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Shell Game Scam Still Going On In Pattaya


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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

Simple query - Why would you repeatedly go back to a filling station that cheats you?

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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

Simple query - Why would you repeatedly go back to a filling station that cheats you?

I can confirm this 100% ! This has been going on for years...I have written to Shell Thailand and to Shell International several times with friends...never an answer..............The staff at the station just laughs at you when you catch them. They are also doing it with Thais, but mainly with Falangs!

A shame, but it shows were we live! No morals or ethics whatsoever! And certainly no fear of any legal consequences...

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people have the luxury of going there knowing you're going to be cheated, so you're prepared for them. then when you catch them in the act, you can shame them. but they are crooks, so they dont have any shame or guilt.

the reason i keep going back there is because i really dont care. and i have no fear of being cheated there since i am on guard from the second i arrive. and i guess i enjoy catching them in the act, just like i enjoyed pushing the guy today who was standing trying to block the meter.

yes this has been going on for years at this station. i also enjoy going to the first aisle with a car that cleary says " motorcycles only" cause the crooks know they have an extra distrction they can try on me but i'm so on to them, i'm so prepared for their cheating it wont happen. i should go there with a friend with a camera and film some "gotcha" footage for Pattaya cable t.v.

still think the crooks at Home Works are worse;

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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

Simple query - Why would you repeatedly go back to a filling station that cheats you?

It reminds me of the old joke. A guy walks into a doctors office and says, "Doctor, I've heard that you are the best doctor in town. Please help me." The doctor asks what's wrong. The guy raises his arm over his head, let's out a little moan, and says; "It hurts when I do this." The doctor gently lowers the guy's arm, and says; "Don't do that." The guy's face lights up with a broad smile of joy and admiration. He says; "Thank you, Doctor! You're a genius!"

There are many gas stations in Pattaya. I regularly use two - the one with the "blue flame" sign on the west side of Sukhumvit, between P. Klang and P. Nua; and the "Jet" station on the east side of Sukhumvit, past Thepprasit. I have never had a problem with either. I always look at the meter when I pull in; and it has always been set at zero.

Since the first time I read a message about the crooks at that Shell station on P. Tai, I have made it a point to avoid it. I, like Buckaroo, cannot understand why anyone would continue to pull into that station. With NO BUSINESS, the problem will go away. Stop punching yourself in the face, and go to another station. :o

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people have the luxury of going there knowing you're going to be cheated, so you're prepared for them. then when you catch them in the act, you can shame them. but they are crooks, so they dont have any shame or guilt.

the reason i keep going back there is because i really dont care. and i have no fear of being cheated there since i am on guard from the second i arrive. and i guess i enjoy catching them in the act, just like i enjoyed pushing the guy today who was standing trying to block the meter.

yes this has been going on for years at this station. i also enjoy going to the first aisle with a car that cleary says " motorcycles only" cause the crooks know they have an extra distrction they can try on me but i'm so on to them, i'm so prepared for their cheating it wont happen. i should go there with a friend with a camera and film some "gotcha" footage for Pattaya cable t.v.

still think the crooks at Home Works are worse;

Ofcourse why should you take it the easy way if can be done the difficult way.Some people enjoy a high adrenaline level.From the other side if you enjoy it that way then why you whine about.

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I think some of you guys go looking for trouble just so you have something to post here.

I recently bought a pick-up and I have filled up at least 5 times at the Shell Station you guys are talking about. I have never had a problem and found the staff to be really nice. Obviously if you are going to fill up, go to a pump which is not being used. It will automatically reset to zero when placed in the pump holder.

Another tip...I always get out my truck and manually take off the petrol cap and hang around the pump until finished...


