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Should The UK Extradite Thaksin To Face The Thai Courts?


Should the UK extradite Thaksin to face the Thai courts?  

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So, what do you think about Thaksin? Luxuriate in the UK or face "justice" back in Thailand where he is now a wanted criminal?

let tham all rot in jail for this what they don, fries all there money and assests, enough is enough :o

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So, what do you think about Thaksin? Luxuriate in the UK or face "justice" back in Thailand where he is now a wanted criminal?

let tham all rot in jail for this what they don, fries all there money and assests, enough is enough :o

'Should The UK Extradite Thaksin To Face The Thai Courts?' is the question asked in this thread. Not wether he is guilty of anything!

The answer to this question is clearly NO as the the Thai government has not requested this. The English government cannot extradite Thaksin because they have nowhere to extradite him to. The only action they can take is to deport him from English land, and only if they consider him as undesirable as devined within the eyes of the British laws.

Edited by booma
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Seeing as this is a yes/no question; I will go for no.

This is based on various posts/speeches from expats that all say if their future was in the hands of the Thai courts/legal system they would all hop it back to their own countries in a flash, as the Thai legal system can't be trusted.

Yeah - I wonder how many TV members would throw themselves at the mercy of a thai court if they had the chance to skip back to their own country - not that any TV members would ever face a thai court of course.

Apples and oranges.

Foreigners and Thais.

Petty crime and billions.

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Sorry, but am I right in saying that Thaksin cannot be extradited from England until a foreign government requests his extradition? If so this thread is bull as the Thai government haven't / won't enter/ed into these procedures as it is they who advised / helped him to leave the country in the first place.

cut the carp


his wife is a convicted crimenal, so what england has to do? its very well known that she is to go to jail.

hope england is better than thailand and send her back, and let her rot in jail :o

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I voted " don't care" :o

Why ? because it is a situation that is dealt between rich, richer & richest (just how rich are the judges, perhaps we should start from there)

Thailand mind is exclusively oriented on money.

The smile shows the teeth, the teeth are grey.

Sorry guys but whatever happen, another Mr. T is growing somewhere in this land of never ending screaming soap.

That said, I love it here ... why ? because i fell foreign and walk on a cloud. Don't make yr life miserable because of a miserable family that doesn't give a hoot. :D

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Irrespective of how the disgruntled Farang community feel about international jurisprudence, and their gut-feel interpretation of it,

Thailand has a tradition of treating its ex dictators fairly well, even ones who have behaved abominably, let alone elected ones who have cheated on their tax returns and picked up a few cut-price properties.

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Sorry, but am I right in saying that Thaksin cannot be extradited from England until a foreign government requests his extradition? If so this thread is bull as the Thai government haven't / won't enter/ed into these procedures as it is they who advised / helped him to leave the country in the first place.

cut the carp


his wife is a convicted crimenal, so what england has to do? its very well known that she is to go to jail.

hope england is better than thailand and send her back, and let her rot in jail :o

This is impossible as things stand at the moment.

I do think that if the Thai government act (and I don't think they will, as I have already mentioned) the best course of action for them would be to attack his wife as she has already been convicted and would be easier to extradite, then the husband might well follow on his own will.

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No, let the UK keep him. He will be found guilty in Thailand and given a sentence ( live and die in prison) and then one day he will return to sort it all out then justice will be served.


Can anyone point out to me the last deposed prime minister or head of armed forces or police force to serve a prison sentence in Thailand?

(I'm am NOT saying any of them had done anything of a criminal nature) :o

Also how many had swiss bank accounts?

Welcome to Africa, folks.

If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have signed up b'wana :D

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^^The Thai Government isn't going to act. Its his party in Government.

And the judiciary/Courts cant act remotely of the Government.

Any 'act' will be purely cosmetic, (designed to pander to the more altruistic and principled of the farang and local observers)

Edited by Journalist
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Seeing as this is a yes/no question; I will go for no.

This is based on various posts/speeches from expats that all say if their future was in the hands of the Thai courts/legal system they would all hop it back to their own countries in a flash, as the Thai legal system can't be trusted.

If an expat was caught up in the Thai legal system, say working without a permit, would he:-

1. be given bail of 500 Baht (this is about the value of mrs T's bail to mr T)?

2. be given his passport back?


3. be allowed to leave the country to go to a football match?

Whether they would do the above or not is irrelevant, they wouldn't be given the chance. The evidence is that Thaksin not only fled the legal system but was actively encouraged to do so.

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Seeing as this is a yes/no question; I will go for no.

This is based on various posts/speeches from expats that all say if their future was in the hands of the Thai courts/legal system they would all hop it back to their own countries in a flash, as the Thai legal system can't be trusted.

If an expat was caught up in the Thai legal system, say working without a permit, would he:-

1. be given bail of 500 Baht (this is about the value of mrs T's bail to mr T)?

2. be given his passport back?


3. be allowed to leave the country to go to a football match?

Whether they would do the above or not is irrelevant, they wouldn't be given the chance. The evidence is that Thaksin not only fled the legal system but was actively encouraged to do so.

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If an expat was caught up in the Thai legal system, say working without a permit, would he:-

1. be given bail of 500 Baht (this is about the value of mrs T's bail to mr T)?

2. be given his passport back?


3. be allowed to leave the country to go to a football match?

Of course not, you have to earn the right to pull the strings before you actually pull them.


