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Omg I Met Weho Yesterday!


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i had lunch yesterday at the Conrad hotel in bangkok. my girlfriend works at an embassy nearby and they have a nice lunch special so i go there about once a week, in the All Seasns place area; so i overhear this farang arguing with the manager something about the sign outside this italian buffet; it was sort of a funny discussion and i dont know why but i just asked "are you weho", and the farang replied "you finally found me, but hush now, don't tell mama". and that was it other than "i'm not posting there any more cause they don'tt love me enough".

i feel complete now.


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Of course I am also a big Weho fan, and take inspiration from the living legend of Wehocity TM.

However, to the OP, please please resist the request to physically describe the man. That would be an invasion of privacy he clearly would not want. Please respect him, love him, nurture him, and maybe some day he will in his wisdom share himself with us once again. Or not. But let him be.

Edited by Jingthing
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Why are you all assuming Weho is a man.

The OP ony states that he met a Farang and doesn't indicate what sex the Farang was.

You haven't read enough of Weho's posts, then.

Meanwhile, refer back to post #14 in this thread. :o

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I have lived a long and fruitful life.

I have shaken the hands of US Presidents, politicians and other nefarious people.

I have dined with Generals, Admirals, Princes, OBEs and other distinguished individuals.

I have never met Weho.

My life is not complete

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Romor has it that Weho overdosed. During the days before Christmas Weho was posting day and night on this board. During a three day period ending on Christmas Eve; Weho posted 56 times. These were his last times.

I can only imagine Weho at his computer posting away while Santa silently came down his chimney. This must have been more than Weho could bare; thus the flames blowing out his arse.



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Romor has it that Weho overdosed. During the days before Christmas Weho was posting day and night on this board. During a three day period ending on Christmas Eve; Weho posted 56 times. These were his last times.

I can only imagine Weho at his computer posting away while Santa silently came down his chimney. This must have been more than Weho could bare; thus the flames blowing out his arse.


We'd throw snowballs at Santa and lemons at Oscar Mayer.

Edited by Shotime
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