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Export A Brand New Motorbike From Pattaya To U.k.


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As the price of petrol gets worse everywhere I am considering buying a small motorbike/stepthru like a Honda 90 or similar. I have noticed however that they are considerably cheaper in Thailand. Has anyone bought a new bike ,still crated,and shipped it back to the U.K.?If so,is it complicated and can you get a refund of tax when exporting.I know there will be all sorts of taxes to pay on arrival in U.k. so is it worth the hassle? Paul.

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As the price of petrol gets worse everywhere I am considering buying a small motorbike/stepthru like a Honda 90 or similar. I have noticed however that they are considerably cheaper in Thailand. Has anyone bought a new bike ,still crated,and shipped it back to the U.K.?If so,is it complicated and can you get a refund of tax when exporting.I know there will be all sorts of taxes to pay on arrival in U.k. so is it worth the hassle? Paul.

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If the situation with the importation of cars into the UK is anything to go by the answer must be no. I can't answer your question precisely but at a minimum the bike would be classed as an import and I would guess that VAT would be payable when you sell it. Additionally, you may well need to get a certificate of conformity that shows the bike meets the UK requirements for such machines. Such certificates are only issued by the manufacturer and they are loathe to issue them in circumstances where they have been imported - this is simply to protect the local market otherwise everyone would be saving a few bob and shipping new bikes from Thailand to the UK. You might however want to try talking to a UK dealer to get his view - I did the same thing but with a CRV and the UK dealers didn't want to even talk to me.

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Depends on if you wish to import it permanent or temporary.

best read this http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Buyin...hicle/index.htm

I think you will soon realize unless is has some sentimental value it will not be worth all the hassle and expenditure.


Have to agree.

Another site worth a look is UK customs. It's not very user-friendly and some of the technical language is unhelpful.

However, from what I can tell, to import a vehicle to the UK without having to pay duty or VAT you need to be a returning UK citizen who has resided abroad for at least 12 months. The vehicle has to be 'used" and if you sell it on within 12 months you become liable for the duty and VAT.

Added to that, you need to register the vehicle in the UK and (possibly, depending on the vehicle) get a type approval certificate, to certify it is roadworthy for the UK.

All this takes time and hassle.

Add to this the cost of shipping, and it seems unlikely that you would save any money, even though the difference in price could be around 1,000 GBP+

You could try an e-mail to UK customs, giving specific details of the bike and your status, asking for a duty/vat quote.

Good luck

Edited by chickenslegs
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At least for Germany I can tell you that it is not worth the trouble. The Thai sold bikes (Waves, Airblades, Nuovos etc.) do not fulfill the safety and environmental regulations. It seems to be impossible to get those bikes registered in Germany. There are 50 cc, 80 cc and big bike standards. As the Thai bikes are over 100cc they have to comply with the Euro standards for big bikes, and they don't do. So you can drive them in your garden or private roads but you will not be able to register them.

Anyway, I do not know, why these regulations exist. I am sure, there is a market for cheap and well powered bikes in Europe. People are getting sick of paying above 1 Euro / Liter for Gasoline. But the regulations do not support this kind of energy saving....



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Thanks and best wishes to all that replied to my question,and I have folowed up the links you supplied. Having imported two cars to the U.K. in the past, it's not a great problem, as long as it's from another EEC country. The certificate of conformity is the big problem it would seem, and if our German friend is correct( I'm sure he is) then the same problems would occur with the UK. It was a thought I've been pondering over for a few years now and now I know the answer. Cheers.Paul.

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Must be able to do it, there are a few guys on E Bay that sell them new....at a fraction of the cost in the UK...Honda Waves go for about 1,600 pounds, & these guys are making a profit selling at that price. They are well over 2 grand in the UK new...

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Must be able to do it, there are a few guys on E Bay that sell them new....at a fraction of the cost in the UK...Honda Waves go for about 1,600 pounds, & these guys are making a profit selling at that price. They are well over 2 grand in the UK new...

And do they care if you can register it or not?

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Must be able to do it, there are a few guys on E Bay that sell them new....at a fraction of the cost in the UK...Honda Waves go for about 1,600 pounds, & these guys are making a profit selling at that price. They are well over 2 grand in the UK new...

And do they care if you can register it or not?

You could paint a plate yourself and pray to Buddha :o

Sorry, but I can't understand, what happens with this bikes in Europe. They are never in line with the Euro laws and as mentioned before I am quite sure that you cannot register them. Or - if at all - at exorbitant costs, much higher than buying a bike in Europe.


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If it can not be registered in Germany then it probably could not be in the UK or the rest of Europe as standards are generally harmonized.

Honda probably supply to Europe with different parts that will conform with European rules, maybe even a different Engine.


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I had plenty of enquiries for motorcycles to be shipped to the UK or other countries for that matter.

Not one booking after informing the customer about shipping rates and hassle. Thia is only worth on a commercial level which means container loads.

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