Chiang Mai and the way that company was engaged in dodgy work and business practices and the poor manner in which it treated both foreign and Thai staff and the lies it told and the same moderator who starts a thread because he couldn't adequately buy a tyre removed that. Not only that, but the post from the same moderator makes accusations of a criminal act having been committed against him and despite claiming he was going to file a police report has posted no follow-up more than a month later. One rule for moderators and another for everyone else.

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I prepared a detailed posting on the experience I had working for a foreign owned company in Chiang Mai and the way that company was engaged in dodgy work and business practices and the poor manner in which it treated both foreign and Thai staff and the lies it told and the same moderator who starts a thread because he couldn't adequately buy a tyre removed that. Not only that, but the post from the same moderator makes accusations of a criminal act having been committed against him and despite claiming he was going to file a police report has posted no follow-up more than a month later. One rule for moderators and another for everyone else.

A detailed followup was posted and then removed when the thread was cleaned up prior to being pinned.

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Removal of the thread has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech violations. Leaving the thread in place does however have much to do with abuse of position and all the associated poor judgment issues.

It is plain to see that this thread has been left in place and even supported by the entire moderation and administration team at Thaivisa. They always remove any thread they consider to be against the spirit of the site, even if it was put there by one of their club.

If you still think the warning thread is A BAD THING. Then <deleted> PM the Mods and Admin about it. If they agree with you, they will remove it. If not, FGS Shut TF up and stop bellyaching.


Why do either of those things, why not just have the LLR debate (or perhaps you call it bellyache) and see where that takes us in terms of a TAM consensus, I mean, that is one of the many purposes of the site.

PS: love the new trend of inserting three letters randomly in posts and will now adopt same for all future posts, it gives them that little something extra I feel.

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I prepared a detailed posting on the experience I had working for a foreign owned company in Chiang Mai and the way that company was engaged in dodgy work and business practices and the poor manner in which it treated both foreign and Thai staff and the lies it told and the same moderator who starts a thread because he couldn't adequately buy a tyre removed that. Not only that, but the post from the same moderator makes accusations of a criminal act having been committed against him and despite claiming he was going to file a police report has posted no follow-up more than a month later. One rule for moderators and another for everyone else.

A detailed followup was posted and then removed when the thread was cleaned up prior to being pinned.

That's a pitty then because I think it leaves the whole matter open as to what transpired next. Did you file a police report? What action was taken by the police? Are there charges pending?, An investigation, etc.

In addition to problems encountered in buying a tyre I think there would be considerable interest in how you were received by the BIB - who are a business in their own right, or so it is alleged.

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My post regarding the BIB was as follows:

This morning I went to Hang Dong, my local, police station. The officer there was extremely helpful and took down the details, giving good advice. However the incident took place out of his territory, so I had to go to the central police station on Rachdamnoen Road to report again. He did mention though that Cockpit had cheated both him and his wife on seperate occasions and they advise their friends and colleagues never to use the business.

At the central police station I sat in front of an officer for the best part of an hour telling my story. He occasionally grunted when he had difficulty in his computer game.

After I had finished my explanation he paused his game and informed me he would not take an official statement unless I brought the owner and staff of Cockpit to the police station with me...... TIT I suppose.

A followup question from Kan Win was as follows.:

1. Anyway, cutting a long story short, I eventually left the premises with their wrong tyre on my trailer and without paying.

2. 300 metres down the road, another tyre on my car exploded with considerable force (not on the loaded trailer then). :D They had pumped far too much air into it. If I had been driving at speed it could have caused a severe accident.

Hi "p1p",

1. Will you return the wrong tyre to them ?

2. Did you ask them to check your tyres for pressure ? Did you check this tyre for being spiked? Maybe you picked up a nail or two there or on your way out?

If not, then it was sabotage.

3. Where did you get that blowout fixed then as mentioned in 2.?

(Do you know what your tyre pressure should be set at, car and on the loaded trailer ? :o If the trailer is loaded then the trye pressure must be pumped up a bit, don't you think. When empty, tyre pressure must be let down).


When I get me tyre pressure checked it is always where I fill me tank up and they know me and I get out of the car and watch them do each and every tyre as I know how much pressure should be in me tyres, both front and back. I Tip then as well.

Also it must be said that the heat in Thailand does soften the rubber down without you knowing, which causes a lot more accidents here than are reported.

Good Luck to you "p1p"

Kan Win

P.S. Too many questions that really need to be addressed and answered don't you think. :D

Continued on next post.....

