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Olympics - No Live Coverage In English ?


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I have no doubt there will be saturation coverage, all in English, on the Supersports channels, plus ESPN which is transmitted from the S African network. So many of the bars will have it, as will my

Yes Mobi. I agree taht with a little bit of homework its not hard to get this service. I have it too. BUT are you aware that this Olympics is being shown in HD?????? I dont have it yet as its just started in SA but soon many progs will be in High DeF.

I assume that we can pick this up with a settop box costing 200 quid.. ( PVR too ) but Im still figuring how to get one from SAfrica without paying stupid Thai Taxes!

Is anyone on this forum from SAfrica / Can bring it over


The company that supplied me with my "dreambox" may have them. He stocks all this kind of stuff - although maybe we'll have to wait a while.

My sister and Brother-in-Law live in Jo'burg and are due to come for a visit either late this year or early next - so if all else fails....

I'll be in the Philippines for the start of the Olympics, so good to know they've got good coverage there, and thence back to Pattaya to enjoy it on the Super Sports channels :o

Well I certainly do want High Definition TV !!!! I will ask my agent/contact in Joburg if it is simply a matter of buying the settop box and having the correct TV , maybe it wont work cos of the C.Band transmission distance but I think that it will . I assume you live near me (Nongprue) so maybe I can PM you if you llso want High Def sport!!


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Cathyy....speaking as a good-humored "Yank," I don't know any "Yanks" who actually call themselves or others "Yanks" :D ...maybe unless they've been gone from the States way too long....

It quite nicely specifies citizens of the United States of America, is short and easy to type, and doesn't commandeer the name of two continents to identify the people of one nation. I like it. I'm not an Anglophile, I don't affect an English accent not use English spellings. Well, except for grey, which is the actual and original spelling of the color even in the US.

Sorry, the name of our country is the United States of "America" so thats why we're called Americans. We can't change that now so why get political about it? If there are some Latin Americans who are citizens of Latin American countries only and who want to be called "Americans" that's their prerogative but I think it only causes confusion. No reason to use the Limey slur for Americans if you are one.

Anyways, I'm way :o .

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My guess would be Yank. Those are typical Yank writing faults: no punctuation, one very long run-on sentence, haphazard capitalization of proper nouns. I've seen how semi-literate Yanks write, and that was a stellar example. Before you jump, remember that I too am a Yank.

Ah, It seems as though you have brought this forum down to a level of personal attacks on Americans. Take a hike, meet me on the field at sunrise. Your choice of weapons. We are not here for nasty confrontations nor slimy accusations but to oggle and fondle young women. That is our Olympic sport of choice.

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Thailand, Olympics and poor TV coverage of a lot of major events is not surprising, but there are some alternatives. Check out this website that gives you lots of alternatives, many of which I have checked out, it is hit and miss if you can get anything. But it is something.

alley insider dot com

There are several related articles to this one on the site. Take a look around.

I have a TTT 3Mb connection and was able to have 3 simultaneous feeds at the same time with descent quality.

If you are a U.S. basketball fan you might be able to get some coverage on veetle.com

Also if you are looking for a good olympics schedule, this is the best one that I have found!! NYTimes

Good Luck

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

Thats 4 sports which is pretty impressive dont you think. Plus they tend to win a few medals in athletics but not much and a few here and there all over the place.

But your way of thinking you could say that about any country

Four sports out of twenty eight. That's not too impressive and 'diving' is only a portion of the 'aquatics' competition. As far as 'athletics', you've got to be kidding me?? The only time the Chinese can run fast is when it is lunch time, boarding for the plane or boat has been called, or if they are running from someone they have just burglarized.

Like I said before, GO USA, bring home the GOLD!!!

China has a worldclass gold medalist men's 100m hurdler and that's pretty significant. They usually pick up a few in the weightlifting categories. I don't know why you are scoffing at diving but it's a difficult sport. Men's gymnastics is also highly competitive and requires lots of athleticism.

