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As it says on the tin.

Reading the forum rules they implicitly allow for URL's.

Though recent moderation has been to sporadically delete URL's , very inconsistently.

So that the forum members know where they stand can this be clarified.


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Guest Reimar
As it says on the tin.

Reading the forum rules they implicitly allow for URL's.

Though recent moderation has been to sporadically delete URL's , very inconsistently.

So that the forum members know where they stand can this be clarified.


Just read the Forum Rules and you should know which URL's not allowed. The rules very clear with it.




Thanks for the answer but its not clear at all.

I have just re-read the forum rules and this is what I found.

7) Spam, flooding, commercial or for-profit advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar solicitations are also inappropriate and not allowed on thaivisa.com. Any member who might violate this prohibition will be banned from these forums and this site. Membership is at the will of thaivisa.com. Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.

Seems to be what is quoted most when URL's are removed , though it doesn't state that all URL's are not allowed. The closest it gets is "Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site" this suggest that if you post a URL to a site other than your own its OK.

15) Thai Visa is not responsible for the information on URL links posted on the forum (including links from our advertisers)
18) URL links from public to private forums are not permitted.
11) We ask you use discretion when using blind references in any post or signature. Not all users of thaivisa.com are experienced enough to understand where these links may point.
10) Please do not post links to pages that contain objectionable material. This includes, warez, cracks, file sharing, pornography, pyramid schemes, referral ID's, ebay listings and requesting donations.
This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.

All the above seem to suggest that links/URL's are OK with conditions.

And that is all there is to read bout links.

The fact that there is a link function in the forum software also suggests that its ok.

Also giving the wrong message is that many many topics do contain links/URL's and a great many of the pinned topics are pinned because of their links/URL's.

I think a serious think and discussion about this is required from the powers that be. I'm sure they cannot be keen on a policy like this that makes the site less useful and therefore less valuable.

Though concerns about spamming are valid , banning all URL's seems to be using a sledgehammer to crack nuts. If it is deliberate policy to stop all URL's then the rules should state it more clearly and the policy should be consistently implemented.



Using URLs to direct the person to your commercial site is against forum rules, posting URLs to other forums is against forum rules. It is up the discretion of the mods to determine if a person is trying to direct someone to their own site and for commercial purposes.


And when they clearly are not to 'your own site or for commercial purposes' ??

Look at the 'news forum'.. Is there a thread in there that doesnt link a URL ??

Using URLs to direct the person to your commercial site is against forum rules, posting URLs to other forums is against forum rules. It is up the discretion of the mods to determine if a person is trying to direct someone to their own site and for commercial purposes.

Thanks SBK, that's pretty much how I understand the rules are intended to work.

But, I, like the OP, have noticed a number of seemingly permissable links being removed recently, just an observation.

Meanwhile, do the same rules apply to 'dead' links i.e. text enclosed in code tags which requires a user to cut and paste into their browser rather than simply clicking on a link (I'm assuming that they do)?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Look at the 'news forum'.. Is there a thread in there that doesnt link a URL ??

This is due to most news sources not allowing full quotes of a report due to copyright (fair use laws) and a link to the source is necessary for both giving credit and for members to read the rest of the story.

Meanwhile, do the same rules apply to 'dead' links i.e. text enclosed in code tags which requires a user to cut and paste into their browser rather than simply clicking on a link (I'm assuming that they do)?

A URL is still a URL whether it is 'hot linked' or not.

Using URLs to direct the person to your commercial site is against forum rules, posting URLs to other forums is against forum rules. It is up the discretion of the mods to determine if a person is trying to direct someone to their own site and for commercial purposes.


That's exactly how I read it.

url's are allowed with the conditions written in the rules.

Unfortunately there is confusion as posts in this thread show.



We have a growing problem with some people spamming the forum for own purposes (driving traffic to own sites or friends sites).

As a general rule:

If you think the url you are about to post is against our rules, please don't post that url.

We will continue to fight the spam, and hope you will join us in our efforts to do so.



Sorry, I don't wish to seem difficult but I still find the rules on linking ambiguous and the policing of it to be inconsistent.

SBK states that "posting URLs to other forums is against forum rules" but the actual rule seems to only refer to "private forums"

"18) URL links from public to private forums are not permitted."

I would take "private" to mean a forum with entry/use "by subscription" OR do you guys take it to simply mean "non-government"

Case study: I recently had a link removed (to a specific article in stickmanbangkok that addressed a specific issue raised by the OP). That is not my web site, nor do I have any affiliations with it, and the linked paper is freely accessible to the public.

I don't mind too much either way (it's your gig) but would prefer to know exactly where the line was drawn.

- CB

I don't mind too much either way (it's your gig) but would prefer to know exactly where the line was drawn.

- CB

You can almost hear Huski sharpening his pencil.



Yes the "public to private forums" doesn't make much sense to me, either. Are you saying, don't post URLs from thaivisa to a private forum? That would be much clearer. Otherwise, I don't know. Technically, this is a private forum as it's owned by a business. Many other forums about Thailand are just the same, so, I don't know what that means, really.

Could it mean "URL links to another forum, whether that forum be public or private, are not allowed."

In any case, what, according to thaivisa, constitutes a forum being public or private? Hope an admin can explain.

Guest Reimar
"Don't post links/url's to forums , public or private."


This is meaning Links to others Forum, doesn't matter they are public or private forums.

Links to forums like that against the rules.

That makes more sense. So what makes a forum public or private? I know this doesn't really matter, just curious.

A public forum is accessible for everyone and the threads/topics/posts are open to read even if you are NOT a member. Same applies for same of the setting or information areas.

In private Forums only members can read threads/topics/posts and there very limited infos open to read.


