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Wtf?!? Scientology Guy Freaks Me Out!

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You have to smile with these cult people.

I once had some bozo try to tell me that by repeating certain phrases and by making a few signs and gestures, he could turn a communion wafer into ''literally, truly and substantially the body of Christ.''

You couldn't make it up! Well, obviously he did.

Taking the advice of several tvers, I asked him for a loan of $50 but all he did was plead poverty.

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Also isn't it all based on aliens imprisoned in a volcano or something?

Wasn't that South Park episode about it all supposed to be spot on about the background details of the cult?


I don't think the offer of free personality tests will tempt the average Thai.

Now, if they promise lucky lottery numbers then they could be on to a winner.

Most religions/cults fail to capture the Thai's imagination because of their miserable ability to predict lottery numbers. :o

I was interviewed once by them....

About my problems.....no I don't have any problem.

Never tired, can concentrate, learn quick, find girls....

They search your weak point, if you don't show any. There is nothing which can be improved, they are outside what they get trained for and don't know what to do.

(At least the lower ranks)

And they want you to go to sessions where they can help you with your 'problems' but of course you have to pay for those sessions and they get really really pushy about it when you say no.

But I did know a guy for a couple of years who was (maybe still is) a Scientologist. First time we met and he told me I said 'so you beleive god is a Martian?' He said no and never ever mentioned Scientology again.

John Travolta is also one, and Kirstly Allen.

Yes so don't admit any problems. You can drive them crazy (at least the lower ranks, I guess the smarter one have an answer to that as well).


If any go house to house in our area, my housekeeper categorises them along with any other leaflet distributors and will ask them for as much written material as they are willing to part with. She will be very happy as she will then sell it to the recycling lady by the kilo. Any words on their part will go in one ear and out the other as she mentally estimates how much she will make from their generous donation.


Hmm... Just checked the Scientology logo... http://www.rtc.org/ See the pyramids? New World order researchers will instantly recognise the 'illuminati' symbolism and the S denoting a snake. Wonder if Tom Cruise understands what he's got himself into?

There are lots of corporate and government logos, like this, with similar hidden meaning. AOL + CBS have the all-seeing eye. Verizon who is going to be microchipping everyone, has one too. Next time you have a coffee in Starbucks, see if you can find theirs.

The stare thing. Where do these demented types come from? There's a hellfire and brimstone preacher who often plants himself at the entrance to Nana Plaza and lets rip, saving fornicators. It's amusing but scary. Like the white haired preacher in the movie 'Contact' with Jody Foster, you just know these guys would make perfect 'Inquisitors', commiting any atrocity, saving our souls. I'm surprised the Thai authorities tolerate them. (Not good for business).

Recently had a busload of well dressed Thai Jehovah's Witnesses land en masse in our housing development. Now these are the recruiters to be concerned about.

Not a demented eyeball among them. Wholesome and pleasant.


I knew a friend do one of those free personality tests after being enticed into the Tottenham Court Road branch one day. The test was comprised of vague questions like, How do you feel about people talking negatively about? Do loud noises disturb you? etc

On completing the test, one of the Scientologists there compiled the results into graph which had a steep negative gradient, and told him the test revealed that he was close to some sort of nervous breakdown or mental illness. Then after a pause, he said, but don't worry..we can help you. I think he was then going to sell him a self-help book or draw him into some other activity there that would help him fix this problem. He just laughed and walked out.

I remember the J. Witnesses in the UK adopted an effective marketing strategy to spread their equally risible (imo) credo. - They recruited good looking girls who came knocking on doors in pairs. Worked a charm with people like me, having watched lots of 70's porno flicks... :D

Ha! With me too, except my experience was with a couple of pretty Mormon "sisters," one orginally from a South Pacific island. When they knocked, my old college roommate and I immediately invited them in and had a pleasant hour listening to nonsense but asking some pointed questions as well. At the end, the exotic Sister Kinny-Kinny offered up the sweetest prayer in which she professed to KNOW that my friend and I would become "great Mormons." We've often laughted over the years at that prediction! :o

And then there's The Family, formerly known as The Children of God (the old Jesus freaks). They, now, have the technique down to an art. But that's another story . . . .



