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Ive just come across this ...

Latest technology that work to charge the fuel before going into combustion. It is tested in normal car, turbo car, diesel car, motorbike and Storm V6, results are superior and very satisfied with every user. Although the material is hazardous, but 0% side effect to the car.

0% side effect to your car

· Save fuel by around 10% in the city driving

· Save fuel by around 30% in the speedway driving

· Improve engine power

· Improve engine response

· Increase torque

· Stabilize Idling

· Improve engine start

· Smoother engine running

· Lower engine noise

· Decrease exhaust emmission

· Decrease air and noise pollution

· Decrease engine vibration

· Increase lifespan of Catalytic Converter

· Increase lifespan of starter

· Increase lifespan of spark plug

· Increase lifespan of engine mounting

· Increase lifespan of pistons

· Prolong engine life

· Lower engine temperature

· Quicker engine warm up

· Compatible with petrol, gas and diesel

· 5 minutes installation*

· Lifetime Warranty**

works on .... Gasoline engine - Petrol engine - Diesel engine

Hope its OK to post the link , as it all sounds too good to be true :o


What do you think ....?

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Looks like on of those magnet arrangements that have been demonstrated to have absolutely zero measurable effect.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


It's interesting that they give dyno results (no evidence of variability on the dyno), and only 1-2 HP won't be detectable by your butt. There are no other actual statistics for all the other claims (30% inprovement in FC certainly warrants us evidence). I think I'll give it a miss - driving easier and finding quicker ways home will improve FC more!

It's interesting that they give dyno results (no evidence of variability on the dyno), and only 1-2 HP won't be detectable by your butt. There are no other actual statistics for all the other claims (30% inprovement in FC certainly warrants us evidence). I think I'll give it a miss - driving easier and finding quicker ways home will improve FC more!

A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.



These scams have been around for all of my 60+ years and I suspect long after. If something like this actually worked do you really believe it would be sold by a no name shophouse in Georgetown, Malaysia?

But if you have enough faith anything can work. :o

These scams have been around for all of my 60+ years and I suspect long after. If something like this actually worked do you really believe it would be sold by a no name shophouse in Georgetown, Malaysia?

But if you have enough faith anything can work. :o

Used vegetable oil worked a treat on my Mits Pickup in the UK. The government doesn't want the masses to know that, and those that do and uses it will get their hands slapped unless they inform them.

A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.

If these things really work, why do absolutely ZERO cars come with them as standard (or at least an option)?

No argument with the used chip oil in the diesel, well proven and demonstrated, need to be careful in the UK as it tends to gel in the tank at low temperatures. Home made bio-diesel is perfectly legal in the UK provided you pay the small amount of duty required (it's because methanol is used to make bio-diesel).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


lop; you took the words right out of my mouth in the first sentence. The latter I think you should drop can and insert appears. People will buy pet rocks so guess with petrol going up we are back to the scam age, again and again.

.......People will buy pet rocks......

Hey, Eric (my pet rock) read that and is now sulking in the corner, it'll take him days to recover from the trauma :o

The man who removes the used cooking oil from my sons restaurant (in Thailand) runs his pickup on it. He's now actually paying to take the oil (used to get it free), it's a valuable comodity now the locals have sussed that it can go straight in the tank (after filtering of course).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


My first thought was that the company appear to be trading off of the name 'stromberg' as in "Stromberg Carburetor."

Looking at their web site - I wonder if I use the in-line sparkplug Power Booster and the activated special magnets around the fuel line I can get the 15% and the 30% fuel savings together, that's almost 40% overall and 20% more power to boot. Wow those magnets must be made from dilithium or maybe naqahdah.

works on .... Gasoline engine - Petrol engine - Diesel engine
...and those that believe in fairies and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

This is the same magic that European explorers used to 'barter' gold, goods and land from the naive natives with the magic looking glass, mirrors brought with them.

High fuel and food prices will drive (!) people to believe anything in their desperate desire to make the impossible real. I would expect we will see more of these fringe ideas as the global situation develops.

Read this link.


I watched an episode of Mythbusters about this recently. They took just about every commercially available product that claims to increase fuel efficiency, and tested them in different scenarios.

The result, as expected, was not one of these 'holy grails' worked, and some of them actually decreased the fuel efficiency!

They also did the vegetable oil thing and it worked a treat. I always thought it had to be processed first. Not too sure on the long term effects for your engine though, think about those sticky deposits you get around the edges of a frier.

A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.

If these things really work, why do absolutely ZERO cars come with them as standard (or at least an option)?

