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I was recently diagnosed as having prostrate cancer. I biopsy revealed this. Apparently it is in its early stages so a plan to make my planned trip to Chiang Rai in a few days. Can anyone recommend a hospital or a specific doctor to get this cancer treated. Thank you for your information.


http://www.bumrungrad.com/thailand-expat/p...r-a-doctor.aspx Check on Urologists. My experience of Thai doctors competence has led me to deal only those with 1st world practice and experience.

For the past 5 or so years I have had aches and pains in my todger and doctors in Pattaya OPDs, after checking for STDs, thought it was caused by me having too much sex. I should be so lucky! This, and other events (some blatant rip-offs) have led to me shunning the all the Pattaya hospitals and taking the physical woes of my wife and I to BH.

Just over 10 years ago when I was suffering from lower back pain a series of tests and scans was carried out at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in the UK and the only thing untoward that came up with was a raised PSA. The normal range is 0-5 and I had one of 14. An ultrasound scan and biopsy which followed showed no sign of prostate cancer. Annual PSA tests since have always given a measurement of between 13-15. Google and you will find the PSA test is considered notoriously unreliable.

This was made known to the specialist doctor that I consulted and after a probe with fingers and an ultrasound test which both proved negative, he said that he wanted to take a biopsy. He explained that I would have to be prepared for the procedure for two days and when it was carried out it would be under general anaesthesia. I replied that in the UK the procedure was a walk in, walk out affair without the administration of pain killers, that I considered his proposal very OTT, and that he was overly influenced by my PSA level. We have agreed that my problem is very probably Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and I believe that this is the case since mediation has since removed all symptoms. Now all I have to do is find out whether it is possible to have too much sex. :o

The above paragraph is not meant to be critical of the specialist of the hospital in any way, indeed I was very content with the thoroughness of the service. Some have said that BH is very expensive but I have found that their charges compare favourably with at least one Pattaya hospital - the old hands will know which one I allude to. The good news is that most prostate cancers are very slow growing and a baht bus will get you before the cancer does. It is certain that early effective treatment can often reduce the ailment to one of a mere minor annoyance.

I appreciate this is a worrying time for you and if you want to PM me for further reassurance, please do so.


The OP is in northern Thailand, and is asking for specialists up north. Funny that this should come up so soon after we discussed cancer treatment in the Chiang Mai forum, and recently in the health forum here. Somebody claimed that CMai has cancer research and specialists equal to any place in the world. Well, I sincerely doubt that. But until I have cancer, I don't need to worry about it. My friend got cancer here, and was on the next plane to Virginia. But she did not have prostate cancer.


On the subject of Prostate Cancer, can anybody explain the difference between an MRI Scan and a CT Scan? And why is it that having had the former, you then need the latter?

Thanks in advance for any explanations.


OP, given what is at stake here I think you would be VERY well advised to get treated in bangkok, not up north. There is no comparison in the level of expertise available, and this is not a routine matter. The latest and least invasive treatments -- with the least risk of urinary or sexual impairment afterwards -- are unlikely to be fully available up there. You can certainly get someone up there to operate and remove the cancer, but that may come at a price in terms of quality of life, and there are both non-surgical options (radiation seeds etc) and highly refined nerve-sparing surgical techniques available in Bangkok which are equally curative but run a much lower risk of leaving you with permemanet impairments.

See the poinned notice on urologists in Bangkok who have been recommended, includes several who have successfully treated other TV members with Ca of the prostate.

Bagwan -- you may iondeed just have BPH, it is common enough, but you should get a biopsy to confirm if you haven't already. And you're right, it (biopsy) should be a simple outpatient procedure.

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