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Do You Notice Less Traffic Jams


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I do. Do you?

Please also state the city/province.

Well Winnie, if you want others to follow your lead, I suggest you tell us where you are. :o Back to your question, I don't notice less / or more traffic jams but then again I use the BTS / MRT


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I do also, I live in Nontabutri and there is less traffic even my wife said that..I look at the time it took us to drive some where 3 years ago and now the time is cut down alot. And I have noticed the driving is not as crazy as it was a few years ago.

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :o

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I live in Rayong and although i havn't seen much reduction in the number of road users (there is a lot of construction and work here, right now); I have seen people driving much slower than before. 80kph in the right hand lane... Which actually increases congestion on the roads.

Contrary to some one claiming some conspiracy above^^, a lot of local people who sold their souls to afford Mercs and Beemers now cannot afford to run them.

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There's definitely a lot more people riding bicycles around where I live down south. Expensive fuel might save us yet with all this extra exercise!!

Yes, and cleaner air to breath while riding your bicycles.

You also, will get more crazy bicycle riders, just looks at how Thais drive. :o

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There's definitely a lot more people riding bicycles around where I live down south. Expensive fuel might save us yet with all this extra exercise!!

Does it have anything to do with people being afraid to start up their cars down south?

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There's definitely a lot more people riding bicycles around where I live down south. Expensive fuel might save us yet with all this extra exercise!!

Does it have anything to do with people being afraid to start up their cars down south?

I'm not quite that far south!! :o

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :o

You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

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All kidding aside, I believe the high fuel prices are a conspiracy by the rich and powerful to get average citizens off the road. First they tried it with high import taxes but that didn't work, so now they are trying to fuel better driving conditions for them in the Mercs and BM's by artificially raising the price of gas.

This is the kind of logic I have now become conditioned too after 8 years here. :o

You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

if "they" read this and the price of beer goes up, i will hunt you down.

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Here in Pattaya the traffic seems to be just as bad or maybe a bit worse!

I was discussing the price of fuel with my missus and suggesting to her that people might have to drive less or use more economical vehicles. Her reply was that 'No-one cares. Thai people like big cars and will still buy them and drive everywhere.'

Can't help but think that sooner or later people will have to start to care, even if it takes until there is no money for food because the great big f-off pseudo SUV has taken it all!


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Here in Pattaya the traffic seems to be just as bad or maybe a bit worse!

I was discussing the price of fuel with my missus and suggesting to her that people might have to drive less or use more economical vehicles. Her reply was that 'No-one cares. Thai people like big cars and will still buy them and drive everywhere.'

I disagree with that statement. More then likely, Thai car owners have bought there cars on credit and pay installments every month. Usually for reasons of culture and face, they have bought just a little above their means....I believe they do care and do feel the financial pinch. Three years ago gasoline was at around 14-16 baht/liter now it is three times that....it is wishful thinking that "no one cares" because "Thai people like big cars". Hopefully this will lead to better mass transit systems and improved railway services.....

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You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

And if we needed more proof of the lowering standards of posts on TV, ladies and gentlemen . .. I give you this little nugget.

It's got it all. Sinister conspiracy theories. The slightest (albeit unspoken) hint that it might be some kind of Jewish plot. The word 'scam' many times. The bizarre reasoning about the costs of transporting bread and beer.

And to top it all, there is, of course, the healthy interest in beer.

Please Beacher . enlighten us. What exactly is the 'plan' of the Rothschilds and Morgans?

Edited by bendix
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You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

And if we needed more proof of the lowering standards of posts on TV, ladies and gentlemen . .. I give you this little nugget.

It's got it all. Sinister conspiracy theories. The slightest (albeit unspoken) hint that it might be some kind of Jewish plot. The word 'scam' many times. The bizarre reasoning about the costs of transporting bread and beer.

And to top it all, there is, of course, the healthy interest in beer.

Please Beacher . enlighten us. What exactly is the 'plan' of the Rothschilds and Morgans?

Perhaps you should read and try to understand my post before commenting on it.

As for beer coming into things, that product was key to making my point about the inconsistency of rising prices. (Proof that you commented before actually understanding what you read.) You REALLY can't see the validity of wondering why part of the rising cost of staple foods like bread is atributed to rising transportation costs, yet beer seems to be immune to the same conditions? You REALLY can't figure out that a pallet of bread weighs a heck of a lot less than a pallet of beer, so it would only make sense for the increase in transportation cost to effect the price of beer moreso than the price of bread?

You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.