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And my reply to his questions:

Hi "p1p",

1. Will you return the wrong tyre to them ?

Yes - I have the correct size now and will return the one they put on tomorrow.

2. Did you ask them to check your tyres for pressure ? Did you check this tyre for being spiked? Maybe you picked up a nail or two there or on your way out?

If not, then it was sabotage. :D

There can be no doubt it was intentional, criminal sabotage. The inner tube exploded taking the tyre partially off the rim. No nails or anything else in the tyre but the inner tube was shredded in multiple pieces.

All tyres on the truck and trailer have since been checked over very carefully.

3. Where did you get that blowout fixed then as mentioned in 2.?

A newly opened place to the South of the Samoeng crossroads. Charming and very helpful.

(Do you know what your tyre pressure should be set at, car and on the loaded trailer ? :o If the trailer is loaded then the trye pressure must be pumped up a bit, don't you think. When empty, tyre pressure must be let down).

Yes - I have some experience in this.

Good Luck to you "p1p"

Kan Win :D

P.S. Too many questions that really need to be addressed and answered don't you think.

Thank you for your best wishes here

I must say they probably won't attack me cause I'm 6 '2 and look like the terminator :D

Are you and Blinky Bill related?

6' 2" - Probably a fair bit smaller than me then - My size didn't stop the assault - but it almost certainly ended the altercation before they expected.

The last post I made on the subject in that thread was as follows:

Their tyre returned to them today - Met with demands for extra payment . A suggestion that they accompany me to the police station to sort it all out soon put paid to those ideas.

Just feel a bit concerned about using my truck and trailer for a while now.

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I criticized a person who has a business in CM, who treated me most shabbily and I got a warning. Although I wasn't told I had a warning, found out about it nearly a year later.

I won't be commenting here...

You were officially warned by a moderator other tham myself, for using foul language in relation to a known businessman in Chiang Mai. This does not equate to criticism and, having seen your post, the warning was fully warranted.

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Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

I shall reply by PM or Email.

Don't bother yourself...


Okay,, I will not keep this in the private domain. As per your wishes stated here, I shall reply in public in this thread.



Prior to January 2007, I considered you one of my closest friends here and went out of my way to try to help and support you, both in your private life and on the forum.

On 20th January 2007 you were contributing to a thread about Chiang Mai air pollution. Unfortunately the thread got out of hand and I and other mods had to remove posts. One of those removed posts was from you and included quotes of previously removed posts. It could not therefore remain in situ.

You reacted by posting vitriol and sending extremely unpleasant PMs.

Another mod then stepped in, removed your vitriolic posts and gave you an official warning for your conduct.

Since that time you appear to have developed some kind of a grudge against me. You frequently made unpleasant, snide remarks directed at me in the forum and have even attacked my character elsewhere.

I have received emails and PMs from friends and strangers alike, advising me to avoid you and telling me you are involved in a campaign of character assasination against me. In one recent, forwarded Email to a third party, you state, and I quote

"If *** includes P1p as part of it, then I'm not interested in being a part of it"

Ajarn, I honestly do not believe I have ever done anything to deserve any of the vitriol you spray at me. I simply request, in front of our peers, that you cease and allow a normal friendly relashionship to develop again.

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Thanks P1P. I, and I think many other people, would be interested in the attitude of the BIB when you went to make your report. It fills in the blanks. I wonder if they would react the same way if a Thai was trying to lodge a report about being assaulted by another Thai.

Pretty unrealistic to expect you to take the owner and staff en-masse to the police station. How did they suggest you accomplish this feat ... at gun point perhaps? :o:D

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I criticized a person who has a business in CM, who treated me most shabbily and I got a warning. Although I wasn't told I had a warning, found out about it nearly a year later.

I won't be commenting here...

You were officially warned by a moderator other tham myself, for using foul language in relation to a known businessman in Chiang Mai. This does not equate to criticism and, having seen your post, the warning was fully warranted.

I am in favor of a place where people can post information about poor professional and business practices and services. It is also reasonable to discuss whether or not it is appropriate to have such a topic, but I would like to suggest that this thread be closed because the "discussion" has deteriorated in large part into an unseemly personal shouting match between a moderator and a member. At least, someone should have the grace to remove the posts in question.

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This topic has nearly 1300 reads, 47 posts (most coming from the same handful of members) and has gotten too personal. As such, this topic is CLOSED. If you have an issue with this decision, contact admin.

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