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I would like to open up a discussion about the Montessori School in Phuket. Is there a website?

I am a firm believer in the Montessori Method. Main Stream schools may teach differently, but I don't want my child to learn in a matter in which is not her own. I read someone "taco loco" say that at Montessori Phuket, The children run the school, and the teachers are mosquitoes (sarcasm). I suffered severely in Public School, where a Montessori School would have been far better.

Do any of you have a child in the Montessori School? And if so, how do you feel about it? I don't wish to force anything on my daughter. Unlike most parents, I want her to learn at her own pace, and learn what she wants, when she wants. I do not wish to have her in a school where other kids are having to wait for her to learn, or vice-versa. I want her to set her pace, not someone else’s kid. This is not a race. It is merely education.

I take "children run the school" to mean that the children are not pressured to learn something they do not want to learn. I really don't care what my daughter wants to learn, as long as she is happy. But forcing her to learn a certain way is just not going to happen. Especially from a British Point of view. I can even say that I really don't want an American view point either, and I am American.

The BIC has its perks, but if you mean forced education, or dress codes, I am not really interested. Like the wonderful Richard Dawkins, I am an Atheist, and really don't want the curriculum to be centered around religion regardless of its nature. My friend’s daughter goes to the school next to Central, and they have a statue of the Virgin Mary in the front. If I could, I would choose to raise her in a Secular Montessori School, but I know that they do not exist.

I am not trying to pick a fight, I just would like to know thoughts on the Montessori School in Phuket, and hear from parents, happy or sad, of their experience.

My daughter is 15 months old, and she is already a meticulous, well natured, free thinker. I wish to invite any opinions to this topic, regardless if you have or plan to have, or know someone that has kids.




Your thread title is rather misleading and maybe libellous! You say that 'someone' (ie one person) has commented about the school in a negative way. How does that equal 'why many complaints'?

BTW, I have no interest/relationship to this school. But lets amend the thread title before we start this discussion.


Your thread title is rather misleading and maybe libellous! You say that 'someone' (ie one person) has commented about the school in a negative way. How does that equal 'why many complaints'?

BTW, I have no interest/relationship to this school. But lets amend the thread title before we start this discussion.


I agree with Simon. This is a forum where farang can slander and insult Thai people and politicians with impunity. It is not acceptable to complain about businesses that may be farang-owned or have farang involvement.


What's the problem? The OP has said he has heard complaints about the school. That isn't libellious. He hasn't denigrated the school in any way personally, he has just related what he has heard (I have heard the same things).

Surely, Thaivisa should be a lot more worried about copyright infringement issues (news articles posted).


Flaming Todd, you should go there and see for yourself. I have a 2 1/2 year old who will most likely be starting there when he is 3. (that is a requirement from them as well as being potty trained)

They have open house from time to time and you can actually go in and see a classroom in action.

I think if you search Thai Visa, you should be able to find a thread that was on here about a year ago in which i believe some people were complaining because they didn't have air-con. (personally i prefer not to have air-con)

Not all of their teachers are Montesorri trained but some of them are and others are training to become certified i think. I would surely hope that my child gets one of the certified ones.

I too believe in their philosophy. (do you know that both of the two Google founders were Montesorri schooled?) (and Bill Gates was not)

However, i do think they should keep up with the times and incorporate computers into their learning process.

That being said, i don't believe they have a website.



Your thread title is rather misleading and maybe libellous! You say that 'someone' (ie one person) has commented about the school in a negative way. How does that equal 'why many complaints'? <<<READ THE ARCHIVES>>>

BTW, I have no interest/relationship to this school. But lets amend the thread title before we start this discussion.


This is a forum where farang can slander and insult Thai people and politicians with impunity. It is not acceptable to complain about businesses that may be farang-owned or have farang involvement.

In its correct spelling, not to be confused with the misspelling above.

libelous - (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.

Reply to quote #1.)

Wow, Simon, I actually had to look up the definition of that word. I posted the definition here so others could know exactly what you meant.

I actually prefer to read the archives rather than post here because of some of the replies I get. Not once did I say anything libelous regarding the school. Had you read closely, you may have realized that before you got so defensive. The thread title, which will remain the same, is in regards to the posts I have read in the archives about the complaints. I read these complaints and wondered to myself, why so many, why is it so bad, thus, rendering the topic title. I ask that you read the archives and see what has been said about the place, and then return to see if your reply still feels right. Thanks, however, for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I'll bet you’re from the UK.

Reply to quote #2.)

It is not acceptable? Who are you to judge that? This is a forum. It is designed to accommodate any and all discussions, regardless of their nature, as long as they abide by the forum rules. When posting, the posts are read by the appropriate people before they are allowed to go on the board, so the simple fact that you have read it means that it is, in fact, acceptable. If you choose to slander Thai people behind their backs and need a place like this to do it, I think that you need to refocus your time.

This forum is for information purposes, as well as open discussions regarding anything, as long as they abide by forum rules. What you find acceptable means nothing to me, because you’re not important. You're reply says everything I need to know.

As always, I enjoy what Sir Burr has to say, and fiddlehead, if you hear of an open house any time soon, please let me know. I would appreciate it.

I really love this forum for its diversity. Thanks all for your replies.


Your thread title is rather misleading and maybe libellous! You say that 'someone' (ie one person) has commented about the school in a negative way. How does that equal 'why many complaints'?

