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Are You Happy In Thailand


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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?

If not, why do you stay here ?

I only ask this because so many posters are so negative about Thailand, I wonder what the fawk they are doing here, or even if they are here at all.

Surely if one was so unhappy in Thailand and had a Ticket out, then one would not stay in Thailand, did not many Farangs leave their own countries for Thailand cos they thought it was better ?

I cannot understand the constant complaining and whinghing about Thailand from people who have a choice where they live, and they choose to live in Thailand !

Yet they want it to be like the country they left. :o

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I only ask this because so many posters are so negative about Thailand, I wonder what the fawk they are doing here, or even if they are here at all.

Yet they want it to be like the country they left. :o

I think there will always be these types. Location does not matter :D

If they were back where they came from they would complain just as much or maybe a bit less because they need to work more.

But on the flip side of that coin you have the folks who are pretty happy no matter where they are :D

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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?-- yup its alright.

If not, why do you stay here?-- I don't have a choice but its really alright.

I only ask this because so many posters are so negative about Thailand, I wonder what the fawk they are doing here, or even if they are here at all.-- Spooky

Surely if one was so unhappy in Thailand and had a Ticket out, then one would not stay in Thailand, did not many Farangs leave their own countries for Thailand cos they thought it was better ?--What ever gave them that idea?

I cannot understand the constant complaining and whinghing about Thailand from people who have a choice where they live, and they choose to live in Thailand ! --Perhaps they screwd them selfs and can not leave..

Yet they want it to be like the country they left. --hope that country has faster internet

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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Well I'm happy here, to me "home" is Thailand.

but I do agree with Maigo6, so many wingers, it does make you wonder why they stay. I would suspect that the cheaper cost of living has a bit to do with it, among other things.

However to some winging and complaining is a way of life, I try and avoid these folks.

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Well I'm happy here, to me "home" is Thailand.

but I do agree with Maigo6, so many wingers, it does make you wonder why they stay. I would suspect that the cheaper cost of living has a bit to do with it, among other things.

However to some winging and complaining is a way of life, I try and avoid these folks.

That makes 3 of us. But I think most of the whingers do not live in LOS they are somewhere else and get there thrills whinging.

I live here and like it here, needless to say it has some problems but they are more than made up for by the good things about LOS, so I tend to ignore the aggrevations and enjoy all the good things.

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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?

If not, why do you stay here ?

i can't say i am happy in Thailand. my reason for staying here is that i would be very unhappy making the taxman in my home country happy :o

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I'm pretty happy, have loved this place for 6 years.

But I'm going home - better career prospects | better air and facilities and quality of life | I need to refresh myself as I am growing more and more annoyed at the stupid sh*t going on in the country (everyday stuff that just beggars belief. Reading the paper all you can do is shake your head).

But hope to be back in Asia again in the future and sad to leave many good friends and colleagues behind. (and not looking forward to going back to queing up in a bar for a drink, cost of living, obeying rules all the time, and no moto taxis....

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My suspicions are right - There are more posts griping on about people complaining about Thailand than there are actual posts of people complaining about Thailand.

In no small part due to Maigo6's sterling efforts on this front - Surely the board's champion whinger about whingers...

Methinks a man who is truly happy with his own life won't be too bothered about other people's complaints.

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I'm pretty happy, have loved this place for 6 years.

But I'm going home - better career prospects | better air and facilities and quality of life | I need to refresh myself as I am growing more and more annoyed at the stupid sh*t going on in the country (everyday stuff that just beggars belief. Reading the paper all you can do is shake your head).

But hope to be back in Asia again in the future and sad to leave many good friends and colleagues behind. (and not looking forward to going back to queing up in a bar for a drink, cost of living, obeying rules all the time, and no moto taxis....

Thats pretty much how I feel in Sydney, I read the paper all day and all there is is people doing stupid shit and old ladies getting coned out of there savings. Also we keep hearing whats the latest in the US like anyone really gives a toss. When I go to Thailand I wont be reading any papers or watching any news, its full of shit and only has depressing shit in it.

