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Maigo, I have the opposite opinion. Personally I wish so many more people would for one moment consider what people think of them. I see people everyday who would just be a whole lot nicer if they considered what reputation they were giving themselves, you, me, their gender, race etc.

Or is it the "I'm alright as I am...everyone else can F.O!" attitude that stops people from looking at themselves and changing.

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Couldn't have said it better myself.

You mean your incapable of bettering that very poor comeback ?

C'mon Kat, you cannot be serious! :D

In spite of myself I think I like you today ... Fortuner or not.

Not caring what people think of you is one thing... but telling the world you drive a Fortuner... :o

:D Hi GH.

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Maigo, I have the opposite opinion. Personally I wish so many more people would for one moment consider what people think of them. I see people everyday who would just be a whole lot nicer if they considered what reputation they were giving themselves, you, me, their gender, race etc.

Or is it the "I'm alright as I am...everyone else can F.O!" attitude that stops people from looking at themselves and changing.

Hi Carl, in a perfect world yes I agree with you, but ain't perfect as we know too well.

People are envious of other people if they have something unatainable to them and they desire it.

You only have to go to the Motoring section of this Forum to see how people get slagged off for having an expensive car in Thailand, it's not the wealthy guys doing the slagging, it's the guys that can't afford the price of the expensive car that do the slagging.

There are certain guys on this Forum who work in not so desirable places or conditions, they earn an awful lot of money and are doing the sensible thing by trying their best to secure the future of their family and themselves, yet there will be people on a forum who will try to put them down just cos they are not in the same position, secretly wishing they were.

Us humans are a strange lot..... :o

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Not caring what people think of you is one thing... but telling the world you drive a Fortuner... :o

Haha.... :D

Nice one GuestHouse, I guess I asked for that one. :D

I looked at a Mercedes C 200 today in Big C Khon Kaen, very nice, but 2,700,000 Baht is just too expensive...

I could have 2 Fortuners for that!!!

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... I guess I'm just too good looking for my own good, it's a burden I have to bear folks.

Then maybe you better up-grade your avatar, as it depicts the Ugly one, in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, :o

(of which was one of the better spaghetti westerns)

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... I guess I'm just too good looking for my own good, it's a burden I have to bear folks.

Then maybe you better up-grade your avatar, as it depicts the Ugly one, in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, :o

(of which was one of the better spaghetti westerns)

Blondie (Clit Eastwood ) was the good.

Angel eyes ( Lee Van Cleef ) was the ' Bad '. <---- My Avatar.

Tuco ( Eli Wallach ) was the 'Ugly'.

Edited by Maigo6
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It still happens to me but how can I say this politely,... it's usually some NE teenage boy or tuk tuk driver with the comments. When they tend to over do it, I just kinda reply back in a loud enough voice (in Thai) for them to lose a little face, isnt my wife beautiful?

Most times I try not to pay much attention cause knowing this crowd, they pretty much gawk at any female hoping for a look back. I am sure nothing impresses the local ladies more than a couple of motorbike boys drinking lao kao prettending to be so cool.

If I feel my blood pressure beginning to rise, I just count to 5 and think to myself that "you know what, who gives a flying saucer about these buffalos, I get to sleep with my beautiful wife every night, while they sit around and count there one baht coins."

Honestly James, is that what you really think to yoruself or are you just being polite as you're telling us all on the Forum ?? :D:o

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If I feel my blood pressure beginning to rise, I just count to 5 and think to myself that "you know what, who gives a flying saucer about these buffalos, I get to sleep with my beautiful wife every night, while they sit around and count there one baht coins."

Honestly James, is that what you really think to yoruself or are you just being polite as you're telling us all on the Forum ?? :D:D

James has a very high regard for Thai people. :o

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If I feel my blood pressure beginning to rise, I just count to 5 and think to myself that "you know what, who gives a flying saucer about these buffalos, I get to sleep with my beautiful wife every night, while they sit around and count there one baht coins."

Honestly James, is that what you really think to yoruself or are you just being polite as you're telling us all on the Forum ?? :D:D

James has a very high regard for Thai people. :D

Actually I do, there was a time when the littel bit of Irish in me would get the better of me in these circumstances but maybe with age, I have mellowed a touch. Unlike others on here that say they are the best looking most successful healthiest etc, I can't compete with that.

I am just an old fart with thinning hair, growing gut, avg income but somehow my Mrs likes me this way. Either she knows more than I do or she closes her eyes alot when we are in bed. :o

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I find totally amazing the ammount of experts on Thai Visa, who can judge jury and convict all Thai people and Farangs with a touch of their withered wrinkled old fingers on a keyboard on an anonymous internet Forum.

Quite unbelievable in fact. :D .

Do you honestly give a flying fawk what people think about you ?