No argument with the used chip oil in the diesel, well proven and demonstrated, need to be careful in the UK as it tends to gel in the tank at low temperatures. Home made bio-diesel is perfectly legal in the UK provided you pay the small amount of duty required (it's because methanol is used to make bio-diesel).

Tax an politics sir. How would the allies fund their illegal wars etc without the support of the sheep paying their taxes

I watched an episode of Mythbusters about this recently. They took just about every commercially available product that claims to increase fuel efficiency, and tested them in different scenarios.

The result, as expected, was not one of these 'holy grails' worked, and some of them actually decreased the fuel efficiency!

They also did the vegetable oil thing and it worked a treat. I always thought it had to be processed first. Not too sure on the long term effects for your engine though, think about those sticky deposits you get around the edges of a frier.

The original diesel engine was infact designed to run on veg oil. The governments didn't like that idea.

In the UK i used a system that heated the oil up first to thin it down, after filtering it with an old pair of jeans first. Diesel was used just to start my Mitsubishi Animal.

A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.

If these things really work, why do absolutely ZERO cars come with them as standard (or at least an option)?

No argument with the used chip oil in the diesel, well proven and demonstrated, need to be careful in the UK as it tends to gel in the tank at low temperatures. Home made bio-diesel is perfectly legal in the UK provided you pay the small amount of duty required (it's because methanol is used to make bio-diesel).

Tax an politics sir. How would the allies fund their illegal wars etc without the support of the sheep paying their taxes

There is currently a bit of a scandal in Australia over this guy who runs a company called Firepower which marketed a tablet that you dropped in your fuel tank for supposed amazing results. He sponsored Souths Rugby league club and the Sydney Kings basketball team as well as the Western Force Rugby Union team. He must have been very convincing as he sucked in AUSTRADE, who promoted his company in Russia. The guy is currently in hiding from investors, as the product is useless. You know the saying..... If it seems too good to be true it probably is!!!

I watched an episode of Mythbusters about this recently. They took just about every commercially available product that claims to increase fuel efficiency, and tested them in different scenarios.

The result, as expected, was not one of these 'holy grails' worked, and some of them actually decreased the fuel efficiency!

They also did the vegetable oil thing and it worked a treat. I always thought it had to be processed first. Not too sure on the long term effects for your engine though, think about those sticky deposits you get around the edges of a frier.

Straight veg oil will only really work on older indirect diesel engines with inline fuel pumps. The best ones are the Mercedes W123 and early W124 cars as the have different mixing chambers in the cylinder heads compared to other diesels. The older VW diesels and puegot are also good for it. More modern DI engines can be made to run but need to be converted either with a second heated tank to get the veg oil up to about 70C or a single take system with heating elements and modified injectors. If I remember rightly, veg oil messes up the electronics on commonrail engines. However if it is converted to bio-diesel it should run in any engine.

Yes the sticky deposits are the problem, the older engines don't generally have a problem, especially Mercedes which run quite happily on the stuff for huge mileages. DI engines quickly get their injectors blocked and their rotary pumps pack in quickly.


Ha! more fool you skeptics, you are only depriving yourselves of the wonderful benefits made available by Psi-science.

Psi-science employs the power of the mind to make wonderful inventions, but you have to believe or the force is not released and the benefits are not visible to you.

Years ago I invented "Tyre-gro" (marketed as "Tire-gro" in the States). It is a wonderful product that passed all 110% of tests made on it by reputed scientists.

It was a special fluid based on essence of H2O that when painted on tyres (tires) caused the tread to grow back as new.

But of course all the major rubber producing companies formed a cartel and had my product ridiculed and paid so-called TV personalities to "prove" that it did not work.

Then I invented "Beer back". This is a special sleeve, like the Australian stubby cooler. The sleeve is powered by special beeridium magnets. When an empty beer bottle is placed in the "Beer-back" sleeve, it slowly refills with beer. Now the most amazing part is that the new beer actually tastes better than the original. This is proven by panels of expert beer tasters.

Of course, once again, vested interests conspired to ensure that my wonderful invention never survived in the market place.

In case you are now thinking that I am some kind of super gifted genius, let me tell you I am just a regular guy. I never had this special inventing ability until that time I was abducted by aliens and they implanted The Invention Force module in my brain.

Now all the captains of industry have schemed together to try to eliminate me and my inventions. I am held in this special secure place, but at least it has nice padding on the walls so I don't hurt myself.

Of course they do not allow me to have a computer, so this message is sent to you direct from inside my head using my latest invention - "Brainmail".

Must go now, it is time for my nice medicine.