Edited by colinpattaya
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If only all this 'energy' could be better utilised - I could just imagine a "Pattaya Retired Action Team" being formed. Could probably use the 4 first letters to form its tag line as well and then wield huge commercial pressure on the whole city for any wrongdoings. Could probably get Carrefour to kit out some shopping trolleys to serve as enforcement vehicles as they cruise the resort looking for wrong doings. Could start at Homeworks, head down to the VT7 complex, progress onto the road into Pattaya (Tapraya or however its spelt and the perenial roadworks, which no doubt they will solve) before turning into the Shell Gas station, then ensuring the drains are not blocked on Pattaya Tai. After lunch and a quick hygiene inspection at some unsuspecting food stall, head down 3rd road to ensure nobody is shot, pop into Carrefour to make sure the tomatoes are red and not too soft. Then direct traffic around the Dolphin roundabout with a lollipop and white coat before heading to the new mental hospital which will surely come as a result of such a group being formed. With a bit of luck, they will be locked up by 6pm and at weekends and not permitted internet access which would be a considerable relief to the rest of the population and maybe jump start the economy when people feel the streets are safe again........

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I think some of you guys go looking for trouble just so you have something to post here.

I recently bought a pick-up and I have filled up at least 5 times at the Shell Station you guys are talking about. I have never had a problem and found the staff to be really nice. Obviously if you are going to fill up, go to a pump which is not being used. It will automatically reset to zero when placed in the pump holder.

Another tip...I always get out my truck and manually take off the petrol cap and hang around the pump until finished...


they attempt to cheat at the Shell 100% of the time. i find it hard to believe you could go there five times without incident; unless you wrote " i went there five times, and saw that the meter was reset all five times" etc. i have a feeling you were cheated and you just dont know it. i'm not sure if the pump automaticall y resets to zero when the pump is put back in the handle.

but what happens is when you pull in, part of their scam is to have one guy block your door before you can get out to look at the meter, and have another guy already start pumping the gas, with no resetting of the meter. by the time you eventually get out to check, the meter already may read 400 baht, and still going up, and you don't know that they probaby started the meter at 200 baht, which was leftover from the last guy. that they already got paid for.

the only way to avoid it is to jump out of the car when you park, rush to see the meter and have them reset it while you watch. if you have a locking gas cap which can only be opened from inside the car, they will do the distraction scam, which they are pretty good at.

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On the flipside, I use Caltex on Sukhumvit (near Tesco Lotus). They are very polite and always clean your windscreen, ask if you want air in your tyres etc. On one occasion my car wouldn't start due to a flat battery - so the attendant runs to his car, brings out a set of jump leads and sends me on my merry way with smile (and no charge). A refreshing change from Shell.

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I think some of you guys go looking for trouble just so you have something to post here.

I recently bought a pick-up and I have filled up at least 5 times at the Shell Station you guys are talking about. I have never had a problem and found the staff to be really nice. Obviously if you are going to fill up, go to a pump which is not being used. It will automatically reset to zero when placed in the pump holder.

Another tip...I always get out my truck and manually take off the petrol cap and hang around the pump until finished...


NO it won't, it has to be manually reset by raising the pump holder and lowering it again.

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I'd hate to think that when I retire to Pattaya I would have to go to a place that continually gives me problems as my source of adrenelin .

I commenced training in Martial Arts at age 6 & even then I didn't slap myself in the face , grow up & go somewhere else for your fuel.

Do you enjoy conflict??? if the answer is yes , my sympathy , with respect , you need to get a life.


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what i really would like to do when they don't reset the pump, and i catch them as usual in their act of theft, is to let them fill my car full with gas. and then announce that i will only pay them for gas put in after the pump was reset. since the tank is full, they can't put any more in, and i guess all they put in already is mine for free, like a gift from them. problaem is you really need someone to video tape the whole incident to show it wasn't reset. i'm sure the police would take this very seriously as they are on the side of decent people i think. but maybe not.

i've been in taxis in bangkok where they don't turn on the taxi meter. i usually wait til i'm 1/2 way to my destination, then i announce to the driver that i only pay from them time they put the meter on, so "the fester you turn on the meter, the more money you will get paid".

they always just turn it on, and i get a bargain taxi rate. and i feel really good about it .