Take me for example, I'm on a retirement Visa in Thailand although I still do some contract work from time to time, I'm incredibly good looking, fit, have a house, condo, Fortuner and more than a few mill in the bank, I have all my own hair and teeth, never been sick, and my family have a history of living until a very old age with no long dragged out illness, we just die a couple of days after feeling ill at a minimum of 85 years +, I ain't fat bald or ugly which I suppose makes me stand out amongst the usual standard of Farang.... Do I care ? No I don't. I have to live with it. :D

If a person feels so insecure at what other people may say or think about them, then that is a problem that is theirs, not other peoples.

My Missus is 31 years old looks a lot younger and still I have younger girls hitting on me, and I don't mean Bar girls, although I love them too. :D

I guess I'm just too good looking for my own good, it's a burden I have to bear folks.

Why don't you post a pic of yourself and then we can all judge you :o

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I find totally amazing the ammount of experts on Thai Visa, who can judge jury and convict all Thai people and Farangs with a touch of their withered wrinkled old fingers on a keyboard on an anonymous internet Forum.

Quite unbelievable in fact. :D .

Do you honestly give a flying fawk what people think about you ?

Take me for example, I'm on a retirement Visa in Thailand although I still do some contract work from time to time, I'm incredibly good looking, fit, have a house, condo, Fortuner and more than a few mill in the bank, I have all my own hair and teeth, never been sick, and my family have a history of living until a very old age with no long dragged out illness, we just die a couple of days after feeling ill at a minimum of 85 years +, I ain't fat bald or ugly which I suppose makes me stand out amongst the usual standard of Farang.... Do I care ? No I don't. I have to live with it. :D

If a person feels so insecure at what other people may say or think about them, then that is a problem that is theirs, not other peoples.

My Missus is 31 years old looks a lot younger and still I have younger girls hitting on me, and I don't mean Bar girls, although I love them too. :D

I guess I'm just too good looking for my own good, it's a burden I have to bear folks.

Why don't you post a pic of yourself and then we can all judge you :o

In my experience, people that have to go around telling people they are extremely good looking have one thing in common...they aren't. Generally they get confused when a Thai girl says something like 'law mak' within earshot of the self professor of good looks. But what they don't realize is that the Thai girl was actually referring to the cute puppy dog that was walking by at the same time "Na Luk Ma".

First time it happened to me I was confused too. Luckily I got someone to explain it to me so I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life thinking I was that handsome when in fact I was not.

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My g/f is an accountant with a Masters degree. But she is younger than me (surprise surprise, I know). Except for one exploratory excursion to Soi Cowboy last year, we rarely go where there are many farangs, so it hasn't seemed to be an issue. But we went to Koh San last week so I could exchange a bum DVD, and while we were walking hand-in-hand, I was very self-conscious of our being together. She didn't say anything, but she seemed a little grim (I may have been imagining it.) I know I was wondering what others thought, and we did get a few of what I took as disapproving looks from some young farang girls and one Thai namsom vendor.

I know, who cares what they think, right? Intellectually, I understand and agree with that. But emotionally, I was bothered, and I wanted others to know that she wasn't a bar girl or gold-digger.

Maybe she can wear a T-shirt that says, "I'm a good Thai girl not bar girl" :o:D

but seriously, you and your g/f can just give those frowning faces a huge happy grin to show them how lucky we both feel. Let their small minds spin into overdrive to figure out why you 2 are sooooo happy.

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Perhaps, just, if they acted a bit more like gentlemen and less like d*ckheads most of the time, they wouldn't have to stand there looking at us farangs with the girls they covet. But funny (not), its the Thai girls that don't want anything to do with them.

That being said, I have met a few 'guys' over the years who have been generally very nice. But they are the exception.

Before you roll out the financial issue of Thai girls liking us just for the money, most guys I hang around with in Bangkok are married / dating girls that work in offices. But that's another topic I suppose.

Agreed. I'm a western woman and I have many Thai friends. I find that, when it comes to relationships, western men seem to have more respect for women than Thai men. The ones that I've spent time with are from very good families, well-off, and essentially treat women as if their place were below a man. A pick-up line used on my friend once? "You know, I'm part of the royal family, you should show me some respect". Plus, it is a common practice in Thailand for men to have mia nois and entire second families. Of course the wives know about it, but it is customary to turn a blind eye in order to save face. I'm not saying western men are saints but considering the alternative, I can easily understand why Thai women, money aside, go for westerners.

Yes, but the Western men for whom this is true are a completely different bunch than the self-selected bunch in Thailand and SEA. MUCH different.


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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

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In my experience, people that have to go around telling people they are extremely good looking have one thing in common...they aren't. Generally they get confused when a Thai girl says something like 'law mak' within earshot of the self professor of good looks. But what they don't realize is that the Thai girl was actually referring to the cute puppy dog that was walking by at the same time "Na Luk Ma".

