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Do You Notice Less Traffic Jams


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There's definitely a lot more people riding bicycles around where I live down south. Expensive fuel might save us yet with all this extra exercise!!

Yes, and cleaner air to breath while riding your bicycles.

You also, will get more crazy bicycle riders, just looks at how Thais drive. :o

Yeah tell me about it! I was driving down ramkhamhaeng road yesterday and infront of me in the middle lane was a crazy cyclist weaving in and out of the traffic, You should of seen his legs peddling, peddling for his life it looked like! I prayed for him!

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :D

You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

ha ha, David Icke is a TV member... :D:o

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You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but please please please tell me you're not.

New World Order? hahahahaha.

Assuming for a second that there is such a thing as New World Order (and let's face it, only complete nutters would say there is), I'm quite confident about it. Let's face it, Beacher my slightly deluded friend, if greatly reducing world population numbers is one of their key objectives, they're not very effective are they?

Implanting chips in all people? Crikey - do people who believe this sort of thing exist in real life?

If they can't control population, I wouldnt worry too much about their ability to get everyone chipped. I wouldnt trust them to go the Villa and buy a bag of chips, even.

Open your mind. Surely an over-populated world is not so hard to imagine. A one world government or the new world order is very real, it will happen.

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As LOS gets richer people will trade them motor bikes in for cars so this drop in traffic wont last, but ive noticed in the UK that people are driving in the 50-55mph range where possible.

RE Governments implanting microchips on us, its one governments policy to do so read here, its not too far fetched to believe others will follow. -


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Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there?

I think you got that wrong.

5 years ago I could buy 3 bottles of Chang for 90 baht, not so today.


01/07/2008 InBev, brouwer van Stella Artois en Jupiler, verhoogt na de zomer opnieuw zijn bierprijs, met gemiddeld 4,3procent. De vorige prijsverhoging dateert nog maar van februari dit jaar. Toen werd een pint drie procent duurder.

Which reads that Inbev, the second biggest brewery (if They manage to buy Anheuser-Bush they will be numero uno) will raise its beer prices for the second time this year with a 4.3% increase.

Back on topic:

Road traffic to Udon Thani for Sawang Daen Din has indeed reduced considerably.

I used to travel this road every 5 days, now reduced to every week and don't take the horse that often any more.

Hope the bubble will burst this year and oil prices will come down similar to high stock prices falling in 2000, USA house bubble etc.

Edited by tartempion
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Where I drive to work they have build FIVE big overpasses in the last three years, but once you get off, it's still the same good old traffic jam. Similarly, the new overpass on Chaeng Wattana does wonders for those who live in Nonthaburi, but Ramindra is still fully packed. Five years ago it was a breeze even in the morning, nowadays it's a big parking lot from expressay exit to km8 most of the day and even longer in the mornings.

I can't see ANY improvements in the past few months. It might be different downtown where people have choices.

Romklao, mentioned by Heng, becomes a hel_l after 7 am, and after 5pm again. Maybe it's empty outside rush hours, but people driving to work and back haven't switched to buses yet, and there aren't any buses there anyway. Sukhaphiban 1, curiously, has long lines of empty buses into town in the morning - everyone still drives, and on rainy days it might take 40 minutes to drive from km8 to Benjamin school just a few kilometers down the road, yet buses are still empty.

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :D

You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

ha ha, David Icke is a TV member... :D:o

It's almost embarrassing, isnt it? I want to turn away from Beacher's comments, but it's like driving past an accident - you just can't help staring.

I've seriously never heard such claptrap, and I'm amazed that people seriously believe it and - worse - openly profess is.

I repeat my question to Beacher. If this New World Order is all so powerful, how have they so dismally failed to control world population?

And as for 'proof' . . . oh my god. Could someone please explain to him that a bunch of nutters writing books and articles on the internet linking the design of dollar bills and curious decorations in buildings does NOT constitute proof.