Please, take a few minutes to think before you speak you make all Americans look bad.

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However, why not offer congratulations to Thailand's first Gold of this Olympiad won by Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon in the Woman's Weightlifting -53kg division.


Yes, this was a great win for Thailand. She broke an olympic record and was going for a world record attempt (but didn't make it). Awesome competitor. I think this is Thailand's Olympic fairytale story by far. Who would think that Thailand can produce worldclass female weightlifters?!

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From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

A lot of it has to do with paying for air (broadcasting) rights. I was watching CNN and they commented that they didn't have permission to air the opening ceremony.

Don't be so quick to make this an "us vs. them" issue.

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Dear,Oh Dear, Oh Dear!!! No English commentary? Tell me, when you attend a sporting event who gives you the commentary?

LOL! I agree 100%.

The best olympics watching I can remember were the Tokyo games and I was stationed in Okinawa. The local TV station covered it for hours on end, no commercials, the time difference just nice for watching after duty hours. We just turned off the sound, picked up on the Japanese symbols for countries.

The mess sargeant left the mess hall open until midnight .. snack all you like, just no mess in the kitchen.

The day room was packed every night and there was plenty of entertaining commentary.

"Look at that son*****tch run!"

It was outstanding.

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No one from the US calls themselves a "Yank". If you really are an American, and I have doubts, Cathyy, you have some self loathing issues it seems :o

You can complain all you want about US coverage of the games, but I'm sorry, I am sick of watching only boxing, taekwando and women's weight lifting that is shown exclusively on Thai TV. Several years back, though, it was only boxing, so I guess there has been some progress made :D So much for gymnastics, track&field and swimming.... you know, events that are actually fun to watch?

The Thais seem to only broadcast the events in which their countrymen (women) appear to excel in. And that being boxing, weight-lifting, etc.... For the USA athletes, we seem to excel in almost every event, thus the reasons why more events are displayed.

Can't blame the Thais as it is their television networks.

GO USA!!!!! Bring home the GOLD! :D

That's funny, I swear I was watching women's beach volleyball today .. and some gymnastics. yesterday saw some boxing and some other sport (can't remember now) without a Thai in sight.

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However, why not offer congratulations to Thailand's first Gold of this Olympiad won by Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon in the Woman's Weightlifting -53kg division.


Indeed, composed and confident. What a nice performance. I guess that means she will have an opportunity top meet the Royal Family as well. :o

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I really hope the Chinese win the most medals, or I am afraid they will have a hissy fit.

Imagine those 2008 drummers with WMDs.

I really hope the athletes who have trained for years will win as they deserve. This <deleted> nationalism is so danmed silly! :o

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Sorry, the name of our country is the United States of "America" so thats why we're called Americans. We can't change that now so why get political about it? If there are some Latin Americans who are citizens of Latin American countries only and who want to be called "Americans" that's their prerogative but I think it only causes confusion. No reason to use the Limey slur for Americans if you are one.

Anyways, I'm way :o .

I'm continually amazed at people who will have the last word before declaring that trolling should stop. :D

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No... you can use the NBC video viewer using XP and some (Intel chip based) Mac systems as well, I believe. They recommend installing the MS Silverlight program. But the limiting factor is the feed is only available to those who have a U.S. IP address. Outside of the U.S., they are blocking the feed.

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

Thats 4 sports which is pretty impressive dont you think. Plus they tend to win a few medals in athletics but not much and a few here and there all over the place.

But your way of thinking you could say that about any country

Four sports out of twenty eight. That's not too impressive and 'diving' is only a portion of the 'aquatics' competition. As far as 'athletics', you've got to be kidding me?? The only time the Chinese can run fast is when it is lunch time, boarding for the plane or boat has been called, or if they are running from someone they have just burglarized.

Like I said before, GO USA, bring home the GOLD!!!