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If only all this 'energy' could be better utilised - I could just imagine a "Pattaya Retired Action Team" being formed. Could probably use the 4 first letters to form its tag line as well and then wield huge commercial pressure on the whole city for any wrongdoings. Could probably get Carrefour to kit out some shopping trolleys to serve as enforcement vehicles as they cruise the resort looking for wrong doings. Could start at Homeworks, head down to the VT7 complex, progress onto the road into Pattaya (Tapraya or however its spelt and the perenial roadworks, which no doubt they will solve) before turning into the Shell Gas station, then ensuring the drains are not blocked on Pattaya Tai. After lunch and a quick hygiene inspection at some unsuspecting food stall, head down 3rd road to ensure nobody is shot, pop into Carrefour to make sure the tomatoes are red and not too soft. Then direct traffic around the Dolphin roundabout with a lollipop and white coat before heading to the new mental hospital which will surely come as a result of such a group being formed. With a bit of luck, they will be locked up by 6pm and at weekends and not permitted internet access which would be a considerable relief to the rest of the population and maybe jump start the economy when people feel the streets are safe again........

P.R.A.T. - The best post I have read on Thai Visa by far!!! True, very true - LMAO :o:D:D:D:D:(

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jaansinatra, I can only think that you enjoy finding something to get p*ssed off about.

Perhaps it would be better for everybody and especially you if you didn't give that petrol station any business. Don't play silly games with the attendants there. Instead, tell any people that will listen to you about what goes on at the pumps. Hopefully those people will not use this station, and you can take satisfaction in knowing that you are potentially costing them business. Continue to write letters to the parent company and perhaps the problem will be taken care of internally.

I'm not saying this to be critical, but if I were in your situation, I think I'd feel a bit embarassed knowing that I'm likely nothing more than a source of entertainment for those petrol jockeys. They are probably at the point now where they get thrill when they see you drive in, confident that they can easily rattle your cage.

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what i really would like to do when they don't reset the pump, and i catch them as usual in their act of theft, is to let them fill my car full with gas. and then announce that i will only pay them for gas put in after the pump was reset. since the tank is full, they can't put any more in, and i guess all they put in already is mine for free, like a gift from them. problaem is you really need someone to video tape the whole incident to show it wasn't reset. i'm sure the police would take this very seriously as they are on the side of decent people i think. but maybe not.

i've been in taxis in bangkok where they don't turn on the taxi meter. i usually wait til i'm 1/2 way to my destination, then i announce to the driver that i only pay from them time they put the meter on, so "the fester you turn on the meter, the more money you will get paid".

they always just turn it on, and i get a bargain taxi rate. and i feel really good about it .

Either you are just a Troll who has never been to Thailand or you're tired of living. People who don't pay gas stations and taxi drivers what they think they are owed are routinely beaten to cripples by the use of whatever metal or stone items handy. You can forget about the cops, they are on the locals side.

Ob. Topic, Shell in Pattaya Tai are infamous for the mentionned cheat. Just don't use them. Easy.

Edited by Phil Conners
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what i really would like to do when they don't reset the pump, and i catch them as usual in their act of theft, is to let them fill my car full with gas. and then announce that i will only pay them for gas put in after the pump was reset. since the tank is full, they can't put any more in, and i guess all they put in already is mine for free, like a gift from them. problaem is you really need someone to video tape the whole incident to show it wasn't reset. i'm sure the police would take this very seriously as they are on the side of decent people i think. but maybe not.

i've been in taxis in bangkok where they don't turn on the taxi meter. i usually wait til i'm 1/2 way to my destination, then i announce to the driver that i only pay from them time they put the meter on, so "the fester you turn on the meter, the more money you will get paid".

they always just turn it on, and i get a bargain taxi rate. and i feel really good about it .