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RE Governments implanting microchips on us, its one governments policy to do so read here, its not too far fetched to believe others will follow. -


With respect, boiledegg (and I write that with tongue firmly planted in my cheek), could you point out in that article where it states it is the UK government's policy to implant microchips into people?

Or are they just proposing, simply, to keep a database of personal details like phone numbers?

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ha ha, David Icke is a TV member... :D:o

Out of morbid interest (and a light workload today), I have just been perusing David Icke's website. :D Seemingly, the main thrust of his credo is that there are Reptilian aliens controlling our lives, and are at the forefront of all political and business empires. You could believe this of someone like, say Tony Blair, probably, but.....seriously....<deleted>, David???

Then I remember that David Icke used to be a goalkeeper, and probably took a lot of kicks to the head rushing in at striker's feet with a clear run on goal. At about the same time the show "V" was popular on UK telly. link. Right, David....

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :D

You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

ha ha, David Icke is a TV member... :D:o

It's almost embarrassing, isnt it? I want to turn away from Beacher's comments, but it's like driving past an accident - you just can't help staring.

I've seriously never heard such claptrap, and I'm amazed that people seriously believe it and - worse - openly profess is.

I repeat my question to Beacher. If this New World Order is all so powerful, how have they so dismally failed to control world population?

And as for 'proof' . . . oh my god. Could someone please explain to him that a bunch of nutters writing books and articles on the internet linking the design of dollar bills and curious decorations in buildings does NOT constitute proof.

Take some time to research who sat at the tables where the world's central banks were created. You will see a consistency of players. Nothing new about it however, fractional banking began some 5 centuries ago The Rothchilds changed their name from Bauer in the 18th century.

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Take some time to research who sat at the tables where the world's central banks were created. You will see a consistency of players. Nothing new about it however, fractional banking began some 5 centuries ago The Rothchilds changed their name from Bauer in the 18th century.

Mmmmmm. let me guess. Would it be members of the world's leading banking families, perhaps?

Well . that's it then. It's a tiny jump from the thesis that central banking systems have been helped into creation by bankers to utter drivel about those same people conspiring (and spectacularly failing) to reduce world populations and implant microchips into those remaining.

Shit . how could I have not seen the link before?

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Take some time to research who sat at the tables where the world's central banks were created. You will see a consistency of players. Nothing new about it however, fractional banking began some 5 centuries ago The Rothchilds changed their name from Bauer in the 18th century.
Mmmmmm. let me guess. Would it be members of the world's leading banking families, perhaps?<br /><br />Well . that's it then. It's a tiny jump from the thesis that central banking systems have been helped into creation by bankers to utter drivel about those same people conspiring (and spectacularly failing) to reduce world populations and implant microchips into those remaining.<br /><br />Shit . how could I have not seen the link before?<br /><br /><br />

You're a pretty funny lad bendix. You admit to knowing absolutely nothing about this -- your own words in an earlier post in this thread are "'I've seriously never heard such claptrap, and I'm amazed that people seriously believe it...". Yet you've made 3 or 4 posts in this thread without offering any information, instead only criticizing those who have done research into these matters. You would do yourself a service to stop believing everything FOX CNN BBC, etc. tell you to believe.

As the saying goes, "Ignorance is bliss.", but it isn't the best way to cruise through life. Perhaps if you did a little of your your info seeking instead of letting mainstream media do it for you, you could offer something substantial in a mature discussion rather than simply claiming that everyone who doesn't see the world through (your) rose-colored glasses is a "nutter".

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Is it not possible that there is not much to know about the New World Order because . . . well . . because it doesnt exist except in the lurid imaginations of conspiracy theorists. I'm afraid I don't have the time nor patience to trawl badly designed and appallingly written websites written by adolescent boys and idiots like David Icke who believe the world is rule by reptilian aliens.

I love how you keep ignoring my central argument, so I'll try again.

If this conspiracy exists, and if it is a mix of the world's most powerful people, bankers, jews, families and Saudi Royal Family [sic], why has it failed so dismally in a core plan of reducing the world's population.

