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Fitness And Strength Of Thaivisa Members


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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

Not sure about all the rest but I can swim 3 miles no problem and I can walk 5 miles no problem, the rest? Not a hope in hel_l

I'd walk a mile for a Camel, if I could buy them here.

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Meaningless challenge. The old timer strong man was showing off, knowing that he was one out of a hundred. I wonder at what age did he die. Physical strength and endurance do not equal good health. that is nutrition, and many other factors based, as explained later. Example, in 1979 a 28 year old competetive marathon runner died of a heart attack in Honolulu. One of his coronary arteries was blocked, then another blocked to cause his death. Post mortems of 3 year olds on high sugar, (raises triglycerides); and hydrogenated fats, (another cause); low on vitamin C, (reduces lipo-protein alpha); B6, B12 folic acid, (reduces homocysteine) have shown arterial narrowing. In Vietnam US postmortems on 22 year old military personaell have shown massive arterial narrowing. They were fit, right? How does one handle lifes problems if you are fit and strong, yet mentally, (spiritually) weak? So what are the challenges to the Thais, when 99% of the farangs are not in that physical class, let alone health class? Are not the farangs full of parasites, heavy metals and radioactivity from amalgams, (the law allows uranium in amalgams, that breaks down to polonium. We say amybody with an amalgam is a dead man walking), dyes from cookware, livers blocked with stones, kidneys blocked with rrubber, gold etc, arteries narrowed, rampant bacteria.... (but happily doing their pushups.)

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able - bodied man

What's that mean? Certainly you're not putting a 20-year-old in the same category as someone on the far side of 50?

I'm nearly 60, run and bike every day and would have no trouble with most of the tasks described in the OP. I've got an injury which prevents me from doing pushups and my legs don't have the spring they had 40 years ago, but I still consider myself to be able-bodied.

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Meaningless challenge. The old timer strong man was showing off, knowing that he was one out of a hundred. I wonder at what age did he die. Physical strength and endurance do not equal good health. that is nutrition, and many other factors based, as explained later. Example, in 1979 a 28 year old competetive marathon runner died of a heart attack in Honolulu. One of his coronary arteries was blocked, then another blocked to cause his death. Post mortems of 3 year olds on high sugar, (raises triglycerides); and hydrogenated fats, (another cause); low on vitamin C, (reduces lipo-protein alpha); B6, B12 folic acid, (reduces homocysteine) have shown arterial narrowing. In Vietnam US postmortems on 22 year old military personaell have shown massive arterial narrowing. They were fit, right? How does one handle lifes problems if you are fit and strong, yet mentally, (spiritually) weak? So what are the challenges to the Thais, when 99% of the farangs are not in that physical class, let alone health class? Are not the farangs full of parasites, heavy metals and radioactivity from amalgams, (the law allows uranium in amalgams, that breaks down to polonium. We say amybody with an amalgam is a dead man walking), dyes from cookware, livers blocked with stones, kidneys blocked with rrubber, gold etc, arteries narrowed, rampant bacteria.... (but happily doing their pushups.)

I was with ya until the kidneys blocked with rubber and gold. What do you mean... :o

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Pepe Kidneys can be blocked by having consumed water chlorinated with chlorox, a laundry bleach. Chlorox brings rubber, gold, nickel, beariing grease, engine oil, and dyes which bock kidneys. When the bodys immune system weakens, it can no longer detoxify these substances, nor substances such as rubber absorbed through the skin. The kidney, parasite and liver cleanse are the healthiest actions you can give your body, (as well as removing amalgams), even if you do run or cycle miles a day. I prefer to do 15 minutes cardio, doing 90 second sprints, with minute rests in between.

Edited by thomast
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If you aren't in the Olympic games you are obviously less of a human by the OP. What a silly list. Why not add if you can't run 26 miles. Shouldn't everyone be able to run a marathon on demand. Why just swim a mile that's easy for people who swim. I'd like to know what happened to the "Fitness Pioneer" Was he in that movie 300? Did he consider himself an invalid when he could only do 49 pushups or pullups? BTW physical fitness has nothing to do with mental fitness. You might just be a very sick individual despite being able to do a few pushups.

Why not have the Thaivisa Olympics at the next TV get together. Take down the names of the posters who claim to be with it physically and have them compete in contests related to the events listed here. Prizes could be offered to the people who can complete the tasks in the least amount of time. It would be like the real world of animal competition so these guys should take on this challenge to see if they really are what they say. Survival of the fittest. The first to complete the task is the fittest. The person who wins all competitions is the fittest of the fit.

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How is this Thailand related?

Mods: Please consider closing the topic.

Oh god, why? :o

It's a fun topic, to do with thaivisa members and there are able bodied men in Thailand. Is that ok?

Edited by burman
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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

I can usually do all of these, but I am recovering from shoulder surgery, so I am not sure about the pull-ups at the moment (I can do 20-25 normally). And of course, "run at top speed" may be subject to interpretation. I have a Thai friend who has almost no muscle mass, but he can run a little faster than I can.