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I do. I think it´s fuel prices. People can not afford to drive. Also the stagnation of the economy over all. Repo men are being busy theese days. So I hear. Lots of used cars on the market right now!

Edited by feffejonsson
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Here in Pattaya the traffic seems to be just as bad or maybe a bit worse!

I was discussing the price of fuel with my missus and suggesting to her that people might have to drive less or use more economical vehicles. Her reply was that 'No-one cares. Thai people like big cars and will still buy them and drive everywhere.'

I disagree with that statement. More then likely, Thai car owners have bought there cars on credit and pay installments every month. Usually for reasons of culture and face, they have bought just a little above their means....I believe they do care and do feel the financial pinch. Three years ago gasoline was at around 14-16 baht/liter now it is three times that....it is wishful thinking that "no one cares" because "Thai people like big cars". Hopefully this will lead to better mass transit systems and improved railway services.....

Just my Missus' opinion, probably reflecting the opinions of her circle of friends, all of whom seem to be pretty well off, so maybe the price hikes are not affecting them - yet.

Don't hold your breath on the improved mass transit and railway systems - unlikely to happen outside of big cities. Don't think that Pattaya qualifies in that respect although we have heard mutterings by our revered mayor about a tram system. Living in hope on that one as the Baht Bus Mafia would have something to say about it for sure!



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You are on the right track bkkjames, this artificial oil crisis certainly is a scam contrived by the handful of powerful people who control the vast majority of the world's wealth -- Rothschilds, Morgans etc. Unfortunately, it goes much deeper and is more sinister than simply trying to make a little more room on the roads.

The "food crisis" is also a scam and has very sinister roots. By the way, notice how those controlling mainstream news sources are now using "crisis" as he key "fear word" these days. I guess they felt that we have been hearing "terror and terrorism" as every other word for so long that we were becoming mentally numb to them.

Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but why have staple foods like grains and dairy shot up in price so quickly, when I can still buy beer for the same price I was paying years ago? It seems to me that the main dry ingrdient in beer is grain, so what the <deleted> is going on there? And if the rising fuel price is also partly atribituable to increased food prices as claimed, well gosh, a pallet of beer weighs a lot more than a pallet of bread, so why am I paying so much more for bread but no more for beer? The logic really breaks down here, and people should be asking some important questions. Perhaps the Rothschilds and their sick friends realize that they can effectively strip people's power by hitting them in the wallet, but they'd better let us get pissed just as cheaply and watch silly television shows so that we don't actuallt get off our ass*s and do something to stop their plans.

And if we needed more proof of the lowering standards of posts on TV, ladies and gentlemen . .. I give you this little nugget.

It's got it all. Sinister conspiracy theories. The slightest (albeit unspoken) hint that it might be some kind of Jewish plot. The word 'scam' many times. The bizarre reasoning about the costs of transporting bread and beer.

And to top it all, there is, of course, the healthy interest in beer.

Please Beacher . enlighten us. What exactly is the 'plan' of the Rothschilds and Morgans?

Perhaps you should read and try to understand my post before commenting on it.

As for beer coming into things, that product was key to making my point about the inconsistency of rising prices. (Proof that you commented before actually understanding what you read.) You REALLY can't see the validity of wondering why part of the rising cost of staple foods like bread is atributed to rising transportation costs, yet beer seems to be immune to the same conditions? You REALLY can't figure out that a pallet of bread weighs a heck of a lot less than a pallet of beer, so it would only make sense for the increase in transportation cost to effect the price of beer moreso than the price of bread?

You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.

Love it. Crazy conspiracy theorist who'd fail a high school economics exam

New world order: Check

Ultra rich (Jewish) conspiracy: Check

Microchip implantation: Check

Lack of understanding how elasticity of demand affects price rises: check

All you need to do know is mention the RAND corporation and we'll be there...

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There's definitely a lot more people riding bicycles around where I live down south. Expensive fuel might save us yet with all this extra exercise!!

It's happening worldwide, Giant and Merida, two of the big Taiwanese bicycle companies

report sales growths of 28 and 43 percent respectively. It makes sense to ride a bike

these days.

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You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but please please please tell me you're not.

New World Order? hahahahaha.

Assuming for a second that there is such a thing as New World Order (and let's face it, only complete nutters would say there is), I'm quite confident about it. Let's face it, Beacher my slightly deluded friend, if greatly reducing world population numbers is one of their key objectives, they're not very effective are they?

Implanting chips in all people? Crikey - do people who believe this sort of thing exist in real life?