Either you are just a Troll who has never been to Thailand or you're tired of living. People who don't pay gas stations and taxi drivers what they think they are owed are routinely beaten to cripples by the use of whatever metal or stone items handy. You can forget about the cops, they are on the locals side.

Ob. Topic, Shell in Pattaya Tai are infamous for the mentionned cheat. Just don't use them. Easy.

you think they would beat up a sweet old lady like me? aren't taxi drivers in bangkok required to use meters? and if they don't intend to use meter , should not they at least tell price in advcne ? so you are on the side of the crooks, bravo for that. that's it just give in to the crooks that's your answwer. if every people was like your attitude then everyone would have reason to be crook.

actually i think you are a troll who has never been anywhere except your basement computer room.

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There are many threads about this shell station, no matter how much I complain they still try and stiff me every time. You just need to be observant and remind them each and every time to reset the pump.

or look at the pump when you pull up ask for that amount then when they have put that in ask for the rest, 70baht please then 500baht, that way they won't try and cheat you

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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

I just want to say thanks for the post. I have gone there many times to fill my bike but never really looked at the pump.... For those of us who didn't know... THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!!!!

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so i pull in to the Shell gas station, immediately hop out so i can see the meter before they start pumping, to make sure it has been reset by the phi beta kappa attendent. they tried to distract me telling me i'm in the motorcycle only lane, but the other accomplice starts to put the nozzle into my car. the first accomplice has moved into position completely blocking my view of the meter. io tell him to move but he stands there, then i push him out of the way. the meter still wasnt reset. i blurted out "you no reset meter, you try to cheat me", but i caught it with maybe 1/2 second to spare.

this game has been going on for years at this station. i'm told other stations do similar things, but none does it 100% of the time as the Shell station.

verify with your own eyes so the crooks dont cheat you.

I just want to say thanks for the post. I have gone there many times to fill my bike but never really looked at the pump.... For those of us who didn't know... THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!!!!

Well after reading about this scam, and using this petrol station for the last 4 years, i can only say that it has never happened to me, im either lucky or maybe it's not so easy to do being that i only have a motorbike and it would be too obvious if my bill came to much over 100bt.

So if it is and ongoing scam it would be only to car drivers and not motorbike riders.

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I would recommend anyone who has experienced any issues at the Pattaya Tai station to submit a formal complaint using shells online system here

This may actually get some attention by Shell if enough report it.

Great idea. I went through the site briefly but could not find the correct catagory. Did not find any match for rip off at the pump! What do you suggest?


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I would recommend anyone who has experienced any issues at the Pattaya Tai station to submit a formal complaint using shells online system here

This may actually get some attention by Shell if enough report it.

Great idea. I went through the site briefly but could not find the correct catagory. Did not find any match for rip off at the pump! What do you suggest?


I would suggest "Personal and Business Integrity, Bribery & Corruption " section

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  • 3 weeks later...

and they are still doing it...this time with a little extra action....caught the older guy today not resetting with 140 on the clock....asked him nicely with a "thai-smile" to reset before starting pumping...not very happy having been caught...pay back came immediately...he overfilled my (big bike) tank to the point the entire bike incl. myself got drenched in gas.. i kept smiling and told him that he was not only a thief, but also a bad looser....everybody around started laughing...

and just told the story a friend at our condo and he confirmed the exact same thing happened to him a couple of days ago...

make me smile again and start defending this and blaming it on the people that get ripped off....cheers....m.

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I'm not sure, but it's impossible to start with a certain amount of money unless they don't hang up the hose after a customer.

If they just filled up a motorbike with some fuel, let's say THB 30, and you're next, they might just switch customers without switching off the pump.

If they switch off the pump in between customers the counter turns back to zero as soon as they pick up the hose again. So, sometimes it seems as if there is an amount on the counter, before the hose is picked up for you, but as soon as they do, the counter will be zero. That's something the staff can't do anything about.

Yes or no?

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