Here is that Panorama documentary you were after on Scientology.

Its only 30 mins folks and it's really good, and yes 'Insight' the journalist really does lose it at the end. I find the scientology character called 'Tommy' (i think) a very very disturbing person.

Panorama, Scientology Documentary

By the way, if you want to watch it, i suggest you are all quick, as by the sounds of it, they will have it off the air pretty soon. You never know if we have 'operating Thetans' watching us!!


I suspect alot of these hollywood movie stars are using these cults for free press and promoe themselves. Isn't Richard Gere supposed to be a devout Buddhist? Yeah right, with all his wealth and the lifestyle he leads.

What freaked me out the most is this guy's unwavering Mad-Cow stare.

I once met a Jehovah's Witness with a stare like this. Steely blue eyes and didn't know how to smile. Like something had taken over his mind. As you say, creepy.


Have fun with it.. Steer the conversation onto cults and whackos and nutjobs.. make it clear what yo think of them and by association anyone that involves themselves with them.. Make the fecker squirm..

Keep starting right at him.. that big bug eyed looking right into your mind stare...

Alternatively invent your own cult like system.. start pushing that one them.. Start small but get it more and more outlandish.. see how much they can put up with..

I suspect alot of these hollywood movie stars are using these cults for free press and promoe themselves. Isn't Richard Gere supposed to be a devout Buddhist? Yeah right, with all his wealth and the lifestyle he leads.

Er ... I'd find out a little about Buddhism if I were you.

I remember the J. Witnesses in the UK adopted an effective marketing strategy to spread their equally risible (imo) credo. - They recruited good looking girls who came knocking on doors in pairs. Worked a charm with people like me, having watched lots of 70's porno flicks... :o

They're even sneakier where I come from. They send around little old ladies that could be your Gran or your Mam so you're too polite to tell them to <deleted> off and end up buying a Watchtower off of them to get rid of them.


Great post teej. Yeah they are an odd bunch and yeah I know that thousand yard stare you refer to, it makes my skin squirm eugh!! *shudders*

I suspect alot of these hollywood movie stars are using these cults for free press and promoe themselves. Isn't Richard Gere supposed to be a devout Buddhist? Yeah right, with all his wealth and the lifestyle he leads.

Er ... I'd find out a little about Buddhism if I were you.

I know it doesn't involve putting gerbils up your a....



Scientology should be banned, they believe there is some alien dude on another planet or something. They should be taken away in white jackets.

  • 2 months later...

I was reminded of this thread whilst playing around on you tube last night, these people are just not right.

There is a word that springs to mind when watching this woman:........

............ UNSTABLE.


Hmmm, strangeness going on.

Of the 37 (now 38) people that have posted in this thread, 5 are now banned !

Their combined (10) posts accounted for 20% of the total.

Speaking of totals, the Forum index notes (used to) 50 posts, yet the post previous to this one shows as #51 !

(Is there a hidden post viewable only to members of secret cults that gives the details of their

pyramid scheme

, oops, I mean Ladder to Success ? Will I get banned for revealing that information ?) :o

Back home, if I saw a JW heading towards my door, I'd grab the old Halloween costume (hooded black robe with mesh screen to hide the face) and when she knocked (the guy always stays in the driveway in the truck) I'd say something like "Ahh you must be the wholesome virgin ! Come in and get undressed, we've been expecting you"

(There is also a sticker in the window next to the door that reads "I'm too perverted for you". Doesn't stop them from knocking though).



I count myself as an open minded, free thinking person who likes to read a lot about a wide range of subjects, subsequently making my own mind up based on how I feel about everything I have taken on board.

I was in San Francisco this July and came across the Scientology building and thought, 'hey, I've heard about this, but only from sensationalist media sources, I would like to make up my own mind about scientology'. So, I went inside, watched this Hubbard chap in an interview and had a chat with one of ladies afterward.

Needless to say, a lot about what I had previously thought I 'knew' about this subject was incorrect. Some of the aspects of scientology were very interesting, some of them not so. But at least I felt that I had done some research on this subject, with which I could then make a more informed opinion.