Let me guess - you'll tell me I need to go and do more research because - let's face it - you can't answer the question.

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You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the &lt;deleted&gt; is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

And if we needed more proof of the lowering standards of posts on TV, ladies and gentlemen . .. I give you this little nugget.

It's got it all. Sinister conspiracy theories. The slightest (albeit unspoken) hint that it might be some kind of Jewish plot. The word 'scam' many times. The bizarre reasoning about the costs of transporting bread and beer.

And to top it all, there is, of course, the healthy interest in beer.

Please Beacher . enlighten us. What exactly is the 'plan' of the Rothschilds and Morgans?

Perhaps you should read and try to understand my post before commenting on it.

As for beer coming into things, that product was key to making my point about the inconsistency of rising prices. (Proof that you commented before actually understanding what you read.) You REALLY can't see the validity of wondering why part of the rising cost of staple foods like bread is atributed to rising transportation costs, yet beer seems to be immune to the same conditions? You REALLY can't figure out that a pallet of bread weighs a heck of a lot less than a pallet of beer, so it would only make sense for the increase in transportation cost to effect the price of beer moreso than the price of bread?

You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.

When do they start passing out the Soma?

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<br />Is it not possible that there is not much to know about the New World Order because . . . well . . because it doesnt exist except in the lurid imaginations of conspiracy theorists. I'm afraid I don't have the time nor patience to trawl badly designed and appallingly written websites written by adolescent boys and idiots like David Icke who believe the world is rule by reptilian aliens.<br /><br />I love how you keep ignoring my central argument, so I'll try again.<br /><br />If this conspiracy exists, and if it is a mix of the world's most powerful people, bankers, jews, families and Saudi Royal Family [sic], why has it failed so dismally in a core plan of reducing the world's population.<br /><br />Let me guess - you'll tell me I need to go and do more research because - let's face it - you can't answer the question.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No, it's real easy to answer, bendix. You're approaching this as if it's something that happened and failed, but it's something that is happening -- not something that happened already and not something that is going to happen overnight. Plans of such magnitude take a while.

I don't think I'm that only one who can see that you insisting you're view of the world is the only correct one, yet also admitting that you have neither the patience or desire to investigate any alternatives to your view is rather silly.

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I suppose you're right. I do like a quiet life and prefer to live my life thinking life is relatively sane and normal and not controlled by alien reptiles.

But what do i know?

I do have one strong belief though. My theory of the world is that it's all relatively unplanned, chaotic and nonsensical. I guess that's why I tend to insist that people who randomly place strange theories in front of me not only back up those theories with empirical evidence that would stand up to rigorous refutation, but also provide evidence as to why those so-called sinister theories haven't in fact succeeded.

On both accounts you've failed dismally.

No doubt you will tell me that the inability to provide evidence is part of the grand conspiracy itself . . . .

But let's try this. On a scale of one to ten, how successful do you think the New World Order has been in it's objectives so far. I mean, have they actually placed the order with Siemens for 7 billion implantable microchips yet? Who signs off the expense budget on these chips, or is the CEO of Siemens involved too? Don't tell me, he's an alien reptile also.

Crikey . I begin to see it now . . they're all involved, aren't they?

Is Thaivisa's admin and mod team involved also?

