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Possibility Of Getting Job?

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Alright, it's a new month. Time for another "possible to get job?" type posts. Here's the deal:

23 years old, Malaysian, Bachelor in IT from Australia, about 2 years working experience in MNCs, current employment in Singapore, falls under the "don't have skills that a Thai person can't already provide" category.

What are my chances?

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You need to be over here, networking at chambers, calling expats at companies, spend 6 weeks looking, and bingo, you'll have a job. Small salary to start then work up fom there. There is lot's of work in Thailand.

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Yeah Singapore can get really dull. Doesn't suit me at all. I think I'll do the whole expat networking thing and see what I can land early next year. Gotta save up abit for rainy days and SG is good for that.

The networking avenue alluded to is probably the best. I was lucky in that I had contacts when I first went to Thailand but that was through the Chambers and Brit bar's.

I am now in Singapore though and they would have to offer me the proverbial gold pig to work in Thailand again - my yearly tax bill is less than what I paid a month in Belgium and still a lot less than I would pay in Thailand.

Even taking costs into account I reckon I would need to earn more than I do for an equivalent lifestyle - I am not talking about living like a local

PS: I did not understand not having the skills a Thai can not already provide - be creative - your English is probably better.

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