  • 4 weeks later...

So can you have a link to your own or a friend's blog in your signature, if that blog is not about making money?

And BTW, how come that URL in my signature doesn't show up right? What did I do wrong?

So can you have a link to your own or a friend's blog in your signature


Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.
And BTW, how come that URL in my signature doesn't show up right? What did I do wrong?

The system doesn't allow hyperlinks in the signature block, just like it doesn't allow pictures, or even different fonts/colours/sizes.

I believe this is to prevent spamming, and people trying to piggy-back off of TVs success, to try and generate traffic for their own site (even many private blogs look to increase traffic to their sites, so they can try and get an increase in ad revenue). There have been a number of cases of that.

Allowing URLs to be posted willy-nilly could also cause problems in that, you don't know where they lead until you actually click on them. Unless each and every one was vetted (and rechecked regularly), clicking on them to could lead members to objectionable sites.

Some web tracking programs record this information, and if it is found that a site has links to (for example) porn sites, it could adversely affect their rankings (and ad revenue). I saw one place awhile ago that not only rated sites that had (direct) links to porn sites, but links to sites that themselves had links to porn sites.

For example:

Site has no links to porn sites (Level 0 links)

Site has links to porn sites (Level 1 links)

Site has links to sites that have links to porn sites. (Level 2 links)

My understanding is that you can post a link to a blog/web page on your Profile page, but anywhere else it either will be deleted or simply won't work (without being manually cut and pasted into the browser address bar).


OK, thanks Kerry and Jockstar for clearing that up.

So no mentions of blogs or URLs.

Guest Reimar

Please read the Forum Rules carefully.

Specific to your question:

The forum rules also apply to Photo Galleries, Classifieds and Member Web logs, Blogs, Live Chat.

7) .............. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.

18) URL links from public to private forums are not permitted.

Links which pointing to your side, which includes Blogs, are not permitted in Signatures.

To avoid any conflict I suggest to NOT use any links in your signature or post which are pointing to your side(s).

There isn't any Level of specific side to be classified.

You can place links pointing to your side in your profile page or other personal info's but you should keep in mind that those info's are visible to the public on this forum.




I think reading the rules carefully along with your own posts #2 and then #22 it becomes obvious that the forum rules are not easy to understand.


Guest Reimar

I think reading the rules carefully along with your own posts #2 and then #22 it becomes obvious that the forum rules are not easy to understand.


Since when a Lawbook is easy to understand?! And the rules nothing but a kind lawbook! But for me it's clear enough to avoid to place Links which pointing to my own side in my post's or my signature! And I'm not a native English speaker!



Its clear when its your own site..

But what about when it isnt your own site ?? Thats not clear at all..

Can I not link to any site that has some way to pay for itself ?? Thats most sites out there..

For example.. Theres some really relevant information here http://www.motorcycle.in.th/staticpages/in...ces-in-Thailand its been posted many times within the motorcycle section as it should be (not by the person behind the site to my knowledge), yet it contains adsense. So can it not be posted (it is) ??

There are links all over the site, that go to 3rd party sites with advertising. They are tolerated so there need to be some definition of it means when it says 'promotional URL' ??

Can I not link to any site that has some way to pay for itself ?? Thats most sites out there..

I agree it can seriously reduce TV's effectiveness as an information resource if no URL's are allowed at all (in main body, not signatures). I also post URL's to technical and other information sites regularly. As it stands though, no links to other forums or to personal sites are allowed nor to objectionable (porn, cracks, etc) sites. It is currently under discussion in the mods forum as to making clearer, more cohesive policies on this, so please be patient.

Since when a Lawbook is easy to understand?! And the rules nothing but a kind lawbook! But for me it's clear enough to avoid to place Links which pointing to my own side in my post's or my signature! And I'm not a native English speaker!

Someone complains that the forum rules are unclear which, on this particular point, they obviously are. And a Mod gives the above response?! Great customer service... :o

I agree it can seriously reduce TV's effectiveness as an information resource if no URL's are allowed at all (in main body, not signatures). I also post URL's to technical and other information sites regularly. As it stands though, no links to other forums or to personal sites are allowed nor to objectionable (porn, cracks, etc) sites. It is currently under discussion in the mods forum as to making clearer, more cohesive policies on this, so please be patient.

Thanks for that.. As long as someone is looking into it and knows theres a confusion then fair enough.

I would add that its the defining of 'personal sites' that needs clarifying IMO.

Guest Reimar
Since when a Lawbook is easy to understand?! And the rules nothing but a kind lawbook! But for me it's clear enough to avoid to place Links which pointing to my own side in my post's or my signature! And I'm not a native English speaker!

Someone complains that the forum rules are unclear which, on this particular point, they obviously are. And a Mod gives the above response?! Great customer service... :o

Excuse me that I haven't wrote: As none native English speaker I do understand the meaning of the points in question of the forum rules!

On the other hand even lawyers and judges having sometimes a problem to read and understand written law (in Lawbooks!) and it need's a bunch of judges to define what's the meaning of the written law.


  • 1 month later...
I agree it can seriously reduce TV's effectiveness as an information resource if no URL's are allowed at all (in main body, not signatures). I also post URL's to technical and other information sites regularly. As it stands though, no links to other forums or to personal sites are allowed nor to objectionable (porn, cracks, etc) sites. It is currently under discussion in the mods forum as to making clearer, more cohesive policies on this, so please be patient.

Thanks for that.. As long as someone is looking into it and knows theres a confusion then fair enough.

I would add that its the defining of 'personal sites' that needs clarifying IMO.

And as a month has passed.. What was the end result of the discussion, when can or can I not post a link to a 3rd party site.

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