Back in the UK I ran all my diesel vans on cooking oil I collected from the local fish and chippy. They were happy for me to do this as in the UK you have to pay to dispose of the frying oil. I had plenty of forms from Customs to declare excatly how many litres I was using so they could recieve their due (at the time I think it was around 22p per litre). All my vans ran very well and cheaply :-) I did filter the oil although according to my mechanic I needn't have as the oil was changed by the fish and chippy everyday. I actually got the idea from a news article I saw on the TV where Asda were using their instore oil from their doughnut cooking to power their trucks/vans. I just thought if it is good enough for them, why not me?

I have no clue why others dont do the same, the process is really easy and saved me at least 35,000GBP over the course of the 3 years.

Maybe in Thailand a lot more filtering would be needed as they aren't so stringent about changing the oil regularly??


This new gadget was probably invented by that young Tasmanian, Yahoo Serious, who invented atomic beer and lived on Lonely Street, where he made the first electric guitar out of a fender named Freddie. I may have some facts wrong.

Ha! more fool you skeptics, you are only depriving yourselves of the wonderful benefits made available by Psi-science.

Psi-science employs the power of the mind to make wonderful inventions, but you have to believe or the force is not released and the benefits are not visible to you.

Years ago I invented "Tyre-gro" (marketed as "Tire-gro" in the States). It is a wonderful product that passed all 110% of tests made on it by reputed scientists.

It was a special fluid based on essence of H2O that when painted on tyres (tires) caused the tread to grow back as new.

But of course all the major rubber producing companies formed a cartel and had my product ridiculed and paid so-called TV personalities to "prove" that it did not work.

Then I invented "Beer back". This is a special sleeve, like the Australian stubby cooler. The sleeve is powered by special beeridium magnets. When an empty beer bottle is placed in the "Beer-back" sleeve, it slowly refills with beer. Now the most amazing part is that the new beer actually tastes better than the original. This is proven by panels of expert beer tasters.

Of course, once again, vested interests conspired to ensure that my wonderful invention never survived in the market place.

In case you are now thinking that I am some kind of super gifted genius, let me tell you I am just a regular guy. I never had this special inventing ability until that time I was abducted by aliens and they implanted The Invention Force module in my brain.

Now all the captains of industry have schemed together to try to eliminate me and my inventions. I am held in this special secure place, but at least it has nice padding on the walls so I don't hurt myself.

Of course they do not allow me to have a computer, so this message is sent to you direct from inside my head using my latest invention - "Brainmail".

Must go now, it is time for my nice medicine.

One of the funniest posts ever!

Please note that nobody else responded to your post...truly a sad relection upon how the majority of Thavisa members don't have any sense of humour.

This new gadget was probably invented by that young Tasmanian, Yahoo Serious, who invented atomic beer and lived on Lonely Street, where he made the first electric guitar out of a fender named Freddie. I may have some facts wrong.

I met with Yahoo Serious back in '80. He lived in Merewether (Newcastle, NSW, Australia) at the time. We (my friends & I) were going to walk the Kokoda Track & wanted him to film it. He politely declined. He was a "local lad" (local to my home town). We still went ahead & did the "track" with some losses.


There is a Frenchman who lives in my area. He has bought many of those snake oil gadgets to try to increase the mileage from his 4X4 Toyota. Needless to say none of them worked and he ended up buying a 4X4 Isuzu. THAT worked. He is now satisfied with his fuel economy.


Hi :o

Of course all of these things work! It's really fantastic!! I have put every single one into my car that's available, and now i can drive with lead feet all the time and use up no gas at all! If i drive too slow, i will need to go to the gas station every hundred kilometers to have them drain some petrol out of my tank, because the car is so economic now, it actually PRODUCES petrol while driving..........

Oh, and the power is also enormously boosted, i haven't been on a dyno yet but i guess around 2,000 horsepowers out of that 2 liter engine must be available.....

In short, if you want to throw your money away, get the stuff. It won't work at all.

Best regards......



hahahaha LOL!!!!

The only way of saving that much fuel is if you push the car 30% of the time you are using it.

Gas prices are increasing.... there are people out there that are ready to take advantage of a bad situation... We all want to save fuel or find ways of increasing efficiency...

Watch out of those gimmics, NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING can save that much fuel (except you pushing your car).

  • 1 month later...
A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.


it is indeed phantastic! my grandmother used a system based on a nearly identical principle when she was white water rafting in the Rub al-Khali (south east Saudi Arabia bordering the Emirates, Oman and Yemen). that was in summer 1939 just before WWII started.


what would happen if I sucked my beer through one of these? Would I get improved mileage from a bottle of Chang?

By improved mileage, do you mean 'more buzz per bottle', or 'can wait longer before I have to piss'?

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