Edited by Heng
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Seeing as this is a yes/no question; I will go for no.

This is based on various posts/speeches from expats that all say if their future was in the hands of the Thai courts/legal system they would all hop it back to their own countries in a flash, as the Thai legal system can't be trusted.

If an expat was caught up in the Thai legal system, say working without a permit, would he:-

1. be given bail of 500 Baht (this is about the value of mrs T's bail to mr T)?

2. be given his passport back?


3. be allowed to leave the country to go to a football match?

Whether they would do the above or not is irrelevant, they wouldn't be given the chance. The evidence is that Thaksin not only fled the legal system but was actively encouraged to do so.

Agree - and there has been plenty of cases where Farangs have paid bail and been encouraged to go

The Belgian who murdered his girlfriend

The daughter of the rich Insuance executive who paid 40k USD bail for drugs and is still on a runner

Then we have those we have only heard of through the jungle drums who have been let out on bail and they have been on their way

The Irish psychopath who killed the girl in Pattaya in some sado set up

The jealous brit who stabbed his girlfriend at the beer bar he bought as she was talking to other guys

Dunno about others but I would prefer murderers and drug deales to be brought to justice before white collar crimes

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If the uk refuse to extradite him and mrs t,then the fa should move in,make him pay any debts off and then refuse to allow him to run a club again.I am not a big man city fan but i feel sorry for this club as a few months ago i realy thought they would challenge man pooo in a couple of years.Now he is a laughing stock in the football industry and shame on the fa for allowing this in the first place.

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If an expat was caught up in the Thai legal system, say working without a permit, would he:-

1. be given bail of 500 Baht (this is about the value of mrs T's bail to mr T)?

2. be given his passport back?


3. be allowed to leave the country to go to a football match?

Of course not, you have to earn the right to pull the strings before you actually pull them.


good one Heng! :o

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u have links evidence of the farang murderers going free on bail?

The Belgian case is well known and all over the internet as is the drug mule - she is on Interpol top wanted list or as and is assumed to be in the Greek Islands

The two others are jungle drums as I said and it was either on this site or others where people have said those two - the Irish guy and the English guy - got bail and jumped ship. The English guy back to blightyl and the Irish guy to Cambo

The murder cases were reported here and elsewhere widely - the mad English bloke holding the police off with a knife was a sight for sore eyes.

I may be corrected in this and would not bet the house on it

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If the uk refuse to extradite him and mrs t,then the fa should move in,make him pay any debts off and then refuse to allow him to run a club again.I am not a big man city fan but i feel sorry for this club as a few months ago i realy thought they would challenge man pooo in a couple of years.Now he is a laughing stock in the football industry and shame on the fa for allowing this in the first place.

Maybe they should have looked at how Abronnovich got his wad too?

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So, what do you think about Thaksin? Luxuriate in the UK or face "justice" back in Thailand where he is now a wanted criminal?

The UK will never extradite him even if the Thai Government asks. He brought a lot of money into the country, and he must be buddies with the UKers that matter most. However, if he keeps fuc_kin' with the coaching situation of his football team, they may throw him out. It seems that the UK doesn't have too much of a problem with harboring a fugitive. However, they are very sensitive about their football teams

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He is making an absolute mockery of the Thai justice system. :D

I agree...

However, the Thai justice system allowed him to make a mockery of itself, by allowing an obvious "flight risk" (Thaksin) and an out-on-bail convict (his wife, who was also an obvious "flight risk") to leave the country.

What were they thinking?

I mean, who couldn't have seen that coming? :o

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What were they thinking?

I mean, who couldn't have seen that coming? :o

Yeah, they must have known. Especially for her. Having been convicted and sentenced, she should have never gotten her passport. Until her appeal is decided, she is a convicted criminal. Not alleged. Not suspect. Convicted.

But it wouldn't be the first time the courts have done something similar. I think it was the father (Khaman Poh ? I forget.) of the current Mayor of Pattaya and the Governor of Chon Buri who, despite being found guilty of murder, was released on bail to fight another charge (relating to a fraudulent land deal I think), and promptly disappeared.

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Most of the countries on this planet wont have extradition agreements with Thailand, though i believe Britain has.

So the fact that he chose the UK over all those other places shows that he and his team of advisors are confident the British govt. wont extradite him or his wife.

Pinochet stayed for a long time and never done any time and he was a far bigger villian then Thaksin.

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Most of the countries on this planet wont have extradition agreements with Thailand, though i believe Britain has.

So the fact that he chose the UK over all those other places shows that he and his team of advisors are confident the British govt. wont extradite him or his wife.

Pinochet stayed for a long time and never done any time and he was a far bigger villian then Thaksin.

Britain does have an extradition treaty with Thailand, but he wont be extradited because he and his lawyers are paving the way for political asylum. He has stated that his life is in danger which in Britain is enough grounds to gain political asylum.

Cheers, Rick

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He is making an absolute mockery of the Thai justice system. :D

I agree...

However, the Thai justice system allowed him to make a mockery of itself, by allowing an obvious "flight risk" (Thaksin) and an out-on-bail convict (his wife, who was also an obvious "flight risk") to leave the country.

What were they thinking?

I mean, who couldn't have seen that coming? :o

Agree 100%

Shame on them.They had the man for petes sake wot were they thinking??

I voted no.

They may learn from this & not make the same mistake again unless it was another billian dollar case :D

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