China has a worldclass gold medalist men's 100m hurdler and that's pretty significant. They usually pick up a few in the weightlifting categories. I don't know why you are scoffing at diving but it's a difficult sport. Men's gymnastics is also highly competitive and requires lots of athleticism.

Please, take a few minutes to think before you speak you make all Americans look bad.

I was not ridiculing the fact that the Chinese appear to be dominating in only a few sports of many; I was merely stating my opinion.

Not only does men’s gymnastics take a lot of athleticism but I do believe women’s are as equal? And if you look closer at my previous post that you have copied you will see that I did in fact point out the sport of gymnastics.

Thanks for speaking up for all Americans you are quite a fellow countryman.

(The pics below show the point I was trying to make in regards to ‘diving’ versus ‘swimming’. And yes, I realize swimming is difficult as is table tennis, badminton, etc.)



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Maybe you should go learn some Thai, your in thailand...

Oh, the irony! :o

Irony indeed.

First there was the master race at Berlin in '36. Next there was the state run steroid-filled training programs from East Germany and the Soviet Union. Now there is the era of the "professional" amateur athletes who earn more money than 99.99% of the people in the world. This is further compounded by the fact that everyone from pool players to dart throwers to golfers to pumpkin seed spitters want to make their "sport" an Olympic sport.

Now people are resorting to pure fakery to further enhance the Olympic experience.


Can we know finally acknowledge that the Olympics has had it's Warhol moment many times over and the Olympic Committee and senior leadership have achieved the "peter principle?"

For the next survey asking "Does anyone really give a shit about the Olympics any more?," please put me in for a digitally enhanced zero.

Edited by Spee
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From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

A lot of it has to do with paying for air (broadcasting) rights. I was watching CNN and they commented that they didn't have permission to air the opening ceremony.

Don't be so quick to make this an "us vs. them" issue.

Neither CNN nor BBC showed the Opening Ceremony

- despite all their hype on their respective Countdowns

- and never warned us that they could not show it.

(Yes CNN explained the next day - but I never heard BBC say anything similar)

BUT - I did watch the whole 4 hours of the Opening Ceremony

on Thai Channel 3 (UBC Channel 1 on my decoder)

It was interupted by a few adverts - but it had

NO commentary - just relying on the Announcements in French, English and Chinese

provided by the China Broadcast.

But I have yet to see any Race or Event.

Has anybody found a place to watch them?

Maybe on their Computer?


Edited by WilliamIV
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To all whingers, wailers and moaners

In England I was able to watch the Tour de France live, the Vuelta a España, the Giro d'Italia, the Tour de Suisse, all the Spring Classics and the World Champiopnship. Now I just get the potted highlights of the Tour de France and the highlights of the Tour of Langkawi. Vuelta & Giro? I'm lucky if CNN or BBC mention them.

Now, which do I prefer - watching the cycling or my life in Thailand? There's no contest! Which do you prefer - Thailand or the Olympics?

To the posters who have mentioned track & field and competitive swimming - how many threads have there been on these activities in the past 12 months?

You would really get value for your money in the USA. I understand they have many channels for alternative lifestyles. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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Well, I would suggest moving to Pattaya. Here, on my US$ 10 per month Sophon Cable service, we have 2-3 international sports channels showing live feeds of various Olympic programming with English commentary. I think a couple are European channels and the other maybe Singaporean.

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How sad though Olympic is full of money matters.

I raelly wanna see some videos that I couldnt watch such as Badmintons and so on, it appears that 2 main websites that has the videos such as NBC or the one in China requires you to be in their particular country to watch them.

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From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

Who cares, I'm not watching in protest to China and their policies .

China's policies? What about western policies world wide.

As for the non English broadcast that doesn't bother me personally. I'm so far satisfied with NBT's coverage of decent sports like Tennis, Basket ball and volleyball. I haven't seen much of that boring running round a track 50,000 times stuff that the UK insists on broadcasting. Each to their own i suppose.