First time it happened to me I was confused too. Luckily I got someone to explain it to me so I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life thinking I was that handsome when in fact I was not.

I was at lake Atilan in Guatamala once, exploring a market. A young girl kept pace with me on the other side of the stalls, watching me like a hawk. I just knew she was impressed with what had to be my manly good looks or something.

I got back to to my little hotel and found out that there was a rumor flying around that a group of foreigners were in town to kidnap children and steal their organs for rich dying Americans.

"Manly good looks?" More like devious criminal looks and needed to be watched to protect the local children!

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

Why are you referring to fully grown woman as " Girl"

Why do most writers on this forum have such a ..prediliction for calling sexually attractive women " girls"

Thi sis to relegate them to ionferior status , no?

It's like men can't handle women , too afraid of women, women bad women are old, women aren't sexy .

Sexy women are girls can't be women

Yes Chauvanistic Pig attitudes are so prevalent on this forum , can't get women to lick your boots and serve your meals in your own countries so...

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

So you're just now finding out Thais are racist??

And again wiht the "girl " thing .

a 30 year old girl ...

girl means female child. why is this usage allowed on Thai visa??

why is this pediphiling of women's sexuality allowed unrestrained but we can' suggest.........

oh yeah, sexist censorship

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INcidentally it seems the Thai standard of female beauty is a thin- lipped rabbit , look at the more popular models.

My Lawyer whom I htink is stunning has dark skin and very full lips , she has the lowest class, ugliest drunken Brit boyfriend .

I just retch & cringe whan I see them together , if she would move to the west she would have her pick of men ..

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

So you're just now finding out Thais are racist??

And again wiht the "girl " thing .

a 30 year old girl ...

girl means female child. why is this usage allowed on Thai visa??

why is this pediphiling of women's sexuality allowed unrestrained but we can' suggest.........

oh yeah, sexist censorship

OK. OK. I should be more PC here. I also call my grandmother "girl," but your point, even if your rant might be slightly overboard, is taken. WHile I amy mean nothing ontowards with teh terms "girls" and "boys," someone like you can take offense.

And "racist?" Where did I say they are racist? These are people of the same race expressing their views of beauty within their race and ethnic grouping.

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INcidentally it seems the Thai standard of female beauty is a thin- lipped rabbit , look at the more popular models.

My Lawyer whom I htink is stunning has dark skin and very full lips , she has the lowest class, ugliest drunken Brit boyfriend .

I just retch & cringe whan I see them together , if she would move to the west she would have her pick of men ..

Not to nitpick, but if you rant when we use the word "girl" when referring to an adult, isn't "boyfriend" rather high-schoolish as well? :o

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

Why are you referring to fully grown woman as " Girl"

Why do most writers on this forum have such a ..prediliction for calling sexually attractive women " girls"

Thi sis to relegate them to ionferior status , no?

It's like men can't handle women , too afraid of women, women bad women are old, women aren't sexy .

Sexy women are girls can't be women

Yes Chauvanistic Pig attitudes are so prevalent on this forum , can't get women to lick your boots and serve your meals in your own countries so...

It's probably something to do with the fact that most 20 something thai women act like 17 year Thai girls. I will duck for cover now :o

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It's probably something to do with the fact that most 20 something thai women act like 17 year Thai girls. I will duck for cover now :o

including 30 and 40 something Thai women.

I have been getting my Thai massage for over a year from a 49 year old girl (just kidding) woman and every so often, she looks at me shyly and starts to giggle like a young girl. Her English isn't very good and my Thai s#cks, so I am not sure what's on her mind.

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Your situation sounds to be the exception and I really could give a rats arse either way. You are still using generalizations to group Thais and your last sentance use an exception to make your point. Most farangs I see aren't dating girls that work in offices. Also, I wasn't aware that office girls are not attracted to money.

I guess we don't hang out in the same places (reference to most farangs u see). You are correct, office girls from Thailand and the west are both interested in money as well. Who isn't? But my point is that those u see hanging around with farangs are doing so to support their baby that was given to them by some long gone thai male who bolted once he had his fun and is now dishing out taxi rides in Bangkok and elsewhere. Makes me feel really sorry for these guys.

No, I'm just more observant. Haven't spent much time in BK, so possibly the majority of Farangs date professionals. In CM and many other tourist areas, this isn't the case - not even close.

Most Thai guys don't knock up women and bolt. I have met women that tell their farang boyfriends that their unfaithfull Thai husband left them with their child. In many cases, it was a mutual decision based on the ability of the wife to earn substantial money in the sex industry. The reason why Thai women hang around Farangs is endless and your opinion is too simplistic.

Thailand is fortunate to have such a large number of kind Farangs, supporting abused Thai women :o . I have no issues with Farangs dating Thais of all ilks, but ignoring the reality is self serving.

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