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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?

If not, why do you stay here ?

i can't say i am happy in Thailand. my reason for staying here is that i would be very unhappy making the taxman in my home country happy :o

Odd, I thought you were well off enough to live wherever you feel happy. I guess not. If I remember correctly, you have no children. I wonder why you sacrafice the only life you have to save on taxes. Also, aren't most your assets hidden from the tax man, regardless of where you reside?

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i like visiting thailand more than living here. i am here for now because it is cheap and the economy sucks everywhere else.

i think most people who whine about thailand would really just like to see some things improved. some of the annoyances here are due to cultural norms, but others are due to uneducated locals. would be nice if the whiners could put that energy into education programs etc. that would help thailand progress.

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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?

If not, why do you stay here ?

I only ask this because so many posters are so negative about Thailand, I wonder what the fawk they are doing here, or even if they are here at all.

Surely if one was so unhappy in Thailand and had a Ticket out, then one would not stay in Thailand, did not many Farangs leave their own countries for Thailand cos they thought it was better ?

I cannot understand the constant complaining and whinghing about Thailand from people who have a choice where they live, and they choose to live in Thailand !

Yet they want it to be like the country they left. :o

A lot of people are just negative full stop and it would be a dull world if everyone agreed.

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Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?

If not, why do you stay here ?

I only ask this because so many posters are so negative about Thailand, I wonder what the fawk they are doing here, or even if they are here at all.

Surely if one was so unhappy in Thailand and had a Ticket out, then one would not stay in Thailand, did not many Farangs leave their own countries for Thailand cos they thought it was better ?

I cannot understand the constant complaining and whinghing about Thailand from people who have a choice where they live, and they choose to live in Thailand !

Yet they want it to be like the country they left. :o

Not this old chestnut AGAIN

Can you not be a bit more original??


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I love it here, it's relaxed and you have the freedom to do what ever you like (within reason) without big brother jumping down your throat :D

And let's hope it stays that way in the UK Big Brother is taking over I'm surpised they haven't put a camera in my house yet there!! :o

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I have never been happier than the last 3 years over here, no stress, no nanny state trying to dictate every facet of my life, low cost of living, slower pace of life etc, etc.

I think the major difference is that the non-whingers CHOSE to come here. I think the majority of whingers were sent here by there companies, live in BKK (which would make anyone whinge), have the usual stress/ b.s. to put up with on a daily basis, and would whinge wherever they were in the world as they are generally not happy with their lot.

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first time i came here i was 16 with family been going back for holidays,and volunteering ever since now i study here and still enjoy it .....though in the future i would not choose to live here i think when i settle down you need to be in a easier country.......as everyone says everything is mai phen lai!!!!

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I believe most of the whingers dont live in Thailand and make up stories to get a kick out of the forum.

I mean we see the trolls alot, they are the same but just go abit over the top

Like the ones who say they only speak thai to there wifes or gfs in thai, yeah right.

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It's Wednesday. The Country is an absolute sh*thole and the citizens are the worst people on earth. I just want to leave--would rather be in Iraq or Afghanistan. On Friday afternoon at 4:00, however, I will love it here, it will be a lovely country with easy people. It all just depends!

I think the optimists who can't tolerate the complaints are a little too fragile--perhaps their world isn't quite as reality based as they wish it were. Thailand is like every other place I've lived, it has it's good points and it's not so good points. And, a lot of these points depend on which side the bed I got up on!

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It's Wednesday. The Country is an absolute sh*thole and the citizens are the worst people on earth. I just want to leave--would rather be in Iraq or Afghanistan. On Friday afternoon at 4:00, however, I will love it here, it will be a lovely country with easy people. It all just depends!

I think the optimists who can't tolerate the complaints are a little too fragile--perhaps their world isn't quite as reality based as they wish it were. Thailand is like every other place I've lived, it has it's good points and it's not so good points. And, a lot of these points depend on which side the bed I got up on!

Thats called life my freind. Life!

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