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The medal ladder for the 2008 olympics are

1st. Australia

2nd. China






12th USA

BEIJING (AFP) - Few rivalries in sport match Australia and Britain and the barbs have started flying here, where the Brits could beat their Aussie cousins on the Olympic medal table for the first time in 20 years.

Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates got the ball rolling when he said Britain's medal haul from the aquatic sports wasn't bad for a nation with "few swimming pools and not very much soap".

It wound up the British press, who have been wallowing in their country inching ahead in the medal count.

The Sun Tuesday ran a story about its pursuit cyclists winning Britain's 12th gold with a picture of them holding their medals under the headline "G'Day Sport".

"Aussies were flamin' mad last night as Team GB continued to lead them in the Olympic medals race," it trumpeted.

"And despite jibes about Poms only being able to win at 'sitting-down sports', Australian pride really was smarting."

The Sun said Coates and his British counterpart Lord Colin Moynihan have a bet in which the loser will have to pay the medal difference in bottles of champagne.

"Having got our nose in front of the off-colour Wizards from Oz, the battle now is to keep it there," it added.

London's Daily Telegraph can see the finish line.

"The Australians are getting desperate here in Beijing. As Britain eases past them in the medal table, they face the ultimate humiliation: being beaten at the Olympics by the Poms," journalist Jim White wrote.

"As a great sporting nation, the Aussies might yet secure enough bullion to keep the grim Ocker nightmare at bay, but their Olympic chiefs are already conceding defeat."

For a change, the Australian media has been forced onto the back foot in their neverending sporting battle with Britain, which reaches a climax when they play each other in cricket or rugby.

"Poms are winning, call an inquiry," screamed the Sydney Morning Herald.

"Once, not so long ago, Australians were a proud people who walked tall with jutted jaws," wrote Peter Hanlon.

"The Poms were a source of amusement, a fallen imperial master weeping over a dog-eared scrapbook, its tattered images of Steve Redgrave, Seb Coe, Mary Rand and those blokes from Chariots Of Fire fading by the day.

"Now there's not a hutong in Beijing you can disappear down without a smug cockney voice trailing you on the breeze - 'Jeez cobber, what's happened to the Aussies, mate, ay? Bloody crook, fair dinkum!'

"Oh, the shame."

Britain hasn't ended the Olympics ahead of Australia since 1988, but currently has 16 gold to their rivals 11 after claiming four more Tuesday.

Coates, or Coatsey as he likes to be known, said Tuesday he enjoyed the rivalry, although "my sense of pride says that we can't let them beat us".

"They are certainly serving it up to me, that little former coxswain who's the president of the British Olympic Association, (Lord) Colin Moynihan," he told Australian reporters here.

"He's (saying): 'Coatsey, we're coming at you'. I've been getting that all week and you know that he dropped some soap in when he took some of my beers the other day."

And Coates warned Australians to prepare for more gloating.

"Their new-found cockiness has got some substance to it," he said.

"We're just going to have to go home and reflect on this and deal with it in our own way.

Where's the Don when we need him? :o

Current standings:

China 45 Gold

USA 26

GBR 16

Russia 13

Oz 11

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Been watching some coverage every day after work. I get home around 5:30 or so and NBT, Channel 5 or Channel 9, has coverage until 7:00PM news. Extended coverage on the weekends. You do need to flip around to see what is on.

The coverage does tend to show Thai athletes if they have an event going on This of course means a lot of boxing (and weightlifting when that was going on). Last night had a karate match with a Thai participate on. Last night also showed the bicycle motocross, the white water kayaking, and the 200m finals (Bolt is something else). I have seen some pool stuff, gymnastics, and lots of field and track.

It has been several Olympics since I have seen US coverage so I don’t know what they are doing these days, but this is the best I have seen since living in Asia in last 10 years.

The Thai commentary (which I don’t understand) is not an issue for me, you can easily see what is going on without it.


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