I found the OP's post very humorous and would advise him to find for himself out as much (or as little) as he wanted to about this subject (or any other, for that matter) and not to simply rely on sensationalist stories/mass media to give him the required information on which to base his opinion. The weird guy in the OP met would surely turn anyone off anything that he was into - be it Scientology, Christianity or even porn!

Personally, I found my 2 hour delve into Scientology quite interesting, but didn't feel comfortable with the fact that it required me to purchase 'X amount' of books, videos etc. in order to complete the required steps, and so I said 'thanks for your time, but it's not for me.' But I don't knock anyone else who has researched Scientology and has decided to attend classes.



I count myself as an open minded, free thinking person who likes to read a lot about a wide range of subjects, subsequently making my own mind up based on how I feel about everything I have taken on board.

I was in San Francisco this July and came across the Scientology building and thought, 'hey, I've heard about this, but only from sensationalist media sources, I would like to make up my own mind about scientology'. So, I went inside, watched this Hubbard chap in an interview and had a chat with one of ladies afterward.

Needless to say, a lot about what I had previously thought I 'knew' about this subject was incorrect. Some of the aspects of scientology were very interesting, some of them not so. But at least I felt that I had done some research on this subject, with which I could then make a more informed opinion.

I found the OP's post very humorous and would advise him to find for himself out as much (or as little) as he wanted to about this subject (or any other, for that matter) and not to simply rely on sensationalist stories/mass media to give him the required information on which to base his opinion. The weird guy in the OP met would surely turn anyone off anything that he was into - be it Scientology, Christianity or even porn!

Personally, I found my 2 hour delve into Scientology quite interesting, but didn't feel comfortable with the fact that it required me to purchase 'X amount' of books, videos etc. in order to complete the required steps, and so I said 'thanks for your time, but it's not for me.' But I don't knock anyone else who has researched Scientology and has decided to attend classes.


Do you really think that they would want to give you anything other than a good impression before they get you 'hooked'? The Mormons have an equally ridiculous religion (IMO), yet you don't get everybody on their back, I wonder why?

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD9bCdHqU3s...feature=related

Of the 37 (now 38) people that have posted in this thread, 5 are now banned !

As much as I'd like to believe it, I somehow doubt 'The Don' was banned because he was considered a threat to the Illuminati.


There is limitation to toleration. Scientology is not a real religion. It was created quite blatantly solely as a vehicle to create great wealth. They have exploited legal US tax loopholes by falsely claiming they are a religion. As a teen growing up in Washington DC, a town thick with scientologists, I used to play a really fun game with a friend of mine. When approached by a scientologist (they prey on youth) we would scream really loud SCIENTOLOGISTS! and run away as if we were being violently assaulted. It was really good clean fun.

Some might say have an open mind, listen to what these cult members have to say. Great, go ahead, and while you are at it, listen to that Nigerian prince wanting your bank account details.

Fortunately for Nicole Kidman, she was able to get the H_ll out while she could....

Haven't I seen Scientology adverts inserted here on TV?

There is a scientology add at the bottom of this screen now.

I read somewhere that they are starting to concentrate more on poorer countries because the west are becoming clued up on them, they have even been going to hospitals in Thailand trying to teach the nurses to heal using scientology techniques.


Haven't I seen Scientology adverts inserted here on TV?

There is a scientology add at the bottom of this screen now.

THIS is what's freaking me out...plus notice that the OP has been banned?



Believe me it is really scary. I know of someone who fell into it. Her family had her "kidnapped" and "deprogrammed" but it didn't work. However maybe it had a delayed reaction as she did leave after the second time there.

She was a totally different person while involved with scientology.

Like most cults you will also find their recruiters know who to hone in on as most susceptible.

Once I met a couple of Rajneeshis and although at that time their "organisation" was coming to an end and embroiled in scandals, I had the chance to see their perceptive/social skills in action. These 2 were very high up in the organisation and quite probably in some sort of exile by then. But at a large social gathering it was very interesting to see them in action and how they operated. There was no doubt about it, they were sharp, perceptive and intelligent. Pity anyone who became their target. They also knew straight away if anyone could see through them, it was instant.

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