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<br />I suppose you're right. I do like a quiet life and prefer to live my life thinking life is relatively sane and normal and not controlled by alien reptiles.<br /><br />But what do i know?<br /><br />I do have one strong belief though. My theory of the world is that it's all relatively unplanned, chaotic and nonsensical. I guess that's why I tend to insist that people who randomly place strange theories in front of me not only back up those theories with empirical evidence that would stand up to rigorous refutation, but also provide evidence as to why those so-called sinister theories haven't in fact succeeded.<br /><br />On both accounts you've failed dismally.<br /><br />No doubt you will tell me that the inability to provide evidence is part of the grand conspiracy itself . . . .<br /><br />But let's try this. On a scale of one to ten, how successful do you think the New World Order has been in it's objectives so far. I mean, have they actually placed the order with Siemens for 7 billion implantable microchips yet? Who signs off the expense budget on these chips, or is the CEO of Siemens involved too? Don't tell me, he's an alien reptile also.<br /><br />Crikey . I begin to see it now . . they're all involved, aren't they?<br /><br />Is Thaivisa's admin and mod team involved also?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Once again I suggest that you read posts and try to understand them before commenting. You are back to insisting that an attempt to realize a new world order has been attempted and failed, but (let me repeat myself, even though you probably won't read it) it is going on and will not happen over night. As for empirical evidence, it's there, but as I said to you before, it is not my object to to educate you. It exists in scads for those who do not choose to wear blinders while strolling down the road of life.

You choose your view of the world, although I think it's a dangerously shallow one, and I'll choose to consider that not everything in this world meets the eye.

You keep mentioning and trying to associate me with David Icke and reptilian whatever. However, I have not mentioned them, and your simplistic tactic of false association to discredit me is so obvious it's funny.

Bendix, you can have the last word here as it seems terribly important to you. Pipe up and add another 2-bits, but try to say something of substance rather than just calling people names.

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :o

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Have you ever seen the documentary "power of nightmares" (3 part award winning series) by adam curtis? It opens your mind to whats really going on! So the 2 above comments are very credible in my eyes!

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you have spoken the unspeakable. We - the Thai Visa mods - do control the world in a new way - thus the name the 'New World Order TM'. You are now slated for termination in the year 2043 when we have programmed your secretly Siemens installed microchip to expire.

You didn't think waking up in a strange hotel room after a big night on the town in Manila was an accident do you? The memories are fake too. The good looking she was really a he....

Full details of the costings of the New World Order are downloadable www.newworldorder.com

Unfortunatly, as a delaware registered entity, we still have to make finacial disclosures.

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I don't think I'm that only one who can see that you insisting you're view of the world is the only correct one, yet also admitting that you have neither the patience or desire to investigate any alternatives to your view is rather silly.

I only investigate views that don't involve a jewish conspiracy and a "new world order". Because those are rather stupid, and my time is more valuable. Also, unlike Bendix, I have no problem trying to get the last word in because I have great typing stamina.

so, last word!

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The trouble with conspiracy theories, as soon as people here hear the phrase conspiracy theory they choose not to believe it!

That is why these higher powers can do what they do because they know the general public with not believe what they are doing or have done.

Like 911 for example. hehe

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The trouble with conspiracy theorists is that they believe any old twaddle which helps them explain their complete failure to get to grips with modern life and explain the unexplainable.

Conspiracy theories like NWO have a world view - everything can be explained, even their rank failure to do anything. It's the same as Marxism which has inbuilt excuses for the failure of the working class to rise up (false consciousness) or Freudism (self-denial).

Such theories are intellectually asinine, as my old mate Karl Popper said years ago. And people who cling to them in a futile attempt to explain the chaos of modern life are intellectually vapid.

dam_n . can someone come and have another last word, please?

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Yes of course bendix i will have the last word. The word is in your last post which i dont understand its meaning!


Ok ok before you say it everyone i have just made myself look asinine by not knowing what asinine means. hahahaha

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Yes of course bendix i will have the last word. The word is in your last post which i dont understand its meaning!


Ok ok before you say it everyone i have just made myself look asinine by not knowing what asinine means. hahahaha

I should leave this alone and just let it go but I just can't.

Trying to at least to some degree keep near topic, I will add that a group of 6 men, 5 bankers and one US senator met on Jeckll Island in 1910 to draft the plan for the US Federal Reserve Banking system. The meeting was held mostly in secret . Their plan was adopted and became law in 1913. As a result of this plan, the US dollar has lost 95% of its value as of today and these individuals and those whom they represented were the largest benefactors. Now if you want to call that a conspiracy, go ahead. It did in fact happen.

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