BTW, I have no interest/relationship to this school. But lets amend the thread title before we start this discussion.


I agree with Simon. This is a forum where farang can slander and insult Thai people and politicians with impunity. It is not acceptable to complain about businesses that may be farang-owned or have farang involvement.

Have you read this forum ???

Threads about the Green Man.. M&M's..

Its an equal opportunity moan fest.


Sure some people use the forums to complain about almost anything.

Others come here for advice.

I always felt that you had to give to receive. I'd sooner give and recieve advice than complaints.

Up to you of course!

Your thread title is rather misleading and maybe libellous! You say that 'someone' (ie one person) has commented about the school in a negative way. How does that equal 'why many complaints'? <<<READ THE ARCHIVES>>>

BTW, I have no interest/relationship to this school. But lets amend the thread title before we start this discussion.


This is a forum where farang can slander and insult Thai people and politicians with impunity. It is not acceptable to complain about businesses that may be farang-owned or have farang involvement.

In its correct spelling, not to be confused with the misspelling above.

libelous - (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.

Reply to quote #1.)

Wow, Simon, I actually had to look up the definition of that word. I posted the definition here so others could know exactly what you meant.

I actually prefer to read the archives rather than post here because of some of the replies I get. Not once did I say anything libelous regarding the school. Had you read closely, you may have realized that before you got so defensive. The thread title, which will remain the same, is in regards to the posts I have read in the archives about the complaints. I read these complaints and wondered to myself, why so many, why is it so bad, thus, rendering the topic title. I ask that you read the archives and see what has been said about the place, and then return to see if your reply still feels right. Thanks, however, for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I'll bet you're from the UK.

Reply to quote #2.)

It is not acceptable? Who are you to judge that? This is a forum. It is designed to accommodate any and all discussions, regardless of their nature, as long as they abide by the forum rules. When posting, the posts are read by the appropriate people before they are allowed to go on the board, so the simple fact that you have read it means that it is, in fact, acceptable. If you choose to slander Thai people behind their backs and need a place like this to do it, I think that you need to refocus your time.

This forum is for information purposes, as well as open discussions regarding anything, as long as they abide by forum rules. What you find acceptable means nothing to me, because you're not important. You're reply says everything I need to know.

As always, I enjoy what Sir Burr has to say, and fiddlehead, if you hear of an open house any time soon, please let me know. I would appreciate it.

I really love this forum for its diversity. Thanks all for your replies.


Oh my buddha, is amanda76 back?


Amanda is in Prague, C.R. until the 19th of Aug.

We all know of your crush on her.

Ask her out already.

You should hear how mad she gets at you Huggybear. Calls you everything but a kitchen sink.

As for feedback, it can be negative or positive. It's not like I have to really know any of you people.

I just love to listen to the replies. Sometimes I get great information, and then other times... Huggybear chimes in, with the usual useless comment. And as for your "buddha" isn't he everybodys Buddha?

Nice try.



Amanda is in Prague, C.R. until the 19th of Aug.

We all know of your crush on her.

Ask her out already.

You should hear how mad she gets at you Huggybear. Calls you everything but a kitchen sink.

As for feedback, it can be negative or positive. It's not like I have to really know any of you people.

I just love to listen to the replies. Sometimes I get great information, and then other times... Huggybear chimes in, with the usual useless comment. And as for your "buddha" isn't he everybodys Buddha?

Nice try.



verbosity joke, don't read anything more into it.


home schooling might be your best bet if u dont want to fork a shitload of bucks...

Not like anyone learns anything from public schools here, my gf has a masters and she cant even point out canada on a world map.. what should you expect from a public highschool student.


verbosity - the quality or condition of wordiness; excessive use of words, especially unnecessary prolixity.

prolixity - excessive wordiness in speech or writing; longwindedness.

Wow, I have learned 3 new words on this forum alone. The trouble now is teaching them to my 15 month old.

Public Schools scare me so much that I would NEVER send her there. In the states, Public Schools have Metal Detectors.

My new job will interfere with home schooling. I work for Transocean as a Rig Fire-Fighter Trainer in Mumbai.

Not so bad, but it is 28 days on and 28 days off.

I will, however, look into the Home Schooling Idea, but I would prefer to hire a Governess (not sure if it is the right word), or a Live in Teacher.

I have seen movies where the family has a "person" that lives in their home and educates the children. Mostly Brittish movies though.



  • 11 months later...

All the responses are ridicules so far! where is the monitor and why they doesn't cut these irrelevant responses out for they have nothing to do about the topic, just wasted my time reading through the BS responses.

I put my 7 year old daughter ,that bounced back and forth between her mother (Thai) and myself (American) families and was Thai as far as languages, into MOntessori. Montessori Phuket did a great job with her and she quickly adapted, learnt English, and loved the school. She had great loving and caring teachers! She went there for 2 years and then I moved her to QSI where she is now at 15 and a junior. The director at QSI only said one thing about Montessori in that the kids that transferred over to QSI at age 13 (that is as high a grade Montessori goes in Phuket) had trouble at first because they do not take written tests and he worried if a child went through his entire school ears and didn't know how to take written tests how would they do on college enrollment tests like SAT. Good point I thought.

If you want additional info form my point of view contact me direct.

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