I just turned 50, and except for my shoulder, am in pretty good shape. What sometimes amazes me, though, is how little many Thais lift while at the gym. I go to California Fitness, and I see fit-looking young men with decent muscle definition doing curls with 10 pounds, or doing bench presses with 20 pounds. I watch women and men both using the 5 pound dumbbells for various exercises. I sort of wonder "why bother?"

Like I wrote, I am 50 and in decent shape. But of all the people at the gym, there is only one hugely muscled guy that I see who lifts more weight than I lift. And while I have a decent physique, I am no Arnold.

On the other hand, there are some tiny little women who enthusiastically dance around in the aerobic classes for 50 minutes straight and barely breath hard afterwards. I know that takes much more out of me than they seem to exert.

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"It's a fun topic"

it's a topic proving that some farangs in Thailand are bored to death and come up with irrelevant nonsense :o

It's not irrelevant nonsense. The OP is wondering what the opinions are of members of ThaiVisa, many of whom actually live in Thailand, regarding this measure of physical fitness. We are allowed to discuss things together that don't specifically have to do with the state of the nation, aren't we? If you must, move it to the fitness forum, if you've got one. Why don't you guys go pass out ASBO's back in London or something?

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What sometimes amazes me, though, is how little many Thais lift while at the gym. I go to California Fitness, and I see fit-looking young men with decent muscle definition doing curls with 10 pounds, or doing bench presses with 20 pounds. I watch women and men both using the 5 pound dumbbells for various exercises. I sort of wonder "why bother?"

It's all about "being seen" @ the gym, or more specifically at the "brand name" gym. All style over substance posing. There is a guy who goes to my gym in designer gym clothes / expensive trainers, reeking of "deep heat" oil, and he does about 3 reps of bicep curls with 2kg weights... He expends more energy bending his neck around to who is watching him, or to catch his own wonderful self in the mirror. :o Sometimes I'm creased up with laughing at him.

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Is it a tuk tuk? Or is it a Honda Phantom? Faster than a speeding bar girl offering short time, yes it's SUPER FARANG.

Before I retired to Thailand, I thought of myself as being really fit. I could walk for miles, work all day and still have energy enough for a long night out on the town, do regular workouts at the gym and generally run about with ease.

These days after 5 years of living a cosy little lifestyle in Thailand without being under any pressure to do anything, I must admit that health wise I am not half the man I used to be only a few short years ago.

Mentally I am contented and happy, physically this lifestyle has taken it's toll. Not exactly an invalid, but definitely don't have the same stamina.

I'm sure I am not the only one in this situation.

I, too, am not half the man I used to be. 63% of me dissolved when I tried to swim a mile! :o

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What sometimes amazes me, though, is how little many Thais lift while at the gym. I go to California Fitness, and I see fit-looking young men with decent muscle definition doing curls with 10 pounds, or doing bench presses with 20 pounds. I watch women and men both using the 5 pound dumbbells for various exercises. I sort of wonder "why bother?"

It's all about "being seen" @ the gym, or more specifically at the "brand name" gym. All style over substance posing. There is a guy who goes to my gym in designer gym clothes / expensive trainers, reeking of "deep heat" oil, and he does about 3 reps of bicep curls with 2kg weights... He expends more energy bending his neck around to who is watching him, or to catch his own wonderful self in the mirror. :D Sometimes I'm creased up with laughing at him.

You know, I think you might be right. There seems to be many people who spend most of their time just chatting and looking.

Of course, I enjoy the eye-candy myself. :o But I only take it in between reps.

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I think I'd be happy to manage my body weight on the types of exercises UNFG lists, but then my body weight is a bit higher perhaps than average.... :o In the meantime, I'm happy to use the gym up to that point (but I wouldn't see myself going for the Schwartzenegger look or anything like that).

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"It's a fun topic"

it's a topic proving that some farangs in Thailand are bored to death and come up with irrelevant nonsense :o

It's not irrelevant nonsense. The OP is wondering what the opinions are of members of ThaiVisa, many of whom actually live in Thailand, regarding this measure of physical fitness. We are allowed to discuss things together that don't specifically have to do with the state of the nation, aren't we? If you must, move it to the fitness forum, if you've got one. Why don't you guys go pass out ASBO's back in London or something?

Can't do that, all the ASBO recipients are locked indoors playing around on websites claiming to be the new Mr Universe. Those, that is, that haven't absconded in violation of their ASBO's and are now hanging around gyms in Thailand.

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I only take it in between reps.

I think that, rather than wait for the You-tube video clip, I'll take your word for that, Bonobo!! :D

Uh, I guess I could have phrased that better! :D

I’m 26 and ive hanged up taekwondo uniform and boxing gloves. Ive taken up smoking. trust me its an extreme sport :o

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