If they can't control population, I wouldnt worry too much about their ability to get everyone chipped. I wouldnt trust them to go the Villa and buy a bag of chips, even.

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You have wisely asked to be enlightened. The plan of the ultra-rich is something called the New World Order. It generally involves greatly reducing the population mumbers, getting RFID chip implanted in all people, and other nasty things that are not going to be good for the common man.

I would respectfully suggest that you do a little research and stop believing what FOX news tells you to believe everyday.

Finally, your lowly tactics to make me appear an anti-semite or someone with a "healthy interest in beer" are not appreaciated, but I suspect there are enough intelligent readers to see through your intention and also find it too obvious.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but please please please tell me you're not.

New World Order? hahahahaha.

Assuming for a second that there is such a thing as New World Order (and let's face it, only complete nutters would say there is), I'm quite confident about it. Let's face it, Beacher my slightly deluded friend, if greatly reducing world population numbers is one of their key objectives, they're not very effective are they?

Implanting chips in all people? Crikey - do people who believe this sort of thing exist in real life?

If they can't control population, I wouldnt worry too much about their ability to get everyone chipped. I wouldnt trust them to go the Villa and buy a bag of chips, even.

I was fully expecting the "nutter" and "tin Hatter" comments. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

It's your choice to believe mainstream media or open your minds to consider that other possibilities exist in the world. I'm not going to try to convince people one way or the other. There's loads of information available for those who are not afraid of expanding their views and concepts about the world we live in. Do your own research and form your own opinions. But mainly, have a nice day.

Edited by Beacher
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Definitely less traffic:- I caught a taxi midday Wednesday to Don Muang from Din Daeng, it was as if it was early on a Sunday morning, Rama 9 to Vibhavity was near deserted and it didn't even bother to use the toll way.

2 weeks ago I drove from Adelaide to Sydney, accept for the heavy transports it felt like I had the Hay plains and Hume Hwy to myself.

And here in the rice paddies of N.E. Isaan the roads are near deserted, the buffalo are now appearing in the fields pulling ploughs as it was before the Kabolta tractors.

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Definitely better, but you'll still find areas where it's total gridlock, as people still don't mind driving short distances. You'll never get rid of all of the traffic congestion, because contrary to popular belief, there are still plenty of locals out there who could care less about rising fuel costs, be it $300 or $500 a barrel.


edit: live on Sukapibal 3, normal routes are into town Rama IX, Ratchadaphisek, and out to the airport on Romklao Rd. and back; and also in Pattaya on Thepprasit+Thapraya... but in Pattaya I just take care of errands before 10am before a good number of people wake up.

Edited by Heng
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Definitely less traffic:- I caught a taxi midday Wednesday to Don Muang from Din Daeng, it was as if it was early on a Sunday morning, Rama 9 to Vibhavity was near deserted and it didn't even bother to use the toll way.

2 weeks ago I drove from Adelaide to Sydney, accept for the heavy transports it felt like I had the Hay plains and Hume Hwy to myself.

And here in the rice paddies of N.E. Isaan the roads are near deserted, the buffalo are now appearing in the fields pulling ploughs as it was before the Kabolta tractors.

There has always been very little traffic early on Sunday mornings.

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Definitely less traffic:- I caught a taxi midday Wednesday to Don Muang from Din Daeng, it was as if it was early on a Sunday morning, Rama 9 to Vibhavity was near deserted and it didn't even bother to use the toll way.

2 weeks ago I drove from Adelaide to Sydney, accept for the heavy transports it felt like I had the Hay plains and Hume Hwy to myself.

And here in the rice paddies of N.E. Isaan the roads are near deserted, the buffalo are now appearing in the fields pulling ploughs as it was before the Kabolta tractors.

There has always been very little traffic early on Sunday mornings.

That's exactly what I was comparing midday Wednesday too!!!! :o
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Definitely less traffic:- I caught a taxi midday Wednesday to Don Muang from Din Daeng, it was as if it was early on a Sunday morning, Rama 9 to Vibhavity was near deserted and it didn't even bother to use the toll way.

2 weeks ago I drove from Adelaide to Sydney, accept for the heavy transports it felt like I had the Hay plains and Hume Hwy to myself.

And here in the rice paddies of N.E. Isaan the roads are near deserted, the buffalo are now appearing in the fields pulling ploughs as it was before the Kabolta tractors.

There has always been very little traffic early on Sunday mornings.

That's exactly what I was comparing midday Wednesday too!!!! :o

Sorry, got my friday glasses on today,,,been a long week :D

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